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A few questions

General Diddy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2007
I'm pretty good with diddy, but there are a few thing I'm wondering about.

1. Is there any good use for diddy's neutral air move? As far as i can tell it's got little knock back and is not very strong.

2. Diddy can wall cling on that spot underneath the ledge on FD, the "indent on the anvil shape" as i'd call it. Anyway, if i get hit under there is it safer to cling there then jump to recover or to just try to rocketbarrel from there?

3. reffering to clinging to that same spot, is there an effective offensive use for it?


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
For the nair, I use it to pick up bananas in the air when I don't use airdodge. And I rarely use it when my opponent is expecting a different aerial attack.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I like the nair for precisely the reason you said. It's weak with little knock back, so sometimes I use it to keep a combo going, but mostly I use it to pick up bananas on platforms.

As for the wall cling question. You've got better choices for edgeguarding. When recovering from there, jump -> Up + B. Not much other advice I can give you on that one except use your own judgement.
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