Hi! I wanted to thank you and your wife! you are giving really nice information and pictures (that in my case help a lot for my site

I was wondering now... It make sense how you said that this is the full game version... I really doubt they made a demo with all this character just for one week before the launch and with access to all the menus.
What it makes me think.... we wont unlock characters playing the Smash Matches? Like playing 50 Smash Matches you unlock Falco? Because the people there are not unlocking any new character after two days.... or they delete the save data everytime? maybe it doesnt save it??
Or maybe this time all unlock will be with classic, all-star, stadium and smash-run?
btw: Do we know the rest of the Wii Fit Trainer outfits? We know the female and male in green and blue... are the other four just recolors? or they put this hair models too? Maybe with a Wii Fit U T-Shirt?