Reece Neff
Smash Rookie
Welcome back to the second installment of Zenith! Held as an NC State Engineers' Council fundraiser, we have expanded to include both Smash Bros 4 and Melee this season!
NC State University, Daniels Hall Rooms 334 & 353
-Entry Fee-
Venue: $5
Singles: $5
Doubles: $10 ($5 per person)
-Prize Pool-
60% / 30% / 10%
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Smash 4
Doubles Registration Ends: 11:45am
Doubles Starts: 12:30pm
Singles Registration Ends: 1:45pm
Singles Starts: 2:00pm
-Venue Fee Discount-
Wii U Setup (Dreamland, DLC characters, up to date): $1 Discount
Melee Setup: $1 Discount
TV (CRT for Melee, HDTV or Monitor for Smash 4): $1 Discount
Both a console and TV: $3 Discount
-External Links-
NC State University, Daniels Hall Rooms 334 & 353
-Entry Fee-
Venue: $5
Singles: $5
Doubles: $10 ($5 per person)
-Prize Pool-
60% / 30% / 10%
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Smash 4
Doubles Registration Ends: 11:45am
Doubles Starts: 12:30pm
Singles Registration Ends: 1:45pm
Singles Starts: 2:00pm
-Venue Fee Discount-
Wii U Setup (Dreamland, DLC characters, up to date): $1 Discount
Melee Setup: $1 Discount
TV (CRT for Melee, HDTV or Monitor for Smash 4): $1 Discount
Both a console and TV: $3 Discount
-External Links-