Chance - 20% - The most likely charater to represent the "Realistic" Zeldas, but it's not much of a chance. While she could replace Sheik, I don't see Sheik really leaving; I kind of see Sheik as more a part of Zelda, rather than representing Sheik as a "character." She got a very prominent role in Skyward Sword, yes, but years of obscurity and an uncertain future hold her back. Still, if we were to break the established "triforce trio" set up, it would be with her.
Want - 15% - I'd rather fix the Sheik/Zelda pair than separate them, and replacing Sheik with Impa in the transformation would make no sense. Also, as I have said, and will say for the rest of the Zelda characters, I would take a Toon universe character first.
Also, repeating that phrase has made me think that Zelda is now more discussed than Fire Emblem (not quite, but there about to be equal very soon!).
Browser Jr.
Chance - 10% - This is actually a drop from when Toad was viable. The removal of Toad (and yes, unless they rename Peach's N. Special so it does not refer to The Toad, he is basically disconfirmed) has made me rethink my stance on characters, at least in the Mario universe. At this point, I'm willing to bet that we won't get anyone from Mario, though Jr. is still a standout.
Want - 50% - While I would find Jr. more fun to play with, him appearing before Toad would feel shoe-horned. It would be a fairly even mix between bitter and sweet.
Meowth Prediction - 9% - I'd think that if he were to be getting in, he would have appeared by now. I'm probably not alone in this feeling.
Anna X4
Ridley X1