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ZeRo's Daily Smash Trick/Tip 3# - Ice Climbers Guaranteed Grab setups in Battlefield


Banned via Administration
Mar 25, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
The other day I saw 9B doing some extremely cool setups in Battlefield that lead to guaranteed (you can't evade the grab, unless you SDI perfectly, which is pretty much not humanly-possible) grabs.

Here's a video I made to demonstrate the setups I am talking about:


The setup on the platforms in the right/left side

Simply do a Short Hop N-Air, at the peak of your Jump, do a Neutral Air, fast-fall towards where your opponent is going to fall, and do a Dash Grab (easier) or a standing Grab (Harder. You need to time it really well).

I suggest doing a Down Throw chaingrab until 40/50% so your opponent can't mash-out of the grab. Also, it's a must to do a D-Throw Chaingrab after a Dash Grab to ensure that your opponent won't be able to mash out of your grab grab (because you need to wait a couple of frames for Nana to recover to a neutral position to do the normal chaingrabs -B/Throw, walking F/Throw, etc- , this small window of frames allows your opponent a chance to Mash out of the grab, and it's very easy to mash out of a grab at early %'s of damage).

Importante note: You can DI after the first 8 frames of Edge Slip. Which means that you can "evade" this set by DI'ing off the stage when you get hit towards the edge of the stage.

(However, please take in note that the Ice Climbers can still grab you while you're moving away from the platform)

The top platform setup

This one is quite hard/tricky.

First of all, you need your opponent to be a BIT close to the edge of any side of the platform. Then you need to do a "mashed" double jump (You jump, and then use your double jump immediatly after jumping) Neutral Air, this will make your opponent "fall" off of the platform in an animation he can't tech, nor DI, then you need to N-Air your opponent again, while moving and landing towards the platform, this will make him move to the edge of a platform, in an animation that he can ONLY stand up, which means, guaranteed grab.

Note: Depending of how you jump, you might land on the platform, like I did. However, it is not necessary to land on the top platform to perform the trick. I have done it with and without landing of the platform. Also, depending of when you press A, both Ice Climbers, or only Nana could do the N-Air. When both Ice Climbers N-Air, the opponent needs to be at 0%, otherwise it will go off the platform and you won't be able to grab him in time. Or you can N-Air him with the weak hit of N-Air, but you need to do the second N-Air as soon as possible (so you hit your opponent with the weak part after he falls of off the top platform) and in a special timing (I got it only a couple of times, so I can't explain it too well, sorry =( ).

Importante note: You can DI after the first 8 frames of Edge Slip, so you can evade this set up by DI'ing to the center of the stage.

For those of you interested about this "animation" please check out VideoGameBootCamp's video here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyFtJDxsqMs&list=PLF52238E65D6ED18D&index= 3&feature=plpp_video


IMPORTANT NOTE: The 1st setup works up to 0-10% at MOST. Maybe (Haven't tested) more with heavier characters.

This only works against characters who "Edge Slip" (See Videogamebootcamps video above) without being able to do anything about it.




This can work in any platform, it's just that in BF is easier because the stage doesn't move/platform doesn't move/perfect ground space, etc.

The Neutral Air pushes MK off the platform and makes him "Edge Slip" EVEN WHEN HE'S SHIELDING. Also, poweshielding doesn't work. Ice Climbers N-Air consists of 4 HITS, one hit and you're going to be forced to "Edge Slip" off of the platform, and fall into this setup.


Important note to take in consideration:

I think (haven't tested) that Meta Knight can Powershield the first hit and do a Grounded Shuttle Loop Out-of-Shield to evade the "edge slip" animation and also put the Ice Climbers in a bad position (the "Land in Battlefield vs MK game").

Credits to Kssizzle for this idea.


Enjoy Ice Climbers mains!

If you want to get more Smash updates, tricks, tips, guides, tournament streams, or almost anything that is competitive Smash (Mostly Brawl, but also Melee from time to time!) follow me on Twitter and/or like my page on Facebook!


ZeRo out!

P.S. I know that Vinnie does this setups too, but I saw 9B executing these setups before him (But I don't know who came up with the idea first).
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