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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!

Princess Toady

Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2014
(lots of stuff happened while I was away, wow)

Congrats everyone on reaching the 10 000th post! Let's hope it's the last time we have to do that. :p

Also I really love these small Miiverse pictures created to help Krystal gain even more support. I'll have to give yeahs to the creators when I think about it.

As for Krystal's backstory, jahkzheng is right. I mean, however you look at it, Krystal's already a little out there, and I do admit that she gives small Mary Sue vibes at time. Mysterious with a trouble past, a unique weapon at her disposal, telepathic abilities and last survivor of a destroyed planet. Her backstory's already a bad fan fiction, so it'd be best to stay away from the Princess cliché. TBH, her backstory should be reworked. Not that that's going to happen, lol.

And for the direct, I'm a little surprised nothing has been announced yet. After such a criticized E3, you would think they have something prepared to make us forget about the bitter taste that's in our mouths. Then again, with Iwata's passing, I suppose they have other things to worry about, but I kind of expected something this month. You know, like they always do.

Also, the ballot stops in September, right ?


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Honestly? I think there's a decent chance those two placeholders that're still unaccounted for are both for pre-Ballot characters.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
From what the dead image said, Solatorobo was made by CC2, this team is more known for making the .//Hack series, but their first game was Tail Concerto. Solatorobo is basically a spiritual successor to it, and it took CC2 years to get it lit because Tail Concerto didnt sell all that well. Solatorobo did sell well in Japan, enough that merchandise was made from you typical items to Artbooks and fanbooks even. It may not of sold very well outside Japan, but the developers were happy to get it out there and they knew it wouldnt do that well, but that's beside the main point, the point is if they put a ton of effort into this game with the writing, characters, design, and even the world.

If they were able to put that amount of time and effort into that, then imagine what they could do if Nintendo got them to do it? They could probably make everyone likable, establish each planet more by going in details about what they have, show that the characters do things when they're not fighting (their rooms, items, etc), and much more. I again say someone else should handle the gameplay because while the game was good, Solatorobos gameplay suffered for being way too easy.
Ah, okay. You were referring to a screenshot I've not seen apparently. That game sounds really interesting and looks pretty cute. I looked it up a little after you named it. I may see if I can find a gameplay video to better understand how it played. Other than having anthropomorphic characters, what does it really have in common with Star Fox? Do you feel the makers of Solatorobo could really pull off a Star Fox game as well as anyone? I guess some of these questions may be answered by myself if I look up the game in greater detail, but I guess I wanted to hear from you more details.

I like the story of how the devs put their heart in the game. That's always awesome to hear about companies doing such things for the love of it. I can tell the game means a lot to you too.

I'd be so honored if I were that artist :')
Well, Alfore really pumps out the stuff and it's pretty darn good at that. I've seen your stuff though, and although it's not as prolific, it's a step up even. Alfore gets noticed though due to maximizing the exposure of her art.

So I've been thinking... Usually we get a direct every other month. Last time we got one was in June. We're in August.

Anybody's thinking we might have one this month or do you think the update is all we're getting ?
I don't know what I'm thinking... but I'm seriously hoping we see something. I believe we may see something before the deadline if Star Fox Zero gets a direct first. Basically Wolf. He especially just feels like a matter of time. Then perhaps Krystal can follow at some point. The ultimate dream come true is if they got revealed together in a Star Fox Zero direct. In some ways that dream seems less likely but also more likely. Less likely because Krystal appears to not exist in Zero, but more likely because before I was sure Wolf would've been revealed by now. The more time that goes by that Wolf isn't revealed, the more likely that if Krystal gets revealed she might just along side him. Realistically, I'm thinking if anyone's getting revealed in a direct before the deadline, it's Wolf. But nothing is guaranteed.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
Miami, Florida
Well, Alfore really pumps out the stuff and it's pretty darn good at that. I've seen your stuff though, and although it's not as prolific, it's a step up even. Alfore gets noticed though due to maximizing the exposure of her art.

I don't know what I'm thinking... but I'm seriously hoping we see something. I believe we may see something before the deadline if Star Fox Zero gets a direct first. Basically Wolf. He especially just feels like a matter of time. Then perhaps Krystal can follow at some point. The ultimate dream come true is if they got revealed together in a Star Fox Zero direct. In some ways that dream seems less likely but also more likely. Less likely because Krystal appears to not exist in Zero, but more likely because before I was sure Wolf would've been revealed by now. The more time that goes by that Wolf isn't revealed, the more likely that if Krystal gets revealed she might just along side him. Realistically, I'm thinking if anyone's getting revealed in a direct before the deadline, it's Wolf. But nothing is guaranteed.
For Alfore, the more of those pics I see for Krystal, the more excited I get and want her even more in Smash 4. As for a Direct, I'm with you on this one that hopefully we'll hear an announcement for a new Direct soon . Because it's obvious that we'll not only hear more info on Starfox Zero, but also new DLC for Smash 4 especially since Sakurai said that there will be several more characters for DLC. It's also likely that along with Wolf (most likely to be guaranteed to be the next DLC character), they could be working on the characters from the ballot(hoping that Krystal is one of them and that her chances as a playable DLC character is high) at the same time. After all he did say that we need to be patient about it. Besides, the new pack we got from this latest update didn't have any new characters to download. That was only the appetizer. Most likely we could get some DLC characters in the next update or two. But yeah, it's likely we could have a Direct this month.

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Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
I don't think we're getting a direct until way past October when the first character is finished, unless, that is, they had yet another pre-ballot character up their sleeve this whole time. I dunno. What do you think?
Direct's aren't just for Smash, they could very well just not announce anything


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
As of Smash 4 it seems most new characters are based around a unique thing (though it is not mandatory as Greninja shows) so what would Krystal's be?

One idea would be making her a transformation character but instead of swapping models she just swaps weapons between her Staff and a Star Fox Assault Blaster. Another is her staff requiring those weird palm tree crystals to power it up.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
As of Smash 4 it seems most new characters are based around a unique thing (though it is not mandatory as Greninja shows) so what would Krystal's be?

One idea would be making her a transformation character but instead of swapping models she just swaps weapons between her Staff and a Star Fox Assault Blaster. Another is her staff requiring those weird palm tree crystals to power it up.
You are a wellspring of great ideas.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
As of Smash 4 it seems most new characters are based around a unique thing (though it is not mandatory as Greninja shows) so what would Krystal's be?

One idea would be making her a transformation character but instead of swapping models she just swaps weapons between her Staff and a Star Fox Assault Blaster. Another is her staff requiring those weird palm tree crystals to power it up.
I like the stance change idea


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I like the stance change idea
Thanks, I remember posting one a while back and another user took it and expanded on it. It may take a while to find but I'll see if I can repost it.

Well I found my original idea and Amical's expansion on it
Ok then, here's what I've got for a Krystal two stance moveset.

Krystal is in her assault design but with some flair from her adventures one and an extra holster on her back.


B: Ice Spray: A cross between the Ice Climber's Blizzard and Bowser's Fire Breath. Krystal sprays ice continuously and can tilt it up and down. Dwindles after a while
B-Side: Ground Quake: Krystal leap forward and sticks her Staff in the ground, creating a small quake. Can aid recovery.
B-Up: Rocket Boost: Krystal shoots up into the air straight up. Has good knock back at the start and covers a lot of vertical distance but leave her vulnerable afterwards.

B-down: Weapon change: Krystal holster her current weapon (Staff to the back, gun to the hip) and takes out the other.

Assault (Note: Unlike the other SF crew, Krystal keeps her gun out and uses it in her melee attacks {like pistol whips not Mega Man type attacks}, her Smash attacks are short range charge shots)

B: Gatling gun: Fires a lot of shots in a short burst. The lasers themselves cover along distance and spread but is most effective damage wise at close range.
B-Side: Grenade: Krystal throws a grenade forward. Unlike Link's bombs or Snake's Grenades she can't hold and cook them but throws them faster to compensate.
B-Up: Jet Pack Assault: Krystal uses a jet pack to fly freely for 2-3 seconds. She can hit B to fire short range blaster shots. Doesn't cover a great distance and if hit her JP will explode.

What do you think?
Let me build on this idea.


- Staff Attacks

Krystal punches, then kicks, then swings her staff. (Comes out very quickly, ends fairly quickly. Punch and kick are short ranged, staff swing is medium ranged. Knockback is good and launches forward at a 45 degree angle. Does 12 damage total when fresh. First hit does 2 damage, second does 3, and third does 7. Not a kill move.)
> Dash Attack:
Krystal rushes forward and swings her staff in an upward motion. (Comes out semi-slowly, like Marth's Dash Attack. Long ranged. Knockback is decent and launches forward at a 45 degree angle. Does 8 damage when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> F Tilt:
Krystal stabs forward with her staff. (Comes out almost immediately. Long ranged. Knockback good and launches straight forward. Does 10 damage when fresh. Only a kill move at higher percents.)
> U Tilt:
Krystal quickly spins her staff above her, like a helicopter. (Comes out very quickly, ends very quickly. Medium ranged above her. Knockback is small and launches straight upward. Does 6 damage when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> D Tilt:
Krystal crouches and swings her staff horizontally in front of her. (Comes out fairly quickly. Long ranged. Knockback is minimal and launches at an 80 degree angle forward, allowing for it to combo into itself. Does 5 damage when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> F Air:
Krystal swings her staff vertically in front of her. (Comes out very quickly. Long ranged. Knockback is good and launches straight forward. Does 10 damage when fresh. Kill move, but at higher percents.)
> U Air:
Krystal backflips and slashes above her with her staff. (Comes out almost immediately. Long ranged. Knockback is minimal and launches straight upward, allowing it to easily combo into itself. Does 7 damage when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> D Air:
Krystal stabs her staff downward. (Comes out semi-slowly. Long ranged. Knockback acts as a powerful meteor. Does 11 damage when fresh. Kill move at low percents when off-stage.)
> B Air:
Krystal spins and slashes horizontally behind her, using both hands. (Comes out semi-quickly. Long ranged. Knockback is good and launches straight backward. Does 13 damage when fresh. Kill move.)
> N Air:
Krystal rapidly spins her staff around, forming a circle around her. (Comes out fairly quickly. Medium ranged. Hits multiple times, and the final hit's knockback is minimal, and launches the opponent back in the direction they came from. Does 14 damage if all hits connect when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> F Smash:
Krystal uses both hands to slash the staff diagonally in front of her. (Comes out fairly quickly. Long ranged. Knockback is great and launches straight forward. Does 14 damage when fresh. Kill move.)
> U Smash:
Krystal stabs the staff straight up, and it is surrounded in flames. (Comes out very quickly. Long ranged. Knockback is good and launches straight up. Does 16 damage when fresh. Kill move, but at higher percents. Does fire damage.)
> D Smash:
Krystal stabs the staff into the ground, creating a quake around her. (Comes out semi-slowly. Range extends slightly above her head because of the staff, and it has medium range on either side of her because of the quake. Knockback is great and launches straight forward or backward if it hits with the quake, and launches straight up if it hits with the staff. Does 18 damage when fresh. Great kill move.)
> Neutral B:
Krystal shoots ice from the tip of her staff, like Charizard's fire breath. The angle can be controlled. (Comes out semi-quickly. Long ranged. Knockback works exactly like Charizard's fire breath. Starts at 10 damage per second, and slowly decreases to 1 damage per second. Not a kill move. Does ice damage.)
> Side B:
Krystal takes a great leap forward, flips, and slashes with her staff. Can be used in the air. (Comes out fairly quickly. The jump goes a long distance, and the slash is medium ranged. Knockback is good and launches at a 30 degree angle forward. Does 13 damage when fresh. Kill move, but only at higher percents.)
> Up B
Krystal uses the staff to launch herself up a great vertical distance. Horizontal distance is minimal. Krystal can use aerials out of this move, like Snake's recovery. (Comes out fairly quickly. The jumping motion has a hitbox, which hits multiple times and finally launches forward or backward at a 70 degree angle. This move always does 15 damage if all hits connect. Only a kill move at very high percents.)

(Krystal changes stances between her Staff Stance and her Assault Stance. The change starts on frame 1 and ends on frame 5, allowing for a quick transition. If she is holding her staff, she puts it in a sheath on her back, and pulls out a blaster from a holster on her hip. If she is holding the blaster, she puts it in its holster and draws her staff.)

- Assault Attacks

> AAA:
Krystal swings her blaster in front of her, punches, and then kicks. (Comes out fairly quickly, ends fairly quickly. Swing is medium ranged, punch is short ranged, and the kick is medium ranged. Knockback is decent and launches forward at a 45 degree angle. Does a total of 13 damage when fresh. First hit does 3 damage, second hit does 4, and third does 6. Not a kill move.)
> Dash Attack:
This is one of Krystal's very few real "clone" moves. It is exactly the same as Fox's Dash Attack.
> F Tilt:
This move looks the same as Falco's F Tilt. However, the only difference is in knockback: it launches straight forward, does 10 damage when fresh, and is a kill move at higher percents.
> U Tilt:
Krystal does a quick backflip, kicking above her with both legs and landing gracefully back on her feet. (Comes out very quickly. Medium ranged. There are two hits, one for each leg, and the second kick has good knockback that launches straight upward. Does 12 damage when fresh if both hits connect. Kill move at high percents.)
> D Tilt:
Krystal crouches down and swings her legs in front of her. (Comes out fairly quickly. Medium ranged. Knockback is decent and launches at a 45 degree angle forward. Does 7 damage when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> F Air:
Krystal kicks, spins, and kicks again in quick succession. (Comes out fairly quickly, ends semi-quickly. Medium ranged. Knockback is good on both hits, making it much harder to air dodge, and launches straight forward. Each kick does 7 damage when fresh. Kill move at higher percents.)
> U Air:
Krystal backflips and throws a grenade a very short distance above her, creating a medium-sized explosion. (Comes out semi-slowly. Long ranged. Knockback is great and launches straight upward. Does 15 damage when fresh. Kill move.)
> D Air:
Krystal throws a quickly-exploding grenade beneath her, creating a medium-sized explosion. (Comes out semi-quickly. Long ranged. Knockback is decent and launches straight up, but only about enough to get opponents above her head a short distance, allowing this move to lead into her N Air, which will be explained shortly. Does 9 damage when fresh. Only a kill move at very high percents.)
> B Air:
Krystal spins and kicks behind her. (Comes out very quickly. Medium ranged. Knockback is good and launches straight backward. Does 10 damage when fresh. Only a kill move at higher percents.)
> N Air:
Krystal does the splits and a backflip at the same time, creating two hitboxes spinning around her. (Comes out very quickly. Medium ranged. Knockback is decent on both legs, launching in the direction that the opponent came from. Each leg does 10 damage when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> F Smash:
Krystal leaps forward with a spinning kick. (Comes out fairly quickly. The leap carries her a short distance, and the kick is medium ranged, lasting for the entire leap. Knockback is good and launches forward at a 30 degree angle. Kill move at higher percents.)
> U Smash:
Krystal does an uppercut, and when the opponent is above her, she throws out several grenades toward them, which create a big explosion. (The uppercut comes out semi-quickly, and knocks the opponent straight up, only slightly above her, and it only does 1 damage. However, it stuns the opponent long enough so they cannot do anything while Krystal quickly throws the grenades at them. The grenades come out immediately after the uppercut. They create a large hitbox above her, like Lucas's U Smash. Knockback is a bit stronger than even Fox's U Smash, launching straight up. The grenades do 20 damage when fresh. Definitely a kill move. However, if Krystal misses with the uppercut, she will still throw grenades, and the cool down is laggy, so she can be punished hard for it. But if the uppercut DOES connect, then the grenades will always hit, no matter how the opponent DIs.)
> D Smash:
Krystal plants a sensor bomb. (Comes out semi-slowly. The bomb will explode when a player steps on it. Knockback is good and launches straight up. Does 12 damage always. Kill move at higher percents.)
> Neutral B:
Krystal shoots her blaster. The lasers are green. (Comes out fairly quickly. The lasers can shoot slightly faster than Falco's. Knockback is minimal, stunning the opponent for half a second. Always does 3 damage per laser beam. Not a kill move.)
> Side B:
This move has two effects.
If the player is already holding forward and then presses B, Krystal will quickly throw a grenade. (Comes out fairly quickly. Grenade launches as far as Snake's do when thrown normally. They explode after 2 seconds. Knockback is decent, launching the opponent in a random direction upward, but not downward or to the sides. Always does 8 damage. Not a kill move.)
If the player presses forward and B at the same time, then Krystal pulls out a missile launcher and fires a missile. (Comes out semi-slowly. The missile itself travels very quickly, and will explode after ten seconds if it doesn't hit anything. On contact, knockback is good, and launches the opponent in the same direction that the missile hit from. Always does 15 damage. Kill move at higher percents.)
> Up B:
Krystal pulls out a jet pack and is able to fly around freely for five seconds. After the five seconds, she free falls. This move can be cancelled into her aerials, but has no hitbox. (Comes out semi-quickly.)

-Throws (Both Stances)

> Normal Grab
Krystal lunges forward and grabs, giving her grab range similar to something between D3's and Marth's.
> Dash Grab
Krystal's Dash Grab has a much shorter range.
Krystal punches the opponent with her staff in hand. (Always does 1% per pummel. Pummels are moderately fast.)
> F Throw
Krystal throws the opponent into the air slightly, then slashes with her staff. (Knockback is good and launches forward. Does 10 damage when fresh. Kill throw at higher percents.)
> U Throw
Krystal throws the opponent up into the air and shoots them multiple times with her blaster, like Fox's U Throw. (Does 7 damage when fresh. Not a kill throw.)
> D Throw
Krystal slams the opponent on the ground and shoots them with her blaster, popping them into the air a short distance. (Does 10 damage when fresh. Not a kill throw, but good for leading into other attacks.)
> B Throw
Krystal tosses the opponent behind her, then spins and slashes with her staff. (Knockback is good and launches straight backward. Does 8 damage when fresh. Kill throw at higher percents.)

- Miscellaneous

> Normal Get-Up Attack
Krystal spins around, swiping her staff on either side of her. There are two hitboxes.
> Get-Up Attack above 100%
Krystal slowly stands and stabs with her staff on either side of her, first in front, then behind.
> Ledge Attack
Krystal flips onto the stage, swinging her staff in front of her.
> Ledge Attack above 100%
Krystal slowly gets up, flips and kicks in front of her.

Final Smash: Demon Sniper
Krystal pulls out a demon sniper from thin air, and fires it across the stage. The bullet works like Marth's FS and Zelda's FS combined, going through everything. It instantly kills anyone in its straight path.

Play Style:
Krystal is a character that allows you to choose between two options while fighting: A ranged fighter, or a close ranged fighter. While in her Staff Stance, she is mainly a horizontal killer. Your objective is to space your opponent with her staff, similar to Marth's style. She can rack up damage in this stance with her good speed and range. Good pokes for her are her F Tilt and D Tilt. While in her Assault Stance, she becomes a vertical killer. Your objective is to control the stage with her sensor bomb and grenades, stop approaches with her missile launcher, and rack up damage with her swift attacks if your opponent gets too close. Her U Smash will easily kill around 100% on most characters with no DI, but it is high risk, so it should only be used when the timing is absolutely perfect. However, her melee range is shorter than that of her Staff Stance.

Other Comments:
All her moves in her Staff Stance have more priority than the moves in her Assault Stance.
Krystal is a medium weight character.

Behold, the most extremely unique and versatile character of all time: Krystal.
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Bone Conjurer

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2015
As of Smash 4 it seems most new characters are based around a unique thing (though it is not mandatory as Greninja shows) so what would Krystal's be?

One idea would be making her a transformation character but instead of swapping models she just swaps weapons between her Staff and a Star Fox Assault Blaster. Another is her staff requiring those weird palm tree crystals to power it up.
Well would it be even close to as difficult to implement as a transformation would? If so, then I'm not really open to that idea (since if that's the case, it would be unrealistic).


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Well would it be even close to as difficult to implement as a transformation would? If so, then I'm not really open to that idea (since if that's the case, it would be unrealistic).
Depends on how much data the moveset takes and how much is on the model, along with how many moves change. I mean the game can handle custom moves at least.

I think we need more technical knowledge of how the game loads before a match


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
Don't lose your head Ian. We can't always get that lucky.
Pretty much this, we dont need to be like the K Rool backers and end up going into a fit because of something that wasnt the case. That trademark thing was what fooled them into thinking he won, and it was all the journalists fault for this, and yet others said renewals happen every so often and that Diddys renewal wasnt that long ago.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
As of Smash 4 it seems most new characters are based around a unique thing (though it is not mandatory as Greninja shows) so what would Krystal's be?

One idea would be making her a transformation character but instead of swapping models she just swaps weapons between her Staff and a Star Fox Assault Blaster. Another is her staff requiring those weird palm tree crystals to power it up.
I like the gimmick idea I shared here a while back, but naturally I would since it's mine. It was a gimmick where Krystal could store power in her Staff uniquely to be released uniquely. Basically, think a move like Lucario's neutral B except not only could the stored charge be released with neutral B again, but the stored power could also be released in smashes and aerials as an altered move with a special effect.

I'll look for my original post about this to share...
I liked my storable staff power gimmick, but of course I would since I came up with it.

Basically, her neutral B can be rapid fired or stored. If it's stored, the staff blinks or glows like when Samus stores a charged shot. Now, Krystal can either press B again to unleash a powerful charged projectile, or she can save the stored charge and her next smash, including Robin-esque aerial smashes, could gain a special effect. So with a charged staff Krystal can give these following moves a special effect... fsmash, dsmash, usmash, fair, bair, dair, uair. For convenience, I'll call the charged staff a "primed staff".

I'll describe my standard attack ideas since we're doing that now I guess. It will also help people visualize how the gimmick works.

Jab - Taken from Adventures, it's a modification on Fox's staff combo when you hold the control stick down. The Adventure's combo is a staff attack swinging from top right to bottom left, then an upswing going back from bottom left to back and to the right, then Fox spins the staff in front of him moving it from right to left and back, then he makes a sharp horizontal swing from left to right and if you hold the attack button her charges up his staff. The plan with Krystal is to have the final hit of her jab be the horizontal swing but let it happen before the charge. She'll be able to charge the staff much like Fox does in Adventures and it'll be a quicker alternative to her neutral B charge. This will put her staff into a "primed" mode ready to be used by pressing neutral B for powerful projectile or to be used with a smash. Since this one is complicated, I'll link a video example... https://youtu.be/bqmpRI9XeMM?t=25m44s

One minute prior to that fight scene in the video you can hear Krystal's description of the staff and the fact that it has the power to teach Fox it's abilities. This further emphasizes that what Fox does with the staff are likely things Krystal could too.

Now for the rest of the moves....

Dash Attack - A running roundoff into a slide. It resembles her dodge in Assault and I imagine it resembling her forward roll in Smash. Could be a bit confusing to the opponent looking the same as the roll, but instead having a hitbox on her legs as she flips and on her body when she lands. It's a slower dash with longer range moving her forward. Think Zamus's dash attack and how it shoots forward and the brunt of the hit is at the end.

Ftilt - Krystal pulls the staff from the holster on her back quickly and swings the staff forward in a vertical arch while leaning forward on one foot. This is a quick ftilt with great range and low knockback. A great poking tool, even if it's a swing, heh.

Utilt - Krystal claw swipes above her head quickly and and follows up with a flexible kick swinging up similar to Sheik's utilt as I recall. Lowish knockback and can combo at low percents. The time between the two strikes is very minimal.

Dtilt - a crouched spin that hits with her tail and her staff in front of her. Like Fox and Falco's dtilt except she gets a second stronger hit with the staff immediately after her tail hit. Isn't as useful as a combo attack being more powerful but it gives her some space similar to Ganon's dtilt thanks to her staff.

Fsmash - Krystal uses a double strike smash similar to Link's. She first stabs her staff into the ground diagonally in front of her. She can then pause before inputting the second part of the smash, which is a vaulted flying kick. She uses her staff as a pole vault to launch herself into her kick. The second attack is the powerfule attack while the first strike is a weak attack that pops the enemy up into the kicks sweet spot. If you miss with the first strike, the second strike can be ducked under by some characters. She moves forward similar to Fox with this move.

Fsmash Prime - Same as her usual Fsmash but the first strike cause paralysis similar to Zamus's gun. This allows her to cancel the second hit and run in for a grab or other follow up.

Usmash - Krystal slams her staff down on it's end and stabs it upwards. The effect is similar to Shulk's usmash, with the slam down catching opponents and the stab up launching them.

Usmash Prime - The stab up has an added ice effect that can freeze opponent in a block of ice at mid to high damages. The more damage the longer they stay frozen. This allows you to follow up hit them in midair after they get frozen.

Dsmash - Krystal raises her staff up and slams it down hard creating a quake. It's launch power isn't huge but it attacks on either side of Krystal simultaneously for good damage. It's a slow attack even uncharged though with more cool down than the other smashes.

Dsmash Prime - Same as her regular dsmash except opponents inside her hurtbox during the move get buried. The cool down is a bit less too, allowing her to follow up. The range of the move is slightly increased on both side of her and the sourspot hits do the same thing as the regular Dsmash.

Nair - Krystal jumps and tucks her legs up tight and pulls her staff in front of her torso horizontally and spins. Similar effect as Zelda's nair. Krystal's tail and folded knees are low sour spot hitboxes that pull the opponent in and up into her more damaging a ranged staff hitbox.

Fair - Krystal jumps and spins forward in a tightly tucked somersault with the staff in it's holster on her back, but extended. This move imparts momentum in the direction it's used. It's her slowest aerial too with significant landing lag. Her spin ends with her pulling the staff from her back and breaking her spin by punching the staff in front of her and opening her body. Her tail, front of her body, and head are sour spot hitboxes that drag into the staff hitbox during the spin. Her spin is similarly as fast as Wolf's nair. If the opponent was trapped in the staff's hitbox, when the spin ends they'll be launched diagonally up at the end of the move. If she spaces it right and hits opponents with the strong end hitbox without trapping them in the spin, she can semi-spike opponents that get under her.

Fair Prime - Same as regular fair except the staff does electrical damage and has a strong semi-spike on it's final hit.

Bair - Krystal swings her left leg back in a move much like the rest of her Star Fox comrades, but follows immediately with a sharp staff swing behind her. Even though it's a two hit move it's pretty fast. The kick is a sex kick that lingers and can knock into the staff hit. The way it looks is Krystal kicks her left leg back and at the same time reaches over her right shoulder to grab the holstered staff and swings the staff as she turns her head and body left in the direction her leg just kicked.

Bair Prime - Same as regular bair but the staff shoots a couple blaster shots quickly similar to Villagers bair. This gives it range. Hitting with the staff allows the opponent to be combo'd into the blaster shots and get pushed out further. It's a tad slower as a result though.

Uair - Krystal spins her staff above her head very similar to a Pit move. Not much else to say here. Obviously I could think of something more unique, but this gives her a juggling tool that's protects her hurtbox from above fairly well. It's a quick move.

Uair Prime - Same as uair but this one has a windbox that extends above and beside Krystal, pushing opponents away. A great gimp tool against bad recoveries or to keep opponents above you like with Game and Watch's uair. Maybe it could even gain Mega Man uair effects in prime mode.

Dair - Krystal stabs her staff down and a blast of rocket boost fires off. Has stalling effects like ROB's dair. Strong spike.

Dair Prime - Same as regular Dair but the hitbox lingers and actually pushes Krystal up a good amount. The staff can be primed with this move in mind and dair can be used in concert with her up B giving her an awesome recovery boost!

Anyways, those are all the basics. I'm not gonna get into grabs, throws, getup attacks and the like and I already spoke briefly about specials. Some of these I'm really keen on and other I'm not totally sold on my own idea yet. I do like most of them though.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
I like the gimmick idea I shared here a while back, but naturally I would since it's mine. It was a gimmick where Krystal could store power in her Staff uniquely to be released uniquely. Basically, think a move like Lucario's neutral B except not only could the stored charge be released with neutral B again, but the stored power could also be released in smashes and aerials as an altered move with a special effect.

I'll look for my original post about this to share...
If we can't get the Mode-Change Idea with her switching between an Adventures and Assault move-set I would love the Holding a charge to increase her attack power as her Gimmick


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
The problem with a moveset with a weapon change mechanic...is that you'd be dealing with two different movesets. It'd basically be like a character transformation, which is something the dev team explicitly wanted to avoid this time around because, in their words, they don't want people to have to learn multiple movesets to use one character effectively any longer.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
The problem with a moveset with a weapon change mechanic...is that you'd be dealing with two different movesets. It'd basically be like a character transformation, which is something the dev team explicitly wanted to avoid this time around because, in their words, they don't want people to have to learn multiple movesets to use one character effectively any longer.
I'm sure it was technical issues unless I forgot an interview somewhere. Besides they put in Ryu who has the finger busting inputs of olde so simplicity is a poor reason in light of that.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
The problem with a moveset with a weapon change mechanic...is that you'd be dealing with two different movesets. It'd basically be like a character transformation, which is something the dev team explicitly wanted to avoid this time around because, in their words, they don't want people to have to learn multiple movesets to use one character effectively any longer.
Ryu opened up the possibility of in-match move variations. His specials are basically just altered effects though but his strong and weak tilts prove something about what's possible. The moment your changing model animations though on a bigger scale, perhaps even in idle as "stance change" implies, your dealing with a lot more data. A stance change alone with only a few moveset changes to say the tilts or smashes maybe could be done, but it's hard to say. The closer you get to making two characters in one, the closer the character gets to basically being a transformation and further from being possible.

Have to say I'm pleasantly surprised that my gimmick idea where move properties and effects change with very minimal if any animation changes seems to have been proven more than possible with Ryu.

Well, I should clarify, the gimmick idea was made realistic by design so I fully expected it would be possible before Ryu was a thing, but Ryu proving the possibility of moveset complexity was a pleasant surprise.
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2015
Well it about time I join in this thread and help you guys with the support to get Krystal in smash so add me to the support list whenever you guys come back, and I also had the same idea with the stance change that you guys were talking about. I also do drawing of Krystal like Alfore and if you want to know my miiverse user name it is Frank.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2015
USA border (stealing da americans jobs)
XeVioN !
Same here I just made a smashboards account a few days ago I've been wanting to play as Krystal in Smash since WAY BACK in 2003 its pretty much the only character I need in smash (obviously voted for her) I do try to help this cause although Im not good at drawing.
Also Hi Frank I believe you started following me on Miiverse a week ago.

(My Miiverse username is XeVioN


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
I'm merely just reminding, but I think showing your support on Miiverse might help too on top of voting, both in the main drawing section, and Fox & Falcos support page. The screenshot journals and discussion section might help too, i've noticed an increase in Krystals support since I think before or after K Rools costume was shown.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
Miami, Florida
Well it about time I join in this thread and help you guys with the support to get Krystal in smash so add me to the support list whenever you guys come back, and I also had the same idea with the stance change that you guys were talking about. I also do drawing of Krystal like Alfore and if you want to know my miiverse user name it is Frank.
To Draxis and XeVion:

Welcome aboard to the Smashboards guys. Great to see some more Krystal supporters and who would join our cause to ensure our favorite blue vixen makes it into Smash 4 as a playable DLC character. I also have to agree with TheCynicalCdr on this that by showing your support to her in the Miiverse page especially on Fox and Falco's page in the Miiverse, hopefully that will convince Sakurai to finally include her to be playable. Along with the huge amount of support Krystal has, it's also happening to Wolf as well whom the fans also want to see him back. All we need to do now is to keep it up and not slow it down. If you two want to follow me and to be a friend in the Miiverse, my NNID in there is Dragonheart07.



Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Also worth mentioning, guys...Wolf isn't our competition. Any talk of us only getting one DLC character per series is basically just hearsay. Wolf and Krystal are both frontrunners, basically, and considering Star Fox as a series is about to be relevant again, we could certainly end up getting both into Smash.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
One thought, if Krystal returns to being a wingman...err... wing-vixen(?) what would her talent be? In 64 each team mate had a different ability that encouraged you to keep them alive. Falco killed 100+ enemies, Slippy showed the boss's health meter and Peppy spouted memes gave advice and forewarning of traps. IF it follows the same route of Peppy retiring and Krystal taking his spot then while she lacks Peppy's years of experience her telepathy could still fill the same role.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2015
Thanks guys for welcoming me, Wolfheart and XeVion I send a friend request to both of you. I hope you guys like the art that I do but I do most of my art on art academy home studio,so let keep supporting Krystal so she can finally be playable.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I was wondering if no Adventures music was used in Brawl due to licencing issues and while that may be the case, I listened to the OST and I was floored by how much music I DIDN'T recognise. I could only remember three tracks that weren't remixes of old Star Fox music. And one of hem was only due to the WTF nature of it i.e. the Saxaphone number that plays when Fox first sees Krystal.

Nostalgia sometimes blinds us, or deafens us as case may be.


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
One thought, if Krystal returns to being a wingman...err... wing-vixen(?) what would her talent be? In 64 each team mate had a different ability that encouraged you to keep them alive. Falco killed 100+ enemies, Slippy showed the boss's health meter and Peppy spouted memes gave advice and forewarning of traps. IF it follows the same route of Peppy retiring and Krystal taking his spot then while she lacks Peppy's years of experience her telepathy could still fill the same role.
Krystal - Tells you the bosses pattern by foreseeing it if you're somehow not getting it. Stupid in context, but it's amazing how some will screw up. An example of this would be the boss is in the middle of his attack, and she tells you exactly what he'll be doing soon after, this only happens if you get hit too many times. I could say she mentions where to hit the boss due to reading his mind to figuring out his ships weakpoint as much as Peppy did tell you this sort of thing, but I think to be really fair, Peppy by some unknown logic knew these things, so it'd make sense to have her figure out this kind of thing. This could be said about Slippy, but because he's known for screwing up with his machines it wouldnt really do much to help, plus it'd make him out as a bit of a marty stu if he could do more than read the bosses health.

Think like how when dealing with the Parasite Queen, you dont figure out its weakness unless you scan it, the second you do learn it, you deal much more damage to it that you can practically 1HK it. In fact just thinking of this, you do normal damage to the boss if she's not with you, but if say Krystal's with you, she tells you about this one section of the boss that's flawed compared to its standard hit points from reading the bosses mind that it either does far more damage or can practically instant kill it if the level calls for it.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
Hmm, I was just looking at Fox's support page on Miiverse after a weekend away and there sure is a lot of support on it. I'm actually just straight up looking at the "popular posts" for the 9th since that's the last day it's fully processed or something. It's the popular posts that show up when you're playing anyways. Anyways, the popular posts are comprised of roughly 55% Krystal support and 40% Wolf support, including dual support in single posts... and the last 5% is just your basic Fox support, heh. Seems people have been busy making sure Wolf and Krystal are getting lots of exposure.

Also, hi @ Draxis Draxis and @ XeVioN XeVioN ! Nice to get more supporters in the thread. I noticed Draxis lurking and liking in particular and wondered when you'd step out. Think I've seen you guys on Miiverse too in the short time I've been paying attention to it again.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
Miami, Florida
Hmm, I was just looking at Fox's support page on Miiverse after a weekend away and there sure is a lot of support on it. I'm actually just straight up looking at the "popular posts" for the 9th since that's the last day it's fully processed or something. It's the popular posts that show up when you're playing anyways. Anyways, the popular posts are comprised of roughly 55% Krystal support and 40% Wolf support, including dual support in single posts... and the last 5% is just your basic Fox support, heh. Seems people have been busy making sure Wolf and Krystal are getting lots of exposure.

Also, hi @ Draxis Draxis and @ XeVioN XeVioN ! Nice to get more supporters in the thread. I noticed Draxis lurking and liking in particular and wondered when you'd step out. Think I've seen you guys on Miiverse too in the short time I've been paying attention to it again.
Wow. 55% Krystal support and 40% Wolf support? That's really good to say the least. I guess we Starfox fans are really lucky after all especially with this amount of support. If this amount of support doesn't work, then I don't know what can. Anyway, I'm glad that this is working and like I said before, Nintendo will finally realize that these 2 should be in the Smash roster especially since the SF series is going to be a big deal this year. Starfox Command on the Wii U's eShop was just the icing in the cake. Now with Zero still slated for Holiday 2015, Wolf's chances for instance to come back as DLC is still high and it's inevitable(doubt of him being a Mii Fighter costume and the same goes for Krystal). Krystal's chances are also and still high up there especially after what happened with the King K. Rool Mii costume fiasco(which he can still make it in except that his chances are not as nearly as high as it used to be).

Also, it appears that Alfore just posted up some new pics that you guys should see and they are

That pic was taken from Fox's support page in the Smash section. Here's another one

As for you Draxis, I already added you to my friend list on the Miiverse. ^^

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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
We're entering the final month for ballots so make your voices heard. And I'm not sure if only the first or last votes from an IP adress count so make sure it's the one you rally want. Here it'd be Krystal.


Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC
Any talk of us only getting one DLC character per series is basically just hearsay. Wolf and Krystal are both frontrunners, basically, and considering Star Fox as a series is about to be relevant again, we could certainly end up getting both into Smash.
Honestly, I can see them coming together in some sort of 'Star Fox DLC Pack'. You get Wolf, Krystal, and a new stage. Or, maybe instead of a new stage all together, Lylat Cruise for 3DS and Corneria for Wii U. Three DLC Fighter packs all together, four in pack #1 and #2, and two in the Star Fox pack. I'm thinking ten total DLC characters because ten total completely evens out the roster on the Wii U CSS, and makes the 3DS CSS one character off from having the same shape as when it first launched.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2015
@ jahkzheng jahkzheng I honestly see more Krystal support post than Wolf but sometimes I do see a dual support of both of them. I guess Krystal is more popular on miiverse but that what I think at least but it good to see many people are supporting her, oh and I was here in this thread for a pretty long time just never made an account at the time and sometimes I will be here but I don't know wha t to say sometimes.
Thanks @ Wolfheart07 Wolfheart07 for adding I saw those two posts yesterday. Hi @ Krayon Kaphonie Krayon Kaphonie yes I have been your followers for awhile and thank you for welcoming me, also I've been wondering when are you going to do your dlc comic idea that you said on the Wolf thread?
@ Guybrush20X6 Guybrush20X6 is right, if we want Krystal to be in smash then we must put a lot of efforts on the support.
@ AlphaSSB AlphaSSB yeah I can them both coming in one dlc pack since Starfox Zero is coming so I really hope that happens so everyone who is a fan of both character can be satisfy.

(Sorry if this a bit long guys).
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