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Social Corrin Social - Still Fire Emblem Social


Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
I have acquired one of the fallen heroes. Though he is not Grima!Robin, he is one I plan to invest that like the other fallen heroes, you can say is looking "DarkAuraful" today.

But nah. I'm posting this b/c this is the first time I've ever gotten him (finally). Assuming he's much like his normal version, I'm open to listening to potential builds.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
Sometimes I feel that how well one does on a GHB depends on what exactly one has built/has available. I had a pretty easy time the other day with Xander's GBH on Infernal with my dragon team. Was surprised at how well it went, I think that was literally like only the 2nd or 3rd GHB I've ever beat (or maybe Xander's is one of the easier ones and I'm just not aware of that lol). Though the most recent BHB and GHB are probably pretty nasty regardless of what you have.

.....meanwhile, I think I've burned like a total of 170 orbs trying to get Grima and Celica, but nothing so far. Suppose my luck had to run out at some point. idk if I should keep trying with the handful of orbs I manage to scrape up each time or if I should just start saving for the upcoming banners.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I have acquired one of the fallen heroes. Though he is not Grima!Robin, he is one I plan to invest that like the other fallen heroes, you can say is looking "DarkAuraful" today.

But nah. I'm posting this b/c this is the first time I've ever gotten him (finally). Assuming he's much like his normal version, I'm open to listening to potential builds.
The best A-passive for him is Life and Death 3, for the B-passive I would say either Desperation or Cancel Affinity, and, for the special, either Moonbow or Luna.

Against the entire cast of characters (with Fury 3 in their A-slot, no merges, neutral nature), his matchup spread looks like this:

Skill Name / Kills / Losses / Neither

Player Phase
LnD3 / 80 / 8 / 121
Darting Blow 3 / 59 / 7 / 143
Fury 3 / 45 / 4 / 160
Death Blow 3 / 44 / 7 / 158

Enemy Phase
LnD / 41 / 28
Fury / 25 / 6

So Life and Death 3 nets him 35 more kills over Fury 3 if he initiates combat, and 16 more kills if the enemy initiates combat. The weakened defenses don't matter a lot, since his defenses weren't so hot to begin with and he can hit from a distance. He also wants to be a Player Phase unit, so he shouldn't be tanking a lot of hits anyway.

Sometimes I feel that how well one does on a GHB depends on what exactly one has built/has available. I had a pretty easy time the other day with Xander's GBH on Infernal with my dragon team. Was surprised at how well it went, I think that was literally like only the 2nd or 3rd GHB I've ever beat (or maybe Xander's is one of the easier ones and I'm just not aware of that lol). Though the most recent BHB and GHB are probably pretty nasty regardless of what you have.

.....meanwhile, I think I've burned like a total of 170 orbs trying to get Grima and Celica, but nothing so far. Suppose my luck had to run out at some point. idk if I should keep trying with the handful of orbs I manage to scrape up each time or if I should just start saving for the upcoming banners.
Yes, having a robust roster does make the GHBs a lot easier, since one can tailor their team to fit what's needed for the challenge.

And I've also burned somewhere around 175 orbs on this banner, only to get pity-broken by a Leo and a Saber. That Saber pull was especially a downer, since I didn't care for him and he's not even useful. Ugh. I just started saving my orbs after that, so I'll see what's on the Legendary and next new heroes banner and then decide if I want to keep pulling or not.
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2014
The Domain
the game gets slightly easier when Ike gets promoted to a Lord.
No it doesn't.

Chapter 18
Nephenee has been a staple unit of mine for most of the game now, but I know next to nothing about her because she hasn't spoken since I broke her out of jail. That I feel is a disadvantage of having small support pools, as if you don't use their partners then you don't get their development. This game has also made me realise how important level up and battle quotes can be.

The level itself takes place along a narrow border wall, with a few tricky combinations of enemies to deal with. We get access to birds for the first time; Reyson in particular is a fascinating take on the dancer unit, while Janaff takes the title of 'best character I haven't heard of before'. I don't think it's a coincidence that both of them fulfil archetypes that are traditionally female.

Mia becomes a Swordmaster, and gets a slightly less practical outfit in the process. I think Path of Radiance is mostly fantastic when it comes to armour and character designs, which makes the promotion stand out a bit more than normal.

Chapter 19
This chapter has you travel through a valley covered by ballistas. Janaff is a pro at cutting down unarmed Laguz, and the ballistas and standard enemies are fine. Naesala however is a tank to end all tanks; taking him on needs you to bait him out just before his Laguz power runs out, then throwing everything you have at him and hoping RNG offsets the fact that he makes Mia look slow.

And after I did all that, I discovered that after I talk to him with Janaff he is supposed to talk to Reyson and calms down. Sorry Naesala.

The ending of this chapter is an exercise in how long people can put off giving Ike the after action report. Volke may also be the only character in history who's 'true identity' involves covering up his face.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
10 stamina potions later and I finally managed to beat the GHB on infernal. The battle is a lot more fun if you figure out a way to take out the Takumi twins before turn three starts, as I did by sending down my Juggernaught Myrrh as far down as possible on the first two turns. Running Lightning Breath+ (Res Refined), Iote's Shield, QR, and Distant Defense, she tanked pretty much everything and KOed both Tacos with Bonfire. Marth and Fjorm helped clean up the left side of the map, with a little help from teleporting Escape Route Ninian. It felt really weird using Fjorm as a player phase unit, but the clerics and bowknight were so slow she was able to double them with Marth's help anyway, and she was also my only lancer who could reliable tank the green mage.

It was hard, but double Skadi is the only reason its truly BS. I can't stress enough how much better that map is if you find a way to deal with it.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Just did another summoning on the Valentine's banner and got pity broken by my 3rd Myrrh...while sniping for DC fodder for her. I'm cracking up. Oh, and as of having a -speed/+attack one wasn't good enough, this one is -speed/+defense, perfect for running Great Flame. But +attack is better for Lightning Breath...I'm not sure which Myrrh to merge into which. Do I give up on gettong DC fodder completely? Or do I surrender the one Hector I have? Or should I just hold onto both and wait?


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
The next Voting Gauntlet has been revealed. It is named Shadow in the Mirror, and the theme here are characters who have been turned into villains. As expected, almost all of the recent batch of units will be among the featured contestants (aside from Hardin), alongside their less evil counterparts.

The VG begins on March 2 and will last until March 8. A banner will also run during the time featuring Celica, Robin, Takumi, and Zelgius.

I'm hopping on the Takumi train yet again for this Gauntlet, and if he loses, I'll jump on the Infested Takumi train. Should he lose that as well... well, we'll see.

I already have a feeling the Black Knight will make it to the finals considering how popular he is.
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Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
The next Voting Gauntlet has been revealed. It is named Shadow in the Mirror, and the theme here are characters who have been turned into villains. As expected, almost all of the recent batch of units will be among the featured contestants (aside from Hardin), alongside their less evil counterparts.

The VG begins on March 2 and will last until March 8. A banner will also run during the time featuring Celica, Robin, Takumi, and Zelgius.

I'm hopping on the Takumi train yet again for this Gauntlet, and if he loses, I'll jump on the Infested Takumi train. Should he lose that as well... well, we'll see.

I already have a feeling the Black Knight will make it to the finals considering how popular he is.
Finally, a voting gauntlet with GHB and TT units. Now we can finally have an all GHB voting gauntlet.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Powercreep Ephraim hours

Meanwhile, Marth just gets a weapon upgrade and that's it. Ephriam's cool and all but when will the OG Lord get actual stuff?

Also, Summer Corrin, yay!


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
New version of Ephraim already? That was quick. I guess we can expect legendary versions of Celica, Hector, and perhaps even Veronica soon in the upcoming Legendary Hero banners.

I think I'll try to pull for him, but if Shiro ruins my luck on the blue orbs, I won't mind, because I can just merge the new Shiro with my old Shiro.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Hm, so that rules out Lance Cavalier as CYL Ephraim's class. Guess that version will probably be an armored lance - using any other weapon would be out of character for him, and hey, his father is an armored unit in SS postgame.

Despite being a huge SS fanboy, I'm okay with the fact that I don't have any orbs left for this. I'll get my chance at him later. And even if I don't...well, there's always CYL Ephraim.

As for him being the flame hero, that's because Siegmund is called the Flame Lance. Sieglinde is called the storm blade, so perhaps we'll eventually see a brave Eirika as a wind hero, packing a lunar brace as well.
Meanwhile, Marth just gets a weapon upgrade and that's it. Ephriam's cool and all but when will the OG Lord get actual stuff?
I'm sure that there is going to be a Marth eventually, its just a matter of when.

Deleted member

I don't think I'll pull for this Ephraim because of his gimmicks, that being he is meant to go on the frontline solo and his healing. Ephraim could be unreliable depending on what IVs you get him at (especially if he is -Attack or -Defense).
I'm more interested in pulling for Dorcas and Olivia.

New version of Ephraim already? That was quick. I guess we can expect legendary versions of Celica, Hector, and perhaps even Veronica soon in the upcoming Legendary Hero banners.
This Ephraim is not related to CYL Ephraim, but I wouldn't be surprised with a new Hector or Celica.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Forgot to mention this earlier, but I did go for the Fallen Heroes banner a few days back, and I got this:

A Fallen Hardin! I finally have my first 5-star Blue Armored Knight, so now I can go for an Armor Emblem team at long last (I've got Halloween Jakob, the Black Knight, Winter Chrom, and V!Hector as my other major 5-star Armor Units)! My Hardin is +HP -Spd for his IVs, so it's not too damaging. I'll probably train him up soon to use him in the current Arena season.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
*Rolls on the Legendary Banner*

Not bad. I wasn't particularly going for him but he was my free summon so we take those.

*Uses up my entire Orb reserve*

He came home bois. And because L!Ike arrived for free today, i can make a Legendary Team with Fjorm, Gunnthra, L!Ike and L!Ephraim.

Let's see if i can get Summer Corrin before this banner ends.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Vanguard Ike is finally available for free through the new Xenologue that came out today, and the new Legendary Hero banner has just started today as well. I decided to give it a go with the new banner, and to my shocking yet exciting surprise, I pulled the feature unit!

It's Legendary Hero Ephraim! He was the second unit I pulled in that very summoning session! He has +Def -Res, which I'm guessing is not too detrimental? Either way, I'm happy with the pull since he was my most wanted unit from that banner.. I was originally expecting my luck to be interrupted with more Shiros that I would merge with my old Shiro, but now that I got LH!Ephraim, looks I can now skip the current Legendary Hero banner and focus on the other banners.

Still, this was quite a great way to start the day!

Deleted member

My luck here was... completely and utterly mixed.
The first five star was Olivia and she has -Speed IV. I would complain about that, but I mainly wanted her for her artwork... I had no plans to use her and the only dagger unit that I seriously use is Sothe.
The next was a unit that I really wanted, Gunnthra! I wanted her more after the release of Betrayal to create a debuff team with her, Lute, Arvis, and Betrayal (the former three cause Ploys while Betrayal debuffs with Skadi). Luckily, she is +Attack/-HP, so she is pretty usable!
The next five star I got... really broke my heart. I got Dorcas, a unit that I wanted for various challenges... but he is -Attack. That really hurts...
The last five stars I got were two Brave Ikes, a unit I have been searching for to give Nowi Steady Breath. I sacrificed one for Steady Breath. The other one I got is +Defense/-Speed, which I plan to use. My current one is +HP/-Speed and I didn't do any sort of heavy investment... he only got Reposition, so I don't mind using him for fodder.
Hopefully I can get a better Dorcas eventually, but for now... his poisoned mutton was sacrificed to Nowi.
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
So today I decided to do my first ironman playthrough of a Fire Emblem Game. For those of you who aren't sure, an ironman is when you don't reset no matter who dies. Seth got killed by a horselayer you forgot to check for? Ryoma got taken out by a random 3% crit? Too bad, you keep on rolling. Since this is my first time, you'd think I'd go for an easy one, like Sacred Stones or Birthright. Nope. I'm playing Conquest. On hard mode. It's been quite the experience, so I think I'll share what's happened to me so far here.

I decided to start at the branch of Fate, so I skipped the first 5 chapters, just to save myself the grief. As for my avatar, he's a male named Genarog with a +magic/-luck stats to make full use of his dragonstone. People are sleeping on that thing - it turns him into an awesome tank and the damage he deals during a dual strike often beats out even Effie's. Just so you all know who I'm talking about, I'm going to call him Corrin from here forward.

Oh, and I'm not going to use any DLC aside from a single Dread Fighter scroll, since Dread Fighter Felicia is too good to pass up. I'm considering amiibo DLC, so no Ike or Lucina is going to be there to help me this time. No visiting other castles either - I want to limit by ability to exploit broken skills.

Chapter 7 - Woods of Forlorn

Nothing too fancy here. It's a short map with a bunch of faceless, and it's before you really have access to many supplies in the game. It's still pretty difficult though, thanks to the skills the faceless come packing - poison strike, grisly wound, savage blow and seal speed. I ended up camping in the northern chokepoint with Effie guarding one side and dragonstone Corrin guarding the other with Elise inbetween. Her personal skill reduced damage adjacent allies take by 3, which is crucial.

Mozu's Prolouge

This is a really easy map. On lunatic getting to Mozu on time can be tricky, but on hard mode, it was easy enough. I reclassed Felicia to Hero for this so I could start building up her strength stat as well as her sword and axe rank. Dragonfang procing a couple times made it end up so that Corrin ate some of Mozu's kills, but I still managed to get her a couple levels.

Chapter 8 - Ice Tribe Village

I expected this map to be a pain in the rear, as I got stuck on it during my Lunatic playthrough, but I actually didn't struggle too much this time. Mozu got benched for this level because I expected it to be more difficult and I didn't want her holding me back. Felicia had a field day with all those dark mages, managing to get her sword rank up and getting decent axe xp to boot. I also managed to visit all three villages with zero casualties, so I left this map feeling pretty good.

Chapter 9 - Fort Dragonfall

Feeling pretty confident after the Ice Tribe, I decided to bring along Mozu this time, choosing to bench Odin. And you know what? She didn't hold me back. I bought Effie a nice new Javelin for her to battle the archers surrounding the boss with, which she didn't have any issues with. However, after killing the first archer, I made the mistake of forgetting how smart the AI is with positioning for dual strikes and Niles kicked the bucket before he could get to the treasure chest with rescue to the morth. This made me very nervous for the next battle. Losing him really stung, as know I'm lacking rare staff, and someone with a capture ability, and an archer for the next chapter.

Castle Invasion 1

These battles are odd, since they're really small and full of powerful enemies. I arranged my castle before hand as such that Lilith and the Dusk Dragon Statue were in places where they were well protected, so they did a ton of damage to the mercenaries to the south. Meanwhile, Felica swept the cavaliers to the west while Corrin took care of the wyverns to the right. The mercs were hurt so badly by Lilith and the Dragon Statue before they got all the way up north that I was able to feed a couple of them to Mozu, so that was nice. Zero casualties, thankfully.

Chapter 10 - Yes, THAT Chapter 10.

I was really, really nervous about this battle. I thought it'd be where everything came to an end, or at the very least that I'd lose a large portion of my army, so I devised a plan - Promote Effie to Great Knight, feed her full of tonics, and then have her rush down Takumi to end the map early. Meanwhile, Felicia would be reclassed to Bow Knight for this one chapter just to take care of all the pegasus knights, while Silas took an umbrella to fight the archers with and Odin fought off oni savages with a Nosferatu tome. In the first few turns, a pegasus knight managed to kill Azura because of bad positioning and Beruka took one for the team, dying on the first turn she appeared to keep my avatar safe.

Anyway, Effie managed to kill Takumi only for me to realize - to my horror - that killing him doesn't end the map. Had she been there defending with everyone else, she could of taken the hit for Corrin instead of Beruka...but as to keep my ironman honest, I still refused to reset, even as I quickly became overrun. The last few turns had everyone paired up camping on the four defend points. Selena managed to avoid a would-be-fatal blow from a throwing club, and somehow, I managed to survive the final turns. Just casualties on hardest map in the game is a success in my book.

That fight had my blood pumping by the end. My hands and legs were shaking when it was over - it's been almost an hour, and I'm still a little jittery right now. I'm really glad I decided to go for the "true" FE experience of not resetting when anyone dies - I haven't been able to enjoy any FE game like this since Conquest was still new.

Oh, and on a note completely unrelated to Fates, I pulled a legendary Ephraim! -Attack/+resistance, but hey, we take those. It's not like 33 attack is inadequate with an effective 19 mt weapon.
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Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
Yo Astellius Astellius

I was checking out everyone's FE Hero in the Friend List and I found out that you +10ed Tiki. Congrats! I actually found this out last night which was also Tiki's birthday.

Quite the time, effort and dedication you put in maxing her out. Awesome dude!


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Yo Astellius Astellius

I was checking out everyone's FE Hero in the Friend List and I found out that you +10ed Tiki. Congrats! I actually found this out last night which was also Tiki's birthday.

Quite the time, effort and dedication you put in maxing her out. Awesome dude!
Thanks! I finished her not too long ago (I posted a pic of it on here, but it's been pushed to the other page lol). I even managed to deck her out with her best set of skills, and she's been awesome.

Deleted member

The Legendary banner has not been kind to me at all with the greens... I get one or none of them. I am getting flashbacks from the Ylissean Summer banner, where I wanted Robin but I got little to no blues. Ugh.
I mainly want a better Dorcas to use (I got a -Attack one and I sacrificed him to Nowi) and another Brave Ike. I have two of them and I will sacrifice one to Tiki when I get a +Attack/-Speed one... if I get another, I think I'll give that skill to Black Knight. As it stands, I don't think I'll get another 5 star.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Time for another update on my Conquest Ironman.

Chapter 11 - Sevenfold Sanctuary

After the chaotic chapter 10, this was a nice slow chapter to let me catch my breath. I finally reclassed Felecia to Dread Fighter, and her resistance was high enough that none of the diviners even tried to attack her. The ninja lunge chain could of been a problem, but thankfully Effie had enough strength to OHKO them with a javelin. Sadly I couldn't get the contents of the treasure chests thanks to Nile's previous demise, but at least Kaze gets recruited at the end, so I don't have to worry about that anymore.

Chapter 12 - Macarath Palace

16 turns may sound like a lot of time to finish a level, but it's really not. Without an archer to fight the ninjas with, breaking past Saizo and Kagero without losing anyone was really challenging, especially since they came with the Flame and Sting Shurikens to screw with Effie. I barely managed to have Corrin escape on the very last turn, managed to get Kaze to the last treasure chest on time as well.

Chapter 13 - Cheve

I'd love to be thankful for another level where I could move at my own pace, but this is also where promoted classes start appearing. Combine that with how aggressive groups of AI can be and I was in for a tough one. My Great Knight Effie, who felt invincible before, was killed off by Reina, but thankfully, everyone else survived thanks to Elise's freeze staff pulling me out of a couple tight spots. I also managed to kill the thief and visit every house, netting me an arms scroll to use on Felicia.

Chapter 14 - The Opera House

Before the level started, I was able to upgrade the Dusk Armory to buy Felicia a Levin Sword and Bolt Axe, giving her the full magic weapon triangle. I also reclassed Mozu to Bowzu now that I had a access to a new heart seal from the newly upgraded staff store and forged her a bronze bow+1 at the armory. Eventually Kinshi knight reinforcements showed up from behind and started kicking my butt, killing Arthur in the process. Then I sent Felicia after the boss with her new Levin sword after the boss, forgetting that he had countermagic. So, uh, she's dead to. Right after I spend so many resources on her. I don't feel good about that at all...

Chapter 15 - Valla

Without Azura, I was worried that the bottom half of the map might be too difficult for me, but I attempted it anyway. Packing Felicia's old Levin sword, Corrin managed to juggernaught his way through it - it just took a lot of vulneraries. Not really much to say here, except that I promoted Corrin afterwards still feel awful about Felicia's death.

So as a recap, here's everyone who's died.

Niles - Chapter 9
Azura - Chapter 10
Beruka - Chapter 10
Effie - Chapter 13
Arthur - Chapter 14
Felicia - Chapter 14
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Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I decided to do some pulls, since the banners that are up are pretty good and they recently gave out a lot of orbs. While I really wanted to pull for an evil Celica, I acknowledged that I had plenty of swordsman already, and that I had a real need for an armor mage. So went into the LA banner a few times, and well, after about 40 orbs... success! Armor Lyn joined my party! But, like my regular Lyn, she's -Atk... hnghh...! Ah well, what can you do? I'll take her, and either give her Blarblade, Blarrowl, or enhance her weapon.

That still left me with about 50 or so orbs, and so I decided to hit up the Legendary banner for greens, since feeding my Ike to Tiki left me without any of those three. After about 20 orbs or so, Dorcas shows up--with a +Atk nature! Pretty nice! And I decided to hit up the banner again, maybe for Brave Ike or Gunnthra... and on the first pull after Dorcas, Ike decided to show up...! +HP/-Res, so a pretty solid nature, much better than the one I gave to Tiki, which was something like +Res/-Def. Pretty nice haul, especially only for ~65 orbs!


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015

friggin' finally

he's +Def/-Spd too

That's also literally the 3rd Soleil I rolled today--2nd from this banner. None of 'em have fun IVs, they're all like +bulk stat/-bulk stat ones when she wants to be +Atk or +Spd and -whatever is not those two, but hey, I use -Atk LA Hector so what do I care lol

Time for another update on my Conquest Ironman.

Chapter 11 - Sevenfold Sanctuary

After the chaotic chapter 10, this was a nice slow chapter to let me catch my breath. I finally reclassed Felecia to Dread Fighter, and her resistance was high enough that none of the diviners even tried to attack her. The ninja lunge chain could of been a problem, but thankfully Effie had enough strength to OHKO them with a javelin. Sadly I couldn't get the contents of the treasure chests thanks to Nile's previous demise, but at least Kaze gets recruited at the end, so I don't have to worry about that anymore.

Chapter 12 - Macarath Palace

16 turns may sound like a lot of time to finish a level, but it's really not. Without an archer to fight the ninjas with, breaking past Saizo and Kagero without losing anyone was really challenging, especially since they came with the Flame and Sting Shurikens to screw with Effie. I barely managed to have Corrin escape on the very last turn, managed to get Kaze to the last treasure chest on time as well.

Chapter 13 - Cheve

I'd love to be thankful for another level where I could move at my own pace, but this is also where promoted classes start appearing. Combine that with how aggressive groups of AI can be and I was in for a tough one. My Great Knight Effie, who felt invincible before, was killed off by Reina, but thankfully, everyone else survived thanks to Elise's freeze staff pulling me out of a couple tight spots. I also managed to kill the thief and visit every house, netting me an arms scroll to use on Felicia.

Chapter 14 - The Opera House

Before the level started, I was able to upgrade the Dusk Armory to buy Felicia a Levin Sword and Bolt Axe, giving her the full magic weapon triangle. I also reclassed Mozu to Bowzu now that I had a access to a new heart seal from the newly upgraded staff store and forged her a bronze bow+1 at the armory. Eventually Kinshi knight reinforcements showed up from behind and started kicking my butt, killing Arthur in the process. Then I sent Felicia after the boss with her new Levin sword after the boss, forgetting that he had countermagic. So, uh, she's dead to. Right after I spend so many resources on her. I don't feel good about that at all...

Chapter 15 - Valla

Without Azura, I was worried that the bottom half of the map might be too difficult for me, but I attempted it anyway. Packing Felicia's old Levin sword, Corrin managed to juggernaught his way through it - it just took a lot of vulneraries. Not really much to say here, except that I promoted Corrin afterwards still feel awful about Felicia's death.

So as a recap, here's everyone who's died.

Niles - Chapter 9
Azura - Chapter 10
Beruka - Chapter 10
Effie - Chapter 13
Arthur - Chapter 14
Felicia - Chapter 14
yeesh that sounds rough, losing all those people

tbh I don't think I could ever do this ironman challenge thing, would probably drive me nuts


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Now that I got a Hardin and thus can finally make Armor Emblem team, I went to work and started grinding all my 5-star armor units. I finished grinding, tested it in a whole bunch of battles, and the team is all set!

With my Armor Emblem team finally finished, I'd figure I'd share it for those that are interested. This team has done me quite well in Arena Mode thus far, and it even prevailed in the Arvis GHB on Lunatic!

My same Valentine Hector that I've been using a lot nowadays. Only difference here is that, aside from the change to Vantage 3, he has Fortify Armor equipped to buff my teammates' defenses. He is still quite a strong unit, not to mention he activates Glimmers automatically on the enemy phase when he gets hit due to his lowered cool down.

The unit that completed my Armor Emblem team, and one who is also shaping up to be the team's MVP! Fallen Hardin has already proven to be quite a strong powerhouse on my team with his incredibly good bulk and strong damage potential. He also has Ward Armor equipped to further boost my teammates' defenses. I wasn't sure which seal to give him, so I gave him Distant Def to improve his bulk against mages. It's done well for him thus far.

Another powerhouse member of the team. He has the lowest Resistance out of all the teammates though, but with the help of V!Hector and Fallen Hardin nearby, they can allow the Black Knight to better cope with mages compared to being on his own. He currently has Quick Riposte 2 because I went for a budget version, but when I can find another Quick Riposte fodder, you bet he'll get Quick Riposte 3 soon. He also Hone Armor equipped to boost my teammates' offensive game.

With the whole weapon triangle covered, I'd figure I'd add my one extra armor bow user that I have: my Halloween Jakob! This guy is surprisingly a really tanky fellow! He almost rarely gets KOd in my experience using him, no matter if it's against melee units or mages. He often receives chip damage a good portion of the time! I think part of that can be attributed to his +Def IV. Sadly, with his added bulk also comes a bit of an unfortunate trade-off: his bane is Atk. Thus, I gave him two skills to combat this issue: Death Blow and Threaten Def. Both ensure Jakob can hit as hard as he can to counter the -Atk IV. The Attack Seal is also there to improve his offensive capability as well. All that said, H!Jakob has still proven to be quite a valuable unit on my team, and he even makes a pretty good Brave Lyn counter too!

The only other 5-star armor unit I have is my Winter Chrom, who still hasn't been fully grinded yet. He might be swapped with my H!Jakob if I ever feel like it, but considering how useful H!Jakob has been proving to me thus far, I think Winter Chrom won't be added to that team at the moment.

Another thing: I do not have any Amelias, so I'm unable to give any of my armor units Armor March at the moment (believe me, I really wish I had an Amelia for that reason). I'm stuck with using Armored Boots as the closest possible option to boost an armored unit's movement for the time being.
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2014
The Domain
So today I decided to do my first ironman playthrough of a Fire Emblem Game. For those of you who aren't sure, an ironman is when you don't reset no matter who dies. Seth got killed by a horselayer you forgot to check for? Ryoma got taken out by a random 3% crit? Too bad, you keep on rolling. Since this is my first time, you'd think I'd go for an easy one, like Sacred Stones or Birthright. Nope. I'm playing Conquest. On hard mode. It's been quite the experience, so I think I'll share what's happened to me so far here.

I decided to start at the branch of Fate, so I skipped the first 5 chapters, just to save myself the grief. As for my avatar, he's a male named Genarog with a +magic/-luck stats to make full use of his dragonstone. People are sleeping on that thing - it turns him into an awesome tank and the damage he deals during a dual strike often beats out even Effie's. Just so you all know who I'm talking about, I'm going to call him Corrin from here forward.

Oh, and I'm not going to use any DLC aside from a single Dread Fighter scroll, since Dread Fighter Felicia is too good to pass up. I'm considering amiibo DLC, so no Ike or Lucina is going to be there to help me this time. No visiting other castles either - I want to limit by ability to exploit broken skills.
I'll fully admit that I cannot see myself doing an iron man run of a game, so for that I give you a ton of credit. RIP Niles.

Chapter 20
If this game was realistic, Ike would have seen a single snowflake on the Crimean border and decide to call it a day. Because seriously why is the heaviest snow of the year in late February.

This level is a fair bit easier than the previous levels, which may or may not be linked to the fact that the snow seems to be clearing up. I didn't even notice that it was a timed mission until I cleared the map. It's also at this point that most of my core units have been promoted. Rolf in particular has come alive as a Sniper, and I'm starting to think Lord Takeo had a point when he said it gets easier.

I'm also happy to see some scenes that go over the how the local populace wouldn't automatically trust Ike even when he has the best intentions in liberating them.

Chapter 21
If the powerful units assigned to protect bosses would do their jobs and stay near their bosses, these levels would actually be as hard as they look at first glance. In my opinion, I'm not a big fan of Fire Emblem levels that contain thin paths only 2 or 3 spaces wide, as it feels like it's only limiting my army's movement.


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
Been a while! Also, I finally did it.
I didn't summoned since Micaiah (With the exception of a little bit for V!Lyn).

And I did it.
Opened up an even different and fun Arena team I will show off, once I get enough feathers. But I am just so happy.
Now I can finally stop saving up, and just randomly spend again. Phew.

Also, am replaying Fe4 with friends. Been alot of fun so far. Recruiting ayra is as nerve wretching for newcomers as I imagined it to be.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Major breaking news everyone!

Leif is finally coming to Fire Emblem Heroes this April!

Finn and Nanna will also be showing up as part of the Thracia 776 banner.

Rejoice, Leif and Thracia 776 fans. Your lord and game is finally getting its spotlight in FE: Heroes!
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Major breaking news everyone!

Leif is finally coming to Fire Emblem Heroes this April!

Finn and Nanna will also be showing up as part of the Thracia 776 banner.

Rejoice, Leif and Thracia 776. Your lord and game is finally getting its spotlight in FE: Heroes!
Can't wait to go into colorless hell for Nanna (then again, Troubadours could use swords in FE4-5 so maybe....)

At least i got time to save up Orbs. The Legendary Ephraim banner left me empty and while i got the legend himself, i failed to get Summer Corrin.


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
Can't wait to go into colorless hell for Nanna (then again, Troubadours could use swords in FE4-5 so maybe....)

At least i got time to save up Orbs. The Legendary Ephraim banner left me empty and while i got the legend himself, i failed to get Summer Corrin.
I mean... Lachesis.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Another new thing has popped up:

We're getting a Nintendo Direct that will air tomorrow at 2 PM PST!

For those anticipating the reveal of Fire Emblem Switch that will come out later this year, tomorrow might be the day we will finally learn the news about it.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
For those anticipating the reveal of Fire Emblem Switch that will come out later this year, tomorrow might be the day we will finally learn the news about it.
It's actually just TMS #FE 2.

In all seriousness though, FE16 is the biggest thing i'm looking forward to out of this. Assuming it's shown, which it has to at this point. And it's at 5 PM EST which means school won't get in the way for me.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Now that I got a Hardin and thus can finally make Armor Emblem team, I went to work and started grinding all my 5-star armor units. I finished grinding, tested it in a whole bunch of battles, and the team is all set!

With my Armor Emblem team finally finished, I'd figure I'd share it for those that are interested. This team has done me quite well in Arena Mode thus far, and it even prevailed in the Arvis GHB on Lunatic!

My same Valentine Hector that I've been using a lot nowadays. Only difference here is that, aside from the change to Vantage 3, he has Fortify Armor equipped to buff my teammates' defenses. He is still quite a strong unit, not to mention he activates Glimmers automatically on the enemy phase when he gets hit due to his lowered cool down.

The unit that completed my Armor Emblem team, and one who is also shaping up to be the team's MVP! Fallen Hardin has already proven to be quite a strong powerhouse on my team with his incredibly good bulk and strong damage potential. He also has Ward Armor equipped to further boost my teammates' defenses. I wasn't sure which seal to give him, so I gave him Distant Def to improve his bulk against mages. It's done well for him thus far.

Another powerhouse member of the team. He has the lowest Resistance out of all the teammates though, but with the help of V!Hector and Fallen Hardin nearby, they can allow the Black Knight to better cope with mages compared to being on his own. He currently has Quick Riposte 2 because I went for a budget version, but when I can find another Quick Riposte fodder, you bet he'll get Quick Riposte 3 soon. He also Hone Armor equipped to boost my teammates' offensive game.

With the whole weapon triangle covered, I'd figure I'd add my one extra armor bow user that I have: my Halloween Jakob! This guy is surprisingly a really tanky fellow! He almost rarely gets KOd in my experience using him, no matter if it's against melee units or mages. He often receives chip damage a good portion of the time! I think part of that can be attributed to his +Def IV. Sadly, with his added bulk also comes a bit of an unfortunate trade-off: his bane is Atk. Thus, I gave him two skills to combat this issue: Death Blow and Threaten Def. Both ensure Jakob can hit as hard as he can to counter the -Atk IV. The Attack Seal is also there to improve his offensive capability as well. All that said, H!Jakob has still proven to be quite a valuable unit on my team, and he even makes a pretty good Brave Lyn counter too!

The only other 5-star armor unit I have is my Winter Chrom, who still hasn't been fully grinded yet. He might be swapped with my H!Jakob if I ever feel like it, but considering how useful H!Jakob has been proving to me thus far, I think Winter Chrom won't be added to that team at the moment.

Another thing: I do not have any Amelias, so I'm unable to give any of my armor units Armor March at the moment (believe me, I really wish I had an Amelia for that reason). I'm stuck with using Armored Boots as the closest possible option to boost an armored unit's movement for the time being.
Looks good! As for Armor March, you could consider sniping blues on the LA banner while it's still up, as LA Lyn also comes with it (and is a good unit as well). If not, Amelia has been appearing pretty frequently on banners, and is an exceptionally good unit. Hopefully she'll make her way to you sometime soon!

Chapter 20
If this game was realistic, Ike would have seen a single snowflake on the Crimean border and decide to call it a day. Because seriously why is the heaviest snow of the year in late February.
Actually, some regions actually have February (or later!) as their snowiest month. Here's a map of the US by snowiest month:

(Image by The Weather Channel)

The High Plains gets its heaviest snow in March. The stream of Arctic air coming down from Canada shifts around then to start hitting the area around then.

Major breaking news everyone!

Leif is finally coming to Fire Emblem Heroes this April!

Finn and Nanna will also be showing up as part of the Thracia 776 banner.

Rejoice, Leif and Thracia 776 fans. Your lord and game is finally getting its spotlight in FE: Heroes!
Good for fans of Thracia! But this raises the question... who's on Friday's banner? I guess they probably wanted to placate the fans yearning for Thracian characters before it came out, although the timing of the announcement kinda overshadows it, since there's been such heavy demand for Leif to enter.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Oh boy, time to start tampering my expectations. I really need to keep from getting too excited for FE16. If they say it's going to have an epic gripping tale - which I know they will -, I won't believe them this time. It hurt too much when I trusted Fates, and I don't want to be burned like that again.

Tharcia is long overdue, but I think I'll skip that one. I haven't ever played any of the Japanese games, but hey, now every lord is finally here except Rowan and Lianna.

Oh, and I made progress on my ironman.
Chapter 17 - Mokushu

This level is pretty infamous for its difficulty, but after being stuck on it on Lunatic Classic for so long, I've actually got a pretty good handle on it. It's all about when you choose to trigger the Dragon's Veins - do it at the right moments, and you can break up clusters of approaching enemies, making them far easier to deal with. I promoted Elise into Strategist and Mozu into Kinshi Knight during this battle, and Mozu managed to take on the boss thanks to triangle advantage and an accuracy boost from underdog, signifying her transformation from dead weight into team MVP. After the battle, I forged her an Iron Bow +2 and named in the Bowzu.

Chapter 18 - Izumo

This is one of the easier levels in Conquest IMO, but that doesn't mean it doesn't carry its own challenges. The paladin and bow knight squadron can be a pain to deal with, and the reinforcements can cost you precious turns if you forget to cover the stair cases. Thankfully I remembered too and managed to clear it comfortably, and promoted Keaton into Wolfseggner, Kaze into Master Ninja and Odin into Sorceror while I was at it.

Percy's Paralouge

I was getting nervous about the kitsune map as about half my active party at this point are beast units. Thankfully, I had Effie Arthur married before they both kicked the bucket and left their heir baking in the outrealm for when I needed him. I made a mistake though - I got too greedy about the gold I could earn on this level and split my team up into two groups, and the right side got overrun by paladins thanks to a lack of offensive units, taking Elise's life. She as my main healer and her personal skill was invaluable, so it took all my self-control not to reset at that. But hey, I've come this far, so I'm going to see this through to the end. Her death was a wake up call and I gave up on the dragon veins, choosing to play far more carefully. During this level Silas became and paladin, and afterwards, I promoted Percy to Wyvernlord so he could tank against the kitsune.

Chapter 19 - Kitsune Hamlet

With Elise dead, Shura was my only up-to-level healer left, so I maxed out my Fire Orbs to recruit Flora. I before she would join, however, I needed to clear just one more level. In this battle, bronze weapons were actually invaluable thanks to their high accuracy. I also bought Kaze a hunter's knife ahead of time, making him extremely powerful, especially since his incredible speed even allowed him to double even the fastest of the Nine-tails. Mozu's high accuracy, high power "bowzu" was crucial as well. Thanks to all my high accuracy weapons I brought along, I managed to beat the level without any deaths.

Deaths so far
Niles - Chapter 9
Azura - Chapter 10
Beruka - Chapter 10
Effie - Chapter 13
Arthur - Chapter 14
Felicia - Chapter 14
Elise - Paralouge 19 (In between Chapters 18/19)

It might not sound like I'm having fun, but losing characters forces me to improvise a lot more then I normally would. I would usually never consider using Odin, Mozu or Silas in Conquest, but somehow it ended up that way anyway. In some ways my usual MVPs like Effie and Niles is a good thing. I definitely think I'll try this with other FEs in the future. Playing the game in this way certainly adds to the game's replayability, that's for sure.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016

At least F!Morgan is the only Blue here and a permanent flying mage too. Also, Horse Emblem has a Dragon Emblem counter now.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
We're getting both male AND female Morgan? Now that's a surprise.

Chrom as a mounted sword units combined with those skills makes him quite threatening! I also really like his artwork for the banner. Definitely going to try to pull him.

And look closely at the end of the trailer, and you'll see Gerome in the map. Seems like we're getting him as a free unit That's unexpected. I was personally hoping he'd show up in a banner featuring all the masked characters in Fire Emblem so that we could finally get Conrad in Heroes, but oh well.

Also, in other Fire Emblem Heroes news, Grima!Robin beat Witch Celica in the finals of the recent Voting Gauntlet!

He is now the second male character to ever win a Voting Gauntlet!

I jumped to team Grima!Robin after normal Takumi lost to Witch Celica, so I felt pretty satisfied that Grima!Robin avenged Takumi!


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
>new Awakening banner with children units
>no Nah
>is sad

Deleted member


At least F!Morgan is the only Blue here and a permanent flying mage too. Also, Horse Emblem has a Dragon Emblem counter now.
I am planning to save Orbs, but I hope I can get female Morgan as a free summon or one that requires me to spend little Orbs.
I wish I could get my precious daughter.
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