Total: 39
Hit: 3-28
Auto cancel: <2 35>
Landlag: 12
Lcanceled: 6
Total: 27
Hit: 4-9
Auto cancel: <3 18>
Landlag: 18
Lcanceled: 9
Total: 59
Hit: 4-37
Auto cancel: <3 50>
Landlag: 18
Lcanceled: 9
Total: 57
Hit: 14-26
IASA: 48
Auto cancel: 39>
Does damage 1 frame upon landing
Landlag: 26
Lcanceled: 13
Total: 39
Hit: 10-12, 14-16, 18-20, 22-24
Auto Cancel: <9 34>
Landlag: 15
Lcanceled: 7
Jump: airborne on frame 4
Air time: 50
Earliest FF: 26
FF air time: 38
SH air time: 33
Earliest FF: 18
SH FF air time: 23
2nd jump earliest FF: 25
looking at this frame data should pichu nearly always autocancel everything from a SH? I know I can auto cancel up-air and I can tell the difference beween 2 frames and 9 frames of lag. I think the frame data is wrong and also the ice climbers dair should be near impossble to not auto cancel