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A few interesting ideas/proposals


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2006
Orlando, FL
Ok here's the deal. I haven't really given this much thought, but i had to get this down sooner or later. I've thought for a while that some of the new DP pokemon should have been taken out and re[placed with some more original ones (ones with new typing, better use, that kinda thing). So i wanted to make a few suggestions, and although they are very iffy right now, i'm hoping to elaborate more in the future. BTW, these are just for fun, cause i know making these suggestions aint gonna change anything. feel free to criticize, cause i know it's gonna happen. but oh well, again, this is just for the heck of it.

Also, as a side note, i know i made some of these rediculously powerful, but who cares, it's not gonna happen anyway. i'll tone it down a bit later.

Number 1: (no name yet) Fire/Steel
Weaknesses: Ground x4, Water, Ground
Resistances: Normal, Grass x.25, Icex.25, flying, bugx.25, psychic, steel x.25, dark
Immunities: Poison
Ability: Intimidate/Speed Boost


Hp: 85
At: 120
De: 105
Sa: 60
Sd: 90
Sp: 90
Total: 555

Some possible moves:
Flare Blitz
Meteor Mash
Swords Dance
(dragon dance= egg move)
Stone Edge
Brick Break

It's a lion like pokemon is how i see it. Bipedal, with three large talons instead of clawed paws. a tail like infernape, and the mane appears to be, guess what, on fire. kind of a bold, metalic coloration and appearance.

Number 2: (no name) Water/Ice
Weaknesses: Electric, Grass, Fighting, Rock
Resistances: Icex.25
Immunities: none
Ability: Snow Warning/Tundra (like rain dish but with hail)


Hp: 110
De: 100
Sa: 60
Sd: 115
Sp: 55
Total: 555

Some possible moves:
workin on it.
<New Move-Glacier (like hammer arm but ice type)>

A very large, heavy, slow titan. Dark blue in color, sort of navy, with lots of grayish silver, black, and two red eyes. bipedal as well.

Number 3: (no name yet) Grass/Electric (unused typing)
Weaknesses: Fire, bug, Ice, Poison
Resistances: Water, Electric x.25, grass, steel
Immunities: Ground (levitate)
Ability: Levitate


Hp: 75
At: 55
De: 85
Sa: 130
Sd: 100
Sp: 110

total: 555

Some possible moves:
Leaf Storm
Tail Glow/Nasty Plot
<New Move-Magno bomb (it is a new concept, althought questionable to use with this pokemon. it is like a trap that is set on the field...when used it lays an electromagnetic ball in the center of the field. the next pokemon, friend or foe, to use a special attack gets hit by the ball. in other words, the bomb is attracted to any pokemon that uses special attack. using the move again after it has been set makes it's base power heavier. you can imagine using reflect and then putting these on the field, forcing the opponent to either waste time overcoming the reflect or taking huge damage by the magno bomb.>

A mystical looking pokemon. fast and powerful indeed. it has a sleek, aerodynamic body and can hover above the ground. If you've ever seen a picture of the first wind element boss to get model HX in megaman ZX, that's kinda what i would picture it being closest to, cept not soo robotic...

Number 4 (no name yet, but close) Bug/Dragon (unused typing)
Weaknesses: Ice, Flying, Rock, Dragon
Resistances: Water, Electric, Grass x.25, Fighting, Ground,
Immunities: None
Ability: Intimidate/ Guts


Hp: 90
At: 135
De: 100
Sa: 55
Sd: 90
Sp: 85
Total: 555

Possible Moves:
Dragon Claw

Looks like a praying mantis-ish. large scythes, and a very bug like look (obviously) with ornate dragon looking desings and a large scaly tail. Green, yellow, and white fill up the primary colors.

Number 5 (something like Kuwagon) Bug/Electric (also unused)
Weaknesses: Fire, Rock
Resistances: Electric, Grass, Fighting, Steel
Immunities: None


Hp: 100
At: 140
De: 95
Sa: 55
Sd: 85
Sp: 80

Total: 555

Possible moves:
<New Move-Static Pressure (base power=90 accuracy=85lectric type physical. has 30% chance of paralyze.)

A huge bug pokemon, based off of a beetle. Biped, with the main colors as red, yellow, black, and white. large round pincers stem off from either side of its head, like a beetle, and electricity crackles around it.

Number 6: (no name) Ice/Dragon (unused typing)
Weaknesses: Fighting, Rock, Dragon, Steel
Resistances: Water, Electric, Grass,
Immunities: None


Hp: 70
At: 125
De: 80
Sa: 80
Sd: 85
Sp: 115

Total: 555

Possible moves:
Dragon Claw
<New Move-Ice Shear (ice type, base 90, accuracy 90, always strikes first. physical)

Looks like a wolf but with a very blue, icy look. lots of ice pertruding from it, icy blades on either wrist, on the sides of feet, on back, etc. skinny and agile looking, with a light blue/white coloring. lots of fur, two tails, and ice make up this pokemon.

Number 7: (No name yet but close) Ghost/Psychic (unused typing)
Weaknesses: Ghost x4, Dark x4
Resistances: Poison, Psychic,
Immunities: Normal, Fighting, Ground (levitate)
Ability: Levitate/ Bad Dreams


Hp: 105
At: 65
De: 105
Sa: 135
Sd: 90
Sp: 55

A bat like creature, once again if you've ever played megaman games (megaman zero two this time) devilbat schilt looks like what i would think of this as. Deadly slow but with lots of staying/ sweeping power. except for those huge weaknesses. but lots of nice immunities. a bat like creature, a creature of nightmares...

Also, lots of people suggested i make a deoxys form, but since i don't really care for another one, i couldn't really give it a lot of thought. however i did think that there needed to be a psychic/dark pokemon, so i figured, heck, why not deoxys?

Numer 8: Deoxys (Dark form) Psychic/Dark (unused typing)
Weaknesses: Bug x4
Resistances: None
Immunities: Psychic
Ability: Trying to make a cool one up


Hp: 50
At: 150
De: 100
Sa: 150
Sd: 100
Sp: 50

VERRRY strange aint it? the one weakness is big, but very bizzare, and there are no others. no resistances, one immunity...how weird! and the stats? most of you are probably screaming in outrage "that's not how deoxys usually is!" oh well. it's nice to see a change. the hp is the same, duh. the attack and sa remain the same, but the defenses? they're actually good! yet the low hp lets it down somewhat. and...deoxys...is slow?!?
no he isn't.
the dark form is.

I plan on adding more and elaborating more, so stay tuned. again, the was JUST FOR FUN so don't make too big of a deal out of it.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2006
Orlando, FL
the deoxys thing really wasn't my idea, i don't give a care about another deoxys, four is plenty. however, i am deeply disapointed that there are no psychic/dark types out there, it's a pretty unique typing. not really offensively, the stabs aren't too wonderful, but the lack of a lot of weaknesses is pretty neat.

as for the wolf thing, i have no bloody idea. once again, this needs lots of work.
heck i was bored.

anybody want to make any comments that aren't, i dunno, negative-ish?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2006
Orlando, FL
actually, if you can get that implemented, then go ahead and do it. i give anyone out their the "rights" lol to these pokemon, so long as you don't drastically change the stats OR alter the typing, that was the whole point. and by alter the stats i mean you can lower them, thats it. leafgreen, you can suggest it to that site if you want, and i agree, the wolf thing is strange. uh, if you actually want to implement it, does that mean some of this is actually usable? it was really just for jokes, ya know?

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