some quick shoutouts to you all.
1: broken fat ***** (Hbox): Was good seeing you again man, glad you came up north to play :D
2: jeyzoos (jman): I want a rematch sometime in the future, we'll see if I get 4stocked twice AGAIN.
3: zapato (vanz): didn't get to play you, but you seemed like a cool dude
4: MARTH (HBK): I played you ina couple friendlies, you're filthy.
5: chopz: we didnt get to play, but like you said. Apex we shall
5: hax: Captain Abdulaziz Douglas Jay Falcon Al-Yami. 2GUD.
7: castro (nando)
7: baboso (DJN): nice seeing you again, we'll get some friendlies in next time
9: max (OTG): Didn't get to play you, but you're hilarious. We'll play soon.
9: arc
9: swift: Good friendlies, was nice seeing you again
9: hazz: You and HBK destroyed us in teams. GGs
13: faux
13: ultima
13: prog: Your commentary is 2rape. Thanks for the uploads and GG's in losers lol
13: mofo: YOU'RE **** I LOVE YOU
17: d1: we got in 1 match, wish we coulda played longer!
17: steve
17: roman
17: sneak: GG, close set man. Good luck in NC
17: project
17: sensei
17: kyu puff
17: esposo (husband): nice seeing you again.
25: deathknight
25: KC ice
25: pcjona: Homie... our team was amazing. We'll be sure to play some singles next time
25: eman
25: niko: Nice finally playing you, your marth is nasty.
25: pyro: GG's man, keep workin on that Roy. I expect you to be destroying me next time we play.
25: spife
33: will: We didnt play, but it was cool seeing you there
33: smashjin: GGs in doubles lol
33: roor
33: JH
33: drizz
33: lunar
49: twebb: Nice fox! Those were fun matches we had, can't wait to play you again