Yeah I started working on Diddy but wasn't liking having to rely so much on glide tossing and nanas in general. He's a pimp when they're out but without them he's instantly lower mid tier, kind of like Toon Link but worse. I might work on him later on when I can get some human offline practice, but it's just not gonna happen right now. MK is stupid and I'm not going to waste my time getting good with someone who's just going to get banned lol.
In the end I decided to make Kirby my hardcore secondary, along with Ike. He'll do just fine against DDD and a lot of other characters too, mainly campers, sorry I've been missin ya so much on the wifi, been playing specific matchups to try and get some experience for my first tournament this weekend, I've got a great chance of winning the low tier tourny with Sonic, and DK/Kirby/Ike feels great right now for Singles too. Wish me luck, weegee time!
In the end I decided to make Kirby my hardcore secondary, along with Ike. He'll do just fine against DDD and a lot of other characters too, mainly campers, sorry I've been missin ya so much on the wifi, been playing specific matchups to try and get some experience for my first tournament this weekend, I've got a great chance of winning the low tier tourny with Sonic, and DK/Kirby/Ike feels great right now for Singles too. Wish me luck, weegee time!