Collective of Bears
King of Hug Style
Fox and Falco. Tiers. No items or FSs. Final Destination and Battlefield. No gimmicks. No FUN. This is what I think of the "Competitive" circuit. They believe that all items, FSs, and slightly tricky stages are "cheap." Well, isn't the ultimate of the game mastering everything and everyone? Yes, it is. And how do you do that being limited to just a few characters, two stages, and no items? And more importantly, where is the FUN in that? Isn't the point of a video game to have FUN? Yes, it is. And with all the new additions and changes being made in Brawl, the "Competitive" community should learn how to get along and play with some strange characters and stages and items and learn why they were put there. FUN. I've said my piece, now I want to know your thoughts on the "Competitive" players and system.