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Official OC3 Results Thread

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Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
King vs Ken was amazing. Ken vs M2K was M2k winning a match, m2k suiciding and getting pissed at himself, and m2k dominating the next match. The only matches with m2k worth watching (unless you just want to see a **** good Marth) are m2k vs PC in the finals.

Ken vs King was... it was strong.


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
yes ken vs King was epic, I think bob$ died like 6 times and came back :)

Yes, people will always complain about everything. But does that really stop us from doing what we choose to do? No, not really. So please don't use "people are going to complain anyways" as an excuse.
I'm not using that as an excuse, you seem to be contradicting yourself. I've already said that we are going to make the DVD no matter what people say.

Ummm... first off you need to take a chill pill. I know you've made your points and we acknowledge that, however ROFL is correct. The matches will find their way online some how or some way, I mean if the movie industry can't stop people, what makes you think we can? There's no way we can fit all those matches onto the DVD, however what we can't fit will eventually go online.

In the end, we aren't forcing anyone to buy a DVD, however people who buy a DVD will obviously get the matches first before it goes online. There is no need to argue anymore, it just seems to be causing more and more problems as things are being repeated. Otherwise please be patient and we will try our best to release this dvd asap.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

King vs Ken was amazing. Ken vs M2K was M2k winning a match, m2k suiciding and getting pissed at himself, and m2k dominating the next match. The only matches with m2k worth watching (unless you just want to see a **** good Marth) are m2k vs PC in the finals.

Ken vs King was... it was strong.
you wanted an image of the t shirt right?


edit - i also want to note, that there are a few hidden message in the image , but it doesnt spell out scam or anything people have said to lower the status of oc3. More like predictions of mine or symbolizations. Maybe you can catch a few.

Konkey Dong

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2003
Edmonton Alberta
**MikeMonkey Here**

I'm the ****er that told many of you to come back to the venue at 4:00 PM...then 5:30 PM...then 6:30 PM......OWNED.

Actually I guess I'm the one that got owned, cuz i got sunburnt SOOOO BAD that day. I think LVL9 CP (Chris from Florida) got it worse tho. Ken got burnt a little bit but his protective asian skin helped him.

Aftermath - Congrats on taking noobking and myself out of teams. ARE YOU PROUD OF YOURSELF?!?! good games.

araknaphobic + Danimals - That was too funny when you came back just in time to play your teams set that it forced Danimals to ditch Wolf and redo the set with us. Man he was pissed, but COME ON, you can't just go and grab a new partner AFTER YOU'VE COMPLETED POOLS WITH YOUR ORIGINAL PARTNER. Danimals was like "These guys are happy campers now!". lol wft do you expect.

Cactuar - hahahah during our crew match I heard Chu say something like "Cactuar...use those Cactuar mind games!". Then your Marth started running back and forth and hit some grabs. I can't believe that worked! Bah I suck!

Chesterr01 - Those were LARGE man. Who comes to a tournament busting out like that and doesn't know exactly what the **** she is doing? It was planned from the start! And holy **** I didn't even have to play in one crew battle cuz you took like 4 people out.

Christine from Bahamas - A girl that digs resident evil and smash?! Haha what a rare breed! Too bad you don't live here in Edmonton. You could totally join our crew.

Chu Dat - Well we played for 2 whole stocks this time around. Awesome!

Delphiki - I had to switch to Doc - my Falcon couldn't handle you! That's how I am at tourneys...I kinda lose all confidence in a character after i lose once with them.

Dirthead - Again, nice job to you and Aftermath for beating us in teams. You asked me in friendlies what you were doing wrong...I can put it into words now! Forward made a good point in his post that he got good out of hate. I felt that you were a good player, just that you didn't hate me enough lol.

Eddie - Eddie...eddie....eddie. You say some ****ed up **** sometimes you know that???! You have some great ideas for Live Action Smash Videos that I can only hope to see come to life one day. Don't let Damien's words discourage you. Think of him as the lil devil on your right shoulder and i'm the lil angel on your left. We balance eachother out!

Eggz - OH MY GASH i was owned. Our match was proof that you shouldn't ALWAYS follow your heart. My whole crew was like "are you sure Mike?"...."YA IM SURE LET ME DO THIS"...**gets 3 stocked**.............NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. ahhahaha. Sure, I might have done a little better on a platform map, but I still probably would have lost. BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD.

Gamepro - is that the same Scott from years back?!!?!? You are all grown up! Now go get a hooker!

Gojira - hahaha i don't even know what to say. dk dittos are such a ridiculous looking match like it doesn't even belong in the game.

Dave / IK_Gost - man i didn't know all that **** happened to you. I don't want to swim with sharks anymore! Funny listening to you talking about your girlfriend. Face it...we're TRAPPED!

Isai + DBR - that was really weird how i was just sleeping there and you all just kind of formed a team huddle around me. sorry that made me feel REALLY uncomfortable.

Lunaris - I seriously felt since seeing your car in Edmonton that eventually that thing was gonna break down during your trip. BUT BREAKING DOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF NO WHERE AND HAVING TO BUY A NEW ONE.....no wai. It was funny hearing you trash talk that Elite 5 crew. A side of Lunaris I have never seen!

LuninSpectra - Your Fox was all over me. You're a really great player man.

LVL 9 CP - A NUCLEAR ENGINEER. I'm telling you chris, if you make a single nuclear weapon in your life I will personally hold you responsible for the end of mankind, should it ever happen. And bread is good....but have you tried cheese?! Comes from cows and other mammals!

ManaCloud - Thank you for the shirt man. I will wash it inside out! Very nice job in crew matches too, you were on fire.

Milktea - PC MUST HAVE GOTTEN LAID SUNDAY NIGHT. If not...for shame! I mean he beat the great M2K - what more do you want from him!?!!?? It's funny I heard some people talking about how much louder Kiwi was then you during the PC/Vidjo match....trust me that's a good thing! Nice job beating Adam and I in teams.

PC Chris - Man you make me hate this game! HA well not really, you are just a step (or 2...or 3) above everyone else. It seems like you can feed off the crowd to play even better, it's ****ing awesome.

PKMVodka - Holy man 9th place with Donkey Kong. Definately better than I could ever do.

ShadowBTZO - The guy that took me out! Those sheik jabs were too much for me. I heard someone say something about you retiring right before we started playing...so I went easy on you! hahah jk.

Thomasexy - Great to see you again! We got too old honeslty! So many Brawl kids are going to be saying "wtf why are these men at the tournament mom?"

Vidjogamer - At one point I heard you were making out in a back room during the tournament. Ken said it best "he's not thinking with his head". SMARTEN THE **** UP VIDJO. This is a smash tournament, not the Surreal Life!

xxx-Noobking-xxx - **** your name was hard to type just now. Just call yourself Noobking or Adam the Ganon Player. Don't worry about hitting me so much. I hit you too! We need counseling.

Zjiin/Damien - I DIDN'T LIE TO YOU I JUST DIDN't KNOW. Top 3...Top 4....what's the difference am i right?!:!?!

Arash - Everyone should know that Arash did soooo much to make this tournament even possible. And he didn't even get to play! Well not sure if he wanted to lol. Was fun driving with you on the "405". Sure it was my first time driving a van, sure i had a few "close calls" and sure I'm not certain how much **** we would be in if I actually got into an accident but everything worked out righT>!!?! I will probably see you in November man! VEGAS STYLE.

Jenny - TOOK VACATION DAYS TO HELP RUN THE TOURNAMENT. Just like Arash (and Ken), this tourney would not have happened at all without Jenny. Even though you feel every single person within 10 feet of you MUST begin addressing that "problem" ASAP, you still make a lot of sense most of the time and probably will make more money than me for at least 5 more years.

Helen - I know I know I have to get on AIM with those pictures. I took really ****ty pictures this time around, hopefully yours are better! You're pretty good at tennis and you're a decent poker guide too!

Ken - Man I owe you huge thanks for inviting me down and housing me for the week. It was a great vacation and great experience overall. You pulled off some hardcore **** to get that far in teams. Bombsoldier was good, but you were doing some inhuman stuff there. YOU BETTER HAVE GOTTEN SOME SLEEP!...or did Eddie keep you up for another week?


Sure you have thumbs up now, LVL 9 CP, but the sun is about to fking own you over the next few hours:

The one black person in canada and his husband (sorry!):


HAHAHAHAHHAH Eddie looks like a serial rapist in this picture:



Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

lol at eddie looking like a serial rapist. that was a seriously hot day that first day of oc3. And eddie holding that sierra mist there looks good. lol, he should try out for the commercials.

That stupid ride at knotts got me all wet. It turns u upside down shoots water in your face and up your ***. that ride is pure evil.

also how come vodka didnt get burn? hes whiter than a lot of us.

Also chesters grin can only mean one thing. He has in and out burger in his stomach.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
I knew from the start that cameras were banned so they could sell DVDs. I don't know why people are so surprised that they plan to sell DVDs. If you read the first post, they said cameras are banned. I guess the people that are surprised about the selling of DVDs are the ones who didn't read the first post and are probably the same people who didn't read that registration is from 3:00-5:00 and showed up at 11:00AM.

Is Mana selling DVDs to "spite" certain people? How the Hell should I know? I can't read his mind. So why are so many people accusing him of selling DVDs to get back at certain people? You can never know what's truly on a person's heart unless you can magically read minds. I read through his posts and I did not see anywhere him saying "I am selling DVDs solely to get back at the people who talked crap on 0C3. This is your punishment" You can think whatever you want on why he's selling DVDs, but you can never know for sure so it's very immature to say "This is the reason why he's doing it." It's wrong. Don't judge.

Is Mana wasting his time trying to copy-protect his DVDs? I don't think so. Every night, I lock up my car, put the club on it, and turn on the alarm. Are people able to steal it anyway? Yes. Saying "People are going to rip the DVDs and post them online anyway so you might as well just post them for free" is as stupid as me saying "People are going to steal cars anyway so we might as well just leave all our doors unlocked with the keys in them. People are going to steal them anyway. We might as well give it to the thieves for free." I can't blame Mana for trying to protect his property/product as much as possible, just as I try to protect my car as much as possible by locking it up as tight as I can.

Well, I think I provided enough information to support my opinion without resorting to childish name-calling on specific people. If you disagree with me, please be polite about it. I'm not the type of person who thinks I'm right all the time so I'm not going to get upset if someone disagrees with my opinion as long as they're mature about it. This is just my opinion and, as someone said earlier, we are free to express our opinions here.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

why is mew2 dead. ): ): ):

or is he just layin there soakin up the sun? (: (: (:

or did mario just knock him the eff out?
mario just knocked him back. I tried getting a lot of action in there.

heh, thanks for the support thomas, but i think ken and rofl already settled it. Hopefully, we will have time to make the dvds, arash and i are comming up with something by next week =). I am going to sit at my computer or draw while those matches encode.

Also i forgot to mention to lvl 9 cp, man how do you just eat only bread and water for the rest of your life? I am seriously amazed , because i cant live without meats or veggies.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Is Mana wasting his time trying to copy-protect his DVDs? I don't think so. Every night, I lock up my car, put the club on it, and turn on the alarm. Are people able to steal it anyway? Yes. Saying "People are going to rip the DVDs and post them online anyway so you might as well just post them for free" is as stupid as me saying "People are going to steal cars anyway so we might as well just leave all our doors unlocked with the keys in them. People are going to steal them anyway. We might as well give it to the thieves for free." I can't blame Mana for trying to protect his property/product as much as possible, just as I try to protect my car as much as possible by locking it up as tight as I can.
That is a horrible comparison to make. On one hand, we have your car. There is only one of those cars, and it belongs to you. If someone comes along and steals your car then you no longer have it. You have lost access to your car. However, what if someone drove by, took some pictures of your car, went home, and created an exact replica? Have you suffered a loss?

No one feels bad about ripping DVDs because the original owner suffers no damage. People do it in the privacy of their homes (often with their own paid-for copy). Copying information is not "stealing". I am not saying it is OK, but even court judges have made it blatantly clear (mostly to the RIAA) that illegal copying of information is a form of copyright infringement, not stealing. Therefore, your comparison has absolutely no bearing on this situation.

The King

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2005
God I can't wait to relive that set between us, Ken. That was such an incredible match, it's going to be 10x better watching it again than it was playing it. Some of the best smash I've ever played in those games. =)

King Out


Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2004
Southern California
I wish i was at OC3 =( especially cause it looks like it's going to be the last one.

i was reading some of the drama that went down and the amount of money spent doesn't make sense, but i wouldn't know at the same time. I'm just really tired of Chillin*****829 because he is or was trying to attack people just cause he ****ing sucks and can't play as well as them. why would some1 that didn't even bother to show up try to put the most effort at making a point against the hosts. Ey ******** if u ever see me suck my **** and i hope u'll be burning in hell ***got *** mother****er. Yah its flame and yah i don't give a crap if i get banned you're just a dumb**** that needs to be shut up.

No I can't beat you, but at least i'm not trying to **** up your rep. Host a tournament you ****, you should scam people cause it suits your bull**** personality.


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Chester - Money match in december? =D
I'm poor and broke. Money won't cut it... boom match, loser pays the others share.
Also chesters grin can only mean one thing. He has in and out burger in his stomach.
lol vodka's cup gave it away, when I eat In & Out I have this "I want more face".
a crapload of stuff
this is out you make shout outs people. I read it all, and I enjoyed everything.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

I'm poor and broke. Money won't cut it... boom match, loser pays the others share.

lol vodka's cup gave it away, when I eat In & Out I have this "I want more face".

this is out you make shout outs people. I read it all, and I enjoyed everything.
i cant believe everyones back home already. Just a week and a half ago we had 230 smashers in one building. Amazing how time flies.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
I Wanna Go Back And Do It All Over Again!!! :]

People are always welcome to come down to Hawaii. We could do like an invitaional tournament in paradise. lolz We'd even house people. :p


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county
u know

I Wanna Go Back And Do It All Over Again!!! :]

People are always welcome to come down to Hawaii. We could do like an invitaional tournament in paradise. lolz We'd even house people. :p
with all the earthquakes and volcanic activity in hawaii how come the islands dont just break off and float down to california. Alaska can join us as well.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
Years from now, someone should host the "Smasher's Reunion" tournament. But instead of it being a tournament, it's all the Melee players reuniting for one big party.


Bad command or file name
Oct 22, 2003
Louisville KY
I wish i was at OC3 =( especially cause it looks like it's going to be the last one.

i was reading some of the drama that went down and the amount of money spent doesn't make sense, but i wouldn't know at the same time. I'm just really tired of Chillin*****829 because blah blah blah Yah its flame blah blah blah
Not only is it flame, but it's almost a week too late. Go back and see for yourself how long ago it was that chillin said any of the stuff you're complaining about. What are you thinking telling someone to shut up a whole week after he's said anything?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2005
~~San Diego Love~~
Hahaha, I cheer for PC every other match. :-D

Hope you guys got back safely. Sorry I wasn't able to hang out with you and the rest of the group from EC this weekend. A lot of things came up.


P.c. Chris

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2005
Port Chester Stadium
Milktea: Don't worry Pha, you're the man. Thanks again for taking me and PC around California. We're currently in Arizona and will hopefully be back in New York before the end of tonight.


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
Lol, PC in Arizona? Are you guys staying for a bit? Or are you just in a layover for a flight. Cuz there's a tourney going on here this friday... Taj'll be there...


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2005
Santa Barbara, CA
this sounds like a great tournament
im sorry i couldnt be there
as for all the haters, you guys should just host your own tournament, no need to *****, if you dont like whats going on dont show up, no one likes complainers anyway

gj mana, ken, arash, and the rest of the oc3 staff, sounds like u guys did a great job, i hope to see you guys when i get back from greece! :)


Peace and Love
Nov 2, 2003
San Diego Love! ♥
Aww, everyone left and I'm by myself now :(

It's okay, though; Team Kirra is beautifully amazing! <3

I forgot Chu's SWF password, he told me and asked to give him the team kirra banner :-P


Mr. Ganondorf

Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2004
Hanford, CA
Wow, just wow. I award one thousand internets to the OC3 staff for handling all the stress of the tournament and being so incredibly professional and polite about everything. And even after all the hostility and negativity in the wake of OC3, they still manage to be calm and polite as hell. I <3 the Hoang family (and Arash and everyone else that worked their arses off to make OC3 happen). OC2 was the best video game related experience of my entire life and OC3 was a close second. It was simply awesome meeting new people and seeing old friends. Now onto my so very late shout outs.

IDK where to start so I'll start with the legends I played in my pool.

Chu Dat you are too cool and I was ecstatic our first match was so close. Forced you to counter pick Pikachu lol. I was sad you didn't remember me at Evo tho. Sorry it was so gay btw, I felt really guilty about taking that spot when someone else shoulda had it. Musta sucked playing all those EC players right off the bat too.

Zelgadis omfg I beat your Fox and made you go Sheik! I srsly came, you made my smash life complete. I know I got super lucky and I'm nowhere near as good as you, but that had me brimming with confidence and let me enjoy the tourney more. You prly let me win so I'd feel good seeing as you 4 stocked me last time we played, lol.

Bob Money you are too mothereffing good, hence I have a shirt with you on it lol. Good **** all around, it was a privilege watching your matches and even watching you watch matches (King vs Ken LOL). Thanks for all the friendlies and advice, you pwn too much.

Germ you were my first friendly of OC3 and it was way fun. Once I get up to Berzerkeley I hope to play you a lot more. Grats on ****** so hard.

King OMFG your goatee is so awe inspiring. Oh and you're pretty good at smash too XD

SS you're too funny and you simply **** too much. Good ****, I'm always amazed by your falcon. You and Tang were amazing in teams.

Speaking of Tang, you still need to teach me to dance lol.

Lunin it sucked that you lost to SilentWolf but I was there to support you lol. You are such a skilled smasher and probably the smartest and smartest looking guy I know lol. I look forward to meeting you again soon.

Myko, it was great seeing you again. Thanks for taking it easy on me in our matches lol.

Bombsoldier it was an honor playing you and if by some chance Ken or someone can relay a message to you: "Domo arigato for our "secret" match" haha too good.

M2K thank you so much for all the friendlies, sorry Ganondorf is boring :( If it's any consolation, you are my smash idol and I know you're the best player in the world, you should never be nervous. Your ****** spree in crews was the talk of Oc3.

PC Chris you are freaking amazing. And thank you for going easy on me at Evo and then immediately ****** me afterward lol. Too good.

Milktea you are too cool, lulz at our random discussion of Harry Potter. And you should have tried in pools!

Mango you are a champion of champions for housing me all week long so I could go to Evo with you guys, grats on ****** so much in teams and singles. You are tooooo good.

Pbody, DC, Danimals, Lucky and everyone else I got to hang and smash with, you guys are awesome, thank you for everything.

Big Gman Eddie, in honor of you, I'm gonna start going by little Gman lol. You are my inspiration, thank you for teaching me so much, being hilarious and basically for pwning so hard and repping Ganon.

Chesterr, PKM and Adam/Noobking omfg canadians are **** at smash. DK is too good! And thank you PKM for getting me into smash whether you realized it or not lol. Adam, a pleasure seeing you again, thanks for the meal ticket noob :p And chesterr, I'll have you know I walk like a Canadian now XD

Forward I'm sad I missed your speech at the end, but I saw a lot of your epic matches like vs BS and vs King and you just amaze me. You have been a truly great smasher and a really great guy, you will be sorely missed. Please come back for Brawl!

SilentWolf and Drephen you were two smashers I'm sorry to say I badly underrated. You both performed so well, congratulations. (I love how I randomly group completely unrelated smashers lol)

HugQ thank you for being a badass and housing me and Mexi. Your Samus is too sexy, see ya at Berzerkley.

Mexi good **** in teams and way to give Mana a tough time that first match. Way to get ***** the second one lol.

This is long enough as it is, but I'm sure I forgot ppl and will be sure to add them in later. Til then, peace out.

PS All you noobs complimenting Jen and Helen on being cute, cut it out! Until now I don't think Ken and Mike realized they have hot sisters, now they are gonna be all protective lol.
But srsly, thank you Jenny for taking time off to help run the tournament and thank you Helen for remembering me all the way to Evo (more than I can say for Chu lol jk).

Mr. Ganondorf

Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2004
Hanford, CA
Wow you're that guy from AX!? Hey what's up! Great MM, you just gotta learn to pwn Ganon, trust me, it's not too hard, throw him off the ledge GG lol.

BTW I knew I'd forget the most important things. Choknater, KFC, Darkmike, everyone, I hope you guys ended up alright. I realize I'm a bit late here, but my heart went out to you as soon as I heard. I hope to play you guys again soon, you're all too good.

And also, Bombsoldier, congratulations on performing as well as you did despite your most unfortunate circumstances. I hope your father is well and I wish the best to you and your family.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
Oh, and for those of you who are pulling the "I didn't see it, so it didn't happen" card: It was the teams match of Ken & Bombsoldier Vs. M2K and Chu Dat where BS ***** M2K. Ken handled Chu and BS took out M2K.

Afterwards, Chu and M2K were cussing each other out saying "You f***d up!!" "No! You f***d up!!" "You got your a** *****!!" "Well you got edge-guarded too much!!" etc. etc.

If you don't believe me, please do the responsible thing and ask someone WHO ACTUALLY SAW IT. Don't fall for that stupid bs of "I didn't see it so I guess it probably didn't happen."

F***!! I hate having to point this s*** out because I respect Chu and M2K and I don't like to talk bad about them. But all these a***holes are like vicious dogs trying to tear Bombsoldier apart and degrade him as much as possible. He and his brother were nice people and looked scared and/or bored the whole time. I feel bad for them and all other people are concerned about is trying to rip them apart.

Again, I mean no disrespect to M2K and Chu. Heck, I was the one who drove him to Target to get his glasses fixed when they broke during the tournament. I have nothing against them and I'm really sorry I have to bring up that match.

BS and Disc were nice people. They looked bored and scared and their Dad just had a heart-attack. Anyone who tries to rip them apart for their own pride is an animal.
what the f*** man. well u just lost my respect

we didn't cuss each other out, motherf***ing liar -_-

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