Aww, I missed the moose!
Huge thanks to Dubuque, EB, Keokuk, and Icy/Fidi for taking the time to make it out here and makin' things grand ^_^;, Heog for hosting, and Alex, Coaxial, rawr, lil'Ben, and Alex for coming too. I had a great time and hope to see you guys again at smym.
Zyroqwa- Good teams, Hy-Vee ninjas and Roy ftw!
Faellie- Thank you muchly for bringing Kururin Squash, even though I think I really embarrassed myself playing five rounds thinking I was player three. I thought the controls were a little funny. o_0 And I think Kami likes you.
Dark Hogosha- For putting up with me as I sacreligiously bashed my stick into the wall... Taking the Yosh, making the singles bracket, and taking my dair spikes. ^_^
Ben/Potter - Great Shiek, great Falcon, good Falco, really great matches.
Kami - Really crazy matches and mm, I think both of us were a little nervous. ^_^; Sorry we drew you out pausing my fair out in teams and pausing a lot in the friendly one, s'all good though.
Frostbyte - For bringin' Keokuk out here, and enduring us in teams.
Lest/Matt - Good matches, nice to finally meet the LestHK, thank you enduring Marth.
Andrew - Your Marth's really good for just starting. I'll probably start fearing you in a while. ^_^
Deveyus- I don't think I played you, but thanks for coming all the way from Keokuk.
rawr- Thanks for the two matches, nice to finally meet you too. It's good to see guys from CR. ^_^;
Coaxial Cable- It looked like your Link would've been nice to play, Gary said your match was grand, and I'm sorry I couldn't get one in somewhere. Hope to see you around again to get a game somewhen though.
Ben (Coax's bro) - Thanks for the matches! They were lots of fun, and you did really well for your first tournament. It was nice seeing you and your big bro.
Icy - Thanks for being able to make it out even though it was a little shaky after it snowed. You have a great Peach, stay in the game, man!
Fidi - Bleached hair doesn't look too bad. ^_^; Your fox is better than last time, I think you guys got a little smash in since the last time we met, or you're just that good.
Alex - You have a crazy mindgame. Nuff said. '~'
Heog- Nessssss! Thanks again for hosting, and I really really hope that we can arrange another smashfest sometime. It was a great place, and I was amazed we got three tournaments in.
Aaron - Greatest thanks, for no Iowa gathering is complete without EB! Ganon surprised me a lot, crazy Kururin games, and I am speechless.
Echo - Another major thanks, because somewhere in the middle of things you probably put an influence to make this a statewide gathering. It's too bad you couldn't come, but insurance is worth it.
I hope I got everyone!