REGISTRATION LINK: https://smash.gg/tournament/2ggc-nairo-saga/details
The Summer Season Finale of 2GG Championship Series!
For this saga, we are honoring NRG | Nairo!
So Naifus, it's time to tip the scales and get ready to DESTRCU- because Nairo Saga is finally here!
With this event being the Summer Season Finale of 2GGC, the circuit points are double and extended to top 32!
** Competitor and Spectator Pass **
Early Registration ends on May 31st - $30
Main Registration ends on June 5th - $40
Late Registration ends on June 6th - $55
2 Day Spectator Pass - $30
1 Day Spectator Pass - $20
A competitor or spectator pass is required to attend Nairo Saga. The competitor pass is good for both days.
**Note:** Spectator pass can be purchase in person!
Doubles registration ends on 5/31 11:59 PM PST
Singles registration ends on 6/6 11:59 PM PST
** Prize Pool **
Thanks to Esports Arena, this saga will have a $20,000 Prize Pool!
** Schedule **
Tentative Schedule is as follow (PST):
10 AM - Doubles Pool
12 PM - Singles Wave A
2 PM - Singles Wave B
4 PM - Doubles Top 8
7 PM - Cosplay Contest
8 PM - Special Events
10 AM - Singles Top 48
1 PM - Singles Top 16
4 PM - Singles Top 8
** Waifu Wars **
Who's the greatest Waifu? It's time to find out!
** Naifu Wars **
It's time to find out who's the number 1 Naifu in the Naifu Nation! Join the free ladder to prove it!
**Cosplay Contest**
Show us your creativity side and cosplay as a nintendo related theme for the cosplay contest! With $1,500 on the line, we can't wait to see some amazing cosplay!
For more details, please contact [Zfly](https://twitter.com/2gg_zfly)
** Rock Paper Scissors Championship **
* Free to enter
* Sign up starts at 4 PM PST at the TO Desk
* Throw out your choice on shoot (Rock - Paper - Scissor - Shoot)
* Best of 3 (wins twice to win)
* Single elimination
Top 16 of this event will then enter a new bracket where they are drafted by 8 captains to form a crew of 3 people. We will then have a double elimination bracket for the 8 crew.
First place will win $300 and a trophy plus the title of RPS Champion!
** EMX **
Enjoy the fun and become part of the party presented by EMX! The fun begins at 8 PM PST!
** Food Trucks **
Enjoy amazing food and beverages from all around SoCal with multiplie selections from food trucks and more!
** Hotel Info **
Visit here for info
** Volunteer, Commentary, Media, and Vendors **
[Vendors & Artist](https://goo.gl/forms/GCsYf0gEZxGQ4vdA2)
** Airports, Transportation and Housing **
Visit here for info
** Refund Policy **
All registrations are non refundable or transferable.
** Rule Set **
REGISTRATION LINK: https://smash.gg/tournament/2ggc-nairo-saga/details