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Rate Their Chances - NASB1 Edition! See ya next game

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Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019

Chance: 10% -
Krang is an extremely notable TMNT villain and is basically the second big bad alongside Shredder (even if he isn't as well known). While he's just a brain-like alien, he fights using a variety of mechs, which fill an unoccupied niche in the game, and doesn't have the same size issues Plankton has. He mainly features prominently in the 80's series and the comics (and with the focus on the '87 series, it puts Krang in a decent position). With these things put together he has merit, so why the low score?

A lot of reasons. First, there's little to no fan support for Krang. People aren't asking for more TMNT reps right now (with it being the most repped franchise in the game) outside of some support for Raph and Donnie. And for other TMNT character there's Splinter and Casey Jones, thus there's no room for support for Krang. Second, his stage cameo. While the devs said cameos don't deconfirm outright he still has an elaborate one on Technodrome, which doesn't help his case. Finally, there's the matter of DLC focus, which is bringing new series into the game. And if they go for more characters from already repped series Spongebob, Avatar, and The Loud House have a one-up on TMNT, since there's more demand for them and they have 3-3-2 reps respectively when compared to TMNT's overwhelming 4. With all of this put together, Krang is a small possibility, but I don't see him joining anytime soon.

Want: 15% - Don't get me wrong, he seems like a cool villain, and a mech character would be a great idea! But we already have four TMNT reps, and if I were to add more I'd just add the last two turtles. Plus there are loads of other characters I wanna see before Krang, so while I wouldn't be UPSET that he got in I wouldn't be very excited for him either.

Olmec's Temple

Chance: 20% -
It's definitely a possibility! We already got a stage based on a game show, and the devs love their 90's (and Legends is a staple of 90's Nickstalgia), so I can see it happening at some point! Nick themselves has also used the show pretty recently, even including it as a central element of
an episode of The Loud House. So there's be no qualms on either side of coin to make the stage. But what would lead to it being made? There's no way the show is getting a playable rep (and we've already discussed the problems with Live Action characters). One solution would be to release standalone stages, and the devs are more flexible with the DLC format than Smash is with the Fighter's Pass, so I can see them doing it at some point for some low-cost DLC dollars. But I'm not sure of the likelihood of this. The second solution is to release it with a character who doesn't need a stage. Most of the shows likely to get more reps have loads of great locales, so I don't think they'd be skipped over for a random game show stage. The only series I can see this happening for is TMNT, especially if we get (funnily-timed enough) Krang (since his stage is already in the game), especially since it would be a sort of duality with Shredder. The one caveat I see with this is that character packs are called "Universe Packs", and it would be very weird for something that's implied to be a part of the character's universe be an unrelated show instead.

It really depends on the climate of the DLC! I wouldn't bet on it, but it is still a good possibility well worth the discussion!

Want: 90% - Can't say no to more stages! While I wouldn't want game show stages to flood the roster (and I didn't grow up with Legends of the Hidden Temple) I would love to see it sold as a standalone stage! I love Mesoamerican culture, and a stage based on it sounds incredible! I also saw Lincoln and his dad Lynn Sr. do the temple run during the aforementioned Loud House episode, and it looked super fun! Definitely Great Cave Offensive-esque stage material! Hell, have the Temple Run be a race-based or team-based minigame addition! Would add some much-needed single player content to the game! While I wouldn't want to see it take a stage slot away from a character in a pack, everything else about its' inclusion sounds fantastic and I'd love to see it!

Jack Fenton xAll

Tak (Juju) - 15.67% - This one's gonna be interesting! Tak has a cult following and fan push to bring together the Nicktoons Unite gang, but he also has tough competition and potential copyright snares to contend with. So we'll see!

Tak (Zim) - 0.36% - A minor antagonist when the show's biggest characters haven't happened. Not expecting good scores.
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Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
Chance: 1%

Not much I can say without repeating what everyone else in this thread has already said. Iconic of a villain as he may be, Krang finds himself severely crowded out by more major and requested characters from his series, mainly the two remaining Turtles. It'd optimistically take some SERIOUS dev favoritism for Krang to win out against the obvious, but when raw favoritism wasn't enough for Rocksteady to beat Shredder in the end (probably for the better tbh), I doubt it'd help Krang much either. There's also the fact that TMNT already has four characters, and most people are asking for content from other series at this point. Finally, there's the matter of his stage cameo, which while it doesn't outright deconfirm him via Word of God, it does indicate that he's not really being considered as a serious option at the moment. This is very much a sequel pick if anything, but even then, the devs can't ignore the Turtle Hype forever.

Want: 0%

Nothing personal against the character, I just really don't want anymore TMNT content in this game when we have entire series still begging to be in the game. Maybe next game, but not now.

woa dude i love spelunky
Chance: 5%

I'm not super optimistic on this. There's no arguing that Legends of the Hidden Temple isn't an iconic show, nor that Nick doesn't like to reference it every now and then. However, for it to get a stage in this game, it'd pretty much need to either come with a character who doesn't have a stage from their own series a la Shredder, or come as a standalone stage. I'm very much not expecting that last one since the devs don't seem to have the resources to make standalone stages at the moment, but it's technically possible I guess. As for the first one... it COULD happen, but I don't see it as likely. The vast majority of Nick shows that aren't in yet have at least one obvious choice for the stage, so going with Olmec's Temple due to lack of options doesn't seem likely to me. The same is true for series that already have characters as well; there are innumerable locales to pull from for SpongeBob and Avatar, and while I'm not expecting them to get another rep as part of DLC, I assume the same is true for TLH, Danny Phantom, etc. (I mean, I guess Olmec's Temple could feasibly get in as a Loud House stage since it had that tie-in episode with Legends of the Hidden Temple, but even that's a stretch.) Genuinely the best chance I see for a Legends of the Hidden Temple stage is if Stick Stickly gets in since he doesn't really have a home series other than Nick itself. But you already know how I feel about him.

Want: Abstain

I have zero exposure to this show and if it does get a stage, my only hope is that they don't completely balls it up like they did the Double Dare stage. (Seriously, that thing was basically the in-game version of a zipbomb until the most recent patch.)

Tak (from Tak) Prediction: 8%
Ok I changed my mind, THIS is the NASB equivalent to Geno.

Tak (from Zim) Prediction: 1.4%
I haven't seen the show in a while, but isn't Tak only in one episode? I'm definitely expecting sub-Ms. Bitters scores here.

Noms to Jorgen
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Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
I had no idea this ever happened. Hell, they could put Olmec with a third Loud House character, thinking on that.
I had a similar thought! While the show does still have several iconic locations it could use, having Olmec with a third Loud House rep wouldn't feel too out of place!

Which means we're getting Lynn Loud Sr. with the stage for even MORE dads!


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2013
In that corner over there
Switch FC
Jimmy Neutron
Chance: 88.48%
(Up from 85.42%)
Want: 85.33% (Up from 84.42%)
Winners of predictions are Ze Diglett Ze Diglett and DaUsername DaUsername , who both predicted 92%. Each get 5 extra noms.
It seems like Hugh's inclusion only helped Jimmy more than anything as both of his already high ratings are now even higher, and he remains the number 1 character in both categories.
Chance: 8.36%
Want: 17.36%
Winner of predictions is Tekken_Guy Tekken_Guy , who predicted 10%. You get 5 extra noms!
Sheen, however, is now the lowest rated Jimmy Neutron character in both categories. How sad.
Abstaining from ratings.
Tak (Juju) prediction: 25%
Tak (Zim) prediction: 2.5%
Noms: Daggett x5, Daggett & Norbert x1, Rango x4
Rate Tak (Invader Zim) and Tak (Tak & the Power of Juju), predict Concept: Star Trek Representation

Deleted member

The power of Juju
Chance - 8%
Tak was a weirdly prevalent character for a while. He had multiple video games, a TV show, and was a main character in some of the Nicktoons Unite crossover games. Nick really tried to push him for a while. But that was some time ago. He hasn't really been in anything for a while. His show was cancelled due to low ratings and bad reviews. I have seen people saying there are some copyright issues due to him being a video game character, but I have been unable to find much on this. Not a show I hear people talk about much, and he doesn't really have Fanboy and Chum-Chum or Otis style memes backing him up.

Want - 6%
I think I played one of his games forever ago but I have no real memories of it. He's not really a character I hold a ton of attachment to.

Goth Alien
Chance - 0%
Invader Zim getting a second rep is pretty unlikely as is. A second rep who was only ever really in one episode? I can't see it. Tak was in one episode and then made some voice cameos afterwards. A second physical appearance was planned but the episode was canned. I don't see what she could do that Zim couldn't. I think we're much more likely to get Dib, Gaz or even Membrain if we get a second Zim rep.

Want - 5%
I'll be honest. I've seen Zim and I had forgotten about this character untill this rating came up. There are only so many DLC spots, I don't think it makes sense to go with such a minor character.

Noms to Tommy Pickles

Star Trek - 6%
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Tak (Juju): 2%
So, first up, Tak's IP rights are a mess - that's going against him yes, but it's not what shoots him down to a measly 2% as much as the content of his games and show themselves... Tak is a racist IP, that is not to attribute malice to Tak or its creators, (in fact more likely than not they were trying to do good and represent a culture well) but rather just a lack of understanding. Although not attributed as any specific ethnicity to my knowledge, he oozes of indigenous stereotypes and tropes - from the nonsensical names, to the magical prophecies, to the feathers and face paint, to just the general primativism. (EDIT: Don't forget the big nose) He was even voiced by a white guy. Admittedly, this may not be too big an issue - Papu Papu's still showing up in Crash Bandicoot games, voiced by a white guy and all - however, even Papu had to be redesigned to be less cartoonishly exaggerated and didn't use magic in the first place, including Tak without stepping on toes would likely require a complete rework of the franchise and how its magic works if it even exists at all, and I really can't imagine Ludosity going the Brawl Pit route, especially if it'd remove or completely change the character's main ability.

Admittedly, Wild Thornberries also had some of this - but that wasn't... the main protagonists, or the entre premise, you know?

Want: 0%
My chance analysis also serves as my want. I understand why people would want Tak to complete the Nicktoons Unite team (I grew up on those crossover games too, despite my modern marsupial obsession making me look like the oldest person on this site), but this is a piece of nostalgia best left in the past.

Sitcom stage x 5

Streck prediction: 0%
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Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2018
Chance: 12%
Want: 5%

Tak and the Power of Juju is.... something I skipped! The only Tak media I've ever actual partook in was Attack of the Toybots, which I got 100% for having playable GIR. I'm not even sure if I ever played as Tak in it.
So I have very little context to how popular Tak is as a franchise, or how Nick feels about it. From what I hear, the tie in show apparently failed in both quality and ratings, and that put Nick off the IP as a whole for good? If this is true, that, plus not hearing much in the way of fan demand, is why I'm giving him a low chance rating. Also yeah, it does kinda come off as racist.
I have no attachment to this series, it completely passed me by. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing him, but I wouldn't be excited.

Chance: 4%
Want: 80%

TAK is a pretty minor character from Invader ZIM, but she is a very very memorable one. TAK is one of those characters where you see a ton of fanart for them, assume they must be a main or supporting character, then find out they were only in one episode. Her starring episode is one of the best IZ has to offer and wound up having lasting changes to the status quo well into the revival comic series. TAK is incredibly popular with us IZ fans.
But given all we have right now is ZIM by himself. I don't see her happening until we've at least gotten more non-Irkens. The main three IZ contenders as far as I'm concerned are Dib, Gaz and Dog Disguise GIR.
I personally think she'd be amazing to have. A true villain rep for a show where the protagonist is evil, and just because TAK is a cool character in general, but I can't put her in the 100% club with the ZIM Three, because I'd rather have them first.

Star Trek Prediction: 10%

Daggett 1x
Norbert 1x
Duo Beavers 1x
Heffer 1x


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Jujutsu Kaisen

Chance: 6%
So here's something interesting I found. I did some digging because of all the questions about who owns the Tak IP. Which makes sense! Tak was an ambitious transmedia initiative where the game and show were developed together. So who owns Tak? The publisher? The developer?

Turns out, if you read the copyright notice on the game, you'll see this:
Tak Copyright said:
(c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Tak and the Power of Juju and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. (c)
Viacom, Nick's owner, straight up owns Tak. The notice continues with all the expected stuff about THQ having licensed the rights to publish the videogame, all legalese for "yup, Viacom owns this". So that's settled.

With that out of the way, let's explain what Tak is. Tak was basically a crazy idea Nick had, to leverage the power of the gaming audience in its peak (this was the PS2 era) to make a show that was at the same time a game. Tak starred, well, Tak, an apprentice shaman, who fought against another, evil shaman using the power of spirits called Jujus. Basically your average action-adventure-comedy from the minds at Nick, which also doubled as your average comedic action-adventure videogame narrative. Not a bad idea, but one that was undercut by the show being pretty poorly received and having abysmal ratings (it probably didn't help that the show and game weren't even that similar to each other, with even stuff like Tak's design changing).

While the show was canceled after one season, the game was received pretty well, and sold 1 million copies, so the franchise lived on in gaming. All told there were 5 games in the franchise, with most receiving fairly positive reviews. Tak was also playable in two of the Nicktoons Unite games, which is where I think most people know him from.

What helps Tak? His extensive gaming repertoire gives him plenty to work with moveset-wise. Also, he's straight up owned by Nick, so none of the pesky copyright shenanigans that plague the likes of Timmy. What works against him? I don't think most people even remember him. He came in 52nd in the recent poll, which isn't so bad in the grand scheme of things but is still under the pig from Back at the Barnyard. For a character who would need a grassroots campaign to make it in, that's pretty bad.

Want: 100%
I really liked the Nicktoons games so to have a sort of reunion would be cool.

The other Tak

Chance: 0%
Apparently this gal is just a one-off. Invader Zim is already struggling to get a second rep and there are viable candidates. Won't be this gal for sure.

Want: abstain
Alright according to Ze Diglett Ze Diglett this character actually has a super interesting history of being always on the cusp of becoming a major player in the story (she certainly has the backstory to do it) but never got there because of bad luck (her own, and the show's at large). Damn. Can't give her a 0%, that'd just be adding to the pile of misery that is her entire existence. And there is a level of mystique to a character that has this much untapped potential. But... still never saw Zim, so the best I can do is change this to an abstention.

Noms: Bloom
Prediction for Star Trek: 8.9%
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Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019

Chance: 10% -
Tak's a very weird one. I have seen SOME demand for him (though nothing to surmount the titans of speculation which does hurt him), especially from those who wanna complete the Unite/Toybots gang! Plus Nick wholly owns the IP, which defiitely helps despite it being more associated with THQ (which utilized him as a de facto mascot, even having him appear in cameos in their Nicktoons games). Problem is, that Nick stopped doing anything with the Tak IP once the show failed (I love comedy shows, but the break of similarity to the games really hurt it. Basically like a reverse Sonic Boom). Though this is lessened by the fact that several other "dead" IPs made it into the game so it isn't a huge issue for Tak (unlike a Smash-style climate). He's dwarfed by other higher demand characters and the DLC isn't going to go on forever, so unless there's a big noticeable push for Tak before the DLC ends he doesn't have a huge shot. He doesn't even have any meme power to make up for it. But we'll see! Tak DOES have a lot to bring to the table!

Want: 80% - While I have bigger priorities I would have no qualms with Tak joining the roster! While I never played any of his games (my most exposure to him comes from commercials and some episodes of the show), I think he'd be a super fun character who's got a lot to offer! A full-on mage character who can transform into animals and summon Jujus?! Sign me up! (especially if we get Party Juju from the show, who doesn't like a party skeleton in an island shirt?!). That's definitely a niche the roster doesn't have yet! Combine that with a genuinely cool stage and you have a very intriguing character pack! Plus, who doesn't want to see the Unite gang back together?!

Tak (Invader Zim)

Chance: 2% -
I'm really not seeing this one. it's not likely that Zim gets another rep to begin with, but even if it does, she's outclassed in every respect. Her general relevance to the show is limited, and while she was memorable she was mostly just a one-off rival for Zim. We don't even have the big Zim requests like Dib or his dad in yet, so why add Tak? Despite her popularity in the Zim fandom I just don't see any interest from the general audience or the devs to add her.

Want: 0% - If we HAVE to have another Zim rep at least give us Dib. I've already made my distaste for Zim clear, and I don't have any interest in seeing a character I know little about from a series I don't like. At least she would bring a stage with her, Zim got kinda robbed with Irken Armada being the designated Battlefield.

Robbie Rotten xAll

Star Trek Representation - 4.26% - Really not sure how to rate this one, given that it was a super recent acquisition and it doesn't have the appeal that allowed Garfield to enter the roster without a show.
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Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
Abstaining on want and chance for Tak Juju. I know virtually nothing about the character and the only exposure I have to the series is a pre-roll advert for one of the games on the SpongeBob Movie DVD or something. (It is interesting to know he's not even partially owned by THQ, though.)

Tak, in SPACE!
Chance: 1%

So I did some preliminary googling before writing this, and my GOD did Tak get screwed. Her only appearance to this day was in the Season 1 finale of Invader Zim, and she was planned be a recurring antagonist before the show got canned. Beyond that, she had one single cameo appearance in the Invader Zim comics, and she even missed out on the movie since the creator didn't want to hold himself to making a whole other movie about her. This poor girl really got screwed out of nearly ANY noteworthy appearances, which is to say she's probably not getting in. It's already questionable whether Zim's up to bat for a second rep in the first place, and if it is, it's gonna be one of the Membranes. Oddly popular as she may be, Tak isn't really requested for this game (which is probably hurt by the fact that the other Tak we're rating today already has a handful of people screaming his name, which would likely obfuscate any demand she did have) and wouldn't represent the series very well on account of being an unfortunate one-off. At best, she MAY have a shot of getting in as a Zim alt since they have identical builds, but the devs haven't done cross-character alts yet and they probably aren't adding any more alts anyway, so...

Want: 10%

She might be cool as a potential Zim alt, but beyond that I don't care. Get Dib, Gaz, or Professor Membrane in here first.

Star Trek Prediction: 3%
This is something I didn't even know was owned by Viacom and also has not aired on Nickelodeon as far as I'm aware. Not expecting a lot of confidence in this one.

Noms to Jorgen
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Deleted member

Star Trek Prediction: 3%
This is something I didn't even know was owned by Viacom and also has not aired on Nickelodeon as far as I'm aware. Not expecting a lot of confidence in this one.

Noms to Jorgen
There is a Star Trek show airing on Nick currently. Came out on Paramount Plus first but it does air on Nick
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Tak and the power of mahhh maagiic!

Chance: 10%

Tak used to have the spotlight at one point, being considered one of the Nicktoons all stars that appeared in the Nicktoons Unite game series. And thanks to GoodGrief we know that Nick owns Tak so there is no pesky legal trouble for him. But nowadays there isn't much merit to put Tak in. He doesn't make appearances in other Nicktoon crossovers anymore, his series flopped by the end of its run, and his demand is decent, but trounced by many other characters. Outside of the DLC cycle going for a really long time, or some of the devs pushing for him, it's hard for me to picture his inclusion in this timeline.

Want: 35%

I grew up with the Nicktoons Unite games and I played one of Tak's games on the PS2 a long time ago, so I do have some nostalgia for him. But he's not much of a priority for me because to be frank I barely remember what happened in his show. And there's other shows that I'm nostalgic for like Back at the Barnyard, Jimmy Neutron and Fairly Oddparents that I do remember and have fond memories of.


oh yeah, the other tak

Chance: 0.01%

A character from one episode who didn't get enough fame to break out into anything major. Yeah this is one of those choices that would seem really random, especially since there are main characters aside from Zim who aren't in the game.

Want: 0%

I watched a good amount of Invader Zim when I was younger, but I don't remember Tak. Regardless, even if she had cool moveset potential I wouldn't want a one off villain getting in before Gir, or any of the Membranes.

Noms go to something that I just thought of recently, though it's another cursed thing: Sanjay and Craig x10
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Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013

Chance - 5% - Tak was one of those ambitious multimedia franchises. And like so many of those, he burned bright and fast before collapsing on itself, no longer really having any lasting impact. Tak's better remembered as a Video Game franchise, as that's where he seems to have originated, but his show had such dismal ratings it was canceled after only one season. While he might making an interesting fighter due to, y'know, being from a videogame, it's hard to make an argument he would be a popular character unless they can really sell his move set.

Want - 50% - No strong feelings one way or the other. I don't care about him.

Tak (Zim)

Chance - 0% - Oof. While intended to be a more major character, the series being canceled lead to her just being a one-off. She has a fanbase, but not one that can rival, say, any other major Zim character. Given how pressed Zim is in the first place, I don't see any world where she gets in.

Want - 45% - I have no great love for Zim. I don't mind a character from it, but I'd rather it be someone else.


Star Trek character - 2.67% - Low scores all around.


Patchy The Pirate X5


Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2014
Tak (game)

Chances - 15%
Tak and the Power of Juju is notable as the only Nickelodeon property to originate as a video game rather than a TV show or movie. Because of this he stands out in a unique way, but for the same reason he obviously never really took of the same way. Tak did have a short-lived TV Show back in 2007, but it was nowhere near as popular as the video games that came before it. Anyway, I don’t think Tak is likely to make the cut. He’s a deeply obscure character from a long forgotten franchise, and there are several way bigger IPs that have no representation yet, like the Fairly OddParents or Rocket Power. Not only that, but Nick is barely doing anything with him anymore and it doesn’t even seem like they remember he exists. Tak would be an interesting addition to the game but barring any surprises he’s not making it in.

Will we get any characters who debuted in video games? It’s very unlikely. But if we did have one, I think it’d be Tak. Unfortunately for him that’s a very big hurdle to clear

Want - 30%

Tak is a very interesting character, given his history. However, I have nether played any of his games nor watched his show, so I don’t care for him one way or the other. The thing is Tak is voiced by Hal Sparks. Some may know him from Showtime’s Queer as Folk, but nowadays we know him from Lab Rats on Disney XD. I’m a big Lab Rats fan and am excited to bring the show up when a Disney version of this thread comes up.

Tak (Invader Zim)

Chances: 0.1%

Yeah, this isn’t happening. Tak is a very minor character who appeared in a single episode of Invader Zim and was never seen again. Meanwhile, the roster consists entirely of characters who are amongst the show’s main cast, or are prominent recurring characters (Reptar and Powdered Toast Man). Tak does not fill either of these quotas and is too minor to make it in. One thing that is going for her is that she’s one of the most popular one-offs in the entire franchise. That’s not saying much though. By that logic, Imaginary Gary, one of the most popular minor characters in the Fairly OddParents despite only appeared once, coming back for a continuity not, and never being seen again, should roughly be at the same footing.

If we’re getting any more ZIM rep’s it’s gong to be more recognizable characters like Dib, Gaz, or GIR. Even Ms. Bitters would probably be in before Tak would. And to be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if Zim’s the only representative his series is getting. His show was a fairly minor hit on the network that just happens to arguably be the biggest cult classic the network has ever aired. So yeah, Tak’s almost certainly not making it.

Want: 0.1%

I’ve never even heard of her until today. Yeah I don’t want Tak in the game.

Predictions: Star Trek - 3%. A franchise that has nothing to do with Nick other than a recent cartoon airing on the show. Paramount owns the rights to the whole franchise, but this is a Nick game, not a Paramount one.

All nominations on the KCAs.


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2013
In that corner over there
Switch FC
Chance: 6.50%
Want: 16.42%
Winner of predictiond is DrifloonEmpire DrifloonEmpire , who predicted 4.28%. You get 5 extra noms!
Concept: Olmec's Temple stage
Chance: 20%
Want: 77.14%
Winner of predictions is Sid-cada Sid-cada , who predicted 13.34. You get 5 extra noms!
Abstain from Tak and Tak.
Star Trek prediction: 4%
Noms: Sitcom Stage x10
Rate concept: Star Trek representation, predict Jack Fenton.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2018
I don't know anything about Star Trek so I'm skipping this one

All noms evenly distributed to Dag, Norb and both. Give whatevers left over to Heffer

Jack Fenton: 5%
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Insert clever Star Trek meme here

Chance: 30%

Well this is something that I never thought I would rate here, but here we are. Anyway, I don't think Star Trek needs an elaborate explanation. It has been around since 1966 with the original TV series. Since then, it has spawned a humongous multimedia franchise, including a new show on Nickelodeon. And to top it off, Paramount fully owns the IP. In general, Star Trek has nearly everything you would want in a candidate:
  • Fully owned by parent company so no pesky corporate negotiations.
  • Iconic
  • Multi-generational appeal
  • Plenty of memorable characters to choose from
  • Plenty of moveset potential
  • Tons of neat stage ideas
  • Memes
  • Relevant show with a second season in production
With all that in mind, this should be a slam dunk for Star Trek...right? Well, there is something that gives me pause....the lack of Star Trek's relationship with Nickelodeon. The new show that is airing on Nick alongside Paramount Plus just came out last year. Other than that I don't think Star Trek has had anything else made for Nick. That is quite evident when you look at the general speculation scene for NASB. I've seen a few people request Star Trek characters, but not nearly as much as you would expect. That leads me to believe in the following:
1. There is very little overlap between the Nickelodeon audience and Star Trek fans and/or
2. Few people are aware of the fact that Star Trek is eligible for this game.

Either way, that actually creates a hurdle for Star Trek. Despite it being well known, the devs might not see it as a priority since it's mostly Nicktoons original characters that take up the spotlight. This is troublesome, especially since as we've seen in the first wave of DLC characters, fan demand is a big factor. So whether or not we will actually get a Star Trek character is up in the air.

Want: 100%

This may come as a shock coming from a science fiction fan, but I actually never got into Star Trek for whatever reason. I've seen a couple movies and some episodes of the original show, but the series never managed to pull me in. So why the 100? Well simply put, it's god dam Star Trek. Imagine the headlines:

"Star Trek comes to Nickelodeon All Stars"

That would blow my mind. Never mind the fact that Star Trek has little connection to Nick, the mere inclusion of it would be huge for this game. I don't even care if its a character from the new show that I never heard of (Although I would prefer for it to be Spock or one of the famous characters), give me a stage that takes place on the Enterprise and you have me sold. If the devs want to give attention to this game, this is how you do it.

Noms: Sanjay and Craig x10


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Other than that I don't think Star Trek has had anything else made for Nick.
No, but Star Trek: The Animated Series was reran on the channel.

And I think it'd suffer from the Alex Mack problem despite being animated, because characters from the original series were modeled after their live-action selves for the cartoon. And if Larisa Olenik isn't affordable, no way Leonard Nimoy is.

Deleted member

To boldy go where no Nicktoon has gone before

Star Trek
Chance - 5%
Star Trek is a big ip for Viacom / Paramount right now. There are three current live action shows (the mainline show Discovery, the TNG nostalgia bait Picard, and the Disovery prequel/spin off Strange New Worlds), with more in the works, a new movie in development, and two animated shows, the adult cartoon Lower Decks and the Nickelodeon show Prodigy. While some may talk about a character from the classic animated series, which did actually air on Nickelodeon, such as Kirk or Spock. The fact that Trek currently has a show on Nick means that they'd be more likely to pull from there if anything. The show is actually getting a tie in video game. In terms of a potential character. Prodigy has a few options. The main character Dal R'El, combat girl Gwyn, the huge but shy Rok-Tak, the shape shifting Murf, the robotic Zero. There are definitely some potentialy interesting playstyles in there. With the exception of hollogram Janeway and eventual hologram apperances by other past characters, Prodigy actualy features a mostly new cast of aliens and characters, so they're technically Nickelodeon orignals. The big problem is that it's a very recent show, with its first season still airing. It's attachment to a famous IP legacy will proablly help it a bit, but we'll need to see how it fairs. It's inclusion also depends on how involved Nick and Viacom are with the roster. We do know they apparently told them to add Garfield. Star Trek is proablly the most likely "second party" Viacom IP. But i assume the DLC will focus on more core Nickelodeon IP's or long term fan requests.

Want - 50%
I'm a huge Trek fan. I've enjoyed it in most froms, DS9 and TNG being my favourites. I haven't really watched a lot of Prodigy yet but I've enjoyed what I have. It seems like a fun show with some fun characters and neat throwbacks. Of course I'd be down for some weird aliens to join the roster. Inavder Zim meets Star Trek sounds pretty fun! Would I prefer they focus on more core Nickelodeon IP's? Yeah. Absolutely. But if we had to add a "guest" ip this one would be my pick. A character from Prodigy feels different than adding Cartman or Beavis and Butt-Head. Though admittedly I'd kind of be down to see a character from TAS just because it would be funny.

Noms to Movie Sonic
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Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
Star Trek Representation

Chance: 10% -
Definitely a huge and iconic franchise acquired recently by Nick, and if Garfield is any indication they could push for a Star Trek character as well. The IP is still going strong with multi-generational appeal and now even has a Nick show in the form of Prodigy (complete with a Nick-original cast, circumventing the Live Action Character issues). So why the low score? The franchise has so much going for it! A lot of it comes down to a lack of fan demand. We still have several core Nicktoons left unrepresented, so prioritizing a non-Nicktoon Parmamount property feels weird to some (and unlike Garfield himself, there isn't much of an attachment to Prodigy's cast. Alongside that, there are many who don't even know that Star Trek is eligible for the roster, which would also wane demand. And as Danganzilla said, there also likely isn't much overlap between Trekkies and the NASB fanbase, so there isn't enough of a demographic base to work from. When so many big Nicktoons have to compete for a small amount of DLC slots I don't see Star Trek taking the spot, even with the prestige it would come with.

Want: 10% - Someone like Spock or Picard joining the roster sounds absolutely hilarious, even with someone with little experience with Star Trek such as myself. Plus the Voyager would make for a very cool stage! Still, given the current circumstances, along with the difficulties of getting these iconic characters' actors, it wouldn't be a face of Star Trek getting in. it would undoubtedly be a Prodigy character. While it certainly would be understandable, I have no attachment to the Prodigy cast, and at this point they're extremely new. it'd feel weird to get one of them instead of one of Star Trek's most famous characters, and it would certainly lessen the prestige factor Star Trek getting in would give the game. Plus a lot of that multi-generational appeal would be lost.

Robbie Rotten x10

Jack Fenton - 7.39% - Has some stiff competition for his slot, along with a lack of fan demand, so I'm not expecting confident scores.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
this is not going to end well

chances: 5% going by what everyone else says it's more than likely not going to happen. it's connections with nick itself sound kinda of flimsy. on top of that no real interest from the fans? it's not looking good in anyway.

want: can we give negative score? no? 0% it is then. star trek is one of the most boring things I have ever seen. there are not enough ways to describe how much i can stand this boring waste of pop culture. to put it simply everything I've seen it do I think "i've seen other sci-fis do this way better". i mean it managed to make something featuring sir patrick stuart boring, that shouldn't be possible. that man can make shakespear interesting. but no this show is terrible with the closest thing it has to a redeeming feature is that one character i saw who if he was meant to be autistic it would have been a fairly decent portrayal. but i doubt the maker of this snore fest did it intentionally. and for my own preference I'd rather it was kept out of the game and long way away from me.

please spare me the backlash


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Never give up, never surrender!

...actually, you probably should.
Chance: 10%
Even ignoring any lack of fan demand, ST is generally stuck between a rock and a hard place:
  • The franchise is primarily focused on live-action content, and with the stardom various members of various ST casts have, the issues live-action content has will be increased tenfold. And using the animated series as reference material for modeling an ST character instead won't help, as characters in it were directly modeled on their live-action selves. (I wouldn't be surprised if they were rotoscoped, Flimation had a tendency to do that)
  • But now there is a Nicktoon based on the franchise, Star Trek: Prodigy...which, instead of suffering from the issues live-action characters would, suffers from the reasons why I doubt we'd get modern Nick reps: Nick isn't interested enough in promoting new Nicktoons for them to force a fighter from one, the devs and people talking about the game have clear nostalgia biases, the DLC needs to sell to adults who'd mostly have said nostalgia biases, and this game is a bit too niche to really help out new shows anyway.
Want: 50%.
...you know, I always had a bit of a soft spot for the idea of putting James Bond in Smash because Goldeneye, because my dad loves the Bond movies. Obviously, that isn't happening, but the original Star Trek series and its movies are also something he loves, so yeah I'll take it for him.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Highly illogical

Chance: 40%
Star Trek is a huge deal. One of the biggest and most influential sci-fi franchises, from humble beginnings to multimedia IP owned by Paramount. Star Trek's connection to Nick is mainly because of Prodigy, a Star Trek cartoon that was branded as a Nicktoon (it matters little that it released on Paramount+ before Nick, TV's dying and that's just the way it's going to be – you don't see anyone arguing that Glitch Techs isn't a Nicktoon). There have also been reruns from the original animated series apparently.

Now, a lot has been made out of many, inarguable points against Trek. Nobody's asking for it. People don't even know if it qualifies. The devs aren't nostalgic for it. That's all true. Yet I am here to argue for a force stronger than those: corporate synergy. People don't know Paramount owns Star Trek? That's terrible! They need brand association to sell Paramount+ to Trekkies. So what does your friendly neighbor media conglomerate do? Why, shove it into your SEO-friendly and highly branded videogame. That's what Garfield was, let's not kid ourselves: it's not like fans were clamoring for a character who, mind you, still doesn't have his own Nicktoon.

Yes, I am very confident the powers that be will simply insist the devs shove a Trek rep into this game. Paramount has just a ton invested in the brand (it's pretty much their only franchise that's kinda working) with 5(!) shows and plans to bring Trek back to the movies. It can't all be fan favorites, memes and nostalgia bait, there's always gotta be something for the one who's paying the bills, and Trek is probably it (if not Trek, it's Transformers).

As for who, that's the more interesting question. It could be one of the Prodigy OCs. They certainly look like they could have very interesting movesets. But idk how popular Prodigy is and thus these characters. Another alternative would be to cheat and have Prodigy represented by Janeway. You have a rep for the Nick show, but also your big boy live-action character. The thing is it would get into the trap of licensing her likeness. Then there's the boys, Kirk and Spock. The two faces of Star Trek, its most iconic protagonists. They have nothing to do with Nick and Prodigy (at least that I know of), but on the other hand, they probably don't require licensing? Both have been portrayed by 3 different live-action actors (for the original show, the movies, and Strange New Worlds) and have made countless appearances in comic books, videogames, and other visual media to the point where I doubt Shatner and Nimoy would be cashing a check every time. The characters can look like themselves without looking specifically like any actor at this point.

Want: 100%
I'm a fan of Star Trek, kinda casual though I haven't seen much, but I like it. And yeah, it'd be a big deal to have a Starfleet officer running around with their phaser (set to stun, of course) after Patrick Star and Aang.

Noms: Bloom
Jack Fenton prediction: we really going all in on dads huh? 3%

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
Abstain. Don't know anything about Star Trek, and I don't care if it gets in bar my general distaste for live-action content.

Jack Fenton Prediction: 12.3%
This thread has a history of massively overrating Danny Phantom characters, so I'm gonna highball this one.

Noms to Jorgen


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013
Star Trek character

Chance - 5% - The main problem is that their more famous characters are live-action, and thus likeness fees are needed for them. The fees needed would be above what this shoe-string budget game has.

Fortunately, Nick is currently airing an animated series with a totally original main cast. Responses thus far seem to be that it's not mind-blowingly amazing, but it's at least fairly good and does a fine job representing the spirit of the original series. The full first season has yet to air, but a second is already in production. So where does that leave their characters? While some might complain that it's a waste to use the Star Trek IP and not use Spock or Kirk, I don't think it would be too loud and many would understand.

That said, there is a major "who cares?" air about any Star Trek. Overall, most of NASB's fans aren't the same demographics for either the original or Nick's new show. The Turtles still regularly get pulled around, but it's clear the devs are 100% biased for their 80's version, fighting for them. Meanwhile, another show in similar circumstance, Garfield, was put in mostly due to dev bias again; Thaddeus Crews is a huge Garfield fan, and thus leap at chance to work on the character.

The characters we know as planed DLC are clear fan favorites, and the overall lookout is against them. I'd say it's possible just to say it is, but I think the devs will pick who they want.

Want - 45% - No strong feelings. I just really would prefer other characters.

No predictions due to my extra noms.


All go to Patchy the Pirate.

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
There's two in the top 25 on the recent poll. and half of the characters above them are just Jimmy Neutron/FOP meme picks. I'd say their scores are accurate.
Half?? No, that's not right. The only JN/FOP characters to place above Vlad on that poll were Jimmy, Timmy, the Crimson Chin, and Jorgen, and those four plus Carl, Sheen, and Mr. Crocker placed above Ember. Jimmy and Timmy are decidedly not meme picks by any stretch, so even if you wanna be generous and write off Carl, Sheen, Crocker, Jorgen, AND Chin all as "meme picks" (a hasty conclusion in itself, I'd say), that's still only five (three for Vlad specifically). Not even close to half. I get you're trying to defend Vlad and Ember here, but you don't gotta be dismissive of genuinely popular characters like that.

Regardless, fanpoll placings are hardly the end-all-be-all anyway. My stance is that already-represented series aren't going to get a lot of attention via DLC; I believed this before any of the DLC was shown off, and the announcement of Hugh, Jenny, and Rocko last month only served to cement that position. The only currently represented series I'd expect to get any characters as DLC are Jimmy Neutron (if we count that, since it technically isn't in the game yet), SpongeBob, and probably Avatar. All of them are super popular and have at least one candidate who would make obvious sense to add at this stage. Otherwise, this DLC seems to be mostly focused on bringing in new series, which makes a lot of sense since adding an entire series is almost guaranteed to turn more heads than adding another Loud House character or whoever. It's not that I think Vlad and Ember aren't popular or whatever, it's that I see them as more viable for a sequel when the devs will be in a better position to add onto existing series. This is why I was baffled to see Skulker sitting in the top 10 chance rating for a while, or to see people rating Vlad as high as a 96% probability on his day. Really, the fact that no Danny Phantom character made the top 10 on that poll (hell, only Vlad broke top 20) tells me that even the most popular DP characters still have a hefty line ahead of them. I'm not even saying that to throw shade, that's just what the numbers tell me.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Half?? No, that's not right. The only JN/FOP characters to place above Vlad on that poll were Jimmy, Timmy, the Crimson Chin, and Jorgen, and those four plus Carl, Sheen, and Mr. Crocker placed above Ember. Jimmy and Timmy are decidedly not meme picks by any stretch, so even if you wanna be generous and write off Carl, Sheen, Crocker, Jorgen, AND Chin all as "meme picks" (a hasty conclusion in itself, I'd say), that's still only five (three for Vlad specifically). Not even close to half. I get you're trying to defend Vlad and Ember here, but you don't gotta be dismissive of genuinely popular characters like that.

Regardless, fanpoll placings are hardly the end-all-be-all anyway. My stance is that already-represented series aren't going to get a lot of attention via DLC; I believed this before any of the DLC was shown off, and the announcement of Hugh, Jenny, and Rocko last month only served to cement that position. The only currently represented series I'd expect to get any characters as DLC are Jimmy Neutron (if we count that, since it only got representation as DLC to begin with), SpongeBob, and probably Avatar. All of them are super popular and have at least one candidate who would make obvious sense to add at this stage. Otherwise, this DLC seems to be mostly focused on bringing in new series, which makes a lot of sense since adding an entire series is almost guaranteed to turn more heads than adding another Loud House character or whoever. It's not that I think Vlad and Ember aren't popular or whatever, it's that I see them as more viable for a sequel when the devs will be in a better position to add onto existing series. This is why I was baffled to see Skulker sitting in the top 10 chance rating for a while, or to see people rating Vlad as high as a 96% probability on his day. Really, the fact that no Danny Phantom character made the top 10 on that poll (hell, only Vlad broke top 20) tells me that even the most popular DP characters still have a hefty line ahead of them. I'm not even saying that to throw shade, that's just what the numbers tell me.
Not that I disagree about the likelihood of DP reps, but making assumptions based on the three DLC characters we know of yet seems a bit like jumping to conclusions. I'm getting "new worlds" flashbacks.


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
Half?? No, that's not right. The only JN/FOP characters to place above Vlad on that poll were Jimmy, Timmy, the Crimson Chin, and Jorgen, and those four plus Carl, Sheen, and Mr. Crocker placed above Ember. Jimmy and Timmy are decidedly not meme picks by any stretch, so even if you wanna be generous and write off Carl, Sheen, Crocker, Jorgen, AND Chin all as "meme picks" (a hasty conclusion in itself, I'd say), that's still only five (three for Vlad specifically). Not even close to half. I get you're trying to defend Vlad and Ember here, but you don't gotta be dismissive of genuinely popular characters like that.

Regardless, fanpoll placings are hardly the end-all-be-all anyway. My stance is that already-represented series aren't going to get a lot of attention via DLC; I believed this before any of the DLC was shown off, and the announcement of Hugh, Jenny, and Rocko last month only served to cement that position. The only currently represented series I'd expect to get any characters as DLC are Jimmy Neutron (if we count that, since it technically isn't in the game yet), SpongeBob, and probably Avatar. All of them are super popular and have at least one candidate who would make obvious sense to add at this stage. Otherwise, this DLC seems to be mostly focused on bringing in new series, which makes a lot of sense since adding an entire series is almost guaranteed to turn more heads than adding another Loud House character or whoever. It's not that I think Vlad and Ember aren't popular or whatever, it's that I see them as more viable for a sequel when the devs will be in a better position to add onto existing series. This is why I was baffled to see Skulker sitting in the top 10 chance rating for a while, or to see people rating Vlad as high as a 96% probability on his day. Really, the fact that no Danny Phantom character made the top 10 on that poll (hell, only Vlad broke top 20) tells me that even the most popular DP characters still have a hefty line ahead of them. I'm not even saying that to throw shade, that's just what the numbers tell me.
I do get where you're coming from! I didn't mean to imply that Jimmy or Timmy were meme picks (I gave them both genuine 100% want scores and both are the most glaring omissions from the roster), and I do think they will cast a wide net for the DLC rather than making it deeper. But I really don't see us getting characters like Carl/Sheen/Crimson Chin/Crocker over someone like Vlad.


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2013
In that corner over there
Switch FC
Tak (Power of Juju)
Chance: 8.50%
Want: 38.25%
Winner of predictions is Ze Diglett Ze Diglett , who predicted 8%. You get 10 extra noms!
Tak (Invader Zim)
Chance: 0.89%
Want: 20.01%
Winner of predictions is GoodGrief741 GoodGrief741 , who predicted 1%. You get 10 extra noms!
Dad prediction: 2%
Noms: Arnold x5
Rate Jack Fenton from Danny Phantom, predict Movie Sonic.

Deleted member

Chance- 5%
If Danny Phantom does get a second rep, it's gonna be a villian. Aside from maybe Sam, all of the most popular DP characters are the baddies. They're also the ones I hear most mentioned for this game. Vlad, Ember, Skulker, Technus. They all seem like the most interesting options. They also already did the funny cartoon dad pick once. I can't see them doing it a second time, and Jack doesn't have quite the same following as Hugh.

Want - 10%
I would prefer a villian for a second DP rep. But i can't deny a ghost busting moveset would be pretty darn fun.

Noms to Tommy Pickles

Sonic Prediction - 0.1%


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2018
Jack Fenton

Chance: 3%
Want: abstain

We're really going all in on the dads here, huh?
Look I'm basically out of stuff to say about Danny Phantom. If we're getting another character it's either going to be Sam or Vlad.
Jack Fenton is a funny character, but we already have two meme dads in this game, and Jack doesn't really even have any memes associated with him.
Honestly, if we were going to get one of the Fenton parents, I'd rather have Maddie, so we could get a mom on the roster instead, and she could basically do anything Jack could do anyway. Like she's probably the most plausible mom pick there is.

Dag, Norb, and Dag and Norb each get a nom.

Movie Sonic: 1%


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
Jack Fenton

Chance: 5% -
Jack is one of many great Dad characters the devs could select, and he's a VERY funny character in the show itself! Sadly, he's overshadowed on two fronts. First, if they're gonna add dads, you've got characters like Timmy's Dad to compete with (even if I don't think he's getting in over Timmy), and Jack doesn't really have much meme power (Danny Phantom was such a funny show yet there aren't really any memes associated with it, which is strange. The only ones are very small inter-community jokes like Danno.) He also faces tough competition in his own series, from his ex-Best Friend Vlad (the most requested Danny Phantom rep, who also has an announcer call in the game's files, meaning the devs saw him as a character to potentially prepare for) to the members of Danny's rogue's gallery like Skulker (who also has an announcer call), Technus, and Ember McLain (placed in the top 25 on the recent fan poll). And then there's also other humans like Tucker, Sam, his wife Maddie, Valerie, etc, but I see them in the same boat. There's a chance he happens but with such a crowded franchise and circumstances I don't see him breaking those barriers. Still, if it's one thing he has, it's the fact that his series' protagonist is already in, and even if that hasn't stopped certain characters it's still a plus!

Want: 70% - When it comes to Danny Phantom reps I believe that Vlad or a member of the rogues gallery should be the second rep. However, Jack was such a funny character, and got serious when the time called for it, so he was one of my favorite characters on the show! He'd make for a great gadget tank character, like something of a King Dedede with a whole arsenal of weapons, which I think would be a super cool concept for a NASB character. Give him plenty of i-frames to avoid the DK/Reptar problem and I think we have a very worthwhile character on our hands! And he's such a large ham in the show that his voice acting would be incredible. Jack honestly has a lot more than people give him credit for, and while I agree that they should prioritize Vlad and the ghosts, I would have no complaints if Jack got in!

Robbie Rotten x10

Movie Sonic - 1.84% - Mainly because SEGA has to get involved, and SEGA and ****ing up are like peanut butter and jelly! But I do expect some decent scores given that Nick was able to use him and Tails in stuff like their NFL broadcastings. Paramount DOES seem to own the movie designs, and other Sonic media like Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog IS on Paramount+!
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