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A better perspective of underrated and underused characters

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
Ok, I know this should be in Tactical discussion or General Discussion blah, blah, blah...but I decided that the Mario board needs this the most right now. Basically my insight on the tier list regarding underrated and underused characters and stuff that I posted in the tier list discussion thread, this was all one post mind you.

Yeah, because more people use a character than others it automatically makes a character higher on the tier list.
That's a gross oversimplification, but in some ways that can be true. People want to win tourneys so naturally they go for characters winning tourneys, makes sense so far, right? Characters who win tourneys clearly are good characters who deserve higher placings, but characters who don't win tourneys aren't necessarily worse characters who deserve lower placings.

Now here's where things get kind of complicated...

Characters who do poorly in tourneys might do poorly for a variety of reasons: they might just be a bad character, they might have a specifically bad match-up against a character often used in tourneys, or they might be underplayed and/or underused in tourneys.

Most people assume a character that does poorly in tournaments is a "bad" character, which is a fair assumption, but isn't always true. Now assuming that a character is not just "bad", we can start looking at other reasons they might not be doing well in tourneys.

If a character has a specifically bad match-up against a character often used in tourneys, that will most likely limit that character's abilities to place well in tourneys, which will also cause that character to be less used in tourneys. A classic example of this in Brawl would be Fox VS Pikachu or any of the 5 infinited characters; these specific match-ups are disastrous to these specific characters and will most likely limit their use in tourneys because of such. Now, a character can overcome a terrible match-up with a high amount of skill but it's still clearly an uphill battle, but the simple solution is to just have a secondary.

You may have noticed a small paradox in what I've just explained, that a character that has a bad match-up will be underused yet the problem can be remedied by simply having a good secondary. Well, the reason some people don't like using secondaries is one of two things: fear that secondaries will become their main or that they no longer are "purely" representing or maining their character. However, this should not greatly affect that character's rep in tourney because most players can accept having a secondary, but this still is a point against that character's "popularity" since it makes them less attractive in the competitive scene, especially if that character does not have any particularly great strengths. This leads us to our next topic of underused/underplayed characters.

Characters may just be underrepresented in tourneys, which can limit their ability to display victories at a larger scale in tourney. An argument against the relevance of this, is that if these characters are "good" they should have mostly wins, which is fair but slightly one-sided; with a low amount of tourney data it is difficult to make accurate predictions on well a character can do in tourneys, assuming these characters are underused in tourneys. However, poor tournament rankings add another point against these characters' "popularity" and partly cause a vicious cycle of under representation in tourneys.

Characters might be underplayed for what I will call "popularity". Now popularity can mean a great deal of things but I will simply define it as "reason or reasons of why a character is used in tourneys". Now you might want to read back a bit now to get a better understanding of what I meant by the term "popularity", Ima trickster arent I?

Characters can become popular for of a variety of reasons: tourney results, match-ups, and/or people just might like them for reasons other than their actual metagame

Time for some complicated but less complicated than before stuff…

Characters who well in tourneys will be most likely be more often in tourneys, logical, simple, and obvious, right?

Characters who have great match-ups will most likely be used more often used in tourneys. So, if character has great match-ups and is known do well in tourneys, they'll most likely be more often used in tourneys. However, characters with good match-ups may not be often used which leads us to "things outside the metagame to fill in the gap in popularity".

Things outside the metagame that affect a character's "popularity" might be: that people just like how that character looks, a character's character (try saying that five times fast), a character's background, a player's background, and/or that the character is "popular" which can dissolve into nothing more than a vicious cycle. Basically, someone might just like Ike or Snake because they're "badasses", but disregard Yoshi or Mario because they're "childish" or "unattractive". Alternatively, a certain playstyle preference might affect people's decisions, such as some with power=Ike, Ganondorf, Snake, etc., yet stay away from things like balance=Mario. People also might just choose a character because they heard that that character is "good" for whatever reason which can dissolve into a vicious cycle as people tell other people. People might just use a character because everyone else is using them, and it becomes a trend that can dissolve into a vicious cycle.

If character is not "popular" it is because they are lacking what makes a character "popular".

In conclusion, I think match-ups are more important than tourney results. I still think tourneys results are a factor, but they need to be very carefully considered before going off on raw data. Same could be said of match-ups, but I think that match-ups are much more important on their own to progressing the metagame than just tourney result, even though tourney results and match-ups can go hand-in-hand at times; tourney results can occur from a character's match-ups, but it's the match-ups that truly define the character, not the tourney results themselves. Match-ups need to be carefully considered too but not in the same sense that tourney results do; things need to be carefully considered in order to come up with accurate enough raw data to go off of for that character.

If I missed anything, tell me.

Now that you've read, which you better have, how do you think this applies to Mario?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2008
Like every competitive game. If you're in a Tournament. Try to cover every aspect, in the case of Brawl you need to learn multiple characters. The more you know and are confident in, the better. Because In a tourney you will be CP'd. Alot and often you will be placed against your characters hardest matchup. Because the overall goal is a simple one. Win, put the ball in my hands, in my favor, so I have the best possible chances at advancing.

Just look at it like this. Ask yourself, Am I Here for a chance at winning the pot? Or am I here for the lolz/fun/personal best with my favorite character. Then run in your direction of choice.

Far as Mario. Like alot of characters, the potential is there already. You just need to enjoy using the character to create the potential yourself, firsthand.. Brawl sucks, the only skills needed are prediction & creativity with what your character has for an moveset.

What makes a character in Brawl "Popular" IMO is their stats. MK, and Snake are probably the top two played characters overall. Not because they are the favorite characters by all of the people who play as them either. Mainly because, they are shining in so many ways. Mostly all pros. Like life, people enjoy taking the easy routes. But In the end, it makes a good player, outstanding, if he uses the best there is to offer.

Now take Diddy for example. Hardly any play at the beggining of Brawl. Now a few people are sitting down, taking time, figuring him out, as well as ways to use him effectively. And now everybody is hoppong on that train.

Metagame wise. Jocking everyone else, creates the metagame, it creates the potential. I'm pretty sure if every Mario main got together and discussed/shared everything they knew about each individual matchup and every move he has to offer, to each other. Mario will become a more formidable adversary. And possibly a viable Counterpick when against certain opponets even. Learning off of multiple people while adding your own persona into it. Helps alot.

Melee had hitstun. You could create a few possible inescapable setups for attacks. If one connect you could follow up with ease. Brawl is just too, take it one move, then another one move at a time IMO. The same Rock, Paper, Scissors apect still applies. It just means momentum, prediction, and overall character pros become a stronger deciding factor of the outcome..


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Nice read, I really enjoyed this!

I agree with everything you said. Especially the part about all of us discussing the match-up's.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Don't forget the "ease of use" factor. MK is ridiculously easy to use, so many people can pick him up and do well with him without really needing to practice or learn matchups.

ICs have a legitimate infinite on every character, yet they're ridiculously HARD to use. You don't see very many of them for that very reason.

Great read n such Judge.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
Don't forget the "ease of use" factor. MK is ridiculously easy to use, so many people can pick him up and do well with him without really needing to practice or learn matchups.

ICs have a legitimate infinite on every character, yet they're ridiculously HARD to use. You don't see very many of them for that very reason.

Great read n such Judge.
I should of been more specific but that falls into the "things outside the metagame" category. Thx though Matador, I'll try to clear that up later.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
I should of been more specific but that falls into the "things outside the metagame" category. Thx though Matador, I'll try to clear that up later.
Ah, my bad :laugh:

Yeah...you don't know how pissed I get when people assume Mario's just a bad character. Same with most of those characters in low tier and lower mid. They aren't broke as **** like G&W or MK, but they're not bad characters by any means.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
What do you mean 'underused characters'?

Pikachu is the only UU in the whole bunch!


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Good read.

Now what we need to ask ourselves now is, "Why do we play Mario?" Is it because of the character? What about his playstyle? Or perhaps it's due to personal reasons (you grew up with him is one common example).

Now how about, why we play Mario competitively? What drives us to continuously play him in tournaments despite the obviously broken characters like G&W and Snake? Do we do it just for the fun of it? To be unique? Or perhaps you're like me and just have something to prove to the world?

Brawl is still a young game despite it sucking, but it's still far too early for any dedicated Mario main to throw in the towel. We all know that for a fact that if Mario was as broken as Game and Watch, then we'd have swarms of players maining him just for the sake of winning. In a competitive sense, this is good for Mario, but speaking as a player, I'd rather have Mario be underrated than to have a bunch of nameless players maining him and posting a bunch of videos owning n00bs.

Match-ups at this current time are very important to Mario's metagame. They're there to show to others what they can do to other characters and what to expect. And the thing is, we're nowhere near at the maximum of Mario's metagame. So as we continue to maximize that potential, the match-ups will begin to shift more and more towards a bigger advantage.

But we have to face reality, we're using a character that will never make it to Top Tier. Mid Tier is very obtainable, but High Tier will be challenging. The more we try, the closer we'll get to obtain it, but the realization is that other characters are also trying to reach the top as well. This makes that 'dream' unobtainable through normal means.

When all is said is done, we're back to original question: "Why do we play Mario?"

Personally for me, if Mario is proven to not be a tournament-viable character, then I will stop playing this game for good.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Read it again carefully, I went over that in great detail.

To be the only Pokemon nerd on the Mario boards.


Mario is doubtful as a high tier. Until we get an on-stage ACE that isn't useless (see: Cape Dashing), Mario's a middle-tier character.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
I play him because of his versatility and truthly I've never had too much trouble against any specific character other than DDD. I've played good MKs and such but I've always been able to find a move that trumps my opponent's. In a rock-paper-scissors game Mario does very well because he has all 3 in virtually any scenario. Mario may not be MK, DDD, or Snake, but he still is a good character who has a lot of potential. Anyway, I mained Dr. Mario in Melee for a lot of the same reasons and moved on to Mario in Brawl.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas

Mario is doubtful as a high tier. Until we get an on-stage ACE that isn't useless (see: Cape Dashing), Mario's a middle-tier character.
Yep, which is why I said it'll be quite challenging.

The better we get, the higher we can aim, but as of now, Mario's aim is at the middle of mid tier, where he should've been at the beginning. After that, we can talk about high tier.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 1, 2008
Redmond, WA
Ya it was an interesting read. Some truth is spoken within the text. Many characters are underplayed because of what the media advertises them as... kid friendly. When those characters may have true unlocked potential 0.0


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
isn't there a thread already about why we play mario heromystic? lol. but gud read.
I'm pretty sure there is, but I don't think we've ever asked ourselves why we play him in a competitive sense... instead of just playing him.

Nothing is stopping us from dropping competitive brawl and just play as casuals.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
I play Mario because I want to show him what he's got! Besides, some of the people I've faced on All is Brawl say that I have a good Mario. Also, it does annoy me when people say Mario's a bad character. It is ignorance that drives them to say that just like when a person says that Ike's broken (One person from my bus stop actually said that. :laugh:). I argee that more Mario mains should work together to show Mario what he can do! :)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2008
While I don't main him, I still play as Mario often. He, along with Wario, the rest of the Big Eight, Link, and Fox were all part of my childhood.
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