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A Few Detailed Questions abuot Atl Grabbing

The Hypnotist

Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Pinole, California (The Bay Area)
I'm aware that the timing is different for each character. I find it very easy to do with a forward throw on Marth and very very easy on Pit, however on bigger characters like ROB and Gannon, I just can't get the timming. It works on everyone, right? Is it faster, is it slower for bigger characters, more flotay ones, smaller ones, etc? Is a back throw easier? Speaking of the back throw, how do you get the timing, I just can't do it more than once, what's the key. I've never even done the down throw. What gives. Wavesmashing I picked up in 20 mins, wavedashing was in 15, wobbling was in 10. Why is this so hard for me? Any advice guys, I'd really appreciate it.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I'm aware that the timing is different for each character. I find it very easy to do with a forward throw on Marth and very very easy on Pit, however on bigger characters like ROB and Gannon, I just can't get the timming. It works on everyone, right? Is it faster, is it slower for bigger characters, more flotay ones, smaller ones, etc? Is a back throw easier? Speaking of the back throw, how do you get the timing, I just can't do it more than once, what's the key. I've never even done the down throw. What gives. Wavesmashing I picked up in 20 mins, wavedashing was in 15, wobbling was in 10. Why is this so hard for me? Any advice guys, I'd really appreciate it.
It works on everyone.

The timing changes depending on the characters weight and how big they are. For example you have more frames to grab a DK out of a Fthrow then a MetaKnight, because DK is simply larger. The throw animation will also take longer, but I am referring to how long you have to grab them after they leave your grasp.

Alt grabs are hard. Very Hard. Even if you have them down against one character perfectly, you will still mess up a lot on other characters because it's hard to remember several different timings. I like to go by visual and sound cues. I also know the timing, but I find I can switch between characters pretty reliably like this. You really have to play around with it for yourself though. It's not really something that can be taught, you just need to practice.

For the back throw timing, just grab immediatly after back throwing. I mean, pretty much press backwards and grab at the same time.

Just practice and you will get it. There is not much we can tell you. You can use any variation of the alt grab infinite you like. Just find what works best for you.

The Hypnotist

Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Pinole, California (The Bay Area)
Thanks Hylian. Now, I understand that there are more frames to grab DK, but what does that literally mean, does that mean I will be pressing Z later than a lighter character, or before?

As far as the back throw... it's just to... it's so frustrating... when it comes to tech skill in smash, there's never been something I've wanted to do that I just can't pick up, espically in freaking Brawl. I just.... it's just not cool. Uggh, I guess it's coming along. Just very slowly, now i can barely do it 2 times in a row. Also, while the thread is hot... Someone explain how crap to do this...


The explanation... is confusing the crap out of me... or maybe it's just because it's 2am. But seriously WTF, and thanks a lot!


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V
It works on everyone.

The timing changes depending on the characters weight and how big they are. For example you have more frames to grab a DK out of a Fthrow then a MetaKnight, because DK is simply larger. The throw animation will also take longer, but I am referring to how long you have to grab them after they leave your grasp.

Alt grabs are hard. Very Hard. Even if you have them down against one character perfectly, you will still mess up a lot on other characters because it's hard to remember several different timings. I like to go by visual and sound cues. I also know the timing, but I find I can switch between characters pretty reliably like this. You really have to play around with it for yourself though. It's not really something that can be taught, you just need to practice.

For the back throw timing, just grab immediatly after back throwing. I mean, pretty much press backwards and grab at the same time.

Just practice and you will get it. There is not much we can tell you. You can use any variation of the alt grab infinite you like. Just find what works best for you.
Wait, is the b-throw the same on all characters!?


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Here's a question... How do you do the down throw alt grabs...? I haven't done it once... How does the timming work, can I see a video of it.
Look up any of my videos. I dthrow CG a lot.

Or just search "Ice Climber Uber Chaingrab"


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
When I really can't alt grab heavy weights, I stick to old fashion combat... I found out that relying on chain grabs was really bad... Plus, they are mostly slow characters so you should have no problem landing your normal attacks on them.

ignore the fire

Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2008
Oswego, IL
i've found that the most reliable way to handle this is to have a different chaining strategy for the different weight classes of characters. in general, the timing for the fthrow stays pretty constant, while the bthrow and dthrow change significantly depending on the character.

for heavy characters, i find the bthrow difficult, so i stick to dthrow to footstools and alt fthrows. also, Popo can chain his dthrow for quite awhile on heavy characters.

for light characters, i've nearly perfected the bthrow timing, so a simple bthrow to dthrow (repeat) works wonderfully. i find the fthrow more difficult to time on the floatier characters

just learn the basics on an average character (like marth) and then begin to categorize and develop different cg strategies for the different weight groups.

also, don't forget that alt throws to the edge for the spike is a quicker and very effective way to kill alot of characters. even if they don't die right away, follow them down for a bair stage spike.
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