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ZSS Videos - Critique Wanted!


Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2008
Central California
I've been meaning to do this for a while, to get some legit feedback on my gameplay with my Brawl main, Zero Suit Samus. Please note that both of these matches are against LV. 9 computers, with no items, and are all 2:00 timed matches.


Later today my friends are going to have a Brawl fest (which we've been doing every week so far since school's been out) and so I'll probably have some videos from there that I'll (hopefully) upload tonight.


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2007
People are gonna flame you for this lol

seriously though you gotta post vids vs people


Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2008
Central California
I know, know. That's exactly why I said at the end of my post that I'll be uploading videos of me vs my friends very soon. One things for sure, I won't be uploading any more CPU matches, so you won't have to worry. ;)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
I'd wait to post anything till you get vs friends vids up. CPU mean nothing, CPU's logic is easy to predict, so wait until you get vs people vids up to get any criticism for, those actually mean something


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Good is in relative terms.

First, both of you need to learn how to DI and airdodge. Please.

As far as ZSS play goes, don't fsmash. You dair way too much. More paralyzer. Where the hell is the downsmash? Uptilts? Downtilts? Offensive upBs? You're good at spacing your sideB, keep that up. Time your bairs, don't just jump and use it when he's miles above you.

Your play needs a lot of work. That said, it's better than a lot of people I've seen try to play her. Keep it up, watch MyRoboticClaw's videos, check out the vids in my sig (I'm working on getting more recent, better vids up), be happy, live long and prosper, etc.


Mar 16, 2007
Punish his whiffed grabs with dsmashx2 and then go into whatever you think is necessary to keep the pain coming. Try to lead into another dsmash if you can. If he's above you, usmash and Plasma Wire are generally better ideas, as they outprioritize most dairs. Uair is more for comboing if you've already uaired him. So dsmash -> uair can lead into some aerial combos.

Find more times to use utilt and dtilt, too.

Finally, try not to use Fsmash and dair. Only use the latter if it will help you survive, or to punish mistakes like that spin attack your opponent pulled.

Also, lurn2DI and airdodge.

Cynan Machae

Smash Journeyman
Oct 3, 2007
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Yea, you rely way to much on dair, which is situational at BEST. Just don't use it if you arent 100% sure you can get away with it, imo. That link should have punished you WAY more than that. Imo the spacing with Side B and the neutral B use was good. The Fsmash usage wasnt that bad; I've seen ZSS players spam it, using it way more that you did. Still, like Thiocyanide and phootbag said, Fmash are very limited uses. Finally, beware using the Down-B kick too much until you get predictable. And you must kjnow that you can still use Down-B without the kick; it has a lot of uses, for exemple by escaping some situations.

Watching some ZSS videos from good players like Claw will help you I'm pretty sure.

Good luck with your ZSS play.


Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2008
Central California
First off, thanks everyone for the response. It's very much appreciated! Now, on to your comments.

Regarding airdodging, I don't know why I never did it, I guess it's because of my lack of Melee experience. But it's a really simple tactic to use so I think I'll be using that a lot now. As for DI, that's something that I'll need to practice to get the hang of.

I tend to accidentally use fsmash instead of a dash attack/side b when I'm rushed. Otherwise, I always stay away from using it, unless a good opportunity to use it presents itself.

Not using downb is going to be hard for me, as I like using it to quickly get back on the stage. However, if you don't get a hit, you're left wide open for an attack, and like most meteor smash/downb attacks, one can see it coming.

My issue with the u/dtilt attacks is getting close enough to actually hit. I guess using the Paralyzer to stop them it their tracks would work. Bottom line is, I'll definitely practice using those attacks too, cause they're pretty effective.

Speaking of her Paralyzer, looks like I need to use that more, too! Finding the right time to use it seems pretty essential, as shielding against it is easy since it's another move you can see coming. I know this attack is pretty much to foundation of her gameplay, as it's and basis for racking up combos.

Battlefield is simply not a good stage to use her downb, as all those platforms are in the way. If the stage was Final Destination, I would've used (and connected) the attack more.

Thanks again for to feedback, I'll definitely be practicing all of this for a while. Next time I post a video, I hope you'll see a lot of changes! :chuckle:


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
Airdodging in Melee and Brawl is completely different. Lack of Melee experience isn't a good excuse.
D-smash -> u-tilt and Dash -> d-tilt are natural combos that you should begin using.


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2007
if anything too much melee experience would tell you NOT to airdodge too much
except on the ground. hmmmmmmm


Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
D-Air bad! D-Air very bad!
Side Smash bad... there is little to no situations where using it would be qualified as "fantastic."
Moar Down Smash.
Moar Up B for the Spiking, not only does it reach really high above you but it pulls your opponent down so you can kick them supar hard in the face.
Also, work on short hopping the Side B. This was a problem I too had with playing Zero Suit. If you're still using tap-jump on your controller settings turn it off.
The best way I found to get accustomed to using the x/y buttons without just getting the crap beaten out of me in versus matches was to complete one of the stupidly time consuming tasks like completing Subspace Emissary, Getting all the Classic Trophies, Getting all the Final Smash trophies, etc.


Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2008
Central California
I have to admit that I really didn't know you could airdodge. I know that in Melee it's much different, since it leaves you helpless after the dodge. If I had actually owned Melee, then I would've known it was possible. Obviously, that wasn't the case...

Yep, I need to turn that tap jump off, once I do, I'll be able to use her utilt just as easily as her dtilt.


Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2008
Huntington, West Virginia
I haven't watched your vids yet, but I'd say keep on using down B. Down B is a great move for attacking with but just remember that there are times when using one of her aerials or something is the better way to go. Wow it would suck if you couldn't airdodge in this game lol. Press R or L a split-second before you think the person is going to attack you. Down B can also be used as an airdodge though airdodging is more reliable I believe. Yes tap jump sucks turn it off. And to DI correctly push your control stick like a maniac in the direction that is away from your opponent and thus, you will DI correctly. DIing is basically not letting the opponent take advantage of your idle time. For instance if a person punched you in the face you wouldn't just stand there and let him do it again would you? No, even as the person would be punching you you'd be thinking about how to avoid the next punch. Lol I like my analogy XD


Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
For instance if a person punched you in the face you wouldn't just stand there and let him do it again would you?
I would just to let him get in a fake sense of self-confidence. Then when I'm bleeding all over I'd headbutt him, get as much blood as I can all over him and simply tell him this.
"I have AIDS."


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
Ok, first off, use your items wisely. They are a great way to start off a match, and once someone gets down it is easier for them to sink lower. Dont just throw your armor into their shield, then it gives them your advantage. If you're afraid of them doing that i'd say throw two pieces off and keep one. With that one you can guard the edge by standing near the ledge and throwing down, makes it a pain for them to recover because the item acts as a shield for you, stopping all their moves and knocking them off the ledge. I dont think i saw you use it but a nice technique with items while using ZSS is glide tossing.

You roll forward, and about 1/5th through the animation you throw your projectile, causing you to slide forward like you rolled (and i think even farther), and throwing your armor piece. Then you end up much closer to them and your armor, where you can either pick it back up to attack them or attack them immediately after while they are still working a way around the armor.

You did well with punishing him when he was on a ledge above you. Keep that up.

At 0:51 you jump at him when he does his dair. Your downB can take him and toon link out of their down airs easy, try it out. =)

I forgot who said it but they're right, you space nicely with your sideB.

Stop using your dair. On battlefield it is horrible cause you can rarely get at your opponent. Use it only if you need to get down quick and your opponent is in the air with you or far away.

Learn to use your downB better, you keep aiming the wrong way. Practice with it, its a very important part of Zamus's arsenal.

This one is important, and 2:18, where was the taunt? =P

2:26, don't feel committed to using the kick in the downB either, he wasn't anywhere near, it is a good tool you can use to avoid attacks though, so good job in that aspect.

Overall pretty nice, against link i would get even better with my sideB and spacing, cause as long as you can stay in that mid-range, where you avoid his sword but are close enough to punish him for trying to use a projectile, it is an easy match. Good job. =D You have plenty of room for improvement but you also have plenty of skill. =)

Edit: And Bouse, those things aren't stupid and time consuming! Well yes time consuming, but i've done them all but unlock all stickers. =P That one is a *****.


Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2008
Central California
It's been awhile, but here's another video. It's not the best match, and was taken a month ago, but it's loads better than the first one.

Yeah, yeah, I know I should be recording more matches, and I admit that I should have taken care of business when I had a party with my friends a few days ago. I really didn't get the chance to, between 4-player brawls, games like Mario Kart Wii and Bomberman 93, watching Young Frankenstein, and laughing endlessly over a hilarious Old Spice ad. Yep, that party was quite fun.


- Kyle


Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2008
Leesburg, VA
It's been awhile, but here's another video. It's not the best match, and was taken a month ago, but it's loads better than the first one.

Yeah, yeah, I know I should be recording more matches, and I admit that I should have taken care of business when I had a party with my friends a few days ago. I really didn't get the chance to, between 4-player brawls, games like Mario Kart Wii and Bomberman 93, watching Young Frankenstein, and laughing endlessly over a hilarious Old Spice ad. Yep, that party was quite fun.


- Kyle
Don't use dair...seriously, you should mostly just never use it unless you're trying to save yourself.

Also, from watching your video I can't stress this enough: Use your Up B a lot more

Dsmash is probably ZSS's best combo starter, but her Up B is also really, really good at stringing things together. If they're above you, use your Up B and it'll damage them while pulling them towards you at the same time. What can you do with that and the Dsmash? Here are a few combos I've been using frequently:

Dsmash>>Dsmash>>Short hopped Uair>>Up B>>Utilt.
Up B>>Bair (at high percents)

Basically, you need a lot more Dsmash and Up B in your game, because those lead to a lot of the damage ZSS can do. Learn how to use her aerials too; I can see you don't really know how to short hop with her yet...practice that.


Mar 16, 2007
It's been awhile, but here's another video. It's not the best match, and was taken a month ago, but it's loads better than the first one.

Yeah, yeah, I know I should be recording more matches, and I admit that I should have taken care of business when I had a party with my friends a few days ago. I really didn't get the chance to, between 4-player brawls, games like Mario Kart Wii and Bomberman 93, watching Young Frankenstein, and laughing endlessly over a hilarious Old Spice ad. Yep, that party was quite fun.


- Kyle
Well, first of all that Sonic was very disappointing. Spindash spam can rack up percent and annoys the hell out of your opponent, but he won't KO without some decent fsmashes, dsmashes or bairs.

What was even more disappointing about him is that he never did anything to punish all of those Flip Jumps you were doing. Seriously, that was some of the most chaotic Flip Jumping I've seen. The move is good for escaping combos, certainly, but you would use it even when you had a positional advantage.

Speaking of positional advantages, don't try to get level with Sonic. Instead use you range to disable his attacks from above, and if he does something laggy (whiffed and mistimed dair; Homing Attack onto a surface, etc), then punish it, generally with uair, usmash or Plasma Wire. Dsmash works if he ends up laggy and near you.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2008
Austin, Texas
Hello, my name is Armour Pieces. I'm just here to leave you a message saying that I don't love you anymore because that Link player treats me right. That's all.

Armour Pieces


Seriously though, he who controls the armour pieces controls the beginning of the match. Make sure it's you. There are other things too (not enough Dsmashes, too much Dair), but that's the big thing with this.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 10, 2007
North Carolina
You should stop doing down B off the stage at ground level (unless your opponent is under pressure), if you use that jump and get hit with anything before reaching the stage, you are gimped. And even if you use up B to bring him down with you, Sonic's up B will probably get him back to the stage with no problem.

Second, you don't even fight. You run away and throw side B's that don't hit or force your opponent to dodge, block or adjust to anything. Don't just throw random moves and hope that your opponent flails himself into your attack.
I'd say, even though there is going to be lag, fight some people online. Even with the lag (if you or your opponent has any) you'll get better experience from that. And you will also see how easy it is to get punished for throwing out too many down B's.....

And use Down tilt and up tilts!!!


Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2008
Central California
Thanks for the comments. I figured that I still need a lot of work. Looking back at the match, I see how bad my flip jumping was... although I did finally get the kill.

I plan to record another batch of matches very soon, although it is difficult with school and things like that going on. Hopefully you guys should see some improvement, but with me you never know. I may end up developing another bad habit. We'll see, I guess.

- Kyle
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