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Tasmanian SSBM/Brawl Thread


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2006
You shouldn't of given me your DS, I was hooked on it all night, that is untill the battery died. I told you Pokemon is addictive once you start. Have you played the copy I lent you yet?

But apart from that, I am gonna see if I can get a cheap Gamecube off eBay, so that I am able to practice more then just the weekends that I go to bridport.

I might start trying to use sheik as my other alt instead of Captain Falcon, Who know's I might be able to get somewhere. I might not of played the Three Stooge's enough, But the one time I did, I nearly bet them. Well except for dino, He still had 2 live's left.

And we start school holidays at the end of the week, So the 2 weeks after that we could do something, Only problem is my mother is coming up to stay with me on the 8th of june for 2 weeks or so, But if you lot dont mind putting up with her we could do something. Or i will just kick her out of the house for the night. ;)

Let me know what you think Sloth, so we can organise something soon. Or you can just talk to me on msn, either way. Also, Got any tips on how to use Young Link/Sheik any better? Any help would be appreciated. :)


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
Well my last exam is June 16th. So if I was to go back home, it would be on the 17th of June, which I am considering right at the moment. But until later, I cannot give any clear indication of my eta.

So, I won't be sure when we can play at all. But my holidays go until like july 14th or something.

Tips for Y.Link: Projectile ***** with boomarang+bomb. Use d-smash lots and use n-air lots. Thats how I play him anyway. >_<

Sheik: Tilt ***** into f-airs. Sheik is just to easy. But also use needles lots, especially in the air.

It's best for me to give lots of advice next time I see you guys. Until then you need to download vids of 1-1 play. Any of you got a good connection and DC++?

Darkwing SykeDuk

Smash Dankist
Mar 5, 2006
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
ZEREUL said:
Its good that Tamania are getting a crew together, it might actually warrent a crew battle for OHN5 :)

But still won't change the outcome of crews

1. NSW
2. Vic
3. WA
4. Tas
5. QLD
6. ACT

NSW is easily the best state around :p
Do you find pleasure in making people hate you?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2006
Well I was speaking to Matt tonight, And he told me he is hoping to get back from Melbourne in the second week of the holidays.

If we organise it around sloth, and also us, then the best time to have the tournament is between the 14th of June, and the 18th of June.

This time to make it better, we should organise everything before hand, and also this time make it over a couple of night's. Thats if its alright with you sloth. That way we would be able to get a lot of training in.

But as I said my mother might be here as well, I might try and get her to go to my grandfather's on the day or 2 that we have it. And if we do have it over a couple of day's, you will be able to get some alcahol into ya Bryce. :p

For anyone out there who would like to come to the next meet as well, it will be held in Launceston at my house. If you would like to come, PM either Sloth, D.J Cat or myself and we will let you know stuff such as address and when it will be held. And if you live in hobart, Im sure Sloth wouldnt mind giving you a lift, for some petrol money of course.

And Sloth, you will have to talk to The Majestic Horse, :p and see if he would like to come as well.

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
There was nothing wrong last time other than we decided to have Pizza a little bit too late.
But using our intense IMF training skills we managed to get some Pizzas o fless quality but Pizzas all the same.

Vote 1 The Majestic Horse! :)

Well, you go with it Dungy.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
Petrol prices have risen tho!. May cost more.
Last time I got like $7 dollars, I lost out going all the way out, but hey, anyways.

I am drunk right now.

Over two days, I dunno tho, I suck at resting, Alcholo is good, and me training you guys would be good. So it has its bonuses.

But next time it is held, I'll make sure it is kept to the tight scheldue. And that way all the comps can be over and done with results early and making time for just friendlies + random crap + random roadtrips (Chooker would know more about this). etc..

Last time, it didn't really seem important so we lent it slanter and the whole aspect of a tourment just lingered on too long. If we jut concentrate, get al TV's going and have everything done with, you guys can do domination or play goldeneye easily afterwards with ease, and of course plently of time.

Ill talk to Nathan soon, to check when he is going down, but for now (I am drunk at his house currently) we both have no clue when we are gonna be back down. 18 of June sucks, as it is close, but could be considered as a do-alble date, seeing as we don't have much of a choice otherwise.

But as before, I'll probably know more at the end of the week. :)

Mc Monkey

Smash Rookie
May 27, 2006
i don't care how i type fat man (luba) :laugh: and for sloth ty the vids would help
P.S no your gayer full stop can't repeat :chuckle:

P.S.S mabe we should get smashed while playing smash. i'm on the doll now so i got some cash to through around yay 4 me

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Mc Monkey said:
i don't care how i type
Yes, but everyone else does, and the magical poeple who watch over these forums might ban you if you do much silly stuff.
So the best we can do, is make suggestions.

1. Don't double post like you just did, edit the first one.

2. Slow down, fix the little errors.

3. You'll figure it out and be fine.

My favourite drink is the Majestic CBC.
As demonstrated here:

And Monkey post on Channel 64 as well if you have time. :)

And last of all, that random character thing is great.
W ehave discovered a few things and again it just builds up our strenghts.
Bowser can use Pikachu reasonably well apparntly.
Len is decent wit Kirby.

And so ends my dodgy, multiple points ,confusing, weird, stupid post.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
D.J Cat said:
Len has got the technical skills but doesn't win nearly as many games as he should. It will come in time I am sure.

tell me about it twice i have been playing bowser in a Ganon(me) vs Marth(Budgie) i got a 3 stock to 1 lead and he came back and won which pissed me right off :mad:

if we have it on the 18th of june ben will have his p plates but we could have it anytime over the holidays


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2006
The only problem with having it on the 18th is that it's a sunday and everyone has school the next day, well I do at least. The really only way we could have it is if we ended it on the 18th.

It all depend's on Sloth really, he's the one who has to travel all the way from hobart. But i rekon if we have it on the 14th or 15th of June, That would be better, That way it would give us a few day's of smashing one another. :)

I am still trying to find a way to be able to practice before the tournament. Only problem is I dont have a game cube, and my copy of Smash Bros is in melbourne with chooker.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
Well you can hold something on the 14th and 15th, I just won't be there.

My final exam is the 16th, I will return home on the 17th, so it only leaves 18th as the only possilbe viable day I may be able to visit. Otherwise, I guess nothing will happen.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2006
What if we held it on the weekend after that. Say start on friday night, finish Sunday arvo.

Would that work for you? It's really the only thing I can think of that would work for us all. And we could still have one over the holiday's to prepare for you.

Edit - Well I just found out that Bob and them have football saterday morning, So I dunno if that's gonna work either.

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
We can still have it that weekend, we would just have to arrive at different times/later then everyone else or something.
You'll figure it out. ;)

Maybe Budgie, Len, Ben, whoever else arrives Friday night and me, Monkey, Dino arrive Saturday arfternoon....maybe Pie Man can take us.
MAYBE I will have my P's. I went to book for the test but the testing people are on strike! :mad:
Again, you'll figure it out.

And Monkey, I can't come to Scottsdale this week.
I am getting another tooth pulled out. :urg:


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
Well, I am hoping to go home later that week, I don't want to stay up North to long, to dang boring. So I probably will be leaving by the next weekend. Its a shame that the two holidays don't really conflict.

So the weekend after, I'd probably be back south, seeing as some friends from deveonport at staying at my house. So.. sort of gotta be to.

Just take monday off school guys, we all know school isn't as important as smash! >_<

Or whatever.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2006
We are still unsure about the date, we are looking at doing it on the 18th to the 19th of June. I would be able to get the day off school, Chooker would be able to walk to school, Only problem is everyone else. I dont rekon Len's parents would allow him to have the day off.

If we can't then the best thing would be to have it on Friday the 23rd and have the people who dont have to play football come in then, as well as Sloth and N3on if they wish, and then just get the rest to come in saterday after football.

Thats all I can really think of at the moment. But it has to fit in with you Sloth. We will wait untill we hear about the others and school then make a decision.

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Well, I can advise that Dino, Len , Monkey and myself don't have to go to school on the first Monday after the weekend that ends the holdays.

"Just take monday off school guys, we all know school isn't as important as smash! >_<"
Yes we have the magic override rule here:
Smash overrides school
Football overrides Smash (cause its only once a week)

The 2 weekends in question I believe are the 17th/18th/19th of June (Saturday to Monday) and the following weekend being the 23rd/24th/25th of June (Friday evening to Sunday).
And at the moment if we want Sloth to come it looks like the 17th-19th one.
Seems alright in theory at the moment
*waits for someone to point out a problem*

"Chooker would be able to walk to school"
Are you confirming Chooker?
Hot, hot, hot. (maybe) :confused:


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
Ok, ok ok.
I've been talking to Nathan. And he came up with situation that we can go up after 9th of June until about the 13th if you want to meet. As we can't be bothered studing for Jazz exam, as it is an elective.

So, if any of those dates suit you guys, pls post. And we will try and decide something.
It would be better if you don't have to miss school, as I know some of your parents may go against such an idea. Not living with parents own :D


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2006
Well Bob said that everyone down there dont have school on the monday. So the only people that have school are myself and Chooker. I will be able to miss school as it is gay and lame.

As of yet we do not have a confirmed date on chooker, as he is a cheap skate and wont use his last $100 to get back to tas. So if we want chooker it would probbably be a better idea to have it on the 17th/18th/19th.

But as we where saying it is up to you, im pretty sure all of us would be able to do something. The only problem with that is Monkey is playing football at St Helens, But if he could get out here after that it would be good. And the Bridport team is playing at lilydale, and seeing as how that is only 20 or so mins from launceston, Myself and Sloth could perhaps drive up there for a road trip. For some petrol money of course.

But that's the only problem I can see at the moment, so the final decison is up to you Sloth. Let us know ASAP so we can start getting organised.

Mc Monkey

Smash Rookie
May 27, 2006
Marche said:
. The only problem with that is Monkey is playing football at St Helens, But if he could get out here after that it would be good.

we take a bus up to St Helens and back, so if i get back to scottsdale how can i get to launceston? :confused:


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2006
Thats the problem. You would have to organise some way of getting up here. Like give your dad some petrol money or something.

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
We had to ornaganize like an aggressive hippopotamus last time, we just didn't do it over this particular medium.
Also this time we are starting organization earlier, and therfore its better.
Not that I didn't try to get things rolling earlier last time, but thats history now.


Sometime between the 9th (Friday) and the 13th (Tuesday) and
17th/18th/19th of June
(Someone correct me if I am wrong).

I think, thats everything...for now.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2006
Sloth and myself have come up with the final date's. The tournament will be held on the 17th/18th/19th of June. Any who wish to attend are most welcome to. Just ask here and I will post you the address and such.

If this is a problem for anyone, just tell me and we will try to work something out.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2005
Homestead, Florida
Even though I have nothing to do or contribute to this thread, just the knowledge that people smash in Tasmania is crazy!

Carry on.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
Omgs mine is in 4 days. June 6th.

Yeah, I'm suprised Tasmania has a scene shoshone. It actually makes me quiet possibly semi aroused. Ill check later.

But onto smash meet. I will try to go back home on the 16th so I can drive up on the 17th. I don't know about Nathan yet, I'll have to talk to him next time I see him.. so probably tomorrow, or tonight, but that is unlikely.

Do you want to have it over 2 nights ? As in 17th/18th, I won't mind so much if you want to me to try and teach all of you guys some things. But, at the sametime, its your house Marche, so you decide.

How many TV's we expecting?

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Sloth said:
Omgs mine is in 4 days. June 6th.
Mine is the 12th.

Sloth said:
Yeah, I'm suprised Tasmania has a scene shoshone. It actually makes me quiet possibly semi aroused. Ill check later.

Well, I am hoping for not 1. Not 2. Not 5. Not 7.
But 4 TVs!
I am campaigning to get the Pie Man to come along as well.

And now, I'm out of material.

EDIT: More tournament discussion going on at Channel 64 here:
*End sneaky advertisement*

Mc Monkey

Smash Rookie
May 27, 2006
after this talk about the dates i have noticed that we play St Helens this week. lol we play Lilydale at home on the 17th


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
Yeah, I won't have my car down there this time, and I'll probably go straight from hobart and then back home mabbe, I've been discussing with Nathan on transportation, as he has to use a friends car.

And since dad is selling the corolla, I have nothing. So. Yeah. I'll just keep talking to him and we will decide how we are gonna go down and when. But don't worry, I'll show up. ^_^


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
i only meant ben wouldnt be able to go on the 17th but he said its his birthday weekend and he does not want to go anywhere. :( :mad:

and would i be able to get a lift with someone like last time :confused:

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Mc Monkey said:
P.S.S mabe we should get smashed while playing smash. i'm on the doll now so i got some cash to through around yay 4 me
Perhaps spend that money on getting a Gamecube and Melee.
SSBM goes for... not very much on Ebay probably 20 bucks at most.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
D.J Cat said:
SSBM goes for... not very much on Ebay probably 20 bucks at most.
i got my melee for 40 bucks but i've seen a plyers choice copys for 30 bucks :p
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