Registration link: https://smash.gg/westsidesaga
As a thank you and appreciation of all of our neighbor region, our next saga is 2GGC: West Side Saga!
The goal of this saga is to showcase as many West Coast talent as possible. Also, we will be running competitions and goals towards helping multiple regions!
The first 200 non SoCal region player sign-ups get $10 off!
The first 100 SoCal players to sign up at [MSM](https://smash.gg/msm) or get an Esports Arena membership will get $5 off!
Note: Reimbursement will be done at the event itself. You will pay the full price online.
** Support our neighbor **
$1,000 will be distributed to the top 3 regions out side of SoCal with the highest entrants. The distribution is as follow:
* Highest entrants outside of SoCal: $600
* Second highest entrants outside of SoCal: $300
* Third highest entrants outside of SoCal: $100
The winning region can use the money in any way they want. Use it as a pot bonus, fly a player out, or even a pizza party!
Super Smash Bros. Wii U Singles
Super Smash Bros. Wii U Doubles
Competitor pass:
Main Registration ends 9/4 - $15
Emergency Registration ends 9/6 - $20
Spectator Pass: $5
A competitor or spectator pass is required to attend this Saga.
**Note:** Spectator pass can be purchase in person!
**Live Broadcast**
The event will be stream on:
[ESA Smash](https://www.twitch.tv/esasmash)
8 AM - Doors Open
10 AM - Smash 4 Doubles
12 PM - Wave 1 Singles
2 PM - Wave 2 Singles
4 PM - Top 48
7 PM - Top 8
** Volunteer, Commentary, Media, and Vendors **
[Vendors & Artist](https://goo.gl/forms/hAnT5fqevT07Zlp42)
Rule Set
** Refund Policy **
Refund must be requested one week prior to the last day of registration.