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Zigzag with the fireball


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2008
I posted this at allisbrawl, but I wanted to post this here as well. Enjoy guys :bee:

After some amount of research, I believe that the technique I discovered is in relation to b-sticking, but not so much. Let me explain: The concept of b-sticking is to assign the c-stick to special moves instead of smashes, hence the name b-sticking. Why would anyone do this? With the c-stick now assigned with special moves, this would permit the player to perform something called a wave bounce of some sort (It's all over at smashboards, I did not make up the name)

What is the wavebounce? well, let me give an example: Mario short hops towards the opponent, and b-sticks the cape in the opposite direction, allowing mario to "bounce" backwards. The premise is similar to melee's wavedashing, in terms of running towards the opponent then wavedashing backwards to psych the opponent out.

By b-sticking, the player can influence his DI instantaneously where with default controls it would be VERY difficult. Look up b-sticking/wavebouncing if you don't believe me.

Now, going back to the fireballs, I believe I have found the timing without using this form of control, and it works best with fireballs. 1st, make a huge stage with trampolines/springs at the bottom, and make a wall as your marker. Then in training mode go to the custom stage you just built, set the speed to 1/2 and then fireball away.

The timing is right before when mario is about to shoot a fireball. Just before you fireball(or when you just initiated the fireball) change to the opposite direction FAST. Technically, you would want to be moving forward to see the full effect. Once you've changed direction, shoot off another fireball and do the same but in the other direction. Using that wall as a marker, it should be easy to see a "zigzag" effect.
Normally, when you DI left and right, you end up looking like this:


But with the zigzag technique, you get to look like this:


Hmm, Ascii art doesn't really do this justice, but try it out, you'll see what I mean. Now, the uses for this technique? Well, ever tried to recover above the stage but the opponent just kept hitting you with the Usmash? Well, you can psych them out and keep them guessing by zigzagging.

Funny, when I discovered this, I didn't know why my mario changed direction when I was recovering. I was spamming fireballs while trying to get close to the ledge and he suddenly went the other way! go figure >_>

edit: oops, after more testing, I've found a more accurate timing. I've corrected my mistake, and this is now edited. Sorry

Also, I failed to see the "larger" picture of what this can do. You can also use this in order to psych out the opponent much like a wavedash, or like the wavebounce as told above. The only difference is that you don't have to assign the specials to the c-stick. hope this helps
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