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0 Lag F-air and its uses.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
In my opinion the 0-Lag f-air is one of wolfs best moves ever. It is great for approaching and has range superior to the B-air(at least in my opinion it does). Its a fairly damaging aerial attack that can be easily punished unless you perform it right. Now for those who dont know how to use this technique it is pretty much jumping and using the F-air at the same time. I find that the easiest way to do this is by using the control stick and C-stick at the same time. In my opinion this move greatly improves wolfs air game by being a quick powerful move.

Now it has great range and is a great move that if performed right very similar to the B-air except with a bigger hitbox in the vertical direction(And if successfully 0-lagged its near impossible to punish). I find thats its uses are for spacing, approaching and perhaps comboing into other moves. By comboing I mean that you hit them with this technique and follow it up with say a B-air or another 0-Lag F-air or Upsmash or whatever your in position to do. I find that it can be very good at setting the opponent up for a quick B-air if your good at reversing your direction quickly enough leading into other techniques.

So whats everyone think of this move, I personally find it very good(I use it a lot in my fights almost as much as my B-airs especially for approaching).

Also sorry if theres already a thread about this.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I can't imagine any competitive player being consecutively hit by a 0-lag fair and a Bair... airdodging is just too easy when it's not even a counted as a combo in TRAINING mode. Why not approach with a fast fall Bair followed up by an inescapable F-smash?

In all honestly, I feel that wolf's f-air should be saved as a kill move since it's the only aerial that can legitly kill the opponent (assuming they have good DI) at a decent percentage. Wolf already has a hard time killing characters like Snake. In fact, i feel it's the only way to kill snake at a decent percentage.

I wouldn't make it stale by constantly approaching with it.

Gory snake

Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2006
Shadow Moses
Good point castor, but I find an auto-cancelled F-air after a B-throw at low percents can lead to Wolf's fantastic juggles


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
not if you use it as much as you should be using it.

Plus, most of the kills u get with B-air are gimps. Not really KOs


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
B-Air IS wolf's best aerial. That's why I use it more than all the other aerials. Because I use it more than all the other aerials, it becomes stale. Therefore, I use F-Air to kill the opponent. If you play a good snake, think about the moves you KO him with. I'm willing to bet that KOs were mostly caused by F-Airs and D-smash, rather than B-air (unless u gimp his recovery with the B-Air)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
0-lag forward air cross over to turn around grab = ownage. They start to sidestep grab, 0-lag crossover to charged smash. they start to roll, 0 lag forward air cross over to fsmash roll punish. IF ur opponent lets u do 0-lag crossover use these 3 sets to destroy him. Some chars will meet u in air or hit u before u land and can't crossover.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
Fair is a great move, however, it should not be preferred over Bair.

Don't get me wrong, Fair is an EXCELLENT move, since Wolf has epic horizontal DI, you can hit a shielded opponent and land BEHIND them, and then punish. Do some opponents have a fast Fsmash or something that might be able to punish this? Like MK's Dsmash or something? I think that it might be punishable if the opponents catch onto it. Also due to epic horizontal DI, you can move to the tip of Fsmash range and still hit their shield with a retreating Fair. Overall it's an epic move.

However, due to all this win, there has to be a little bit of fail somewhere, and the only downside to the Fair: More hitlag (Time where you can't do anything in the air after you've attacked). It may be canceled as to have zero LANDING lag, it still has the hitlag, so characters with really large grabs (IE: Dedede) can grab you right out of the air, and you can't do a thing about it except hope that the shield stun on the Fair is more than the time it takes to DI your butt out of there. Which, I should probably test just to find out...

Bair.... oh man, Bair. If you space it right, conventional grabs can't hit you, if you know a tether grab is coming, you have plenty of time to spotdodge the grab. Bair can also be followed up epicly: If they continue to shield, (Expecting an Fsmash) grab them, if they let go of their shield, FSMASH TO THE FACE. If they spotdodge, charged smash, if they roll, well, that's why they invented Fsmash ;)

The thing about Bair that is a little more favorable over Fair is that it has less Hitlag, and YOU CAN FAST FALL IT, unlike Fair, which would result in the full lag of it. And it has more range. And a bigger hotbox I believe, if you're on top of the opponent you can still hit them with Bair, it just has to be around the knee area of Wolf's body during the Bair animation.

Also not sure about this, but doesn't the Fair have more priority? I heard it goes through a lot more moves than the Bair, not too sure on this one.

So to sum it all up, both moves are excellent moves, and should be used to the fullest. The only difference between the two: You can DI Fair much better than Bair. And Bair has more range than Fair, allowing you to space your attack better, plus less hitlag. With the Fair, from the frame you start the move, to 1 frame before you hit the ground, you're vulnerable. So Bair is a lot... safer to use. Depending of course, on how you DI, it's VERY difficult to punish an opponent that is a roll's distance away.

Edit: Just in-case some users don't understand hitlag -- it's the lag after you've done an attack. It's basically the animation of the move of which you can't do anything, like if you try to do a cross-over Fair, you can't do a Bair before you hit the ground because of the hitlag. Hope that cleared it up a little bit.

Just wanna make sure my post is understood by everyone. ^^

Edit2: An actual commentary. (Stuff besides boring facts)

I personally use both of them in my game, I still haven't quite learned to do the retreating Fair consistently... but it's going to be so helpful once I do.. Fair is great to clear up the Bair move degration and vice versa, both moves should be used to clear up each others stale move counter. So if you use both you get more damage out of both moves xP.
Usually when I'm relatively close (Say within Fsmash range) I use an Fair to either cross-over or just retreat it. It works great. Usually when I'm out of Fsmash range I jump in and go ahead and do a Bair approach. But eh, I mix it up, Gotta love those SH Bairs <3

Also, just because it's a "Zero Lag fair" doesn't mean it's entire lagless, you still get about 2-4 frames (not sure how much it is, it's just in that area) of regular landing lag (Like landing without doing an aerial or anything). So yeah, a grounded opponent my actually be able to punish you before you're able to do anything, depending on the character (Metaknight...)

Can anyone here do some framerate data? I think the amount of shieldstun of the Fair (Which I think is actually more than Bair?) is a decent amount so it could lead to a lot of things.

I don't know, just my two cents.

Edit3: Tl;dr I know, shush >_>.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
fair and bair are both great moves but bair is definitely the better of the two. fair does have 0 landing lag but bair just has a better hitbox and better knockback. Also bair doesn't have much landing lag either.
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