I'm that TO Guy

It's time to get WILD! Union County College Smashers and Buffalo Wild Wings have teamed up to give you BROS GONE WILD 8, a unique merger tournament for all to enjoy and compete! We had a turnout of 13 entrants at BROS GONE WILD 7. Our goal is to expand our Smash Bros scene and remain diligent, so let's keep up the good vibes! Tournament play begins on August 31st, 2016! Read below for more info!
Entry: $5/tournament (ex. Singles = $5 / Doubles = $5 / Singles&Doubles = 10$)
Venue: $10
Note: If you bring a setup (console and (but not mandatory) TV [less than or equal to 32 inches]) THAT IS USABLE FOR THE TOURNEY, your venue fee is waived! If you bring JUST a Wii U but its not usable for the tournament, you ARE NOT eligible for the waived fee.
If you are interested in doing this, PLEASE PM ME (Facebook or Smashboards) AT LEAST ONE DAY PRIOR TO THE TOURNAMENT SO I CAN PUT YOU ON THE "LIST OF EXPECTED SETUPS". This way I can tell you whether we need it or not beforehand. We do not want anyone getting mad if they brought their setup for nothing. If any complications arise, feel free to let me know asap.
List Of Expected Setups
Double Note: Please try to bring non-modded lagless televisions if you are bringing yours in. TV's will be checked for lag prior to the tournament starting.
Payout (Singles and Doubles)
[May Change Depending on # of Entrants]
1st - 60% of Entry Fees
2nd - 30% of Entry fees
3rd - 10% of Entry fees
Singles Registration: 6:30 PM EST
Singles Tournament begins at 7:00 PM EST.
Doubles Registration: begins after Singles Tournament (pref. 10 - 11pm EST).
Doubles Tournament begins around 10 - 11pm EST
Note: Depending on how much time we have left + how many teams we have governs if we can run a doubles tourney. BWW closes at 1 AM on Wednesday so we will make due with whatever time we have! If for some circumstance we don't have time to run doubles, we will refund the participants immediately!
Social Media Pages
Bros Gone Wild Facebook Event
Bros Gone Wild Facebook Page
Status: We will be streaming this event! Status may change depending on BWW management.
Game Rules
2 Stock 6 Minutes (Singles)
3 Stock 8 Minutes (Doubles)
Custom Moves Off, Items Off, Equipment Off, Handicap Off, Pause Off, Damage Ratio 100%, 2/3 Games Normal, 3/5 Semifinal/Finals/Grand Finals.
Double Elimination
Mii Fighters On (1-1-1-1 Default Miis)
Amiibo’s are banned
Starter Stages: Battlefield (Miiverse), Final Destination, Smashville, Town & City, Dream Land 64
Counterpick Stages: Lylat Cruise, Duck Hunt
All Omega stages are banned (Unless Gentleman's Rule is established)
The first stage is decided by (Rock Paper Scissors) best of 1. Winner strikes, then loser strikes twice, then a winner. (1-2-2-1)
Following stages decided by winner banning one stage from all stages and then loser choosing.
Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
You may not play on a stage that is not on the available stages list. This will result in a double disqualification. (Unless Gentleman's Rule was established)
Sudden Death with a tied percentage/stock count will NOT determine the outcome of a tied game. A playoff match with 1 stock/2 minutes will determine the winner.
There will be no loading anything onto the tournament consoles. Doing so will result in an IMMEDIATE DQ from the tourney
Thank you for your time!
-Important Information-
Buffalo Wild Wings sells food and drinks so all are welcome to order while competing! PLEASE DO NOT JUST ASK FOR A WATER AND LEAVE. If possible, please get an appetizer in addition to your water! BWW supplies this venue to us for the benefit of the Smash Community and to help promote business at their establishment as well. If we cannot fulfill our end of the bargain, that would spell either the END of Bros Gone Wild (or) increasing fees, which we do not want to do! Please help us out so that we can grow together as a family and keep everything how it is!
Bear in mind that once you are called for your match during the tourney, you must REPORT WITHIN 5 MINUTES TO YOUR DESIGNATED SETUP. Failure in doing so will result in a DQ from your match and be being sent to losers bracket (or if already in the losers bracket, DQ'd from tourney). We are near the patio so that you have fresh air and a great atmosphere to play in. You can also order alcoholic drinks and other cuisines! Keep in mind that causing a ruckus for other attendees will result in an IMMEDIATE DQ FROM THE TOURNAMENT. We are here to have fun and compete professionally, do not ruin it for everyone else.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through PM here or through my facebook page:
Hope to see you there!
Stay Crispy,
Kelvin I Nunez (Tournament Organizer)