I didn't really mind, I just got sick of playing Lolimar and Lolcario on Lag-Fi >_>
He got better though
I don't think our styles are really that different. There's a slight difference maybe, but I think you're still the closest to my playstyle than any other Sonic I've been against or seen. LagFi dittos are so annoying though, I could only win on Sudden Death XD It was fun, but don't be gettin' cocky on me now that you beat me on WiFi dittos ;P I consistently beat Malcolm in dittos IRL so.... XD
And yeah, that was Lawz. He can't play Sonic's on WiFi at all XD He loses to every Sonic on WiFi, but I can imagine why. You have speed Sonic vs. slow Link, plus you both have to deal with lag, but Sonic's generally already has a hitbox out before Link can even do anything >_> He's played just about every Sonic IRL and does really well. Like, he usually loses the first match or two against a different Sonic cause he's not used to their playstyle, then consistently beats them the rest of the day. And by them, I mean Sonics like ithrowthings and Boxob who he played at Apex. We go really even though because we know eachother so well.
I generally win most of the matches, but they're really close. It's a character advantage thing :/