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2B Automatizes!


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.

Welcome to the 2B support thread.

2B is the heroine of NieR: Automata. She is a combat android of the YoRHa infantry. Calm, collected, and resolute, she lets nothing stand in her way. Her primary weapons are a one-handed sword, a two-handed sword, spears, and combat bracers. She can also fire from a distance using her assistant Pod, as well as use her Pod to glide. Her most unique feature is the blindfold-esque visor she wears.

NieR: Automata takes place on a post-apocalyptic Earth, where alien machines wreak havoc. Forced to take refuge on the Moon, humanity sends the YoRHa combat androids to battle the mysterious invaders. 2B's story begins when her assault team is wiped out, leaving her to fend for herself.

Personally, I'm hoping NieR: Automata gets ported to the Switch. PlatinumGames said that if Square Enix provides the funds, they'll do it. If that happens, I'm supporting the hell out of 2B, as I think she would be very unique, in terms of moveset. Since we already have one Square Enix character (Cloud), and one Platinum character (Bayonetta), it may very well happen.

For what it counts, Sakurai has shown interest in NieR: Automata. Yoko Taro, director of NieR: Automata, also wants to see the game on the Switch. Lastly, 2B's appearance in Soul Calibur VI has shown that Square Enix is willing to give her cameo appearances.

Source Gaming | “Thinking Outside the Box” — Sakurai’s Famitsu Column Vol. 526
Nintendo Life | NieR: Automata Director Yoko Taro Really Wants To See The Game On Nintendo Switch

And before someone shouts, "inb4lock!!" 2B has appeared in Phantasy Star Online 2 (released for multiple platforms, including the Switch) as an alternate costume. So strictly speaking, she does meet the unwritten rule of "Thou Shalt have Originated from a Video Game and appeared on Nintendo".

View attachment 256184

In the past I said she didn't have a chance, but here's how 2B could still win.

As of late Square Enix has been crossing over with different franchises wherever possible. Noctis in Tekken, Behemoth in Monster Hunter World, Assassin's Creed in Final Fantasy XV, and :ulthero: in Smash Bros. (previously thought to be impossible) to name a few. Square Enix also has a solid precedent of working with Nintendo, with Nintendo publishing Dragon Quest I, VI, VII, VIII, and IX within Western countries (IX is notable as it was a third-party DS game published by Nintendo, something only done for Dragon Quest and Level-5 games in the DS era) and Square Enix creating a division of their company to specifically focus on making Nintendo Switch games. They've also worked closely together on Smash DLC, having now included characters from their two largest franchises in :ultcloud: and :ulthero:. Given the large success of these characters, it'd make sense for them to want to include another character of theirs'. Coincidentally, 2B has been included in a lot of other games as of late. Since Nier: Automata's release in 2017, she's appeared in all of the following crossovers in one way or another:
Now, my eagle eyed readers are looking at me right now saying, "but tehponycorn! Most of those crossovers are with other Square Enix games!" To which I say this is still significant. There's a clear push within Square Enix to both increase and cash in on the popularity of Nier: Automata in a neverending cycle of promotion and profit. So, if there comes another chance to include a Square Enix character in Smash (which I would say is more likely than you'd think, fan patterns be damned), 2B would likely be a frontrunner.

It's also important to note the non-Square Enix crossovers are with prominent companies such as Namco, Sega, and Cygames. Namco is working on Smash Bros. with Nintendo, and has already negotiated with Square Enix to use 2B in one of their games. Square Enix is apparently difficult to negotiate with (though I find that hard to believe myself), so, if ease of negotiation is a factor for another Square Enix character, 2B could actually be more likely than you'd think. It also speaks to Square Enix's push for 2B that they would choose her over other prominent franchises of theirs, such as Final Fantasy among others.

"but tehponycorn!" you say, "2B hasn't ever been on a Nintendo console!!!" To which I say you're correct. However, association to Nintendo isn't as strong an argument as it was in the past with the inclusion of :ultcloud: and :ultjoker:, both of whom are more associated with Playstation than Nintendo. Furthermore, it's known that negotiations for DLC characters took place far before the release of base, with Grant Kirkhope getting sought out by Nintendo to compose music for Banjo in January 2019. Music is typically one of the last things developed for a character, so negotiations for Banjo were already long finished at that point.

While I make a point to not cite insiders, there are multiple reputable sources in this community who say that negotiations for Banjo occurred and finished as early as March 2018, when Ultimate was first teased. Judging by this timeline, Joker would've been negotiated for far before Persona Q2–Joker's first appearance on a Nintendo console–was released. While Q2 was announced in 2017, the lack of Q2 content (rip Road Less Taken) shows that Q2 was less of a consideration in Joker's inclusion than expected. The fact that Royal, Persona 4, and Persona 3 content (Joker's grappling hook attack, music) were included over Q2 content further shows Q2's lesser influence. Joker's inclusion is on the flimsy ground of Persona being a spin-off of Shin Megami Tensei (a fact which is only stated in a single press release), and Cloud was included on the technicality of being in Theatrym: Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts (specifically Re: coded). While 2B has yet appeared on a Nintendo console herself, it's notable that the Nier: Automata costumes in Phantasy Star Online 2 are available on the Switch version, and Nier music has shown up on the 3DS in the afortmentioned Final Fantasy Theatrym: Curtain Call. I'd say this gives her the level of technicality that both Cloud and Joker had at the time of their respective inclusions.

Another thing that could facilitate 2B's inclusion is the relationship between Sakurai and Nier series director Yoko Taro. It's a given that Sakurai's relationships with Testsuya Normura and Yuji Horii were beneficial, if not essential, to the inclusion of Cloud and Hero respectively. Similarly, Sakurai and Taro have a good relationship between them. Most recently the two appeared together on a New Year's livestream, where they met for the first time. Before that, they have a history of correspondence dating back to 2011, with them generally encouraging each other. Sakurai has praised the Drakengard and Nier series in one of his Famitsu columns and referenced Yoko Taro as one of the big name game designers born in 1970 in his Sakurai x Normura interview., and Yoko Taro has contrasted himself to Sakurai in an interview on Nier: Automata. This shows that, at the very least the two are certainly on each other's radars.

Taro is also relatively easy to work with on crossovers, evidenced not only by the sheer number of Nier: Automata crossovers, but also his own statements. In an interview he said about crossovers:

Sakurai has been shown to go after franchises he likes for Smash, such as Persona and King of Fighters, so if he's a large fan of the Drakengard and Nier series, it's possible he would choose to include them in Smash if given the chance by Nintendo, or seek to include them himself. Given Taro's open stance towards crossover, it's not hard to assume that he'd be onboard instantly. Sakurai and Taro working togehter would facilitate negotiations for 2B between Nintendo and Square Enix, making the process relatively smooth for both companies.

  1. Please stop yelling you're hurting my ears, and
  2. It's not as big of a deal as you think
Smash Bros has already dealt with censorship of characters to pass age ratings, with both Camilla and Mythra's designs being censored in minor ways to pass age rating. Similarly, for 2B's inclusion minor edits could be made (i.e. lengthening the skirt, removing the chest window, black void under the skirt, not referencing the self-destruct feature) to pass age ratings. The thing about Mai is that it's impossible to reconcile her design without creating a completely new one. One look will tell you that it wasn't worth the effort for a small stage cameo.

Final Fantasy XIV, which as previously mentioned had a major Nier: Automata event, was able to keep it's Cero C (Ages 15 and up) Rating perfectly fine while including a major NPC designed like 2B and giving out 2B and 9S costumes. So, it stands to reason that Smash Ultimate could keep it's current rating while including 2B (they got Bayonetta in there for ****'s sake I don't think Sakurai is gonna let a little tiddies and ass stop him from including a character).

I'd say that 2B is in a similar position to Joker in base speculation. She's has a small fanbase who doubt her chances but has more of a chance than people expect given the massive popularity of her series and the position she's in. I absolutely would not be surprised if she were to be playable within the next year or two, and I hope I've made a convincing case to look out for 2B too.

The Stars have aligned in our favor.

At this point, I'm fully confident in 2B. Why? Expect a lengthy explanation/summary! Endure it! Endure it!

Let us start off with the obvious. We're getting more DLC fighters! (You already knew that though, didn't you?)
And, as a result, we can make the assumption that in this next batch of DLC Fighters, Square Enix will toss in yet another rep.

In the current moment of time, the characters people consider most seem to be Sora, Geno, and I believe 2B. Now with these two in the way, why would 2B get in? Fairly simple. This is going off of how things have been done thus far for such things.

Sora is fairly likely to get in, I'd say, though I believe 2B is more probable. The top four Square Enix franchises thus far in terms of sales in order are: Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts, and the DrakeNier franchise. Of course, going off of this pattern, it'd be natural to assume that Kingdom Hearts is the next in line to get the rep, right? Well, I'm not entirely sure about that to tell the truth. Potential Disney drama aside (because it's been repeated to death at this point, and personally I now feel as if Disney won't hurt nor boost Sora's chances. At least not significantly.), there are some things 2B does happen to have going for her that Sora does not, which I will go into further below.

As for Geno, I believe the odds are against Geno's favor, more so than Sora. Admittedly, outside of the Smash community, he's rather niche on a global scale (I'm sorry for anyone he's a big fan of him, I intend no offense,) and not only that, Fighters Pass DLC thus far seems to have been consistent in one "rule" if you will as stated by Reggie: All new DLC reps are those of franchises that have yet to be in Smash in any shape or form. This is likely to be the case with the next wave, as stated by Sakurai (choose to interpret it literally or not if you will, I choose to do so; Reggie stated something similar before and it ended up being literal)...

The implication here is that the next wave will continue to "add game worlds to the series", or continue to add characters who're not from franchises in smash in any shape or form thus far, as it has with the first Fighters Pass. This doesn't prevent him from being a Mii Costume, however, but I feel as though that'd really be the best case scenario for Geno.

Now, as for the things that point towards 2B? There's many things in her favor.

❖ Sometime in May this year, Yoko Taro stated that 2B's voice actress would soon reprise her role again. This isn't just to suggest that it is for smash, however, but exciting nonetheless isn't it? There's a very good chance that it is for Yoko Taro's next game, which is supposed to be unveiled to the public "next chance he gets", likely Tokyo Game Show 2019. This indicates that Square Enix indeed sees NieR as a valuable franchise to promote to ensure its growth.

Yoko Taro stated he would gladly lend 2B out to put her into as many games as possible, Smash included. Square/Yoko Taro have put 2B/Nier in multiple games already. Some more popular ones are SoulCalibur 6, Gravity Rush/Daze, Monster Hunter Frontier Z, Phantasy Star Online 2, Lords of Vermillion, FFXIV, and countless others (sadly, many are also Japan exclusive). This indicates that she'd be one of the characters Square Enix is far more eager to lend out, especially if Yoko Taro or Yosuke Saito have a say in it.

Sakurai favors NieR: Automata, and has played every game in the franchise. Sakurai has stated before that he loved NieR: Automata, and enjoyed Yoko Taro's works. He's also written a famitsu column on the game as well (link here). Interesting thing to note, many of the more 'recent' games Sakurai has written famitsu columns on thus far have been put into smash one way or another. Sakurai wrote 2 columns on Persona 5 (Joker), even wrote one on indies talking about how he's enjoyed Undertale (Sans Mii Costume), etc. I suppose you could say there's a bit of Sakurai bias on this, as most DLC characters thus far are those of franchises or games Sakurai has enjoyed.

❖ Japan favors NieR: Automata. In Japan, Famitsu published results based off of a large survey on what the best games of the Heisei Era were. On this list, NieR: Automata ranked third. It has also grown worldwide appeal thus far, and continues to grow in popularity today at a stunning pace considering its circumstances.

❖ Yoko Taro and Sakurai are good friends. They've become fairly friendly with one another in recent times. Not only will this make it easier for him to obtain 2B, but Sakurai has also put characters belonging to friends in the game. (Snake.)

The other consistent "rule" for DLC thus far, being characters from a game after 2016 being unable to make the cut due to when the first Fighters Pass choices were finalized, is thrown out the window. This is because this fighters pass is new and reason, undeniably getting rid of the biggest roadblock for 2B.

These are merely a few of the main things that are in 2B's favor. These are also the things 2B holds over Sora being in Smash, save for potentially the friendship Sakurai and Yoko Taro hold merely because Nomura is also friends with Sakurai. Admittedly, the only things standing in 2B's way now is the possibility of Sora making it in over her (though I strongly believe her to be more likely than Sora in this case), and the other "rule" of characters needing to have appeared on a Nintendo Console. Though, you could say she already qualifies for that "rule", being in Phantasy Star Online 2, which is also on the Switch. Even then, if that doesn't qualify her, Yosuke Saito, Yoko Taro, and Takahisa Taura have all agreed to wanting to put NieR: Automata on the switch. Therefore, if she doesn't qualify for that rule now, she most likely will very soon.

I'm sorry for making you read so much of this long post. Unless you didn't read it all, which is understandable. And rude. But hopefully this all makes sense to you all.

Let us hope this is all correct. Unless you're rooting for Sora or Geno instead of 2B, I guess.

Glory to Mankind! and whatnot.
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
And before someone shouts, "inb4lock!!" 2B has appeared in Phantasy Star Online 2 (released for multiple platforms, including the Switch) as an alternate costume. So strictly speaking, she does meet the unwritten rule of "Thou Shalt have Originated from a Video Game and appeared on Nintendo".

The rules got updated last week
anyway so even without PSO2 she's fine for a thread.

2B was one of my favourite characters last year alongside some of her co-stars like Eve, 9S and A2. Absolutely support her.



Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I’ve entertained the idea of her ever since Bayonetta’s inclusion and getting similarly acquainted with her game last year. Support.

Deleted member

Not saying this as any means of insult, but rather out of sheer curiosity.

Why exactly has 2B become such a hot topic across different communities? I've seen people lobby for her in not only Smash, but in other games like Tekken (before Noctis was revealed as the last DLC guest).

Has 2B, and by proxy, Nier: Automata itself, made such a major breakthrough in gaming history, or does her popularity mainly have to do with her ass like I've seen many memes about?
Again, not trying to be insulting. I just want to understand.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Not saying this as any means of insult, but rather out of sheer curiosity.

Why exactly has 2B become such a hot topic across different communities? I've seen people lobby for her in not only Smash, but in other games like Tekken (before Noctis was revealed as the last DLC guest).

Has 2B, and by proxy, Nier: Automata itself, made such a major breakthrough in gaming history, or does her popularity mainly have to do with her *** like I've seen many memes about?
Again, not trying to be insulting. I just want to understand.
Nier Automata has definitely had a major impact. He performed incredibly well and I see nothing but praise for both its writing and gameplay. I'd say it's definitely more than just sex appeal.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
I'm surprised anyone replied--and this quickly. Most threads I make die pretty young.

Not saying this as any means of insult, but rather out of sheer curiosity.

Why exactly has 2B become such a hot topic across different communities? I've seen people lobby for her in not only Smash, but in other games like Tekken (before Noctis was revealed as the last DLC guest).

Has 2B, and by proxy, Nier: Automata itself, made such a major breakthrough in gaming history, or does her popularity mainly have to do with her *** like I've seen many memes about?
Again, not trying to be insulting. I just want to understand.
To get one thing out of the way, I like a character for his/her personality--first and foremost. And I've always had an affinity for the cool-headed types.

Personally, I can usually tell whether or not I'll like a game just by watching the gameplay videos. That said, I really like NieR: Automata as a game. From what I've seen of it (haven't actually played it, sadly), it has a challenging combat system, a unique open world, and a quirky story. Also, I like the Galaga-esque stages. I had no idea the game was so popular until after I got into it. I like a game for it's mechanics, not its theme, reputation, or whatever. Games are very much like books, in that best-selling doesn't necessarily mean good.

The reason I chose 2B is because she seems to be the most important character, storywise. That said, I'd settle for 9S, if it was the other way around. Unlike most people, I'm simply much more governed by mine mind rather than mine heart. That said, mine interest in 2B has nothing to do with body parts, but rather moveset potential. Though, I have to admit, I find her outfit to be very stylish. I especially like blindfold-esque visor; it adds mystery. If I thought she would be another Marth or whatever, I would not have posted this thread. The reason I thought she would be great in Smash is quite simple: her Pod. That alone gives her a unique gimmick. For instance, the Pod could stun the enemy with bullets, while 2B moves in for the kill. If the enemy is shielding, then the Pod could grab them. I don't know what else the Pod can do, since again, I haven't yet played NieR: Automata. But it would be no exaggeration to say that is the sole reason 2B gained mine support as a Smash candidate.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Yeah, the mixed style of genres was mainly what first drew me to the game through playing the demo, though have yet to buy and play it all the way through, but is on my list of one of the first single player games to get next whenever I’m in the mindset to fully complete something like that. I waited a little while before getting the Bayonetta collection and then grinded the hell out of 2; I imagine it’ll be a similar thing with Nier.

If I consistently enjoy the gameplay of something, stuff like sex appeal usually takes a backseat for me before long, no pun intended with 2B’s butt. To be fair though, I can see why her ass has gotten some of the attention it has when it even has real-time water drying mechanics like everything else in the game with that kind of attention to detail. =p


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Has this game been on a Nintendo system?

I mean her design is pretty nice and unique, and I know a tiny bit about the character, but I don't know much about her game.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
Has this game been on a Nintendo system?

I mean her design is pretty nice and unique, and I know a tiny bit about the character, but I don't know much about her game.
As of now, it is only available for the PS4 and PC. But I'm hoping it will get ported to the Switch. Again, Platinum said they would do it, if Square Enix provided the funds.

I've just added a video to the original post, to give others an idea as to how 2B would work.


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
I think 2B would have a better chance if Neir: AutoMata was on the Switch. But Nintendo is on good terms with both Square Enix and Platinum Games (hence the inclusions of Cloud and Bayonetta) so I don't want to count things out quite yet.

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Velvet Rebirth

Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2018
*location pending*
Personally I'd much like to see Emil, but I'm not sure how he'd work, just that'd he'd be very chaotic.

Ultimately 2B really is just the best choice and she definitely has my support.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2013
2B would be kickass as utterly unlikely she is.

her Pod, her swords and bracers and spears, her pod abilities, various chips and her Final Smash would be her self destruct.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2014
Oh, a 2B support topic exists.

I love NieR: Automata, I consider it one of the greatest games ever made. 2B is my #1 most-wanted third party newcomer and my #3 most-wanted overall. I doubt it will actually happen, but I would absolutely go insane if it did.

When NieR: Automata was announced coming to Xbox One I thought for sure a Switch port was imminent...and then nothing. The most disappointed I've ever been that a port of a game I've already played isn't coming (at least not yet).


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
I’ll support 2B.

Nier: Automata seems like a very interesting game and 2B’s design and character already is interesting. Though, I’m not sure if Sakurai will include her, which I think is unfortunately unlikely, but if she does get in I’d be stoked.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
Never played it before. But, I'm planning on getting Nier: Automata for my PS4. I support!


Smash Cadet
May 10, 2017
I totally support 2B for smash ultimate. Nier automata was one of the greatest game of 2017 for me.
And I want A2 too, she would easily work as an echo fighter or an alt.
At least, I want to use A2's taunts, especially the large sword one.

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Count me in as a Supporter! I've yet to play Nier Automata (I'm waiting on a Switch port since I barely have time to play at home, and Yoko Taro keeps saying that he wants the game on Switch), but I love her design and character from what I've seen of her.


Smash Cadet
May 10, 2017
Time to up this thead.

I was watching the keef crew video about sora, that was posted. And one of the arguments you see a lot on the internet and was in this video too, is that each developer should/will have a second rep at least. For the Square Enix rep everyone is about Geno, sora or Zack it seems. But what if this second rep is 2b (A2 echo, I can dream).

- It's a game Sakurai played and loved (https://sourcegaming.info/2017/03/15/thinking-outside-the-box-sakurais-famitsu-column-vol-526/)
- the release date for the game is old enough so he could have made changes to the roster plan and still have the one year needed to create a character from scratch in smash bros
- It's a Platinum x Square Enix character and Nintendo is quite in good terms with both
- Yoko Taro seems to want a switch version of the game (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glnMcKQ2IAI)
- The character is popular. And in Japan, we have this recent poll (https://i.imgtc.com/COf52oG.jpg)

And in my opinion, this is one of the game that will be remembered as a major work in the video games industry.
I'm clearly not on the geno, sora or zack train for personal reasons, so I was searching which character I would prefer and if it was possible.

All this are not evidences but things I want to highlight. I think 2B is a possibility that should not be underestimated.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2013
Location Machine Broke
idk if this has already been asked, but what would you folks want out of a 2B moveset? Asking this because when I played the game to the end...

...the ending where you get into a gunfight with the end credits over your save file.

...and I only ever used the default sword weapon and the charge attack that has your assistant fire a lazer, so any moveset I'd come up would run the risk of 2B feeling a bit... "derivative."
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Llort A. Ton

Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2015
The Other Side Of The Computer Screen
Switch FC
SW 1185 9411 4529
I [ B]eat Automata a [C]ouple months ago and lov[E]d it, so [A]ltough an unlikely fighter, Im throwing in support for Yohras greatest an[D]roid.
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Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
I would love this, but I know it's next to impossible outside of DLC. That said, this is for fun speculation, not for silly things like "realism"!

First off, there's a question of whether 2B should be in Smash in the first place. Right now, I would say no. However, if Automata were ported to Switch (maybe with a bonus Replicant port, eh?) I would instantly be the loudest and most emphatic "yes" of all time.

Some people may question why - after all, she's a recent character who doesn't have the cultural prominence of a lot of older third-parties like Banjo or even Sora, and my answer is pretty simple.

Nier Automata is one of the greatest games of all time.

Sure, maybe that seems flimsy or subjective, but anyone who has played Automata can attest to how it uses the medium of videogames to create a wholly unique, beautiful, artistic experience that ONLY could have been told in videogame form. Anything that claims to celebrate videogame history, in my eyes, has to have something from Automata to.feel complete. Again, I know how bold a claim that is and I'm sure anyone who hasn't played it sees this as a premature "bandwagon" pick because it's "relevant" but it's just how I see it.

That said, I'm kind of a "must have appeared on a Nintendo platform in some capacity" purist, so I'll wait til the Switch port but you better believe I'll be at the forefront of the army when it happens.

Also, an A2 echo and 9S assist trophy would be wonderful.


Smash Cadet
May 10, 2017
For the moveset, right now, I have some ideas but I should replay the game a little too make a good one that makes sense.
But I think the general idea should be A-attack weapons and B-attacks the pod.
But clearly the taunts will be awesome ;)

That said, this is for fun speculation, not for silly things like "realism"!
I agree. This time a lot of wishlist wants to be realisable, but we are talking about Sakurai and he is unpredictable.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2018
I know you're reading this. Vote 2B.

I think you know why I'm here. Sign me up! 2B or not 2B, I want it 2B!

I don't think she'll make it base-game, but we already know this game is getting DLC.
For what it's worth, aside from NieR: Automata's spike and continuing popularity since it's release, and immense growth in fans both here in the West and in Japan, might I add another thing?

The fact that she's a mature character doesn't hurt her chances at all. Yoko Taro has definitely expressed interest in getting 2B into smash, and getting NieR: Automata on the switch! Might I add the game she originates from was made mostly by Platinum Games, just like Bayonetta? Her source game was never on a Nintendo console, and she's owned by Square Enix, just like Cloud, yet she still technically follows the rule of appearing on a Nintendo console! There's also a pretty high chance her base game is 2B on a Nintendo console at some point in the future too!
She's got my vote!

EDIT 1: I know this is probably asking for too much, but I'd kill for an A2 alt and an 9S Echo.

EDIT 2: I would like to add this

Of the 153 Sakurai follows, Yoko Taro is one of them. And Yoko Taro is following Sakurai back.

EDIT 3: Couple all of this with the fact that, extremely reliable smash leaker Vergeben claims there's a Square Enix rep. Judging from what he says, there's a possibility it may but Geno, but also that it may be a Square Enix rep people wouldn't see coming and is hardly talked about. . . While this could probably mean anyone, that isn't to say that it isn't possibly 2B, with how massively popular NieR: Automata has become.

Basically, her fundamental combat in Nier Automata is insanely fast paced with huge far-reaching attacks on top of potent ranged weaponry.
Imagine trying to put Bayonetta into Street Fighter.

Characters like Bayonetta, 2B, Dante, and Raiden fit more in fighters that emphasize movement like MvC or anime fighters or heck, even Smash, where they're given more room to show off their flashy attacks.
This is a quote from a conversation about the possibility about 2B being in Soul Calibur VI, due to Vergeben commenting on that the possibility would be extremely likely. I figured this fit well to show that, like Bayonetta, her moves would translate extremely well into a Smash moveset. I just hope that it doesn't actually become another Bayonetta.

Day 287, Year 2X18.
Alone. Dark. Cold. I've been alone for I don't know how long now. I don't know If I'm going to make it past another two months... Why hast thou forsaken me?

EDIT 6: Things have certainly turned around since my last edit. My hopes have exceeded levels I never knew they could even reach.

This is Flash Man's stage theme from Mega Man 2.
The "Arrangement Supervisor" is Keiichi Okabe, one of, if not, the lead composer of NieR: Automata, Nier, and Drakengard 3.
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