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  • sure, that too. 8D

    Really though, a MK should never get Dair->footstooled. I blame wifi.
    The part where I stand still and do absolutely nothing. It's when I basically suicide and it's near the start of my last stock.

    Because standing still is an EPIC MINDGAME.

    If you want. lol

    And I think I got all the ones I wanted. I'm probably not gonna download them until I get a new computer >_______>
    oh yeah........ strange that it slipped my mind. I never even thought about adding pictures. Maybe one for each heading or something like that. I'll have a look around. Thanks!
    Taking so long? I mean... yeah, sure, I've been waiting for ages! XD
    Na man, it's only been, what, a few days? a week at most? You take your time.
    But thats awesome news, I can't wait to check it out. If it's half as good as the last one then it's perfect. Those videos, when their all eventually done, will really make that thread Complete! I mean what more can be done? What else could they possibly wish for?
    Yeah, but you either don't have a main or weren't using him/her.

    Of course, who am I to talk? Winning with Ganon is just as impressive as winning with random, or nearly.
    I'm not sure if they put it back up. Last I checked they completely took Naruto off of CN =P
    yeah more than half the show would have been edited if it were on toonami or something lol.

    I'm hoping they put Naruto on Shippuden on adult swim. It will fail on regular CN.
    LOL. Thanks for noticing. Most people still haven't caught it, I think.
    Yeah I know same here! They had completely different personalities and attitudes but I was never able to decide which I like more. The fight scenes from that show were too good.
    Hey, what is a Discussion Leader? It seems like every time I pop onto smash boards something else has changed or been added. I feel old.... : (
    The hall of reps is for Discussion Leaders, mods shouldn't be posting a lot there. They definitely shouldn't be making threads =p
    Does making it later matter? lol

    Name it "Sticky Request Thread" and encourage others to post there if they need/want a sticky.
    Everyone knows about it. And this isn't the first time it has happened on the TL boards. I can go back and find multiple instances of it.

    Yah, I made a mistake. That's why I close my thread and admitted it. I have enough on my plate to not read every single post on the board.

    We knew about it (Airdodge Cancel Throwing) on the Snake boards since it was posted. A few of us had a great idea to use it OoS after pulling a grenade. Samurai Panda actually beat the thread creator to it by a week. Then the thread creator made it, then I made it while being stupid. The only good thing that came out of me making the thread is I'm known for having good information - so a ton of people flocked to my thread quickly.

    Now want me to find the multiple instances of the TL boards being *coughs and in a Sonic-like voice says* "Too slow!"
    black hair and shy

    she is definitely the most adorable thing in the world

    she is my new fav
    He edited one of his topics so 2 days later I made a topic on something that was in his.

    I wasn't slow and no one in the Snake boards knew about the quick grenading. Neither did anyone else (and I've spoken to Razer, Panda, etc. the pro snakes)

    It was new.
    i am a fingar. if you post anymoar of thes on my wal, i will flik it at u. repost this on 10 peple's walls. Or better yet, don't. :]
    i am crayon. im used by the t.links nd im colored w/. if u dont post this 10 times ill color on ur face wile u sleep nd it will be permanent so it wont come off ever

    Who invented this? '_'
    ... You don't know me at all, but I just figured I'd congratulate you on 6,666 posts. :p
    Dont act like i dont know how to space zairs >_>. I do thank u very much. I hit with the tip. And i obviously must have good spacing since i used to use marth. Just take into account that zair is NOT perfect. Dont act like it is.
    Sigh im not saying dont use zair. Im just saying it isnt supposed to be spammed. Dont u get it >_>. Just use it once perfectly space. But dont get predictable with it or ull get punished simple as that.
    I space my zairs perfectly thank u very much. But u ppl arent counting that the opponent themselves can reset the spacing against a highly telegraphed move. Really, zair is not that good to spam it. U dont see jerm spamming it right? u dont see jash spamming it right? Its just good when thrown when the opponent doesnt know it is coming. Otherwise they have the opportunity to reset the spacing and grab u. End of story.
    Right...any opponent that knows the matchup will see the second zair and powershield grab u. Get your metagame off 2008 too.
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