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Rate Their Chances Returns! Day 194: "Predicting the Direct"

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Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
Cloud Cuckooland
Must...not...make...obvious reference....
Chance: 0%
Really obscure Japan exclusive Famicom character. He's doomed from the start.
Want: 50%
The ****storm that this would cause would be absolutely hilarious. But then when the butthurt wears off, I'll just look at his icon in the roster and think to myself, "We could have done better..."

Chance: 98%
The only thing getting in the way of his inclusion is time restraints, and he was also low priority in Brawl. However, it seems like they're going for no cuts at all for this game, and Wolf was a pretty unique character (HE'S NOT A SEMI-CLONE AT ALL GOSH DARNIT).
Want: 100%
He was a really fun character to play as, and I'd rather not have any cuts, thank you.

Grovyle: 2.39%
King K. Rool: 77.15%

Nom: Shadow X5


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
was planning to do an ace attorney rating or rant, but I got unexpectedly busy all day, maybe next time
Goku (yuyuki) - 0.01%
horribly obscure, completely unnecessary, and the only reason he is nominated or even known, is because he has the same name as the famous goku form the anime
want - 2%
i'll admit this, if he got in i'll laugh, i'll continue to laugh till I've played the game for awhile, but then after that, you just got to question why? just because he as the name goku? that's just horrible and a majorly wasted slot
whelp looks like i'm done fo-
Can't let you do that, Star Fox!
oh right, how could I forget:p
Wolf O'Donnell - 98%
pretty step eh? I believe this is valid for him
first off, unlike popular belief, wolf is not a clone, not even semi clone, while true he has similar specials and almost the exact final smash, he plays completely different then his two rivals,
another thing is that the game is far in development, we've seen stage ascetics, assist trophies, and even close up details on character models, so becoming cut for development time seems unlikely and unnecessary at this point
wolf getting replace is a laugh, krystal will never replace the eternal rival of star fox, and if she did for what purpose exactly? for a love interest? it'll be going a step backwards
wolfs not going to get cut no matter what, despite what many think, i'm confident my favorite character will return
want - 100%
like I said, he is one of my favorite video game characters, I loved him in all the games, especially the quotes, I usually associate with him quite often, heck I've always use the "can't let you do that/insert verb" joke all the time, and honestly when I first saw him in brawl I was completely shocked, it was amazingly unexpected,
all in all, he's not getting cut, no matter what
grovyle - 1.24%
ya i'm not expecting above 2%
king k rool - 68.97%
don't know, could be anywhere, buts its going to be above 60% knowing this site


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
Chance - 1%
Way too obscure

Want - 0%
Way too obscure

Chance - 98%
A one percent rise from last time given Lucario (who I also had given 97%) was confirmed. Wolf has too much uniqueness and value to the Star Fox series to go, imo

Want - 100%
My main in Brawl. I really really enjoy his character, and if it really came down to cutting a Star Fox character, Falco deserves to be cut before Wolf. However, at this point, both of them should remain in the game, and for us to get no new Star Fox character. Let''s leave it at these three.

Grovyle - 5.21%
His greatests chances are as part of a new pokemon trainer with Mudkip and Blaziken.

K. Rool - 76.4%
The Krew is strong after surviving the Tropical Freeze release with no mention of Dixie.

x5 Magolor


Smash Ace
May 18, 2013

Oh wrong Goku...

In all seriousness, I know nothing about this Goku so I abstain.

Chance: 95%
Earlier I would have given him a 90%, but with Toon Link and Lucario, I am confident that all of the Nintendo owned Brawl veterans will make it in (Taking out time constraints). However, there is a chance he could be cut.

Want: He's a veteran and I like the Brawl cast.

K. Rool: 80.5%
Grovyle: 3%

Louie x3
Gangplank Galleon x2

Headcrab Jackalope

Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2013
Switch FC
I iz back

Goku: Abstain


Chance: 98%- All veterans seem to be coming back, and Wolf is no exception.

Want: 90%- My favorite Star Fox character in Smash(Still prefer Slippy and Leon tho).


Grovyle: 3.2%- Kind of a weird choice for a Pokémon character, since Mystery Dungeon is kind of a niche series, but it's slightly less unlikely than most random Pokémon.

K. Rool: 85%- Guise, this is Smashboards.... :bee:


Louie x5


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
You know, I'm surprised no one's tried to re-nominate Omastar after this whole Helix cult got started. It actually almost feels like we anticipated the whole thing by months.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
You know, I'm surprised no one's tried to re-nominate Omastar after this whole Helix cult got started. It actually almost feels like we anticipated the whole thing by months.
Don't you DARE nominate the Helix Fossil.

Just... don't. I'm warning you all, don't use that Helix Fossil!


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
Don't you DARE nominate the Helix Fossil.

Just... don't. I'm warning you all, don't use that Helix Fossil!
You aren't oak! You can't tell us what to use and what not to use!

Butsrsly I'd rather nominate bird Jesus (Pidgeot)

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Goku Chance: 0.01%
Started at the bottom..........still there.

Goku Want: 50%
Just for the sole fact that Sakurai could say, "A lot of fans on Miiverse have been asking me to add a character named Goku, so I granted their wish! You're welcome Miiverse!"

Wolf Chance: 85%
If Toon Link and Lucario are coming back, so is Wolf.
All we need is Ike and maybe Snake, and I'll say Wolf is a given.

Wolf Want: 75%
I really only want him because he was a veteran.
If he was a newcomer, I'd probably flat-out hate him.
Though I hope they make him more unique this time around.

Grovyle Prediction: 5%

K. Rool Prediction: 90%
THIS. IS. SMASHBOARDS!!!! *kicks Anti-K. Rool person into pit*

Nomination: X5 Sandbag


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
On a side note I've noticed I seem to be getting more passionate and ranty as time goes on in this game. This is like what? The third day in a row I've ranted about a character or an aspect of Smash in this game. Jeez, I need to cool them jets.
I'm sort of the exact opposite. Since around November, I've been trying to detatch myself and be more objective with all of my ratings. I think the pinnacle of this is when I rated Dixie over K. Rool just a few weeks ago, and another good example is how I've dropped Ridley's score 30% since my summertime ratings.

Of course, I'm growing more passionate about how much I want characters. I'm just trying to keep a level head when it comes to my expectations.
-He exists.

Goku (YuYuKi): 0%
I did my research. YuYuKi is the sequel to Shin Onigashima, but it is unlike its predecessor in that it was never ported to another system. Additionally, YuYuKi material has only ever had one cameo appearance, and that is Goku appearing in the background of a Kirby game. This intrigued me, as Kirby is a Sakurai-san series; however, the entry in which Goku cameos was not directed by Sakurai. It's not even clear if Sakurai knows this title exists, as it didn't even get a sticker in Brawl.

Goku is obscure among even the Japanese. He has no shot of getting into the Smash when very few know that his game even existed--and when his inclusion would only cause outrage and confusion.

Goku Want: 0%
Too obscure and not enough of a drawing factor for my tastes.

Wolf Chance: 66%
I believe that we will have a small number of cuts due to time constraints. Wolf seems like one of the most likely of these cuts; he has a fairly unique moveset, but he was a late addition in the last game and is one of the more expendable characters on the roster. I can't say I expect him to be cut, but it is certainly a possibility.

Wolf Want: 60%
Wolf is a great character in his own series and interacts pretty well with the rest of the cast, but I'm not a huge fan of how... boring... he is in Smash Bros. Also, I want as many newcomers as possible, and if that means a few cuts from the fringe veterans, then so be it.

Athena Cykes is atop the nominations list? No matter how many E. Gadd nominations I use, he can't pass her?This is bad. Very, very bad. I wanted to make a big post for her day, but I don't have much time until the weekend this week. Ugh... what to do...




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Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Goku (YuYuKi)
0.96% chance
31.82% want

Goku's chances were dismantled by a combination of obscurity and complete apathy. His want would have been, too, had it not been for the desire to troll Miiverse.

Wolf (Star Fox)
88.07% chance (previous: 86.08%)
84.19% want (previous: 80.36%)

Wolf can't let you rate him low in either regard! He improved by a few percent in each area; although his want now stands at nearly 10% higher than rival Falco's, he didn't quite catch the air-loving bird in chance. Falco, you're good and all, but Wolf is clearly bettah.

GROVYLE! Everyone's favorite Grass-Type steps into Rate Their Chances--but there's a twist that some of you may not pick up on. Grovyle had the starring role in a handful of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon titles--most notably Explorers of Sky, if memory serves--and is more important than he may initially seem. It's tough to advise you to look into his role, as it is central enough to the plot that it contains major spoilers; please use caution.. That said, please rate Grovyle in chance and want. In addition, we'll be rating a character that needs no introduction; he is our most wanted character after all! Gotta milk that one while I still can. Please rate, in chance and want... the one... the only... KING K. ROOL!

"Tomorrow" probably won't start until Thursday because I'm extremely busy on Wednesday. However, when it comes, we will be rating Louie from Pikmin and Takamaru from that title I can't really spell. Please predict how Louie and Takamaru will do!


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2013
Grovyle Likelihood: 0.1%
Want: 40%

K. Rool Likelihood: 38%
Want: 65%

Louie: 1.55%
Takamaru: 57.85%

Unlockable Newcomers x5


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Likelihood: 5%
A pretty bleak chance, despite his important role in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. Given how little importance the Mystery Dungeon has been given in Smash, I don't think it gives him much of an edge. His best shot to be included, I think, is as a part of a Hoenn trainer.

Want: 70%
Would love to play as him.

King K. Rool:
Likelihood: 85%
Given the current circumstances (Diddy Kong keeping his DK64 gear instead of getting updated to Tropical Freeze, no mention of Dixie in the recent N-Direct), K. Rool has a great chance to be included.

Want: 100%
I recently played DKC and DKC2. K. Rool is a freaking amazing character, full to the brim with moveset potential.

Louie prediction: 10%
How the heck did Bulborb get rated before him?
Takamaru prediction: 59%
Don't expect a change.

Bowser's Castle stage x 5

EDIT: Pac-Man will have to wait until Takamaru is done. Please don't kill me.
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Smasher 101

Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2013
Switch FC
@ LoneKonWolf LoneKonWolf and @ Xenigma Xenigma came very close to Goku and Wolf (respectively)'s actual scores, and they both have received five extra nominations as a result.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Chance: 3% only with a second PKMN trainer with Mudkip and Blaziken.
Want: 50% - If he's with the other two aforementioned.

K. Rool:
Chance: 80% - Popular in all the world. Nuff Said.
Want: 100% Always wanted him.

Louie: 2.6%
Takamaru: 75%

Sora x5


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012

Grovyle: 1% Chance / 65% Want
GameFreak has no reason to tell Sakurai to use Grovyle right now.

King K. Rool: 85% Chance / 95% Want
The most wanted character (aside from Mewtwo) wanted worldwide. That's a big deal.

x5 Athena Cykes

We're coming for ya Louie!


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Copypasting over my rationale from June, with a few edits.

King K. Rool:

Likelihood - 99%
As biased as I am regarding the character, I like to think that my bias stems from the legitimate strength of K. Rool's chances, rather than vice versa. Anyways, since there will definitely be ratings focused around his popularity, potential, importance, "relevance" and Dixie, I want to take a different approach and bring up Sakurai's interview from a few months ago, which was a convenient godsend, considering it takes my argument and reinforces it, and from the horse's mouth, no less.

"PN: You get a lot of requests for new characters, and from fans and even developers. Do you consider these requests, or do you prefer to keep your vision intact game, and so keep the balance sought by not taking into account these suggestions?

Sakurai: Well, I would indeed account requests from fans. But the phase in which I collect this kind of information is already completed, and we are currently working to integrate this content in. We always try to incorporate as much content in our program."

And now, let's look at the 'information' we've produced, which began emerging most notably after Smash was announced at E3 2011 and increased in intensity into 2012, when the game began development. Taking the multiple character polls we've seen into consideration, as well as the observations from the multiple users who have delved into Japanese forums, the Top 3 requests are Mewtwo, Mega Man, and K. Rool, and have been for quite some time.

Now, let's look at the visible impact these requests have had on the roster thus far: Mega Man was a day one reveal as the game's most popular newcomer, and Sakurai has openly claimed to be "thinking about" adding Mewtwo (to put this in context, he claimed to be "thinking about" adding Pit after Uprising's release). With the top two most wanted characters already confirmed and psuedo-confirmed, I think it's a borderline certainty that Sakurai has heard our wishes and is obliging, as he has done with virtually every non-Ridley popular character in the past, just without our knowledge of him listening to the 'information' we put out.

Now, note that neither of Mewtwo or Mega Man are Nintendo newcomers nor new additions to veteran series. K. Rool is not only the fan-favorite frontrunner for both of these categories, but is also the definitive villain newcomer. However true it may be that Ridley's fans have had a longer wait for their character, K. Rool hails from a larger series, receives strong demand beyond just the West, and, as far as we know, doesn't require the team's 'best efforts' to incorporate. This isn't to mention his capacity to catch the development team's eye for what was also just stated in an interview: the ability to bring something new to the table and stand out on the roster.

I'll close by saying that I find the notion that he's only a 'possible' addition in competition with a character whose only (alleged) advantage over him is existing in a new game, despite Sakurai visibly listening to fans and him being such a massive remaining fan-favorite, positively delusional. At this point, I basically consider any decision to leave K. Rool off a roster prediction to be one based on gut feelings and/or distaste for the character, rather than any semblance of understanding how past rosters have worked and how this one is shaping up.

An addendum (10/30/13): I didn't touch on the potential for K. Rool to get left out, so I'll briefly address it here. While it does exist and I acknowledge it, it isn't based upon anything concrete or on any known criteria of Sakurai's. Any character could get left out for reasons none of us are aware of, therefore I'm perfectly comfortable calling K. Rool an objectively likely character when everything else he has in his favor catapults him far above and beyond the rest of the pack (aside from a very select few).

Want - 100%
Short and sweet, I buy this game and a Wii U (and possibly the same for the 3DS) if K. Rool is playable. If not, I'll appreciate whatever other excellent content the game is sure to offer from the comfort of a friend's house, rather than my own.


Grovyle Want and Chances: 0.1%
It's a testament to how few people really care about most of the characters remaining that he's the sort of character K. Rool is sharing his day with whilst being revoted on for the third or fourth time.

Nominate The Gangplank Galleon stage x5


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2013
You got to be kidding me, even Goku gets a higher want score than Chrom!! It seems a Chrom supporter like myself just can't catch a break on this particular forum. :)

Chance: 2% - He may have had an important role in Mystery Dungeon, but it won't help him when all the Pokemon fans are clambering for Mewtwo, Zoroark, Meowth, and Genesect.
Want: 7% - He's okay, but there are so many characters I want in ahead of him.

King K. Rool
Chance: 44% - I feel Dixie has a slightly better chance. It's sad that Nintendo seems to be turning a blind eye to his popularity.
Want: 63% - Everybody loves the K. Rool. :)

Louie prediction: 2.4%

Takamaru prediction: 59%

Nominations: Improved Stage builder x5
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Smash Lord
Jun 12, 2013
Charleston, SC
Grovyle - 1%
Grovyle is an interesting Pokemon simply because of its important role within the Explorer games that garnered a fair bit of popularity. That said, he also suffers from the general problem all characters in the franchise have: tons of competition. Grovyle may well be the best Pokemon to represent the Explorer games specifically, but there's already four veterans from Brawl (six depending on how you count Trainer), plus Mewtwo whom everyone is certain will return, plus tons of fan picks all over the map like Zoroark, Genesect, Blaziken, Meowth, Eevee, new trainers, characters from the anime, or any number of other candidates. A number of these have edge cases where they're at least plausible, and Grovyle certainly fits the bill for Explorer, but there are so many of them fighting for a spot that isn't even likely to exist, making all their individual chances miniscule at best. 1% is, frankly, generous: were Grovyle any less notable, I'd be tempted to simply give a zero.
Want - 50% - Very cool Pokemon, regardless of the context, though I'd far prefer to see Blaziken as a sixth Pokemon character.

King K. Rool Prediction - 40%
Since our last rating, we've had two real developments for DK characters in Smash: K. Rool ended up not being in Tropical Freeze, which hurts his chances somewhat, and Dixie ended up not being revealed alongside Tropical Freeze, which somewhat helps K. Rool's chances considering that was her most obvious opportunity to be revealed. In the end it's a bit of a wash, so K. Rool ends up the same place I've been rating him, about 40% chance with Dixie sitting at 45%. Really, the only thing that's changed is that I'm really starting to doubt Cranky being in Tropical Freeze actually gives him a chance and that my giving him 15% was far too generous.
Want - 75% - I've got significant nostalgia for him from DK64 in particular, and no doubt he would be a crowdpleaser, though I'm not a huge fan personally.

Louie Prediction - 8%
I don't think a Pikmin newcomer is even remotely likely, but being the most plausible newcomer for his series means he'll get some decent ratings.

Takamaru Prediction - 61%
Seems the top picks are seeing small increases in recent rerates, so let's say Takamaru keeps up the trend.

Midna x10


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Oooh, interesting day today. Let's get right to it.


Chance: 8.5%
Grovyle's an extremely interesting case. He's extremely important to a spin-off of the mainstream Pokemon games and fairly important in the (Hoenn era) anime, but he's not terribly prevalent in the actual games themselves and he's far past his prime. A character in a position like his would probably be considered a likely candidate for a series like Fire Emblem where there are only a few recurring characters...but this is the Pokemon series we're talking about. He's behind the behemoth Mewtwo, the ever-underrated Meowth, and the slightly-fallen-from-grace Zoroark; he's about on-par with Blaziken and Genesect; and he's only given more trouble by his underlings of Sylveon, Victini, Darkrai, and a few others.

Want: 35%
I'd rather have Mewtwo, Meowth, or Blaziken, but I'm still kinda fond of him.

King K. Rool:

Chance: 88%
High. Very, very high. His competitors Dixie and Cranky's chances are terribly wounded by the last Nintendo Direct coming and going without a Donkey Kong newcomer, instead having Little Mac. If either of them were in, I'd expect them to be revealed then. In my mind, Dixie is the only one with even a small shot of getting in over (or beside) K. Rool as a hidden character.

Take into account that, his ridiculous popularity (most wanted newcomer worldwide if we don't count Mewtwo), his uniqueness (which seems to be key this time around), and his position as one of the few Nintendo all-stars not currently in Smash, and we're left with a very strong candidate.

Want: 68%
Behind quite a few characters for me, but I do quite like K. Rool, and I would love to see how he plays. I also would prefer him taking his place as the main DK villain again, since none of the one-shots that we've been seeing recently in the DKC series have interested me in the least.


Louie: 4%
If he gets lower than the Plasm Wraith, you can color me surprised.

Expecting him to make a jump for no particular reason.

Nominations: Four third parties x5
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Smasher 101

Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2013
Switch FC
Grovyle's chances: 0.5% - Does have importance in Mystery Dungeon but I doubt that would be enough. Would most likely be part of a Hoenn trainer if there was one but I also strongly doubt that. Additionally Jigglypuff, Kanto Trainer, and Mewtwo are all likely to return. If one of them doesn't or the series gets six characters...I still don't think he'd get in over other Pokemon such as Meowth or Zoroark, and from his own generation I think Blaziken would get picked over him.
Want: 10% - I don't really like the third generation that much. And I also really want Meowth.

K. Rool's chances: 75% - I'm still 50/50 between him and Dixie. I'd give a 50% DK getting two newcomers and I can't see Cranky getting in over either, so an additional 25% to both. (Personally I can't see Cranky getting in over either).
Want: 100% - I really like both K. Rool and Dixie and would like to see both get a spot. They've both earned it and the series has earned four characters.

Louie prediction: 5.78% - Hey look, a Pikmin character that actually has a chance! ...a rather small chance, but it's a chance.
Takamaru prediction: 55.18% - I think he'll have a bit of a drop, actually.

Mii x5
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Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Chances: 2%
Want: 20%

-King K.Rool:
Chances: 40%
Want: 80%

-Louie Prediction: 4,4%

-Takamaru Prediction: 50%

-Nomination: Toon Zelda/Tetra X5

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
You got to be kidding me, even Goku gets a higher want score than Chrom!! It seems a Chrom supporter like myself just can't catch a break on this particular forum. :(

Chance: 2% - He may have had an important role in Mystery Dungeon, but it won't help him when all the Pokemon fans are clambering for Mewtwo, Zoroark, Meowth, and Genesect.
Want: 7% - He's okay, but there are so many characters I want in ahead of him.

King K. Rool
Chance: 44% - I feel Dixie has a slightly better chance. It's sad that Nintendo seems to be turning a blind eye to his popularity.
Want: 63% - Everybody loves the K. Rool. :)

Louie prediction: 2.4%

Takamaru prediction: 59%

Nominations: Improved Stage builder x5
Another person pissed off.... my work today is done.


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2013
Another person pissed off.... my work today is done.
I'm not actually angry, I was one of the few that gave Goku a high want rating (79%), and I'm happy that he got at least a decent want score. The problem is that I tend to have this bad habit of making overdramatic posts. I'm really sorry if I sounded bitter, I'll try to be more careful about what I write from now on.

Peace. :)
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Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2013
AB, Canada

He's, at the very least, eligible. The thing about Pokemon characters is the "promoted" ones usually are the ones represented in Smash, typically. We got Pichu in Melee, and Lucario in Brawl. Whos it going to be this time? probably not Grovyle, but it certainly isnt impossible. New Pokemon are usually pretty fun.
Chance: 3%
Want: 30%

King K. Rool

  • He is, by far, one of the most popular and requested characters other than Mewtwo.
  • Sakurai acknowledged his popularity all the way back in melee with his trophy, and it hasn't really dropped since.
  • DK both deserves and warrants another character slot, and he is a prime candidate for the position.
  • More potential for uniqueness than his direct competition, who seem to be all Kongs at this point.
  • Featured in all the DKC games + 64. He appeared more in DKC for SNES than DK himself.
  • Could be added with Dixie Kong as well, with 4 slots.
  • Consistently near the top of the popularity and request polls, even the ones released by Sakurai himself.
  • Nintendo may be attempting to forget their past relationship with RARE, and therefore, everything that is associated with them. but that argument is pretty weak, considering Dixie is in DKC:TF
  • Not relevent? Again, usually not an issue with Smash Bros.
  • Competition with Dixie Kong.
All this being said, he is one of the few additions that I would be very, VERY disappointed not to see included. IMO, its a no-brainer. He has quite the legacy behind him, and fans of the DKC series are dying to see him again. Smash is an excellent opportunity to bring him back.
Chance: 65%
Want: 100%

As a comparison, i would give Dixie about 57.5%.

Louie: 5.6%
Takamaru: 66%

Bowser's Castle x5
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Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2010
Grovyle: 0.2% Love you and our Pokemon Ruby memories, buddy, but not without a Hoenn Trainer. Want: 2%
King K. Rool - 67% Chance, Want: 100%

Louie 5%
Takamaru 49%

Nominate: Duck Hunt stage x5

Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
Grovyle solo:

Chance: 0.1%
While Grovyle is important, and the particular Grovyle is solo, I don't think it matters, and only goes to (sightly) help a Hoenn trainer. It may not be the same Grovyle exactly, but his importance in the Fushigi no Dungeon spin-offs is trumped by importance in the main series... and our current Pokémon Trainer, Blaziken and Mewtwo all have more of that... That said, Hoenn trainer's one of the more likely 6th pokémon reps, even despite the time constraints, simply because of the importance every single member has been afforded (even if Mudkip has only been afforded it by memetic mutation).

Want: 20%
Not Alone, though Hoenn Trainer would get a 60% from me, hyping (especially as it likely means Hoenn remakes are coming), but not really necessary. I wouldn't hate his inclusion mind you.


So Tropical Freeze came without even an Easter Egg... Well unless you count the ENTIRE FINAL BOSS BATTLE! That said the snow-mads are practically the new Kremlings, with a little more variety even. For what it's worth they make a good replacement unlike the Tiki's, but I do miss the king. I always though K.Rool would be final final boss material (at the end of the secret world) or at least referenced significantly, but nothing of the sort. In fact the secret world was a bit of a let down with only three levels and no conclusion... for shame. What does this mean for our favourite Kremling?

Chance: 50%
Smash isn't too concerned with being up-to-date with a series, as Sheik is evidence, and K.Rool is one of the most wanted characters on either side of the world... But it could well be peeing on Retro's fire to include him, and Sakurai may not want to upset them... It's a hard call, but the sheer popularity makes me think he's got a coin toss of a chance.

Want: 100%
I don't think we need K.Rool in every DKC game, but he should at least be referenced... And he is still one of my favourite Nintendo Villains. I think the Snowmads are better than the Kremlings, but leader v leader, K.Rool beats Lord Frederik any day of the weak...

Louie: 3.2%
Takamaru: 63%

Fatal Frame*5
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Chances: 1% Not the best, he's a popular starter form and can fall back on the popularity of the PMD series, but there are more popular Pokémon that stand out then him.
Want: 70% Liked him in PMD and he would make for a fun addition to the cast.

King K. Rool
Chances: 89% I still think he a strong chance. He has missed the two recent DKC, but in terms of what he means to his series his influence much surpasses that lack. Plus, he carries one of the most (if not the most) popularity of any newcomer with his request on both sides of the globe being rather high. The only issue I can see is that Dixie is a viable contender for that third spot and provided we don't get a fourth one can easily get it over the other.
Want: 100% One of the newcomers I want the most into the game, I'm still pulling for him.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Chance: 1%

On his own anyway. Should there be a Hoenn trainer at some point in Smash though he'd make the most sense of the middle evos. Amongst Pokemon fans he does have a fan following, but it's less than fellow Hoenn Starter Blaziken, Anime All star; Meowth, The indecisive person's Pokemon of choice; Eevee or the 5th Gen popular choices of Zoroark and Genesect.

Want: 25%
Eh, I like Grovyle enough, but I just don't think he's special enough on his own to warrant a slot in Smash without Blaziken and Mudkip. Especially over other choices like Mewtwo and the one I'm nominating today.

King K. Rool:
Chance: 60%

Alright, King K. Rool is an interesting one. On the one hand; most popular newcomer character requested for Smash currently worldwide...but that doesn't mean he's a shoo-in. Retro don't like the Kremlings much and seem to be busy creating their own set of villains. Nintendo don't seem to be paying much attention to how much popularity this fat ugly crocodile king actually has, so I'm not overly confident that the fans will win out on this one if Nintendo insist on including a Tropical Freeze Kong instead.
Both could co-exist, but realistically it's unlikely. Limited slots with some speculating we'll get a total of 10 newcomers and you give two spaces to Donkey Kong? Maybe if it's 12 or above, but 1/5th of the newcomers being DK related seems unlikely for the same reason I'm not expecting a second Mario newcomer with such limited positioning.
But does he deserve it more than Dixie Kong? That's the question. Smashboards seems to think the answer is yes, but I'm skeptical. Additional 10% is there just for his overall popularity.

Want: 50%
I played Tropical Freeze and I'm afraid to say I didn't miss the Kremlings at all. I was too busy enjoying the Snowmad's antics. I'm horribly indifferent to K. Rool's existence. He's likable enough and probably does deserve the spot, but I'm leaning more towards Dixie in want these days. If he gets in over her, I can at least take solace in that many will be pleased with the decision and that Dixie is the closest thing to a shoo-in for the next game.

Louie: 3.5%
Louie's probably the top Pikmin choice for something interesting. A pity no one wants another Pikmin newcomer.

Takamaru: 70%
Takamaru is Smashboards absolute favourite retro. Expecting high.

Meowth X 5

Deleted member

Grovyle and King K. Rool have been added to the Directory.
If you have rated King K. Rool, check back to see what you've said on his days!

I'll start off with the priority.

Kaptain King Baron K. Roolenstein

Personally, I don't think that getting away from Tropical Freeze's release date weakens Dixie Kong. One of them can be revealed at any time. When one gets revealed, the others chances are weakened. However, that Nintendo Direct helped King K. Rool. Little Mac punched away the possibility of Dixie Kong getting revealed; this is crucial as Dixie Kong can promote Tropical Freeze, something that King K. Rool cannot do.
I will play devil's advocate by saying that Dixie Kong could still get revealed soon. The next worldwide Direct is most likely in April… Dixie Kong can easily get revealed in that month. The only other possibilities I can think of are random reveals (Palutena, Ridley, Pac-Man), Shulk for X footage, or Takamaru for his game's anniversary.
What does King K. Rool have an edge over Dixie Kong? Uniqueness. He is by far one of the most interesting possible characters that Sakurai could choose and he has been emphasizing uniqueness on every newcomer. He isn't choosing them just because they are popular, he is choosing them because they can offer something new to the Smash universe (Villager for his items, Mega Man for his projectiles, WFT for her yoga poses, Rosalina for her puppet moveset, and Little Mac for his punches). King K. Rool can offer so much with using his Krown, Blunderbuss, helikopter, boxing gloves, and scepter to represent his multiple personas in the games.
His demand is by far important. Without it, King K. Rool wouldn't have a major chance. He is by far one of the most wanted newcomers worldwide and the Kremlings and him are demanded to might a triumphant return in the DKCR games. I do believe that Retro has King K. Rool in the back of their minds, but I understand that they want to try something new on their own.
While his absence in DKCR and Tropical Freeze is a detriment, I feel as though his positives outshine his negatives. Besides, Diddy Kong's absence from Jungle Beat didn't ruin his chances to appear in Brawl now did they?
Want: 100%
He WAS my 3rd most wanted newcomer… but 2 characters have risen above him while one is now below him. I now want him more than Bowser Jr. as his chances are looking very bleak. The two characters that have risen above him are Shulk and Bandana Dee. Shulk would represent Xenoblade Chronicles, an amazing game that no one other than him could represent in Smash (BEHOLD THE POWER OF THE MONADO!… I had to get that out). I want Bandana Dee more simply because I am more of a Kirby fan than a Donkey Kong fan (I hate to admit this, but I've only played DKC 1, DKCR, and TF… the difficulty of DKC 1 turned me off… I feel ashamed!).
However, I still freaking want him. He deserves to return in the next DKCR game and he was a pretty cool villain. I still remember his battle in DKC. I didn't find it to be hard, but it was so freaking epic WITH THAT MUSIC!!!!!
He would by far one of the most unique characters and I find him to be very deserving of a roster slot. K. Rool not appearing in Smash is a crime for how unique the other characters are and would be a massive missed opportunity if he didn't return. Regardless, if Dixie Kong got in, I would be OK. TF warmed me up to her, though I don't think that she would be too exciting. King K. Rool and Dixie Kong have both earned a slot on the roster… it's just a shame that only one might get in… I would love both.
Also, one of my friend's most wanted newcomer is King K. Rool. I would love to see him react to King K. Rool getting confirmed.


The PMD games barely get any representation in Smash, I doubt that will change here. There are also a ton of Pokemon to choose from, why choose Grovyle over them?
Want: 30%
I have a friend who absolutely loves Grovyle. I would love to see him to react to him being playable in Smash. However, I would still be disappointed if he got in over other Pokemon like Mewtwo.

Louie Prediction: 9.22%
He HAS to do better than Plasm Wraith…
Takamaru Prediction: 47.95%
You know what happened on Chrom's day? People thought he was overrated and brought his scores down. The same thing might happen to Takamaru. He might be worth re-rating in April.

Nominations: Zael 5x
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC

Chance: 5% - Too much competition. I don't think Sakurai views a need to represent the Pokémon spin-offs either.

Want: 90% - Okay, so I never really rate obscure character very highly in want, but Grovyle is an exception. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky is one of my all-time favorite video games ever, and furthermore the Sceptile line is one of my favorite Pokémon lines. This would be so amazing, it's such a shame it won't happen, would definitely be my main Pokémon (since Ivysaur is part of a Trainer.) However, this is all considering he's alone, I don't want another Trainer so the percentages would drop a lot from that.

King K. Rool:

Chance: 85% - His chances are higher than ever. Relevancy was the only thing that could work as a counter-argument against him (and even then that argument could still be countered,) and guess what, Diddy Kong's gadgets use the DK64 design, not the Returns design. Furthermore, the February Direct was the absolute perfect time to announce Dixie if she was a prioritized newcomer, the fact that they didn't grab such a beyond perfect opportunity to super advertise DKC:TF tells me that Dixie either isn't in, or is a low prioritized semi-clone like Wolf, which means that K. Rool has all the power in the world to take the prioritized DK newcomer slot. In either way, it kills the argument that Dixie is in because of TF, since her advertising potential just died. Plus, there's also all the stuff with K. Rool being the most requested newcomer worldwide. To top it all off, it's Sakurai who decides the roster, so no matter how much Retro or Miyamoto wants to forget about the Kremlings it's ultimately not their decision whether he's in or not.

Want: 90% - Third most wanted realistic newcomer for this game in general, after Mega Man's reveal he's my second most wanted realistic newcomer. The only DKC game I've beaten where he's in is DKC1, so it's not that I have that big of an attachment to the guy, but mostly that his moveset potential and general personality really appeals to me. DKC isn't the same without this guy, even someone who hasn't played very much of the franchise can see this, so seeing his revival in Smash would at least be a pat on the back for the shameless rip-off of a final boss they made in TF. Plus, my brother would main this guy, and I'd love to have regular Ridley vs K. Rool matches.


Louie: 8%

Takamaru: 68%

5x Bowser's Castle stage
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Grovyle Chance: 3.5% He has competition against Blaziken and especially Zoroark.
Grovyle Want: 50% Meh.
King K. Rool Chance: 45% I feel at this point Dixie will be chosen and K. Rool will be overshadowed again, despite his high demand popularity.
King K. Rool Want: 30% Meh, I'm more attached to Dixie nowadays.

Louie Prediction: 3.5% People are really overestimating his chances just because he appeared twice in the Pikmin games.
Takamaru Prediction: 34.7%

Nominations: Alph Brittany Charlie x5


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2014
Chances: 1%
Want: 1%

King K. Rool
Chances: 85%
Want: 100%

Louie: 5%
Takumaru: 75%

Nominations: E. Gadd x5
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Grovyle Chance: 20%
Want 12%

If he shows up it'll be as a pokeball pokemon.

K. Rool Chance: 30%
Want: 1%

He's not important to his franchise anymore so I doubt he'll be playable.


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
Grovyl: 0.5% To much competition.
Want: 15%

King K. Rool: 75% I don't see a DK character as likely as most people. But due to him being one of two characters that are popular pretty much everywhere, I think he will get in.
Want: 100%

Louie: 1.34
Takamaru: 50.01%

x5 Professor E. Gadd. You're welcome Groose.
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