So, you're already aware of my opinions on the melee stage list and as I'm probably not going to enter melee (with the possible exception of doubles), I don't particularly care to argue about it further here. However, there's one point I'd like to raise about your proposed stage list for PM that I don't entirely agree with.
The point of this ruleset was to keep the stage variety while eliminating redundancy. Notably, yoshi's story and SSE jungle are off the list because they are extremely similar to other legal stages (battlefield and castlevania, respectively).
Frankly, I'd like to hear more on your reasoning for excluding yoshi's story due to similarities with battlefield. As similar as the general design of the stages may be, there is a significant difference in how the stages play.
Off the top of my head, recovery and edgeguarding is quite different between the two thanks to a number of things. First off, the wall gives a lot of characters with walljumps more ways of mixing up their recovery and also more ways of edgeguarding in some circumstances, not to mention it allows characters with angleable up-b's (like say, spacies) to alter the speed at which they ascend by altering their angle against the wall. Neither of these things happen on battlefield (or at least to a much smaller degree) thanks to how small the ledge is. Randall also has a tendency to mess around with recovery and edgeguarding in a lot of significant ways. Also, the slopes at the edges in yoshi's can make a big difference for characters like Marth who have attacks that angle based on the ground they're standing on.
Moving on from that, the platform layout is similar (three platforms, one higher in the middle), but there are still a number of things that vary between the two. First off, all the platforms on yoshi's are lower than those on battlefield. A few examples of how this changes things: Falcon can short hop stomp/knee people from under platforms on yoshi's. He can't do that on battlefield so if he wants to go for a knee or stomp on an opponent above him he has to put himself at much greater risk to do so (though apparently now he can stomp people through platforms on battlefield if you're super precise with the spacing? Odd). Also, Marth can reach the top platform on yoshi's with a short hop up-air, again can't do that on battlefield. I'm sure there are a bunch of other character specific things, but I'll just leave it at that for now.
Last thing, blast zone distance. The blast zones on yoshi's are significantly closer than the blast zones on battlefield. Like, a LOT closer. This has a pretty big effect on a lot of matchups. Also it seems kind of odd to me that there aren't really any particularly small stages left on the stage list at this point.
So, yeah. I don't really think the two stages are similar enough to warrant removing one because of this. If any of this wasn't clear feel free to ask to elaborate and I'd be happy to.
By the way, just to raise a slightly different point, I feel like far more reasonable reasons for removing yoshi's would be that randall is an asshole and, though he isn't technically random, it is largely luck based whether or not you'll be able to take advantage of him or not (and if you've ever heard me rant about game and watch you should know how much I hate random anything in fighting games). The other problem with him is that, and correct me if I'm wrong about this because I just learned about it over the weekend from the whobo stream, he prevents characters with tether recoveries from tethering the ledge if he happens to end up between them and the stage when they need to recover, which is pretty extreme for a stage hazard if you ask me. Anyway yeah, my two cents.
PS: Thank you for removing port town, no words can describe my extraordinary loathing for that stage.