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5th Gen DW OU RMT: Hail


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey

Abomasnow (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Snow Warning
EVs: 188 HP / 68 SAtk / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Protect
- Giga Drain
- Worry Seed
- Blizzard

I used to have Leech Seed over gigadrain but Rotom-W was really annoying and leech seed wasn't doing much to it. Rotom-W is probably the biggest threat to this team with HydroPump/Tbolt/HP Fire/Trick, WoW, shadow ball. I really wish i had more moves on this thing to put leech seed back on. I might replace Protect with Leech seed if it works well. Obviously gonna need this thing for hail. Might go mixed with focus punch to OHKO Tyranitar's trying to switch in, but woodhammer might be a better option to ease on prediction.

Alomomola (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 132 HP / 124 Def / 252 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Aqua Jet
- Wish
- Toxic
- Light Screen

The only reason I am in dream world tier is to use this thing to support my team. Healing 250sh hp and itself with regeneration at the same time is really valuable to this team. Some of my defensive pokes don't have reliable recovery and this really helps.

I had vaporeon here but i couldn't really do much to keep it alive since i was forced to run wish + Protect forcing me to have only 2 other moves. But this thing is free to use whatever it wants. Waterfall/Aqua Jet are pretty good offensively especially if i get a toxic off on something so that the hail/toxic/Attacking damage really add up and then I can switch out and just get regenerator hp.

Replaced Waterfall with Toxic since to do some residual damage to pokemon immune to toxic spikes.

Quagsire (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Curse
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Recover

Counter to conkeldurr/reuiniclus/bulky DD dragons and a bunch of other things. Unaware is an amazing ability and curse quagsire pulls it off really well. Has some excellent resistances in rock/electric. half my team resists the grass type attacks which is pretty much the only type of attack OHKO'g this thing.

Heatran (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 52 HP / 252 SAtk / 164 SDef / 40 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Overheat
- Roar
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock

I just have this on my team to get rid of annoying steel types that don't like getting toxic'd. has some decent synergy with quagsire. Gets a bunch of chances to set up stealth rock and does really well against sun teams. If ninetales switches in on heatran its going to be obvious that they will switch out so i can switch back out to abomasnow and reset hail, can't make it too obvious that im gonna do that tho ;P. Roar paired up with unaware quagsire helps make sure that I won't get swept by a boosting pokemon. Overheat's a good move in case conkeldurr's with special bulk wanna switch in and think they can take a flamethrower. Outspeeds 4 EV Gyarados.

Replaced Conkeldurr

Tentacruel (M) @ Black Sludge
Trait: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 204 HP / 52 Def / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Surf
- Giga Drain

This absorbs any toxic spikes if opponent sets up any or i can spin them away. I don't like entry hazards, but the only poke bothered by them is abomasnow. Acid spray is for jellicent who think they can just stay in on me all day.

Nattorei (Ferrothorn) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 124 HP / 252 / 132 SDef
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Leech Seed
- Protect
- Thunder Wave
- Power Whip

Don't have stealth rocks on this because heatran gets more opportunities to set it up and it gives me an edge when people except stealth rock and get Twaved or seeded. Power Whip over Gyro Ball so that it gets more power and to hit gyarados harder. Leech seed and protect to get some HP.

Thanks to Gates for telling me to lower the HP because of leech seed / wish support. 320 is a leftovers number in case i go against sandstorm and I didn't wanna go to 304 since that would be a really low amount of hp for me. I might test it out though.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Worry Seed is some cute tech and I've used it before myself but I think your Abomasnow would benefit a lot from running either Substitute or a coverage move in that spot instead.

Definitely change Waterfall to Toxic on whateverthatthingisidon'tknowitsenglishname. Scald would be good on it too. I don't see much of a point for Aqua Jet, it doesn't seem like it would hit that hard.

Acid Spray doesn't seem very threatening against Jellicent. If Jelly is running a neutral nature, Acid Spray will do 20% max to it at -6, which is laughable to say the least. I mean you might as well be running Leer on Conkeldurr. You also have no special attackers on your team aside from Tentacruel and Abomasnow, and while Abomasnow has Giga Drain, Jelly won't stay in against him anyway for fear of Seed Bomb/Toxic/Giga Drain/Leech Seed/etc. I suggest you just stay with HP Electric on Tentacruel. It does 20% damage right off the bat and can just generally give you better coverage. If you can get Jelly to come in on Toxic Spikes it's already dead anyway.

I am of the opinion that if you have both Leech Seed and Wish support, you do not need to run that many HP EVs on Ferrothorn. A spread like Relaxed 56 HP/200 Def/252 SpD or Sassy 44 HP/252 Def/208 SpD will be fine. I also really think that running Thunder Wave on it over Protect will benefit you. You mentioned that your team gets destroyed by Sun teams, and what Sun teams take advantage of the most is the speed of their chlorophyll pokemon. For Venusaur specifically, a max speed Jolly Chlorophyll Venusaur in the sun will have a speed of 142, meaning that it can be outsped by neutral nature base 55 speed or higher pokemon with no speed investment. One such pokemon that can outspeed Venusaur in this state is Abomasnow. I'm sure you'll know what to do from there. Now getting rid of Protect is kind of a big deal, but just test it out for a while and see how it does.

One way to deal with Acrobat Gliscor is to just run more physical bulk.

Generally speaking, your team seems like it would benefit a lot from a Phaser. I know you didn't like Vaporeon the first time, but he really could benefit your team if you run Scald and Roar on him. Even teaching Roar to Quagsire could help, though you'd have to cut Curse.

why run a hail team when nothing on your team benefits from it?
In Gen V, being able to control the weather is extremely important since every successful team is a weather team. Hail is a weather that almost nobody is playing, so most opposing teams will not benefit, unlike Sandstorm making enemy Excadrill good or Rain teams making water types good etc. Having weather is often a benefit in and of itself. In Gen IV it was common for Stall teams to use Hippowdon and Tyranitar since having the opponent's pokemon take 6% a turn is like having an extra entry hazard.

Of course, Tyranitar and Hippowdon are way better than Abomasnow, but still.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
For Venusaur specifically, a max speed Jolly Chlorophyll Venusaur in the sun will have a speed of 142, meaning that it can be outsped by neutral nature base 55 speed or higher pokemon with no speed investment.
Uhhhh. What?


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Max speed Jolly Venusaur has a speed stat of 284. Chlorophyll doubles his speed stat (568 speed) but then Paralysis cuts his speed down to 1/4, giving him a net loss of half his speed which brings him down to a speed stat of 142 speed. Neutral nature base 55 speed pokemon with no EV investment in speed have a speed stat of 146. Therefore, everything above base 55 speed with a neutral nature will outspeed Venusaur in the sun if it's paralyzed.


I don't know what's so complicated about this.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
i know weather is important but wouldnt something that can take advantage of it be better?

i haven't played competitively in a while, i wanted to beat the main game first so i'm a bit behind


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
There's nothing that takes advantage of hail who benefits a team as a whole very well. I guess Glaceon and Froslass come closest, but even they aren't too good.

If you have a team that can function well when your weather user isn't around you'll do better in BW than if you were relying on a team that relies on weather to be up constantly.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
I have another team that's doing pretty well on PO that's more offensive. I'm pretty much just abusing blizzard's accuracy with that team. The only thing that Hail really does is hit everything for 6% (other than magic guard pokes) for 6% and increase blizzard's accuracy. Worry seed helps for those magic guard pokes and restalkers

I was thinking of running haze on quagsire (it doesn't get roar), but i felt it was too situational for it to benefit. If i can stop all stat boosts other than speed than hazing is only going to benefit my other pokes and that's if i want to switch out. And they can just boost again anyway.

Lowering its hp EVs and Thunderwave on ferrothorn is a really good idea, but i'm not sure if i'll get an opportunity to use it with all those sun boosted fire attacks coming at it.

I'm considering replacing conkeldurr with Heatran. Although heatran can't boost up like conkeldurr, he can still get rid of those annoying steels and he could become a phazer with roar and absorb those fire attacks from the sun teams (gotta watch out for random HP grounds though).

I'm changing waterfall to toxic on Alomaolmaolmalo but aqua jet is too good for me to pass up. If it's not strong enough to take something out with aqua jet. It can take the hit from the pokemon and finish it off (with toxic / hail support) and then switch out to get hp again.

If my team becomes Abomasnow / Aloma / Ferrothorn / Heatran / Tentacruel /

I would need another pokemon to take random Rock/Ground/Fighting attacks.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Worry seed helps for those magic guard pokes and restalkers
Are resttalkers even that common anymore? Sleep Talk isn't a TM in Gen V anymore, so I would think that a majority of defensive threats wouldn't be resttalkers, unlike in Gen IV.

I was thinking of running haze on quagsire (it doesn't get roar), but i felt it was too situational for it to benefit. If i can stop all stat boosts other than speed than hazing is only going to benefit my other pokes and that's if i want to switch out. And they can just boost again anyway.
Yeah, I forgot that Quagsire doesn't get Roar or Dragon Tail. Haze isn't nearly as good, don't waste a move slot on it. The main reason you should be running Roar is to spread Toxic Spikes damage, not to get rid of boosts.

Lowering its hp EVs and Thunderwave on ferrothorn is a really good idea, but i'm not sure if i'll get an opportunity to use it with all those sun boosted fire attacks coming at it.
Would it have a chance to take advantage of its current moveset against sun boosted fire attacks? Probably not. The point of the set I suggested isn't to sponge up fire attacks, it's to paralyze Chlorophyll pokemon who come in on you.

Thanks to Gate

for telling me to lower the HP because of leech seed / wish support. 320 is a leftovers number in case i go against sandstorm and I didn't wanna go to 304 since that would be a really low amount of hp for me. I might test it out though.
I disagree with this. If you just ran 60 HP/196 Def/252 SpD you'd still have a really, really good amount of bulk. Since Conkeldurr and Blaziken are some of the most common counters to Nattorei, you pretty much need to have a good amount of physical bulk to deal with it.

Also, I just noticed you're running Power Whip. Don't. Seed Bomb is a lot better for stall wars because of its accuracy, its higher PP, and the fact that is still has around the same level of power. It loses in power to Gyarados, but not only do I honestly not know why you're worried about it but also Intimidate will give Ferrothorn an attack drop anyway, making either attack kind of pointless.

I'm considering replacing conkeldurr with Heatran. Although heatran can't boost up like conkeldurr, he can still get rid of those annoying steels and he could become a phazer with roar and absorb those fire attacks from the sun teams (gotta watch out for random HP grounds though).
I think Heatran would be a good addition to your team, but I don't think he should replace Conkeldurr. I think they could work really well together to fight threats to your team, and despite the defensive synergy between Heatran, Quagsire, and your grass types, there's just as much offensive synergy between Heatran and Conkeldurr.

Heatran (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 52 HP / 252 SAtk / 164 SDef / 40 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Overheat
- Roar
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock

I just have this on my team to get rid of annoying steel types that don't like getting toxic'd. has some decent synergy with quagsire. Gets a bunch of chances to set up stealth rock and does really well against sun teams. If ninetales switches in on heatran its going to be obvious that they will switch out so i can switch back out to abomasnow and reset hail, can't make it too obvious that im gonna do that tho ;P. Roar paired up with unaware quagsire helps make sure that I won't get swept by a boosting pokemon. Overheat's a good move in case conkeldurr's with special bulk wanna switch in and think they can take a flamethrower. Outspeeds 4 EV Gyarados.
If Ninetales switches in on Heatran, they might just use Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, or HP Ground/Fighting on it.

And what kind of Gyarados only runs 4 speed EVs? Are people still playing Resttalk Gyara? Besides, what you should be more focused on outspeeding is Tentacruel, non-Scarf Tyranitar, and Metagross. Try this build.

Heatran @ Leftovers
Flash Fire
252 HP/56 SpD/200 Spe
- Lava Plume/Overheat
- Earth Power
- Roar
- Stealth Rock

This is a support pokemon so you don't have to max out its SpA. Lava Plume is good here because of the chance for burn, which can hurt a lot a steel types since they tend to attack physically, but burning Conkeldurr can be bad so Overheat is listed as an option too. 200 Speed EVs gives you enough to outspeed Jolly max speed Metagross if its unboosted.

I'm changing waterfall to toxic on Alomaolmaolmalo but aqua jet is too good for me to pass up. If it's not strong enough to take something out with aqua jet. It can take the hit from the pokemon and finish it off (with toxic / hail support) and then switch out to get hp again.
I still don't really see why you'd need him as much of an attacker but whatever. Priority moves are always good and I guess it does have base 75 attack so whatever.

If my team becomes Abomasnow / Aloma / Ferrothorn / Heatran / Tentacruel /

I would need another pokemon to take random Rock/Ground/Fighting attacks.
Maybe Claydol? It resists or is immune to everything you just said and can spin, set up rocks, set up screens, and take out stuff with Earth Power.

Frankly I think that the sunfish thing may be kind of holding your team back since it share a lot of the same weaknesses as Tentacruel and doesn't really bring any good resistances to the table, specifically things multiple pokemon of yours are weak to like Fighting and Ground. If you want a wish passing pokemon, my first suggestion would be Blissey, but since you already have several pokemon weak to fighting, I would probably suggest Latias instead. It had much better typing and attacking power and better speed, with its only disadvantage being lack of a priority move (but again, sunfish isn't that good of an attacker anyway), its inability to regenerate, and not being able to pass as big of a wish. It can definitely still do a good job of threatening the opponent or supporting your team though. Try this build:

Latias @ Leftovers
252 HP/4 Def/252 Spe
- Wish
- Protect/Refresh
- Dragon Pulse
- Calm Mind/Refresh/Toxic/Reflect

This can allow Latias to serve as a special tank and wishpasser.

Oh and seriously, change Acid Spray to HP Electric on Tentacruel. Acid Spray is a joke.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
Are resttalkers even that common anymore? Sleep Talk isn't a TM in Gen V anymore, so I would think that a majority of defensive threats wouldn't be resttalkers, unlike in Gen IV.

Yeah, I forgot that Quagsire doesn't get Roar or Dragon Tail. Haze isn't nearly as good, don't waste a move slot on it. The main reason you should be running Roar is to spread Toxic Spikes damage, not to get rid of boosts.

Would it have a chance to take advantage of its current moveset against sun boosted fire attacks? Probably not. The point of the set I suggested isn't to sponge up fire attacks, it's to paralyze Chlorophyll pokemon who come in on you.

Even if restalkers aren't common, if i do run into one and they want to rest to get rid of toxic damage from the spikes I can use worry seed. And Sun teams aren't really a threat anymore due to heatran / luvdisk.

I disagree with this. If you just ran 60 HP/196 Def/252 SpD you'd still have a really, really good amount of bulk. Since Conkeldurr and Blaziken are some of the most common counters to Nattorei, you pretty much need to have a good amount of physical bulk to deal with it.

Also, I just noticed you're running Power Whip. Don't. Seed Bomb is a lot better for stall wars because of its accuracy, its higher PP, and the fact that is still has around the same level of power. It loses in power to Gyarados, but not only do I honestly not know why you're worried about it but also Intimidate will give Ferrothorn an attack drop anyway, making either attack kind of pointless.
I dunno Powerwhip is significantly stronger [180 vs 120] and leech seed + hail will help me win stall wars. I did change the EV spread. Max def, enough for 320 hp and rest in spdef.

I think Heatran would be a good addition to your team, but I don't think he should replace Conkeldurr. I think they could work really well together to fight threats to your team, and despite the defensive synergy between Heatran, Quagsire, and your grass types, there's just as much offensive synergy between Heatran and Conkeldurr.

If Ninetales switches in on Heatran, they might just use Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, or HP Ground/Fighting on it.

And what kind of Gyarados only runs 4 speed EVs? Are people still playing Resttalk Gyara? Besides, what you should be more focused on outspeeding is Tentacruel, non-Scarf Tyranitar, and Metagross. Try this build.

Heatran @ Leftovers
Flash Fire
252 HP/56 SpD/200 Spe
- Lava Plume/Overheat
- Earth Power
- Roar
- Stealth Rock

This is a support pokemon so you don't have to max out its SpA. Lava Plume is good here because of the chance for burn, which can hurt a lot a steel types since they tend to attack physically, but burning Conkeldurr can be bad so Overheat is listed as an option too. 200 Speed EVs gives you enough to outspeed Jolly max speed Metagross if its unboosted.
ehh. I don't know about this. I don't really fear tentacruel. I'm doing like 40% with earth power (If they're the standard tentacruel (252 hp / 136 SpD), and ferrothorn, luvdisc, my own tenta can take on tentacruel without much effort. Earth power doesn't do much to T tar with its Spdef boost from sand and Quagsire/Ferrothorn handle metagross pretty well.
I still don't really see why you'd need him as much of an attacker but whatever. Priority moves are always good and I guess it does have base 75 attack so whatever.
Pretty much this.

Maybe Claydol? It resists or is immune to everything you just said and can spin, set up rocks, set up screens, and take out stuff with Earth Power.

Frankly I think that the sunfish thing may be kind of holding your team back since it share a lot of the same weaknesses as Tentacruel and doesn't really bring any good resistances to the table, specifically things multiple pokemon of yours are weak to like Fighting and Ground. If you want a wish passing pokemon, my first suggestion would be Blissey, but since you already have several pokemon weak to fighting, I would probably suggest Latias instead. It had much better typing and attacking power and better speed, with its only disadvantage being lack of a priority move (but again, sunfish isn't that good of an attacker anyway), its inability to regenerate, and not being able to pass as big of a wish. It can definitely still do a good job of threatening the opponent or supporting your team though. Try this build:

Latias @ Leftovers
252 HP/4 Def/252 Spe
- Wish
- Protect/Refresh
- Dragon Pulse
- Calm Mind/Refresh/Toxic/Reflect

This can allow Latias to serve as a special tank and wishpasser.
I decided to leave quagsire on the team since luvdisc can take rock/fighting ground moves and wish out to quagsire so it can start cursing up. Ferro can leech seed + protect stall as well. The residual damage from hail really helps leech seed. People switch and take rocks damage. Win-Win (Bi-Winning) situation.
Oh and seriously, change Acid Spray to HP Electric on Tentacruel. Acid Spray is a joke.
I'm testing out giga drain atm. It's working pretty well. Everything that I want to hit with hp elec i hit with giga drain and get back hp (other than enemy tentacruel. Might put knock off on to get rid of scarfs and lefties so hail can do its thing faster.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Even if restalkers aren't common, if i do run into one and they want to rest to get rid of toxic damage from the spikes I can use worry seed. And Sun teams aren't really a threat anymore due to heatran / luvdisk.
ok, maybe I wasn't clear enough. When I said resttalkers are rare in Gen V I meant that for the past 4 months I have yet to see a single one. The changes to the sleep mechanics in Gen V make running a resttalker on your team borderline unviable. There are also a lot more things you can do to deal with a resttalker besides change its ability, especially on this team. Heatran can phaze them. Quagsire can set up and deal with boosting rettalkers. Heatran can phaze them. Nattorei can Leech Seed it. Heatran can phaze them. Sunfish can use the time to set up Light Screen and pass Wish. Heatran can phaze them.


I dunno Powerwhip is significantly stronger [180 vs 120] and leech seed + hail will help me win stall wars.
Where are you getting these numbers? And when did I tell you to take out Leech Seed? And how will you win stall wars against other Nattorei? Nattorei for the record is one of the top 3 most commonly used pokemon in the metagame right now and without Roobushin you have nothing to deal with it while it's in the rain.

I did change the EV spread. Max def, enough for 320 hp and rest in spdef.
ok? So basically you have the same HP as before but you changed the EVs to make him less specially defensive? That seems even worse than before. Just run 60 HP/196 Def/252 SpD.

ehh. I don't know about this. I don't really fear tentacruel.
You should. Your team relies on Hail and Toxic Spikes for damage and if either of these go and you can't get them back you'll need to seriously alter your playstyle.

my own tenta can take on tentacruel without much effort.
Your own Tentacruel gets hit by HP Electric and can't do anything back. You have a better chance of fighting Tentacruel with Roobushin's Stone Edge than your own Tentacruel.

Earth power doesn't do much to T tar with its Spdef boost from sand
It's a 2HKO on offensive TTars and a 3HKO on TyraniBoah. Heatran can't beat either of these head on, but it can nail them on the switch-in easily. Not only that but since your team relies on weather to win you need to eliminate your opponents' weather users whenever you can, meaning that Killing Tyranitar should be an important priority for your team.

and Quagsire/Ferrothorn handle metagross pretty well.
Ehh, I guess so. Still, you want Heatran to be faster than him to keep yourself from being outsped by Metagross who just come in and Earthquake you.

I decided to leave quagsire on the team since luvdisc can take rock/fighting ground moves and wish out to quagsire so it can start cursing up.
+2 Adamant Conkeldurr Drain Punch 2HKOs and heals a net amount of 100% HP
+1 Guts activated Adamant Conkeldurr Drain Punch 2HKOs and heals a net amount of 100% HP
+2 Adamant Excadrill 2HKOs
+2 Jolly Garchomp Earthquake 2HKOs
+2 Jolly Garchomp Outrage 2HKOs
+2 Adamant LO Lucario Close Combat OHKOs
+2 Modest LO Lucario Aura Sphere OHKOs
+2 Jolly Blaziken High Jump Kick OHKOs
+2 Jolly LO Kabutops Stone Edge 2HKOs
+2 Timid Keldeo Secret Sword 2HKOs
+2 Jolly Terrakion Close Combat 2HKOs
+2 Jolly Terrakion Stone Edge 2HKOs
+1 Naive LO Sand Force Landorus Earthquake 2HKOs
+1 Naive LO Landorus Earth Power OHKOs

For the record, Aqua Jet can't kill any of the pokemon mentioned above in time, even the ones weak to water. The only commonly used fighting types that don't 2HKO are Meinshao who is typically only used as a lead and Pantslizard, who needs to be at +3 or higher to stand a chance (which actually isn't that hard for him, but still).


Ferro can leech seed + protect stall as well. The residual damage from hail really helps leech seed. People switch and take rocks damage.
Yes, I know how stall works.

I'm testing out giga drain atm. It's working pretty well. Everything that I want to hit with hp elec i hit with giga drain and get back hp (other than enemy tentacruel. Might put knock off on to get rid of scarfs and lefties so hail can do its thing faster.
Knock Off and Giga Drain could work I suppose. Still, getting additional coverage from HP Electric is still good and Tentacruels should be an important concern for you.

Here's what you should do. Create a new account and play this team on the shoddybattle PO server every single day for at least 3 hours a day for the next 7 days. If you can get above 1200, keep your team as is. If not, make all the changes I suggested and then try your team again. I'm really doubting your familiarity with the metagame right now.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
Here's my idea. How about instead of that fish thingy, you run Eviolite Dusclops. With the dumbest set imaginable:

Dusclops @ Eviolite
252 HP/176 Def/80 SpDef
Impish / Pressure

Pain Split
Night Shade

This is the bulkiest spinblock you'll ever find. It has good synergy with Ferrothorn and tentacruel because of its raw physical bulk, out-slowing conkeldurr so it only gets hit by a 50 BP Payback, and using SubSplit to wear at opponent's HP and stall for toxic damage while keeping you from being hit by Toxic. Taunt lets it deal with ShedRest bulk up Scrafty and other dumb RestTalk set up pokemon that would circumvent your status of choice, and keeps it from being setup fodder for stuff like opposing ferrothorn. Night Shade gives steady damage, though if you really wanted to you could be crazy and run something like Shadow Sneak just to 2hko Deoxys-A who slices through this team like butter.

Also, minor EV spread suggestions: Nattorei should be max HP/spdef, tentacruel should invest more physically (roughly 252/176/80, magic numbers there lol) so you can better handle stuff like conkeldurr/other fighters.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
WTF is this april fools black plague joke. I'm so mad. WTF does it mean.

The only things i've been losing to are chandelure which should stay banned. Guaranteed KO's are gay and breloom. Breloom is a really good poke and my team has a weakness to it. I replaced quagsire with gliscor.
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