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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Guys, Rito is naming a new item after the same obscure Starcraft reference I got my username from, and to top it off, it summons BANELINGS, YEAH!!

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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
You think that people don't know? She's been known as a solo queue queen for a while.
People bag her all the time saying she's bad. I don't think people realise how obnoxious she really is. Her only problem is that she can't lane, but she's like Jax in that she just needs 2 items to do damage. Fiora with just a hydra and a whisper can literally 1v1 a 6 item AD carry if she gets into Q range (unless maybe they have GA up). She has highest melee DPS in the game because she can build straight AD without having to worry about dying (or at least worrying about dying minimising her DPS in a signifcant way).

I think people just don't like her because she's a statball who's weak early game, so she can't outplay her lane opponent for kills and get gold that way. She relies on ganks and just being in the right place to clean up skirmishes to get gold. Or just hope your team carries you to 25 minutes and then you auto-win unless they have something Nasus or a support with a targeted hard CC like Fiddle who doesn't have to worry about anyone apart from you.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
god i ****ing hate how everyone misuses the word "outplay"
I'm not misusing it.

Outplaying someone in lane can mean two things. It can refer to long-term micromanagement, where you end up outplaying them by outtrading and outfarming them. Or it can refer to mechanically outplaying someone, through avoiding their damage and getting free damage on them or amplifying your damage on them to win lane that way. Against a decent opponent playing any decent laner Fiora can't do that. Early on she doesn't have the stats to outtrade people, has mana costs, and doesn't have any legit natural sustain. She also doesn't have the mechanical potential to outplay people to compensate for her statistical deficit. She's not really able to avoid the bulk of an enemy's damage, whilst in turn being able to deal enough damage to seriously threaten any decent laner.

So no, I'm not misusing the word.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
You speak about low stats but I remember seeing a Fiora top start with 94 AD at level 1. Needless to say it didn't go well for our top laner.


It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
Her base stats are fine, she's got more base HP than Darius, the highest AD in the game at level 1 with Riposte, her base armor and attack speed are also pretty decent, and her abilities don't scale with mana as they get leveled, artificially increasing the effectiveness of her mana pool (which is average, but her ability mana costs are so damn low that it doesn't matter).

Idk if she has sustain anymore tho, did the HP regen changes help her? I still don't know what they did with that stat.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
People bag her all the time saying she's bad. I don't think people realise how obnoxious she really is. Her only problem is that she can't lane, but she's like Jax in that she just needs 2 items to do damage.
I disagree with the bolded + underlined statement. Having played Irelia, her "free" secondary gap closer is big on initiating. Her double steroids allow her to go for advantageous trades, especially by level 3. She has the tools to excel in lane early on and is required to do so because she has no cc and doesn't build tanky. She is like at lower elo because she is one of the easiest champions to snowball and continue snowballing considering the enemy continues to be stupid or is a feast or famine champion like her i.e. Riven.

Even if you screw up and aren't able to capitalize on her power spike at level 3, you get another power spike at 6 which gives you immense burst to harass people under tower with no tower aggro as long as you just keep flash in your back pocket. When used in conjunction with ignite it is incredibly obnoxious. If you're still not able to snowball the lane by then they you will suffer in mid-game and in team fights which is frankly deserved.

Fiora is easily countered by people who actually want to shut her down. She's great in Solo Q because the Solo Q community is toxic and because of that people develop an insular direction of thinking that doesn't extend beyond their immediate concerns. Considering how few item actives there actually are in League of Legends, the fact that Zhonya's completely shuts down her ultimate means that an attentive mid laner can literally give her the middle finger if she's behind due to being countered in top lane and tries to burst you down to get a free kill. Considering how core Zhonya's is in the current meta it's easy to shut out Fiora during the first 20 minutes of the game.

Even if you dominate her, you still need to babysit her which many people in Solo Q hate. She can come back from being behind in lane if the top roams by getting free farm especially when she just builds Tiamat which gives her complete minion wave CS and allows her to push waves hard when combined with her steroids. Fiora is garbage in team fights when the enemy team is fighting as a team. Her only option is to go all in, she has an uncontrollable blink (the downside of Master Yi's Q), no cc to make escaping easier, and has paper thin defense given her items are likely all +AD. Her ult is uncontrollable and again stunted in team fights, you could possibly hit the tank or the Swain that popped their Zhonya's and then you got blown up without touching their back line. This isn't even covering the fact that many champions with stealth oriented abilities like Graves and Akali can completely stop her ultimate altogether.

Considering other meta picks like Tryndamere or Irelia, you have much more control over popping your ultl and getting your burst on to the ADC and also have more survivability to actually escape alive and come back into the same team fight. I believe that games this season were more protracted compared to games in prior seasons. Because it can make an incredible difference at that stage in the game when one person gets caught out and objectives are much easier to seize as an AD oriented champion that her intangibility becomes effective since people are unfocused and prone to play carelessly and get caught out which is where Fiora can easily assassinate the stray and capitalize that into a teamfight win or go for baron.

However, if Fiora gets shut down by a team that realizes the distinct advantage in shutting her down then the game should really be over by 20-30 minutes unless the team threw away their advantage by doing something stupid.
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Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
People bag her all the time saying she's bad. I don't think people realise how obnoxious she really is. Her only problem is that she can't lane, but she's like Jax in that she just needs 2 items to do damage. Fiora with just a hydra and a whisper can literally 1v1 a 6 item AD carry if she gets into Q range (unless maybe they have GA up). She has highest melee DPS in the game because she can build straight AD without having to worry about dying (or at least worrying about dying minimising her DPS in a signifcant way).

I think people just don't like her because she's a statball who's weak early game, so she can't outplay her lane opponent for kills and get gold that way. She relies on ganks and just being in the right place to clean up skirmishes to get gold. Or just hope your team carries you to 25 minutes and then you auto-win unless they have something Nasus or a support with a targeted hard CC like Fiddle who doesn't have to worry about anyone apart from you.
In a competative context yes, but people also have been bagging about how obnoxious she is in solo queue with a disorganized team for a while. The whole "bagging on fiora thing" is more a feature of a particular league youtube personality rather then a lack of awareness of her power in disorganized play.

Beyond that Acrostic covered your misunderstanding of her advantages pretty well so I don't feel like adding.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
I disagree with the bolded + underlined statement. Having played Irelia, her "free" secondary gap closer is big on initiating. Her double steroids allow her to go for advantageous trades, especially by level 3. She has the tools to excel in lane early on and is required to do so because she has no cc and doesn't build tanky. She is like at lower elo because she is one of the easiest champions to snowball and continue snowballing considering the enemy continues to be stupid or is a feast or famine champion like her i.e. Riven.

Even if you screw up and aren't able to capitalize on her power spike at level 3, you get another power spike at 6 which gives you immense burst to harass people under tower with no tower aggro as long as you just keep flash in your back pocket. When used in conjunction with ignite it is incredibly obnoxious. If you're still not able to snowball the lane by then they you will suffer in mid-game and in team fights which is frankly deserved.

Fiora is easily countered by people who actually want to shut her down. She's great in Solo Q because the Solo Q community is toxic and because of that people develop an insular direction of thinking that doesn't extend beyond their immediate concerns. Considering how few item actives there actually are in League of Legends, the fact that Zhonya's completely shuts down her ultimate means that an attentive mid laner can literally give her the middle finger if she's behind due to being countered in top lane and tries to burst you down to get a free kill. Considering how core Zhonya's is in the current meta it's easy to shut out Fiora during the first 20 minutes of the game.

Even if you dominate her, you still need to babysit her which many people in Solo Q hate. She can come back from being behind in lane if the top roams by getting free farm especially when she just builds Tiamat which gives her complete minion wave CS and allows her to push waves hard when combined with her steroids. Fiora is garbage in team fights when the enemy team is fighting as a team. Her only option is to go all in, she has an uncontrollable blink (the downside of Master Yi's Q), no cc to make escaping easier, and has paper thin defense given her items are likely all +AD. Her ult is uncontrollable and again stunted in team fights, you could possibly hit the tank or the Swain that popped their Zhonya's and then you got blown up without touching their back line. This isn't even covering the fact that many champions with stealth oriented abilities like Graves and Akali can completely stop her ultimate altogether.

Considering other meta picks like Tryndamere or Irelia, you have much more control over popping your ultl and getting your burst on to the ADC and also have more survivability to actually escape alive and come back into the same team fight. I believe that games this season were more protracted compared to games in prior seasons. Because it can make an incredible difference at that stage in the game when one person gets caught out and objectives are much easier to seize as an AD oriented champion that her intangibility becomes effective since people are unfocused and prone to play carelessly and get caught out which is where Fiora can easily assassinate the stray and capitalize that into a teamfight win or go for baron.

However, if Fiora gets shut down by a team that realizes the distinct advantage in shutting her down then the game should really be over by 20-30 minutes unless the team threw away their advantage by doing something stupid.
The only laners that she can trade with early are things like Irelia who are also weak early. Any top laner that matters who isn't also notoriously weak early eg. Rumble, Maokai, Darius, Riven, Renekton, Shyvana, Alistar, Nidalee etc. destroys her early. The only way she ever wins lane by herself is if she gets a level 2 cheeze on someone like Rumble who can't fight til 4 or 5. Also she doesn't powerspike at level 6. Her ult does no damage until she gets a hydra. She powerspikes when she gets a hydra. At that point none of the bruisers can **** with her if she didn't feed and kept up with CS.

Her teamfighting is fine. You just play her like an assassin, except you're also a hypercarry on top of being an assassin who only needs two items to oneshot any squishy that doesn't have a zhonyas. You wait for CCs to be blown and then use your double gap closer and MS steroid to kill a carry and DPS dumb enough to stand next to them. You don't need to worry about surviving because if you do it right the carries will be dead and you can survive the aftermath with your aoe lifesteal off a 120% attack speed steroid.

The only problem is if you're the only threat on your team and they have targeted hard CC. Because then the CC doesn't need to be blown on anyone else. In that case you just splitpush and try get picks or w/e. Of course you can always just splitpush anyway, seeing as once you get to 4 items or so you can 1v1 carries or1v3 classes that don't scale anyway.
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Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Yeah because when your ult does +40% single target damage since 4.20 you really need hydra to get a powerspike.

But enough with lame champs, let's talk about Mordekai because I'm having so much fun right now.
I usually go top when the team already has a front line, pick a +72 hp +20 mpen rune page, completely neglect spell vamp and rush sorc boots into zhonya/abyssal and laugh as people get their first mr item completely negated. Then rabadon/dfg/void depending on how good I'm doing.

Seriously this guy can be built in a lot of different ways but I feel like PURE DAMAGE is the best and funniest way to go. The spell vamp of hextech doesn't pay off until you have a ton of AP and building tanky doesn't help at all since his damage output is his main survival tool. Moreover his ult provides a lot of sustain can be used in so many different ways, sometimes I just use it to zone out a high damage source during a teamfight.

The only thing I feel he's missing is either some mobility or some sort of CC, like a move speed boost on his Q or a slow on his W/E, or his ult applying grievous wounds. Else the character is godlike (as long as there's no Leona in the other team). Also the lack of good skins is something sad too.
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Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
I'm not misusing it.

Outplaying someone in lane can mean two things. It can refer to long-term micromanagement, where you end up outplaying them by outtrading and outfarming them. Or it can refer to mechanically outplaying someone, through avoiding their damage and getting free damage on them or amplifying your damage on them to win lane that way. Against a decent opponent playing any decent laner Fiora can't do that. Early on she doesn't have the stats to outtrade people, has mana costs, and doesn't have any legit natural sustain. She also doesn't have the mechanical potential to outplay people to compensate for her statistical deficit. She's not really able to avoid the bulk of an enemy's damage, whilst in turn being able to deal enough damage to seriously threaten any decent laner.

So no, I'm not misusing the word.
i mean she has two dashes (can be used to approach or escape) and a reflex-based reflect move...

your post basically boils down to "fiora is SO BAD that there's literally no chance for her to win lane even with much superior skill" and i think that's a little dramatic.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
i mean she has two dashes (can be used to approach or escape) and a reflex-based reflect move... your post basically boils down to "fiora is SO BAD that there's literally no chance for her to win lane even with much superior skill" and i think that's a little dramatic.
What do you expect when he thinks her getting her ultimate isn't a powerspike.
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Yep it happened. Met people who were douchebags in a bot game. A freaking bot game. Had to mute them because they were being so unbelievably toxic. And they were also a duo that were levels 21 and 30. I am really coming to hate the community on all levels.
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Sing me your lullaby~
Dec 14, 2014
Tallon IV
Toxic people make me laugh my ass off, especially when in the enemy team. ty for freelo


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
There just needs to be like a premium match making service that you pay a monthly fee for.
I haven't been able to stand the **** that comes through for a long time. This game is primed for 12 year olds to play, it's a perfect game for 12 year olds to learn and play, adolescents are going to be little ***** no matter the community. Soooo..

Yeah, play with 4 other friends or be a masochist.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Yesterday I ran into someone who took it really personally that I got top before him (in draft) so he proceeded to go feed all 3 lanes multiple times before going afk. This didn't piss me off.

But then the enemy Riven built Occult and that's just infuriating.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2010
Corpus Christi, Texas
**** that mode, decide to try it, their poro king is at our base and we're at their turret, suddenly 5 red flashes pass us and the whole team is at our nexus



Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
**** that mode, decide to try it, their poro king is at our base and we're at their turret, suddenly 5 red flashes pass us and the whole team is at our nexus

At what abysmal ****ing elo do players ignore a giant ass minion that gives free tps to it when its at their base?
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
An aram mode where you get to ban Kata is a good mode.
Reminds me a bit of Hexakill.

Also played a really enjoyable pre-10 smurf game where our team was trailing. Basically they were ten kills up, 2-3 dragon buffs (we had none), had taken central inhib, and we were still dealing with secondary towers. Everyone was a bit salty and I was playing Lulu less than adequately due to losing pretty bad in lane. People constantly mentioned they would like more wards. Enemy Lulu was constantly badmouthing me in all chat for reasons that are beyond me (I didn't bother responding).

I bought Ohmwrecker and made a comment that the only chance we had to win was really 5-man gang banging a disabled tower. Every time I made a comment like that in ranked, people would ignore it and continue to push their lane. However in this instance, everyone just dashed to the top secondary tower I pinged (was the closest lane we had towards nexus) and brought it down as an entire team. Recalled & got dragon while wrecker was on CD and then proceeded to get towers through a combination of waves / ohmwrecker active in adjacent lanes because the enemy team was over focused on the towers with pushed minion waves.

We just snowballed an insane amount of kills because the enemy team was displaced and their Lulu had sold off vision entirely to go full AP resulting in us catching them out on our way to 3-5 man backdooring towers. We ended up passing them in K/A by the time we reached nexus. I have never had a game where everyone was willing to go all in by making a big play in order to change the pacing of the game or listened to a support they weren't completely satisfied with at the time. Feels good to have made a big play for the win.
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