I totally agree with you Diddy. Lyn is no exception, ALL FE characters are boring as hell. They´re all very plain and generic. And in fact, Lyn´s Captain Obvious personality in FE7 was a bit jarring at times, nowhere near as bad as FI, but still pretty jarring. Though I heard somewhere that the localization team ****ed up her personality. Still what we got is what we got.
I think this is the problem with most NIntendo IP however. Most of them are just plain blank slates open for fan interpretation. The only characters who got a degree of depth have been Samus, Toon Link, Fox and the SF crew, Luigi, and a couple others.
What I meant to say is that, Roy to me is a disappointment because of what he could be, If he was a little more hardy, he´d be WAY more interesting. I´m not even saying turn him into a badass punk like Sol or Ragna. He could have easily been like Gurren Lagann´s Simon, going from whiny kid to manly badass, or at least Ichigo, who has that "I fight for my friends" deal all FE characters seem to have but with a flair of "I don't give a **** I do **** my way." Hell, if anything he could have been more like Teen Titan's Robin, generic and heroic sure, but some personality.
Roy to me just fits too much into the generic RPG stereotype and that bothers me. Like in regards to fighting, as I said, we've already got other contenders with similar roles and more interesting abilities imo. Lyn also suffers from being bland, but at least her combat abilities are unique enough to not give her much competition and still make her a breath of fresh air.
I dunno, maybe I'm being biased. Maybe my situation with Roy is like Noler_Mass's with Lyn. I really took a disliking for Roy after FE6, and the fact that his Awakening art still puts him out as fangirl bait is like.... bleh. I just never liked that character type, he reminds me of Hitsugaya from Bleach. Granted, I dislike most Awakening DLC artwork barring Marth, Leif, Elincia, and Ephriam.