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Smash 3DS 1 GB of SSB3D Space Currently Unavailable?


Smash Rookie
Sep 16, 2014
Hey guys, software engineer here. Word on the street is that the 3DS is having a hard time running Smash 4. Now, there's already talk that booting Smash 4 reboots your 3DS console into a different mode, reallocating system memory for use by the game (that's why Miiverse doesn't work when in-game). Now, if this is true, it leads me to believe that that extra gig of space is to be used as swap space.What's swap space? Glad you asked!
Swap space is what a computer uses to store data when the RAM is full. Now, typically swapping is an awful idea, and everyone tries to avoid it, but sometimes it can't be helped. So, how does this apply to Smash? Well, Smash is a fast game, running at 60fps even in 3D. That's a lot for the little 3DS to handle. Now, if it had to store all of its data in just the RAM available in the system, it'd probably be a lot more laggy. But by giving it an extra gig of swap, Nintendo can be certain it'll always have the RAM it needs.

Tl;dr: Nintendo's probably got that gig of empty space on the download as extra RAM. It's probably on the physical version as well (anyone wanna check that for me?).


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2014
If Smash 3DS was reserving extra space on the SD card why would the download take less blocks? It doesn't sound like there actually is any extra space and it's just a smaller download.


Smash Rookie
Aug 28, 2014
Warning Received
Dear Santa...

Santa has more power than GOD!

Wait... Santa... Satna... SATAN. O.O


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
I think the extra cartridge space is where save data is held, which includes customized characters and Mii Fighters. In the downloadable version, it probably just saves it to the SD card.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2014
United States
Elite X
I think the extra cartridge space is where save data is held, which includes customized characters and Mii Fighters. In the downloadable version, it probably just saves it to the SD card.
That wouldn't take up a gig, because all it would need to do is be something like save data defining what your characters moves and outfit is.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
That wouldn't take up a gig, because all it would need to do is be something like save data defining what your characters moves and outfit is.
I know it wouldn't, but who knows how much stuff someone might have (e.g. the maximum amount of replays at maximum time, max photos, etc.).


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2014
United States
Elite X
I know it wouldn't, but who knows how much stuff someone might have (e.g. the maximum amount of replays at maximum time, max photos, etc.).
Pretty sure the replays and photos would be on the SD card, but it wouldn't take a gig natively.
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Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Martinsburg, WV
Hey guys, software engineer here. Word on the street is that the 3DS is having a hard time running Smash 4. Now, there's already talk that booting Smash 4 reboots your 3DS console into a different mode, reallocating system memory for use by the game (that's why Miiverse doesn't work when in-game). Now, if this is true, it leads me to believe that that extra gig of space is to be used as swap space.What's swap space? Glad you asked!
Swap space is what a computer uses to store data when the RAM is full. Now, typically swapping is an awful idea, and everyone tries to avoid it, but sometimes it can't be helped. So, how does this apply to Smash? Well, Smash is a fast game, running at 60fps even in 3D. That's a lot for the little 3DS to handle. Now, if it had to store all of its data in just the RAM available in the system, it'd probably be a lot more laggy. But by giving it an extra gig of swap, Nintendo can be certain it'll always have the RAM it needs.

Tl;dr: Nintendo's probably got that gig of empty space on the download as extra RAM. It's probably on the physical version as well (anyone wanna check that for me?).
Epic first post dude.

This is the most likely situation I've heard so far.


The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
Hey guys, software engineer here. Word on the street is that the 3DS is having a hard time running Smash 4. Now, there's already talk that booting Smash 4 reboots your 3DS console into a different mode, reallocating system memory for use by the game (that's why Miiverse doesn't work when in-game). Now, if this is true, it leads me to believe that that extra gig of space is to be used as swap space.What's swap space? Glad you asked!
Swap space is what a computer uses to store data when the RAM is full. Now, typically swapping is an awful idea, and everyone tries to avoid it, but sometimes it can't be helped. So, how does this apply to Smash? Well, Smash is a fast game, running at 60fps even in 3D. That's a lot for the little 3DS to handle. Now, if it had to store all of its data in just the RAM available in the system, it'd probably be a lot more laggy. But by giving it an extra gig of swap, Nintendo can be certain it'll always have the RAM it needs.

Tl;dr: Nintendo's probably got that gig of empty space on the download as extra RAM. It's probably on the physical version as well (anyone wanna check that for me?).
Sounds very possible to me. I'll take a software engineer's word and experience over someone else's any day, especially when it makes the most sense. Although, in some ways I still hope it has something to do with DLC or perhaps locked content only available when the Wii U version comes out but alas, one can dream :p
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Smash Rookie
Sep 16, 2014
Although, in some ways I still hope it has something to do with DLC or perhaps locked content only available when the Wii U version comes out but alas, one can dream :p
Woah woah, hold your horses there. I'm gonna throw out a guess here, but I think DLC is already as good as confirmed. Evidence: Mario Kart 8. To clarify, Nintendo's released DLC for MK8 that's numbered, "1" and "2". 1 comes out in November, 2 comes out in May. The game came out in May, so that's every six months (and it feels safe to assume they'll keep going). Considering how much of a console-seller MK8 was, there's no way they're gonna let a golden opportunity like Smash slip.

My theory's just that this space isn't for DLC, haha.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2013
Hey guys, software engineer here. Word on the street is that the 3DS is having a hard time running Smash 4. Now, there's already talk that booting Smash 4 reboots your 3DS console into a different mode, reallocating system memory for use by the game (that's why Miiverse doesn't work when in-game). Now, if this is true, it leads me to believe that that extra gig of space is to be used as swap space.What's swap space? Glad you asked!
Swap space is what a computer uses to store data when the RAM is full. Now, typically swapping is an awful idea, and everyone tries to avoid it, but sometimes it can't be helped. So, how does this apply to Smash? Well, Smash is a fast game, running at 60fps even in 3D. That's a lot for the little 3DS to handle. Now, if it had to store all of its data in just the RAM available in the system, it'd probably be a lot more laggy. But by giving it an extra gig of swap, Nintendo can be certain it'll always have the RAM it needs.

Tl;dr: Nintendo's probably got that gig of empty space on the download as extra RAM. It's probably on the physical version as well (anyone wanna check that for me?).
So basically 1GB virtual memory is allocated and SSB4 needs it. I thought Nintendo would want to avoid using virtual memory because actual memory is always better. But I guess virtual memory is better than out of memory errors.

Swap space/memory is just another name for virtual memory. This being disk space being used as memory.
I don't agree that using the actual RAM for SSB4 and no virtual memory would make the game more choppy. In fact not using virtual memory is the better option is virtual memory is slower read/write speeds as your disk speed is usually slower than RAM. What I think is happening is this:
SSB4 needs more RAM that is generally available on the 3DS, or out of memory issues would happen forcing parts of the game to be reloaded too much. Having non critical things using the slower virtual memory would help alleviate the issue.
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Smash Rookie
Sep 16, 2014
What I think is happening is this:
SSB4 needs more RAM that is generally available on the 3DS, or out of memory issues would happen forcing parts of the game to be reloaded too much. Having non critical things using the slower virtual memory would help alleviate the issue.
That's what I was trying to get at. Swap space (or virtual memory, depends on the system you're used to) is always a last resort, as it's never as fast as RAM. Using actual RAM (if there were enough of it) as opposed to using swap would be ideal, but the 3DS only has about 128MB of RAM, and less than that is available to games (something like 30 is allocated to OS/Miiverse/general use). Smash 4 already reboots the system to reallocate some of this 30-ish MB, leaving the system running on essentially a the bare minimum, all bells and whistles taken out (fun experiment, try posting a screenshot to Miiverse while in-game). After watching streams of the game and comparing it to other games (such as Mario Kart 7 and Pokémon X), the fact that it can run that smoothly with that level of detail struck me as witchcraft. But if, say, the entire stage (which is a relatively static thing) were stored on swap, it might just work.

Also, on a related note, it's because of this sort of thing that they're releasing the "New" 3DS. It's not gonna have this "you can't use Miiverse and this software at the same time" issue.
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