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2011: Firus's Music Year In Review


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Link to original post: 2011: Firus's Music Year In Review

In true Firus fashion, I’ve decided to make a long retrospective of sorts on the year, mostly focusing on music, since I feel like sharing my opinions on the over 2000 songs I’ve added to my music library this year.

However, for the sake of my sanity and for the sake of those reading, I will not be discussing each and every album I got like I did last year, and I won’t even list each and every album I got.

What I am going to do is post up each of my 52 weekly music charts from this year, as well as my mid-year and end-of-year charts and a list of which song was #1 on my chart each week, ranking each song based on the points I assign them each week while making my music chart. Even though I don’t imagine anyone will look at each and every music chart in-depth (I don’t think even I could be bothered to look through all of my music charts in their entirety), however much you care to glance at them, they are pretty close to a summary of how my music listening has gone this year. I’d also like to give a brief summary of notable albums of the year, both bad and good.

As for 2011 as a whole…well, it has been the best year of my life up to this point, by far, in stark contrast to the low point that 2010 was for me. It has, essentially, been a very hectic year full of changes, both physically and mentally. There have certainly been some negative changes, but for the most part, I’d say it’s been a change for the better. Despite there being an entire half a year between then and now, what happened in the first half of the year (and the events leading up to that) has changed my life to such an extent that it has greatly affected the rest of the year, and I see it going on to affect my entire life.

Music has pretty much defined this year. While music has always been a pretty significant piece of my life, and while I had a great year of music last year – a year which I did not imagine could be matched in 2011 – 2011 has been full of great, new music, and memories to accompany both new and old music. From the rejuvenation I felt while blasting Yellowcard’s “Be The Young” at the conclusion of my final AP exam, to the sadness I felt as I listened to Avril Lavigne’s “Goodbye” when I had to say goodbye to someone dear to me, and the memories of winter, snow, and Minecrafting I have when I hear The Script’s “Science & Faith,” to the memory of first hearing the techno remix of ABBA’s “Dancing Queen” as my AP U.S. History teacher blasted it at full volume, the songs that I’ve really enjoyed this year are associated with a lot of emotions and memories.

As far as my music charts go…well, I’ve spent more than a little bit of time on them. Last year, it started out as quickly picking twenty songs I’d liked that week, arranging them as best I could, and then taking a quick screencap and cutting it down. That evolved to my system throughout 2011, where I keep track of songs I’m particularly enjoying throughout the week and at the end of the week, I put together an ordered list of 50 of them, update their peak positions and the weeks they’ve been on my chart, calculate the points earned on that week and add it to the current total. Then, I screencap it and compile it along with the single artwork for the top ten songs on my chart; this proves to be a particular pain because many of the songs I chart have not been singles in and of themselves, and I enjoy it enough that I will make single artwork as best as I can. Some attempts have been better than others; as you glance through my music charts (that is, those from the end of March onward, as I usually just used the whole album’s artwork before that) you can judge for yourself how successful that was.

My points system, which allowed me to make my mid-year and year-end charts somewhat accurately, is what ultimately took the longest. I don’t feel like explaining the entire system here, but the points were based on inverse points (song #1 gets 50 points, #2 gets 49, etc.), how many weeks it had on my chart consecutively, and then multiplied by my assigned strength value of the week, plus bonus points for songs returning to #1 or the top five.

The overall accuracy of the system is actually pretty decent; there are some songs in my year-end chart which I don’t understand being there, like “Till The World Ends” – I like that song, but I wouldn’t say it was one of my top 50 songs of the year, or even top 100 – and some songs – like “Goodbye” by Avril Lavigne – deserve to be higher than they are, but my top 5 is extremely accurate, my top 10 is fairly accurate, and my chart as a whole has most of my favorite songs of 2011.

That said, my points system gave far too many points for songs charting for a number of weeks in a row. This is because, as much as my songs switch from week-to-week now, a song rarely stayed on there for more than a week or two when I made the system.

Back to my music charts, though, as is probably evident, I highly recommend the songs on my year-end chart, but I very, very highly recommend the top few. Imogen Heap (who was half of Frou Frou) is an amazing artist, and “Hear Me Out” is one of my favorite songs by her. The lyrics are great (and unfortunately, far too relatable for me), her vocals are excellent as always, and the instrumentation is wonderful, and what really amazes me is that the song samples “An Ending (Ascent)” by Brian Eno in the background of a good portion of the song. You wouldn’t think that an ambient song sampled in the background like it is would necessarily work well, but it is pulled off excellently; so excellently, in fact, that I charted the original song, a self-made instrumental version of it (through the use of Audacity), and a live version of the song (despite the poor recording quality) throughout this year.

Which leads me to my next point; “An Ending (Ascent),” my #3, is probably the most beautiful song I have ever heard. I’m not big on instrumental songs, generally, but it is such a calming, beautiful piece of music that I’ve listened to it extensively this year, particularly as a good song to which to fall asleep.

Anyway, that’s enough summary of my music charts. Here are all of my music charts, my #1 songs, and then some of my most notable albums of 2011.


[collapse=2011 Mid-Year]

[collapse=2011 Year-End]

[collapse=Number Ones]01-07-11 Pearl – Katy Perry
01-14-11 Cry – Faith Hill
01-21-11 Right On Back To You – Keith Urban
01-28-11 Hear Me Out – Frou Frou
02-04-11 Wait It Out – Imogen Heap
02-11-11 Pearl – Katy Perry
02-18-11 Recover – Natasha Bedingfield
02-25-11 My Best Friend – Tim McGraw
03-04-11 Hear Me Out – Frou Frou
03-11-11 I Love You – Avril Lavigne
03-18-11 I Want You – Faith Hill
03-25-11 Stealing Kisses – Faith Hill
04-01-11 Wait It Out – Imogen Heap
04-08-11 Smile – Avril Lavigne
04-15-11 Sinéad – Within Temptation
04-22-11 Die Alone – Ingrid Michaelson
04-29-11 You Belong Here - Anberlin
05-06-11 Hear Me Out – Frou Frou
05-13-11 So I Thought - Flyleaf
05-20-11 Me & Tennessee – Tim McGraw & Gwyneth Paltrow
05-27-11 The Edge Of Glory – Lady Gaga
06-03-11 Everybody Hurts – Avril Lavigne
06-10-11 Everywhere – Michelle Branch
06-17-11 The Way I Loved You – Selena Gomez & The Scene
06-24-11 Goodbye – Avril Lavigne
07-01-11 The Way I Loved You – Selena Gomez & The Scene
07-08-11 Setting Of The Sun – Ben Jelen
07-15-11 Brand New Day - Fireflight
07-22-11 Long Hallway With A Broken Light – Thriving Ivory
07-29-11 Hair – Lady Gaga
08-05-11 Moonlight – Thriving Ivory
08-12-11 Comfort Me – Tim McGraw
08-19-11 Comfort Me – Tim McGraw
08-26-11 Lots Sometimes - Glasvegas
09-02-11 Everybody Hurts – Avril Lavigne
09-09-11 Goodbye – Avril Lavigne
09-16-11 Cry – Faith Hill
09-23-11 Repeat – David Guetta feat. Jessie J
09-30-11 Hear Me Out – Frou Frou
10-07-11 Day Of Rain – Thriving Ivory
10-14-11 I Do But I Don’t – Tim McGraw
10-21-11 On Your Side – Thriving Ivory
10-28-11 Our December – Thriving Ivory
11-04-11 Long Hallway With A Broken Light – Thriving Ivory
11-11-11 Come Home – Faith Hill
11-18-11 Something To Sleep To – Michelle Branch
11-25-11 Everywhere – Tim McGraw
12-02-11 All I Want Is You – U2
12-09-11 Hear Me Out [Live] – Imogen Heap
12-16-11 Farewell - Rihanna
12-23-11 Counting Down - Ben Jelen
12-30-11 Come November - Thriving Ivory[/collapse]

Most Unexpected Album of 2011
From Beyond The Sea by Ethereal Beings

Of all the music I listen to, ambient music has not made it into my library very often. Aside from video game music, instrumental music isn’t something I have very much of at all; I find that vocals are generally my favorite thing in music. As such, this ambient album was not one I’d have expected to be in my library by the end of this year, nor did I expect to enjoy it as much as I have. Nevertheless, when I found out that my roommate-to-be had put out this album with a friend of his, I looked into it and was pleasantly surprised. On one hand, I do prefer vocals; on the other hand, there’s a certain effect achieved in From Beyond The Sea in the lack of vocals which works very well. My personal favorites are “S15,” “Shiver in the Wind,” and “Lens Flare”; if you’re looking for something new in your music, I’d definitely recommend giving some of the songs a listen (you can stream / download the album here).

Biggest Disappointment of 2011
Born This Way by Lady Gaga

No matter where you stand on Lady Gaga, there was a lot of hype surrounding the release of her new album. She hyped it up, and as a fan of The Fame and The Fame Monster, I was highly anticipating a new release by her. My initial reception of Born This Way was very poor. After a few listens, it grew on me a bit, but over time, I came to reflect on it further and further and realize that…it fell completely short of expectations, and overall was not that terrific of an album. It has some very catchy songs on it, and I think the saxophone used on the album was very effective. That said, there are some weird-*** songs on the album. “Government Hooker” has a catchy beat and a good beat, and as a history nerd, I love that the entire thing appears to be a reference to the Marilyn Monroe / JFK affair, but was the creepy, seductive male voice necessary? I never understood the hype about “Judas” because it follows the exact same pattern as “Bad Romance,” but I don’t think it’s as good musically or lyrically. I could go on about the strange songs on BTW, but it’d take more time than I’m willing to spend to cover them all. There are songs that I like on the album, but my main problem is that the songs are all either a motivational anthem – or at least something extremely upbeat and catchy – or something weird and outlandish. Even “Yoü And I,” a song which Gaga performed live as a ballad before the album, didn’t end up as the ballad I’d hoped it would be. “Brown Eyes” is probably my favorite song by Lady Gaga – aside from maybe “No Floods,” some of her pre-Gaga work – and it’s because it’s a very raw song; it’s mostly comprised of Gaga playing the piano and singing, which is where I think she shines the most. Even though BTW has 17 total songs, including the three deluxe tracks, not a single ballad can be found on it. Even worse, there isn’t a single mellow song. Slow, mellow, emotional songs are usually my favorite, and there’s not a single sad song on the album. Catchy pop songs are great, but they don’t stick with me for very long. The fact that BTW is comprised either of weird songs that I don’t like or catchy, upbeat songs means that it has little to no lasting value to me. “The Edge Of Glory” is the biggest standout track on the album to me, but that got so overplayed by the radio I hardly enjoy it that much anymore. I don’t know exactly what happened with this album and I don’t know if Lady Gaga will do better on her next album, but for an album which she claimed could be the best album ever, it failed to even match up to her last two albums.

Best-Flowing Album of 2011
Ghost by Devin Townsend Project

On a similar note to From Beyond The Sea, this is not an album I would have expected to become a part of my collection. However, it’s quickly become one of my favorite albums of all time. The new age-y / ambient overtone of the album – despite the presence of lyrics this time – is likely to turn off a lot of people, but I absolutely love it. What impresses me the most about the album is how well it flows together. Individual songs can be appreciated, but I find far more value in listening through the entire album. Very few albums are composed such that they work like this, but it always amazes me when they are. Transitions between song lead directly from one song to another without a break, shining particularly in a few parts; the flow from “Kawaii” to “Ghost” to “Blackberry” in particular is absolutely amazing. I found on more than one occasion in the past semester that playing this album from start to finish helps me just zone in and do what I need to do, because of how beautiful and calming the music is. If you’re big on albums you can take as a whole, or even if you’re just looking for something new, seriously look into Ghost.

Best Song of 2011
"Goodbye" by Avril Lavigne

It might not have made it into my top 10 on my year-end chart, and it may not have even ended up on my chart as much as some other songs that were released this year, but I have a very strong bond with "Goodbye." The first time I listened through Goodbye Lullaby, I wasn't terribly impressed with this song; I gave it 4 stars (I enjoyed the song, but it just didn't have enough to it, I felt). When I watched the bonus DVD that came along with the album and Avril explained how much it meant to her and that it had the most meaning to her of any song she's written, I didn't initially understand, because I didn't feel that much in relation to the song. I didn't end up listening to the song for a while after my first couple listens, and knowing that a goodbye of my own was coming up...I decided to leave it until that day to listen to again. It may seem a bit silly and arbitrary to do, but I think it was a good idea. When I listened to the song for what was almost the first time (I hardly remembered it at all) on that day, I understood exactly why Avril said what she did about the song; it is now one of the most meaningful songs to me in my library. Musically, Avril's vocals are the focal point of the track, and the only instrumentals are acoustic guitar, string instruments, and piano, all of which are soft. Avril's voice shines and expresses the emotion well, I think. Lyrically, the song isn't necessarily poetic...but the lyrics combined with the music, and Avril's expression of those lyrics creates quite an emotional effect if you can relate to the song. To this day, every time I listen to the song, I can vividly recall the car ride home during which I listened to it on that day. When a song can bring me that much emotion, it has to be pretty powerful.

Best Album of 2011
Goodbye Lullaby by Avril Lavigne

Despite Avril’s brief period of massive popularity in her Let Go days, she received that label of “poser” quickly afterward and people generally stopped caring about her. I think people gave up on her even more after her third album (for non-Avril-fans, the one with “Girlfriend” on it) when it featured far more meaningless pop songs. I have, however, been a fan of hers over the years (although slightly less of one for her last album), and was incredibly excited for Goodbye Lullaby’s release. While I was a bit worried after “What The Hell” and its similar feel to “Girlfriend,” Avril promised that the rest of the album was much more meaningful and more similar to her first two albums. This is a promise on which she definitely followed through. I can’t say “What The Hell” has held much significance to me, nor “Black Star,” solely for its short length – although the piano part is quite beautiful – but all the rest of the songs, I’ve had a pretty strong connection to at some point. What I especially love about Goodbye Lullaby is that, in a day and age where you’re hard-pressed to find pop music that isn’t completely dance-y (not that I don’t enjoy that too, but I enjoy other music more), Avril has stuck to her old style of pop-rock. Acoustic guitar and piano make up almost the entire album, Avril’s voice is excellent, and you can feel raw emotion throughout; as Avril said, she tried to make her voice the main instrument on the album, and not only did she succeed at that, but it’s very effective in making the album excellent. Avril fan or not, I would highly recommend that you look into Goodbye Lullaby if you’re looking for some good music.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Looks like you forgot the old UB trick, don't worry Teran to the rescue.

Edit: woops well you can fix the collapse stuff yourself I'm tired. D:


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Looks like you forgot the old UB trick, don't worry Teran to the rescue.

Edit: woops well you can fix the collapse stuff yourself I'm tired. D:
Derp, I dunno how I forgot that. Thanks for fixing it for me.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
For weirdos like me who love lists and charts and such, I was very excited to see you had flecks of albums I love in here. While I would totally agree with you, BTW was VERY HYPED, and did not meet the the quality that The Fame, and the EP The Fame Monster brought, I did like the album. It had a very weird sound, which I like.

I noticed at points there was some Femme Fatale stuff on there. Which is probably one of my favorite Albums of 2011 (If not IS). I suppose if you aren't much into dancing, the album's not for you. Lyrically, it's a bust. Vocally, she doesn't try hard, but the SOUND it had, and the groove it got ME IN ANYWAYS was something I had never felt before with any of her albums, and really any album in general. Very much a confidence booster in some respects. I didn't see if you listened to "He about to lose me" or not, but it's definitely a good one. There were a few forgetable songs on the album like, "Trouble for Me" and "Gasoline" but I thought "Till the World Ends", "How I Roll", and "I Wanna Go" were cleverly pieced together dance songs. Oh, and probably my favorite two song on the album was "Trip to Your Heart".

Anyways, what's your opinion on Brit's new album?


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
what about Song of the Year?
Hm, that's actually a good point. Initially I was about to refer you to the top of my year-end chart, but then I remembered that "Hear Me Out" wasn't released in 2011 and therefore doesn't fit into that.

All right, I'll go for a write-up for that and add it to the OP.

Best Song of 2011
"Goodbye" by Avril Lavigne

It might not have made it into my top 10 on my year-end chart, and it may not have even ended up on my chart as much as some other songs that were released this year, but I have a very strong bond with "Goodbye." The first time I listened through Goodbye Lullaby, I wasn't terribly impressed with this song; I gave it 4 stars (I enjoyed the song, but it just didn't have enough to it, I felt). When I watched the bonus DVD that came along with the album and Avril explained how much it meant to her and that it had the most meaning to her of any song she's written, I didn't initially understand, because I didn't feel that much in relation to the song. I didn't end up listening to the song for a while after my first couple listens, and knowing that a goodbye of my own was coming up...I decided to leave it until that day to listen to again. It may seem a bit silly and arbitrary to do, but I think it was a good idea. When I listened to the song for what was almost the first time (I hardly remembered it at all) on that day, I understood exactly why Avril said what she did about the song; it is now one of the most meaningful songs to me in my library. Musically, Avril's vocals are the focal point of the track, and the only instrumentals are acoustic guitar, string instruments, and piano, all of which are soft. Avril's voice shines and expresses the emotion well, I think. Lyrically, the song isn't necessarily poetic...but the lyrics combined with the music, and Avril's expression of those lyrics creates quite an emotional effect if you can relate to the song. To this day, every time I listen to the song, I can vividly recall the car ride home during which I listened to it on that day. When a song can bring me that much emotion, it has to be pretty powerful.
You have a lot of money to spend on music.
I may be miscalculating, but I'm pretty sure I've spent less money on music than you might think. Also, music is one of the only recreational things I spend money on anymore. I rarely (if ever) buy video games since I have such a stockpile of them at this point, and other than music I rarely have much of a desire to buy anything.

For weirdos like me who love lists and charts and such, I was very excited to see you had flecks of albums I love in here. While I would totally agree with you, BTW was VERY HYPED, and did not meet the the quality that The Fame, and the EP The Fame Monster brought, I did like the album. It had a very weird sound, which I like.
It isn't necessarily a bad album, I suppose, but it just felt so forced to me. The weird sound may appeal to some, but personally I thought it just got over-the-top. Creative, I like; when Gaga's recent tendency to go all-out and be weird solely for the sake of being weird starts to come through in her music, I can't really stand it. What happened to me with BTW, I think, is that it ended up feeling like less of an album with ups and downs to me and more of a collection of songs, only a handful of which appealed to me, if that makes any sense.

I noticed at points there was some Femme Fatale stuff on there. Which is probably one of my favorite Albums of 2011 (If not IS). I suppose if you aren't much into dancing, the album's not for you. Lyrically, it's a bust. Vocally, she doesn't try hard, but the SOUND it had, and the groove it got ME IN ANYWAYS was something I had never felt before with any of her albums, and really any album in general. Very much a confidence booster in some respects. I didn't see if you listened to "He about to lose me" or not, but it's definitely a good one. There were a few forgetable songs on the album like, "Trouble for Me" and "Gasoline" but I thought "Till the World Ends", "How I Roll", and "I Wanna Go" were cleverly pieced together dance songs. Oh, and probably my favorite two song on the album was "Trip to Your Heart".

Anyways, what's your opinion on Brit's new album?
I can definitely see what you mean about the sound in Femme Fatale, it's definitely a very upbeat, dance-y album. I wouldn't really say it was one of my favorites of 2011, but it's a decent album. It's the first of Britney's full albums I've actually gotten (before that, I only had "Everytime"). "Till The World Ends" is a great dance song, "Hold It Against Me" and "I Wanna Go" are some good, catchy songs. "Trip To Your Heart" and "Criminal" are the two biggest standout tracks to me on the album, due to being somewhat catchy but having some more lyrical significance than the rest of the album. Most of the rest of the songs were kind of duds in my opinion, though. I will (rarely) dance to my music, if nobody else is around and I'm feeling particularly upbeat that day (I mean, I danced at my senior prom and the one rave I've been to, but such occasions are pretty rare), but music that's catchy and dance-y is rarely more than something for me to blast when I'm with friends. Mellow songs are usually my favorites, but generally if the lyrics are good and relatable, I'll enjoy a song more. I didn't get the deluxe version of the album, so I gave "He About To Lose Me" a listen on YouTube once but don't actually have the song.

That said, I haven't given the songs that didn't appeal to me on first listen much of a shot, so I'll add that to my to-do list and revisit them. I frequently find that I'll greatly dislike a song the first time I listen to it, then on each consecutive listen it grows on me, sometimes significantly, which is why I never delete songs from my iTunes library anymore.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Opinion on Seethers Country Song.
it had a lot of airplay where i live on the rock station, and i think it was number one on that stations playlist for almost the entire summer.



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I can definitely see what you mean about the sound in Femme Fatale, it's definitely a very upbeat, dance-y album. I wouldn't really say it was one of my favorites of 2011, but it's a decent album. It's the first of Britney's full albums I've actually gotten (before that, I only had "Everytime"). "Till The World Ends" is a great dance song, "Hold It Against Me" and "I Wanna Go" are some good, catchy songs. "Trip To Your Heart" and "Criminal" are the two biggest standout tracks to me on the album, due to being somewhat catchy but having some more lyrical significance than the rest of the album. Most of the rest of the songs were kind of duds in my opinion, though. I will (rarely) dance to my music, if nobody else is around and I'm feeling particularly upbeat that day (I mean, I danced at my senior prom and the one rave I've been to, but such occasions are pretty rare), but music that's catchy and dance-y is rarely more than something for me to blast when I'm with friends. Mellow songs are usually my favorites, but generally if the lyrics are good and relatable, I'll enjoy a song more. I didn't get the deluxe version of the album, so I gave "He About To Lose Me" a listen on YouTube once but don't actually have the song.
Your reasoning is definitely understandable. It isn't the smartest album ever, but with a nice pair of headphones, and an empty room, open room. You learn to really feel the music on a level different than just understanding the songs lyrically. But if you aren't into dancing, then the album isn't really the best. All the songs you noted are probably the Album's highlights, along with "He About to Lose Me". Coupled with Criminal, these two are Britney's personal favorite songs off the albums. The hopeless romantic and fatal attraction songs are much more her style, not the silly "Lets dance all night and have sex afterwords!" stuff she sings. Anyways, it's nice getting someone's opinion on the album who isn't: Closed Minded and anti Pop/Dance/ a hipster, or a fellow queerboy who dances too much and feels too much of the music.

I was saddened to find out they didn't let BTW, FF or TTT participate in the "Best Dance Album" catagory at the grammys. I figured FF would have faired well against Robyn, Skrillex and Deadmau5.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
You listen to more music in a month than I do like... 2 years O_o

How long does it take you every week to generate a list like this lol, do you listen to each one of those top 50 every week / multiple times?


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Opinion on Seethers Country Song.
it had a lot of airplay where i live on the rock station, and i think it was number one on that stations playlist for almost the entire summer.

Eh, it's all right. I've listened to it a few times and it's not a bad song, but it's one of those songs that doesn't really stand out to me either.

Your reasoning is definitely understandable. It isn't the smartest album ever, but with a nice pair of headphones, and an empty room, open room. You learn to really feel the music on a level different than just understanding the songs lyrically. But if you aren't into dancing, then the album isn't really the best.
Yeah, I can definitely see why it's a good album for other people, it's just not too great for me with how I listen to music.

All the songs you noted are probably the Album's highlights, along with "He About to Lose Me". Coupled with Criminal, these two are Britney's personal favorite songs off the albums. The hopeless romantic and fatal attraction songs are much more her style, not the silly "Lets dance all night and have sex afterwords!" stuff she sings.
Yeah, I definitely agree. I should go give "He About To Lose Me" another good listen and maybe consider buying it off iTunes. When I was listening to the four bonus tracks to see if I wanted to go for the deluxe edition or not, I do recall "He About To Lose Me" being the one that might've swayed me, but I wasn't a fan of the other three.

Anyways, it's nice getting someone's opinion on the album who isn't: Closed Minded and anti Pop/Dance/ a hipster, or a fellow queerboy who dances too much and feels too much of the music.
Haha, yeah. Always glad to share my opinion on music and to hear other people's perspectives.

I was saddened to find out they didn't let BTW, FF or TTT participate in the "Best Dance Album" catagory at the grammys. I figured FF would have faired well against Robyn, Skrillex and Deadmau5.
I guess Pop music has sort of ventured into that Dance genre a bit at this point, but I suppose that electronic, mostly lyric-less music is what's still defined as "Dance." I'm guessing that's why that happened.

You listen to more music in a month than I do like... 2 years O_o

How long does it take you every week to generate a list like this lol, do you listen to each one of those top 50 every week / multiple times?
Yeah...I listen to a ridiculous amount of music, haha. I listen to music pretty much whenever I can. I listen to music when I'm doing work, I listen to music when I'm hanging around on the internet, I listen to music when I'm playing a game (unless the game has particularly notable music that I haven't experienced before, in which case I try to respect that), I even often listen to music when my friends and I are hanging around playing games and whatnot, either with one headphone in or through the speakers if they're up for it. I've said this for years now, but it's become particularly true in the past year-and-a-half; I live through my music. I listen to music that expresses what I feel.

So yes, long story short, I listen to all of the songs on my chart, generally multiple times. There are weeks from time to time where I don't listen to as much music and I don't listen to a couple of the songs, but for the most part, I'll listen to a song multiple times for it to end up on my chart.

Actually making the charts...takes a considerable amount of time. Just updating Peaks/Weeks/Points can take up to an hour, especially if I get distracted, and depending on how many songs in my top 10 don't already have Single artwork, putting that together can take anywhere from ten minutes to another hour. Sometimes I feel like it's a lot of time I kill each week doing it, but I usually enjoy it, so I don't feel like it's a waste. I enjoy thinking more about the music I'm listening to, I enjoy being able to look back and vividly remember what a week was like just by seeing the particular songs on my chart, and I really like that, at the end of the year, I have a list of my personal "best" songs of the year. I could've gone back by myself and listed off some obvious songs by myself, such as everything in my top 5, but I wouldn't have been able to go back and make a year-end chart without any points to guide me.

There are flaws to the system (something I'm attempting to remedy in my revised system for this year), but it's a pretty decent rough estimate.

Speaking of flaws, one thing I did forget to mention in the OP, actually, is that "Recover" by Natasha Bedingfield should easily have been in my top 10 on my year-end chart, even though it didn't even make it into my top 100. (It had 513 points at the end of the year.) While I didn't listen to it a whole lot throughout the year, that played a big role in helping me through a situation, and pieces of that song have played in my head from time to time throughout the entire year.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
I thought Adele was invented this year. Where is she.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
You mean where is she on my music charts? I'm not a big fan. She has a good voice, and I love "Someone Like You" ("Don't You Remember" and "Take It All" are all right too) but "Rolling In The Deep" is so bloody overrated and overplayed in my opinion, and same goes for "Set Fire To The Rain." It's not even like "Someone Like You" isn't overplayed, I just have the luck of not being forced to listen to the radio anymore and therefore I haven't grown to hate it from hearing it ad nauseam on the radio. The rest of her stuff is pretty meh to me.

If I hadn't seen "Someone Like You" lyrics in someone's Facebook status, been intrigued, and Googled to find out the song, I wouldn't have even looked into her music any further. She's one of those artists that may have talent, but overall just sounds generic to me and I don't enjoy her music. Then, when everyone started ranting and raving about her because she can sing (honestly, plenty of people can sing well, Adele is not really amazing just because of that), I quickly got a pretty bitter opinion of her. There's nothing I hate more than feeling that something isn't necessarily terrible, isn't necessarily great, but is just average, and yet everyone goes completely crazy over it. I'm the last person to tell people what they should and shouldn't like, I just hate hearing people go on and on about things like that.

Yeah. That pretty much sums up my opinion on Adele.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
There's nothing I hate more than feeling that something isn't necessarily terrible, isn't necessarily great, but is just average, and yet everyone goes completely crazy over it.
...Gaga playing the piano and singing, which is where I think she shines the most.

Anyway cool. Have you heard of Last.FM? It does all this for you, lol.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I'm very happy to see DTP on the list...you've reminded me to listen to them as I fall asleep tonight.
Yeah, DTP is awesome. :D

See my point about the "average" sound was that I think Adele sounds average and her music doesn't stand out to me. It wasn't her style of music itself (because I like vocal/piano kind of music), just her songs. And let's be fair...everyone likes to see artists like Ke$ha and Gaga in my library and pick them out, but they're not even close to my favorite artists.

Honestly, I have the same problem with Gaga anyway, probably even bigger than with Adele because Gaga's fanbase is about 50x the size. Gaga has some good stuff, but she's really not that amazing, and yet she has an entire cult fanbase that goes bat**** over her (see: that Lady Gaga blog from a while back that I won't link so as not to encourage a bump of it). I just happen to like her (older) stuff anyway, just like I like some of Adele's work.

Anyway cool. Have you heard of Last.FM? It does all this for you, lol.
Heard of it. I wasn't aware it had something like this, but from the looks of it, it's heavily plays-based, which my system isn't (granted, my #1 and #3 for the year currently hold my #1 and #2 most played spots, respectively, but there is no correlation otherwise). There really isn't a way to mathematically calculate it the way I do it, since it's based on level of enjoyment of a song.

Thanks for the suggestion, though, I appreciate it.


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2009
Double posting in ur threads.
Biggest Disappointment of 2011
Born This Way by Lady Gaga

No matter where you stand on Lady Gaga, there was a lot of hype surrounding the release of her new album. She hyped it up, and as a fan of The Fame and The Fame Monster, I was highly anticipating a new release by her. My initial reception of Born This Way was very poor. After a few listens, it grew on me a bit, but over time, I came to reflect on it further and further and realize that…it fell completely short of expectations, and overall was not that terrific of an album. It has some very catchy songs on it, and I think the saxophone used on the album was very effective. That said, there are some weird-*** songs on the album. “Government Hooker” has a catchy beat and a good beat, and as a history nerd, I love that the entire thing appears to be a reference to the Marilyn Monroe / JFK affair, but was the creepy, seductive male voice necessary? I never understood the hype about “Judas” because it follows the exact same pattern as “Bad Romance,” but I don’t think it’s as good musically or lyrically. I could go on about the strange songs on BTW, but it’d take more time than I’m willing to spend to cover them all. There are songs that I like on the album, but my main problem is that the songs are all either a motivational anthem – or at least something extremely upbeat and catchy – or something weird and outlandish. Even “Yoü And I,” a song which Gaga performed live as a ballad before the album, didn’t end up as the ballad I’d hoped it would be. “Brown Eyes” is probably my favorite song by Lady Gaga – aside from maybe “No Floods,” some of her pre-Gaga work – and it’s because it’s a very raw song; it’s mostly comprised of Gaga playing the piano and singing, which is where I think she shines the most. Even though BTW has 17 total songs, including the three deluxe tracks, not a single ballad can be found on it. Even worse, there isn’t a single mellow song. Slow, mellow, emotional songs are usually my favorite, and there’s not a single sad song on the album. Catchy pop songs are great, but they don’t stick with me for very long. The fact that BTW is comprised either of weird songs that I don’t like or catchy, upbeat songs means that it has little to no lasting value to me. “The Edge Of Glory” is the biggest standout track on the album to me, but that got so overplayed by the radio I hardly enjoy it that much anymore. I don’t know exactly what happened with this album and I don’t know if Lady Gaga will do better on her next album, but for an album which she claimed could be the best album ever, it failed to even match up to her last two albums.
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