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Night Gale
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  • I'll never fully understand your Smash Ridge Racer desires, but I love that sales pitch every time.
    Night Gale
    Night Gale
    The third thing I did on here was look for a support thread but there wasn't one. They don't know my culture.
    Medabots is an okay Natsume rep and all, fam... but that Cheer We Go though.
    Night Gale
    Night Gale
    Wtf? I thought you were going to type Harvest Moon lol. Sheeeeit.
    So I recently discovered that the s*** we post on profiles is actually broadcasted on the home page. Wtf? I thought it was only viewable when you visit profiles.
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    Reactions: Deleted member
    FWIW... I mostly just click the "New Posts" button at the top of the page and browse from there. Before that, I mostly just browsed the occasional homepage article or two. It took me a good 2-3 years to scroll to the bottom and realize the public profile post stream thing existed.
    You're old enough to realize that Bowser Revolution is a Communist reference, but still immature enough to literally rage quit on a sista.
    Night Gale
    Night Gale
    I can't believe Mario Party still ruins lives. lmao No wonder we haven't played in forever. I could've won if it wasn't for that Chance Time nonsense.
    I mean... a lot can happen in 4 turns, ya should've just played it out. Though if we ever jump back on that cursed game, promise not to quit. Ahahaha
    Night Gale
    Night Gale
    Never again but if we do I will make no such promises.
    If you're gonna bandwagon my schtick, fam... ya should've just went with "Raven". D:
    Ooo, sis.... if ya make a Miriam support thread, title it "Kill those murderers dead!"
    Nevermind... apparently it already exists. D:
    Night Gale
    Night Gale
    Yeah, I just found out and joined that **** asap.
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