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Social Banjo-Kazooie Social Thread - Project Dream Come True!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2018
Thanks for passing the salt, lads. Not the worst roster concept I've seen, even if I would only play two of the five (Sylux and Banjo, obviously)...but hey, those two are pretty solid, amiright? This is the part where I cut out the reasons I hate Edelgard. I'm already a pariah among the FE community for my outlandish views as it is. Also I've narrowed Banjo down to between 5'0" and 6'0"
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Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
I would be more than fine with two Microsoft reps with one being Banjo and the other being Steve as they target two drastically different demographics as Steve is for Casuals and more Mainstream and Banjo is moreso for the Harcore fanbase who loves Smash or who grew up with Nintendo. If both are in great in all honesty but I would prefer Banjo and I'm sure there's some people who would legit prefer a Minecraft rep.
I am starting to think that we will get both. Honestly though, Masterchief would draw the most fans. I know people that don't even like Smash but would pick it up if Masterchief was added.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
I know we are pre-mature celebrating. But it feels good to think we actually stand a legit chance. It's only fair, everyone else has been premature celebrating because of Insiders for the last month. It's our turn.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2014
Laugh Tale
This is the problem.

Most of us have wanted Banjo in Smash since Smash was a thing, he rightfully deserved to join the fight, but then Microsoft happened. The second we got a glimmer of hope from Phil Spencer that Banjo still had a chance, everyone else immediately jumped to "Microsoft rep." There is no Microsoft rep, Nintendo isn't going to go to Microsoft and ask them "hey, do you want a character in Smash?" Banjo is not a Microsoft rep, Banjo is a lost Nintendo character, it's annoying that you can't even bring up Banjo in Smash without someone shoving Steve down your throat or the rare Master Chief suggestion. There is no "Microsoft rep" on the table, Banjo is on the table, not Steve, not Chief, no other Microsoft character is on the table, we want Banjo, not Microsoft.

To make it clear, most of us don't care about people who want Steve. If you want Steve, that's all fine and dandy, just leave Banjo alone please.
I'm honestly surprised at just how often this gets left out of the discussion when it comes to Banjo and Kazooie when it's their USP. People might bring up their "history with Nintendo", but that's severely underselling it. Loads of third parties have a history with Nintendo. The bear and bird were wholesale, unambiguously, Nintendo characters. Outright owned by them. Promoted in the late 90s as bonafide mascots alongside titans like Mario, Link, DK, Yoshi and Pikachu. They were Nintendo All-Stars before Smash even immortalised the concept. And we lost them. I feel like people who didn't grow up with the Nintendo 64 have zero reference point for just how much of a bummer that actually was. Like, imagine if Splatoon had been developed by a 2nd party company who broke away from Nintendo after Splatoon 2. People would be heartbroken, and rightfully so. I don't resent younger fans for not having any attachment to the characters if they were before their time, but I'll admit to getting a touch frustrated when people accuse the fan desire for them as just down to nostalgia. Plenty of other Nintendo characters and series have been on the receiving end of neglect or ill treatment, sure, but they've never been lost. Other third parties are, at the end of the day, just guest characters, hanging with a crowd that they don't fully belong with. And, hey, I'm not knocking that. That's, broadly, the appeal and the fun of third parties. But Banjo and Kazooie wouldn't be that. They'd be a reunion with a family they were severed from, and that's why people get so passionate about them.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here and this post is largely pointless, it just gets frustrating how perhaps the most important fact about Banjo and Kazooie and the weight and meaning behind their inclusion seems to get lost, for some reason, when he comes up in general character speculation. They're not just any old dated 90s platforming mascot.

This can never be stressed enough. If Banjo & Kazooie were created by Microsoft themselves then yes they would be considered a Microsoft rep, but they weren't were they. And it's why I still consider them Nintendo All-Stars despite Rare being legally owned by Microsoft. Of all the characters that are high on my Smash requests, I believe Banjo & Kazooie have gotten screwed the most since 2002 buyout. K. Rool prior to Ultimate hadn't appeared in a game since Mario Super Sluggers back in 2008 and in that time between those two points he deemed irrelevant and replaceable. Ridley had regular appearances in the Metroid series and had the unfortunate stigma of detractors who called him TOO BIG. As a fan of those two, we went through tough times especially in the Smash 4 days. Then eventually we got our sweet victory of achieving our goal. But I believe Banjo and Kazooie have had it worse. Back in the days of the N64 and very early Gamecube era, the bear and bird were at their peak of popularity having two standout games on the N64 and a possible sequel on the Gamecube. The buyout changed everything and our hopes were crushed. It was hard to have two characters I adored as a kid being torn apart from Nintendo became a part of another rival company. It's been years since that happened and my dream to have Banjo & Kazooie return home remains alive and well.

I haven't posted much about Steve and here goes... I never got the comparison between Banjo and Steve. It's frustrating that Steve's name is brought up a lot in this thread or in any place discussing Banjo. I know there are people genuinely want him and that is fine. Steve this and Steve that, honestly I'm getting sick of it. I would be pretty upset if Steve got in first and Banjo gets the shaft at the same time. I'll say this, I have never played Minecraft and therefore have no attachment to the game or Steve. I just don't care about him, period. IMO, I don't think Steve would fit into the roster one bit. He just doesn't have any expression whatsoever. I just want Banjo & Kazooie back where they belong. That's it. It's time for them to come home.

EDIT: It's great to see some more activity in this thread again. It's probably the most we've had since pre-release. I'm still hopeful yet cautiously optimistic for their chances.
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Llort A. Ton

Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2015
The Other Side Of The Computer Screen
Switch FC
SW 1185 9411 4529
I cant even be mad at another stinkin Fire Emblem character if it means Banjo and Kazooie are in. At this point the ammount of overeepresentation FE gets is a joke, but if we get our most wanted in, I will gladly laugh along.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
Uh...guys? I think things are starting to line up.
I honestly don't buy this at all. Everything in this leak is just piggybacking on everything that has been revealed lately.

-The presumed Square Enix rep is based from the codename Brave discussion.
-Banjo as the Microsoft rep is piggybacking from Indie's tweet from yesterday.
-Edelgard because her voice actress announced today that she has a voicing project coming soon which could always end up being for FE Three Houses or a different character.
-Sylux has been on everyone's radar just because he's not a spirit.


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Someone posted this on GameFAQS and I wanted to hear your opinions on it.

I think Duck Hunt is actually the basis for Joker, not Mii Swordfighter.

Now, before you report me for being dumb, don't think about it in terms of design, think about it in terms of functions.

Both "Jack" and Duck Hunt have a wall jump and a rapid jab.

"Jack's" height in the files puts him at the same level as Young Link, just like Duck Hunt.

The move that causes the crash is Duck Hunt's down b, a move that involves summoning another character to perform an attack, just like the way Joker's persona works.

Based on what we know about Joker, Duck Hunt fits better as the base than Mii Swordfighter, assuming, again, that the crash is caused by the files on these characters being messed with.
Personally, I think it could be true, but the problem lies not with the summon but with the build.

Remember :4myfriends: and :4zss: we’re used as base models for DLC in 4 and we got characters with similar bodies/weaponry different moveset. So I think it is a thought.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2018
I feel compared to DK Metroid getting another rep is MEH especaly since MP4 was scraped & being made from scratch so maybe if they didnt start work on sylux yet hopefully they opt for a better nintendo character choice IMO as we already have 3 samuses & ridley already (I'd rather have dixie,geno or bandana dee insted of him)

as for the fire emblem rep I'd be ok with it if they are like corrin & play completely diffrently from all other FE, then again smash did really help FE's popularity so there is a LOT of fan crossover but the poor fans 2 most popular characters hector & lyn keep getting snubed for advertising main lord like characters so it kinda sucks for FE fans YET sakurai says we wanted to add piranha plant to show you don't need to be a main character or hero to be in smash so why not give us fan favorite FE characters who use diffrent weapons sakurai ?

BUT if we get banjo I'll be ok with it


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
I honestly don't buy this at all. Everything in this leak is just piggybacking on everything that has been revealed lately.

-The presumed Square Enix rep is based from the codename Brave discussion.
-Banjo as the Microsoft rep is piggybacking from Indie's tweet from yesterday.
-Edelgard because her voice actress announced today that she has a voicing project coming soon which could always end up being for FE Three Houses or a different character.
-Sylux has been on everyone's radar just because he's not a spirit.
You might want to check the date of the post.

Deleted member

Uh...guys? I think things are starting to line up.
These two posts tying together is a gigantic leap in logic. First of all, the twitter post makes zero sense. This is the same issue where people flipped their ****s when IPs were renewed around the same time of the Grinch leak. Supposed correlation is not causation.

As for the 4chan leak. That's just not reliable in of itself. Guessing Joker is not means for complete credibility. SE and Microsoft representatives are piggybacking off of known information, especially at the time of the post. If anything, the only not safe pick out of the 4chan post is Joker. Edelgard is considered a sure-in. If you don't expect Fire Emblem to be DLC out of a pure sense of cynicism, I don't know what to say.
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Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
Again this is all just speculation on our part. The "he's in!" Attitude is just us trying to have a little fun since that's what everyone else has been doing the last month with Dragon Quest and Minecraft.

Deleted member

Again this is all just speculation on our part. The "he's in!" Attitude is just us trying to have a little fun since that's what everyone else has been doing the last month with Dragon Quest and Minecraft.
I wasn't going against Banjo being in. In fact, this thread has recently renewed my hope for the mascot, especially with that one twitter post being removed. ****ing hyped.

I just didn't see how that 4chan post could be taken as reliable. I also couldn't see how Crinstina Vee's post meant anything other than she's now in a big game. Even if she is doing Smash Bros, I can't see how it immediately ties to Edelgard just because she now has a confirmed VA.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I know we are pre-mature celebrating. But it feels good to think we actually stand a legit chance. It's only fair, everyone else has been premature celebrating because of Insiders for the last month. It's our turn.
Look how pre-mature celebrating ended up for Isaac/Geno/Shadow fans. It's not always a good idea to raise your expectations.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
Banjo Bros, I have not been here since the game came out. What has been happening? I skimmed a bit and there was a tweet of some sort?

I see this is now Project Dream. Hell Yeah! If I can get a run down, that would be great.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Look how pre-mature celebrating ended up for Isaac/Geno/Shadow fans. It's not always a good idea to raise your expectations.
Lest we forget that Banjo was also Grinched. We're very well aware.
Banjo Bros, I have not been here since the game came out. What has been happening? I skimmed a bit and there was a tweet of some sort?

I see this is now Project Dream. Hell Yeah! If I can get a run down, that would be great.
Image removed for bypassing the censor filter
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
I wasn't going against Banjo being in. In fact, this thread has recently renewed my hope for the mascot, especially with that one twitter post being removed. ****ing hyped.

I just didn't see how that 4chan post could be taken as reliable. I also couldn't see how Crinstina Vee's post meant anything other than she's now in a big game. Even if she is doing Smash Bros, I can't see how it immediately ties to Edelgard just because she now has a confirmed VA.
Yep I just looked her up and she voices dozens of characters and interesting enough she is also the voice actress of Shantae! But this big project of her's could literally be anything or even a new character she has never voiced before.

Edit: Appearently she also voices Female Erdrick! Yikes!
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Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
Lest we forget that Banjo was also Grinched. We're very well aware.

View attachment 190553
Soooo....How trusting is this person. Because this can be pretty huge! I remember when I saw the announcement for Xbox Live on Switch, it was an incredible feeling. It makes sense to have this IF Rare titles are coming accompanying the Xbox Live on Switch.

Wooooo I am getting a bit hot and bothered by this lol.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
Yep I just looked her up and she voices dozens of characters and interesting enough she is also the voice actress of Shantae! But this big project of her's could literally be anything or even a new character she has never voiced before.

Edit: Appearently she also voices Female Erdrick! Yikes!
She will voice all the remaining DLC characters. Including Banjo for some reason.

Deleted member

This is actually panning out to be the ultimate Smash game in my eyes. Who knew? If someone told me back in high school Persona was getting into Smash, I would not believe them. If someone told me if Banjo was getting in, I'd flip my ****. If someone told me Dragon Quest would be in back when I had a PS2, I'd be like "whaaaaaaa?"
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
She will voice all the remaining DLC characters. Including Banjo for some reason.
I'm not trying to sound rough, but I just don't buy that 4chan post because we've seen many of those especially during the grinch leak fiasco there was a 4chan post from last January that confirmed the grinch leak yet we know how that ended.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
This is actually panning out to be the ultimate Smash game in my eyes. Who knew? If someone told me back in high school Persona was getting into Smash, I would not believe them. If someone told me if Banjo was getting in, I'd flip my ****. If someone told me Dragon Quest would be in back when I had a PS2, I'd be like "whaaaaaaa?"
Just imagine, an 8 player fight with Mario, Sonic, Mega-Man, Pac-Man, Cloud, Simon, Joker and Banjo. We are just missing one from that list.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
So I feel like people were getting the wrong impression from me. I really am just trying to have a little fun while speculating. I finally have hope for Banjo again so I'm just trying to express it.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
So I feel like people were getting the wrong impression from me. I really am just trying to have a little fun while speculating. I finally have hope for Banjo again so I'm just trying to express it.
Oh no I am not getting the wrong impression, I actually kind of thought the opposite that perhaps people would misinterpret my stance with the 4chan leak. Sorry if I sounded kind of tense.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
Oh no I am not getting the wrong impression, I actually kind of thought the opposite that perhaps people would misinterpret my stance with the 4chan leak. Sorry if I sounded kind of tense.
I'm also kinda working on 4 hours of sleep at the moment so I figured I would just clarify. I will admit I might be getting a little carried away.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
I'm also kinda working on 4 hours of sleep at the moment so I figured I would just clarify. I will admit I might be getting a little carried away.
Don't worry I think it's possible that a lot of us are getting a little carried away with what we've seen lately, but at the same time the Grinch leak has had an effect on us as well lol


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Yep I just looked her up and she voices dozens of characters and interesting enough she is also the voice actress of Shantae! But this big project of her's could literally be anything or even a new character she has never voiced before.

Edit: Appearently she also voices Female Erdrick! Yikes!
I looked her up too and there's no female erdrick.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2013
Tacoma, Washington
I'm not trying to sound rough, but I just don't buy that 4chan post because we've seen many of those especially during the grinch leak fiasco there was a 4chan post from last January that confirmed the grinch leak yet we know how that ended.
I believe what initially caused that particular 4chan post to gain traction is that it came out days before the VGAs. It correctly predicted Joker which is a character that flew under the radar for the most part. Does that make it guaranteed legit? Not at all, it could have been someone with knowledge of Joker that lied about the rest, or possibly even a lucky guess. All that said, it is a strange pick to randomly make. If we are to assume Edelgard has been leaked, it gives the post even more credibility. This isn't a post that came out today or anything.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I believe what initially caused that particular 4chan post to gain traction is that it came out days before the VGAs. It correctly predicted Joker which is a character that flew under the radar for the most part. Does that make it guaranteed legit? Not at all, it could have been someone with knowledge of Joker that lied about the rest, or possibly even a lucky guess. All that said, it is a strange pick to randomly make. If we are to assume Edelgard has been leaked, it gives the post even more credibility. This isn't a post that came out today or anything.
If it's not a lucky guess buffered by four of the most commonly made predictions (for last Nov - notice the "SE character" over the "DQ character") I'd be hugely surprised. Even if it pans out in the short term, eventually it will be proven false. Not to mention that the leaker never followed through with the last part.

Given the sheer volume of fake leaks out there, at least a handful will, by pure chance, contain some of the more surprising additions. Keep in mind a few fake leaks even had Richter on them.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
If it got two guesses I would consider it something to keep an eye on. A 3rd is leaning on legit. So on and so forth. If this guy managed to just guess all 5 characters he needs to go buy a lottery ticket.
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Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2013
Tacoma, Washington
Sorry mods, accidental double post
If it's not a lucky guess buffered by four of the most commonly made predictions (for last Nov - notice the "SE character" over the "DQ character") I'd be hugely surprised. Even if it pans out in the short term, eventually it will be proven false. Not to mention that the leaker never followed through with the last part.

Given the sheer volume of fake leaks out there, at least a handful will, by pure chance, contain some of the more surprising additions. Keep in mind a few fake leaks even had Richter on them.
Fair point, you're probably right. I just wanted to clarify why that post was considered relevant and not just a random 4chan post made today or whatever.

Mr. Stagg

Ay ugly! Gimme back my friggen sister!
Oct 3, 2008
If it got two guesses I would consider it something to keep an eye on. A 3rd is leaning on legit. So on and so forth. If this guy managed to just guess all 5 characters he needs to go buy a lottery ticket.
It is possible that the Sylux reveal could be last due to MP4 getting reworked. Judging by Sakurai's behavior concerning the VGA's it's possible these 5 reveals are not going to be in any particular order. Though once revealed the development would begin I'm guessing. Joker was for the VGA's, Banjo-kazooie could be for the Microsoft x Nintendo reveal at E3 and the others follow based on how Sak's wants to do it.
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