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Young.ToonLink's Super Smash Bros. 4 Movesets & Ideas


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
Link to original post: [drupal=4682]Young.ToonLink's Super Smash Bros. 4 Movesets & Ideas[/drupal]

Pretty self explanatory: Basically what I think would be interesting to add or change to existing characters. In addition to the characters I think would/should/could be included in Super Smash Bros. 4, I'll also attempt to create a moveset for them. That also means I'll be posting my prediction for a SSB4 roster.
As said, this will mostly be character speculation, but I may throw in some stage or item ideas.

Note: For now I'm just gonna be editing gradually so this blog won't be complete for a while, knowing how lazy I get haha

[collapse="My Take On Clones"]I know my name is made up of 2 Link clones (Toon Link being the clone-iest in Brawl) and Doc is my best character in Melee, but I'm not some clone elitist who wants more of them in SSB4. I like creativity and originality (I actually want Toon Link to be a bit more different). However, I don't think characters like Toon Link and Lucas will be cut just because they aren't "unique" compared to other characters.
Some people fail to realize that clones aren't the only characters that have "recylced" moves, they're just the most obvious. All the characters actually have similar attacks (Nair Sex Kick being the most common). The thing that people concieve characters to be clones most are Special Attacks.
I could say that Jigglypuff is a clone of Kirby because almost all her Standard Attacks and her multi-jumps are based off and identical to Kirby. However, Jiggs isn't called a clone as much as Lucas or Wolf because her Specials are all different from Kiby, whereas Lucas and Wolf have similar Specials to Ness and Fox respectively, albeit different Standard Attacks. Kirby and Jiggs also have the same body type, which can instigate noticing their similarities more, but I'd also like to point out that Kirby and Fox are also very similar in terms of Standard Attacks whoa that's a lot of Foxes and Kirbys derp
Anyway, my point is that "clones" don't have to be cut because they can be very well be changed aesthetically. The little differences between clones and the original is what is unique to me, and if those attacks, Standard and Special, were to look differently but have the same outcome, then there would be no more complaints of clones, which is sort of what Ike is: a slower yet stronger Roy.

This is my take on uniqeness of clones, not uniqueness in general so I won't be going over how character x should be more deserving over character y, or because x is more unique etc.[/collapse]

*personal preference/have high doubts/don't like Tingle

Super Mario






Bowser Jr.*

Paper Mario*

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong

Diddy Kong

King K. Rool

Dixie Kong*

Yoshi's Island




Legend of Zelda





Toon Link






Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle Ivysaur Charizard)







Meta Knight

King Dedede

Star Fox

Fox McCloud

Falco Lombardi

Wolf O'Donnell



Samus (Power Suit)

Samus Aran (Zero Suit)


Dark Samus (Metroid Prime)*

F Zero

Captain Falcon

Samurai Goroh





Masked Man*

Fire Emblem





Captain Olimar & Pikmin

Animal Crossing

Tom Nook*

Kid Icarus




Miscellaneous Nintendo Franchises


Classic Franchises

Ice Climbers (Ice Climber)

Mr. Game & Watch (Game&Watch)

R.O.B. (ROB)

Little Mac (Punch Out!)

Takamaru* (Nazo no Murasamejo)

Flower Fairy Lip* (Nintendo Puzzle Collection)

Mach Rider* (Mach Rider)

Stafy (Legend of Stafy)

Ray MK (Custom Robo)

Saki (Sin&Punisment)

Isaac (Golden Sun)

Thrid Party Franchise

Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog/Sega)

Snake (Metal Gear/Konami)

Megaman (Megaman/Capcom)

Slime & Chocobo* (Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy/Square Enix)

Flutter NiTE

Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2010
/shrug/ Most likely the same. Link's moveset hasn't changed much since 64. Same with Young Link ---> Toon Link


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
wtf is going on with SWF?

Anyway, lolwut. Young.ToonLink is my username (y.toonlink)
I just decided to save the little introduction because when I'm afk, the page doesn't let me preview the post after a while for some reason.
I didn't know blogs are essentially threads, I just thought there would be comments :O


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I deleted all obvious characters (everyone who was in 2 or more smash bros. games).

Mario franchise:

Toad* - Hmm... I could see Toad, definitely, especially with his recently increased role in the Mario universe. It would take work, but it could work. I do like that you put the apostrophe next to him, because that really reflects what his chances probably are.

Bowser Jr.* - He's had more and more big roles, so that helps his chances versus the pre-Brawl times. On top of that, he ditched Shadow Mario (Bleah!), and really has nothing going against him. He could be a clone (that would be forced!) :laugh: or original. I think he has a slightly better chance than Toad.

Paper Mario* - He is popular, original, and has a lot of games. I think he is a near shoe-in.

My overall opinion on your Mario character selections are that you chose 1 or 2 too many. I understand you don't think they have too good a shot, but you either got to give other (major Nintendo) franchises' such characters this kind of shot, or limit your shots.

Donkey Kong Franchise:

King K. Rool - Good choice. He could really add a lot.

My only question on the Donkey Kong franchise is, "what about Dixie=???" You gave Toad and Bowser Jr. the apostrophe chance but not Dixie-the closest thing to a newcomer we've had in smash-ever=???

Legend of Zelda franchise:

Vaati* - I have a hard time seeing him since he hasn't appeared in a game since 2004 (The Minish Cap; it was released in 2005 in America and Europe). Sure, he was the main villain of three Zelda games (2 if you consider Ganon the main villain in Four Swords Adventures). However, it's been more than half a decade since his last game came out. Vatti will have gone about a dozen years without appearing in a Zelda game by the time next smash bros gamescome out. Unless he returns in Zelda, he's got no shot. I liked him before Brawl as my 6th Zelda character pick, but he has fallen into obscurity.

Tingle* - Brawl aside, he hasn't appeared in an internationally released game since the Minish Cap in 2004 with Vatti. He has also never had a big role other than filling out maps in the Wind Waker (which is just one game). He seems to have disappeared from Zelda due to immense hatred for him, and I don't think he's coming back anytime soon.

Pokémon franchise:

Mewtwo - Needs to return. "Mewtwo's Return" is imminent (hopefully). And let us pray that he gets some new psychic powers, and actual hit boxes.

Deoxys* - I don't see it happening. He was Pokéball'd last time, and I think he will be Pokéball'd again. I think if Generation 3 gets a representative, it will be Jirachi or Plusle and Minun. Gotta represent the new-ish cute Pokémon after all.

Lucario - He better make it. He was awesome in Brawl.

Victini - Would be an excellent choice. A Generation 5 (and/or 6) Pokémon is a given.

Star Fox franchise:

Krystal* - I have a hard time seeing a (until recently) dead franchise get 4 characters, especially one that didn't appear in one of the three most popular games in the franchise (Star Fox, Star Fox 64, and now Star Fox 64 3DS). On top of that, she has no personality, and really nothing that she could add. Fox was the hero. Falco the sassy unique hero who is a bit of a loaner. Wolf the conceit villain and rival of Star Fox who wants to destroy them. Krystal is just the plot device to creating sexual tension between Wolf and Fox... and Pigma!? :confused:

Ridley - The biggest 1st/2nd party "elephant in the room," and has been since before Melee came out Fun fact: There are only 2 non-playable Nintendo characters that aren't smash bros creations to appear in smash bros 64: King Dedede (playable) and Ridley (I guess you could also count the Fighting Polygon team as the Pokémon Polygon). Ridley was a boss in his classic and Meta-Ridley forms, and also had Assist Trophy data. I'm sorry, but this guy just demands to be playable. Put him in the game Sakurai!

Dark Samus (Metroid Prime)* - With the Prime series considered over, this seems like a odd choice. Unless Sakurai is pressed for time and wants clones, I see no reason to add Dark Samus (assuming she doesn't return, because technically she IS Metroid Prime).

Kid Icarus:

Palutena - I dunno about this one. She could be great, but let's wait to see how Uprising turns out.

Meduasa* - I don't think she stands much of a chance. Honestly, 3 Kid Icarus representatives is overkill. Heck, 2 representatives may be overboard.

Fire Emblem:

Ike - His Radiant Dawn outfit should be his normal outfit, while his Path of Radiance outfit (the one in Brawl) should be his alternate. By the way, in Radiant Dawn he is older, stronger, more well-trained, and smarter. Hopefully he gets some new cool additions with experience.

Roy* (Fire Emblem) - Should have a finesse-based slicing and stabbing move set based on his game Sword of the Seals.

Other Nintendo-Owned franchises:

Samurai Goroh - He would be a great add, but I think with F-Zero being on such a long hiatus his chances seem pretty low. Still, he would make a great playable character. He was an excellent assist trophy character to say the least.

Porky - I don't see Mother getting another representative. 2 is enough. Porky just doesn't really seem like a character people would want to play as, even in some sort of robot. I don't think he or any Mother character that isn't Ness or Lucas has a shot at all (Lucas wa planned for smash since Melee).

Pikmin (Pikmin) - Separate? That is hard to imagine. I don't think the lone Pikmin warrant a spot.

Little Mac (Punch Out!) - Would be great, but I'm not sure about his chances. He's got a good chance, but I'm not sure how good of chances.

Takamaru* (Nazo no Murasamejo) - I would like to see him, but I'm unsure on his chances. I think all of us are.

Flower Fairy Lip* (Nintendo Puzzle Collection) - Uhh... I'm not sure about Lip.'s chances She could definitely be a wild card retro character, for sure.

Mach Rider* (Mach Rider) - He would be great. Again, I'm not sure about his chances.

Stafy (Legend of Stafy) - He would be an epic character, and would fit perfectly in smash bros. I think his series is big enough, he is popular enough, and now with an international released series and recognition from Brawl he could easily be the next big thing. I am looking at Starfy to being this Smash Bros. games' new Nintendo character. The Captain Olimar or Roy, if you will (introducing a new series to smash).

Ray MK (Custom Robo) - He would be great, but I don't think he is popular enough to warrant a spot. He probably will be considered, though, so you never know. He could be a wild card character.

Saki (Sin&Punisment) - He would, like Starfy, be a great somewhat new character. Unlike Starfty his series is about 1 1/2 decades old with two great games, though. I think Saki has a good shot, but not as good as Starfy.

Isaac (Golden Sun) - I love Issac and the 1st 2 Golden Sun games to death. I hate Matthew. HATE! HATE!! HATE!!!! I would love to see him, but like Takamaru, I am unsure upon his chances. He would, however, make an EXCELLENT character!

3rd Party franchises:

Megaman (Megaman/Capcom) - The biggest elephant in the room; probably an even bigger elephant than Ridley. He is this Smash Bros.' Bowser/Peach or Sonic. He is just a character waiting to happen, looming over the franchise. He's the biggest relevant name superstar video game character we got left not in smash.

Slime & Chocobo* (Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy/Square Enix) - Slime, yes. Slime would be an excellent choice. Chocobo? I dunno. They're kinda boring. I think Slime has a much better chance, given that the Dragon Quest series is now Nintendo-console exclusive and looks really great on the Wii/DS/Wii U/3DS. Final Fantasy remains, however, mostly on Sony consoles and occasionally on Microsoft consoles.

I'm surprised you didn't mention Pac-Man. Pac-Man is about as recognizable as Mega Man, Sonic, or even Mario, and Shigeru Miyamoto was a big fan of Pac-Man (and he has a friendly relationship with Atari). I think Pac-Man would be another excellent addition to the smash bros universe, because of the potentially great move set he would bring, and especially that legendary aura and hype that would come along with him.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2011
It varies
Toad* - Hmm... I could see Toad, definitely, especially with his recently increased role in the Mario universe. It would take work, but it could work. I do like that you put the apostrophe next to him, because that really reflects what his chances probably are.



Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
lol I caught that too

I deleted all obvious characters (everyone who was in 2 or more smash bros. games).

Mario franchise:

Toad* - Hmm... I could see Toad, definitely, especially with his recently increased role in the Mario universe. It would take work, but it could work. I do like that you put the apostrophe next to him, because that really reflects what his chances probably are.

Asterisk xD While I think Mario has enough reps, some new additions would be nice for SSB4. Toad apparently isn't liked by Sakurai but I think he'd (and other incarnations as costumes: Toadette, Toadsworth etc.) would make a great addition. I'm not so sure on how to make a moveset for him as of yet (competitively at least).

Bowser Jr.* - He's had more and more big roles, so that helps his chances versus the pre-Brawl times. On top of that, he ditched Shadow Mario (Bleah!), and really has nothing going against him. He could be a clone (that would be forced!) :laugh: or original. I think he has a slightly better chance than Toad.

If anything, I believe he'd be more of a Squirtle clone than Bowser. I actually believe he'll end up as an Assist Trophy, but I still think he'd be a fun addition if playable.

Paper Mario* - He is popular, original, and has a lot of games. I think he is a near shoe-in.

My overall opinion on your Mario character selections are that you chose 1 or 2 too many. I understand you don't think they have too good a shot, but you either got to give other (major Nintendo) franchises' such characters this kind of shot, or limit your shots.

That's what the asterisk is for, they're characters who seem like they would have a good shot (my opinion, and many others I've seen) or just characters that I personally prefer, but have less priority over certain characters that I didn't mark.

Donkey Kong Franchise:

King K. Rool - Good choice. He could really add a lot.

My only question on the Donkey Kong franchise is, "what about Dixie=???" You gave Toad and Bowser Jr. the apostrophe chance but not Dixie-the closest thing to a newcomer we've had in smash-ever=???

I did consider Dixie, but I don't know too much about her other than playing part of DKC2, which I've seen (during Brawl hype) Diddy and Dixie duo movesets. That said Diddy already does fine on his own, so the duo is disregarded. I know there are Dixie fans who'd hate to see this, but I can see her as an alt for Diddy. Otherwise, I could list her with a * with a hair based moveset I've seen around.

Legend of Zelda franchise:

Vaati* - I have a hard time seeing him since he hasn't appeared in a game since 2004 (The Minish Cap; it was released in 2005 in America and Europe). Sure, he was the main villain of three Zelda games (2 if you consider Ganon the main villain in Four Swords Adventures). However, it's been more than half a decade since his last game came out. Vatti will have gone about a dozen years without appearing in a Zelda game by the time next smash bros gamescome out. Unless he returns in Zelda, he's got no shot. I liked him before Brawl as my 6th Zelda character pick, but he has fallen into obscurity.

There was some discussion that Vaati might be the new villain in Skyward Sword. Ghirahim looks like another kind of Zant character.
However, I like the idea that he's more of Toon Link's enemy and that Minish Cap is considered the first of the timeline (being the "first" villain). I also prefer him SO much more than Tingle :p

Tingle* - Brawl aside, he hasn't appeared in an internationally released game since the Minish Cap in 2004 with Vatti. He has also never had a big role other than filling out maps in the Wind Waker (which is just one game). He seems to have disappeared from Zelda due to immense hatred for him, and I don't think he's coming back anytime soon.

I don't believe relevancy is that important, and since Tingle is a popular character (although hated) I think he has a shot. It also gives me reason to punching bag him lololol *watches Tingle become top tier FUUU.jpg

Pokémon franchise:

Mewtwo - Needs to return. "Mewtwo's Return" is imminent (hopefully). And let us pray that he gets some new psychic powers, and actual hit boxes.

If Mewtwo RETURNS he will definitely STRIKE BACK. eh? EH? Alright...
I have some pretty cool ideas for him so far.

Deoxys* - I don't see it happening. He was Pokéball'd last time, and I think he will be Pokéball'd again. I think if Generation 3 gets a representative, it will be Jirachi or Plusle and Minun. Gotta represent the new-ish cute Pokémon after all.

Again, this is one of the characters I just personally prefer. Who wouldn't want to play a Mewtwo vs Deoxys vs Lucario match? :D

Lucario - He better make it. He was awesome in Brawl.

Victini - Would be an excellent choice. A Generation 5 (and/or 6) Pokémon is a given.

Psychic/Fire type brings some nice ideas :)

Star Fox franchise:

Krystal* - I have a hard time seeing a (until recently) dead franchise get 4 characters, especially one that didn't appear in one of the three most popular games in the franchise (Star Fox, Star Fox 64, and now Star Fox 64 3DS). On top of that, she has no personality, and really nothing that she could add. Fox was the hero. Falco the sassy unique hero who is a bit of a loaner. Wolf the conceit villain and rival of Star Fox who wants to destroy them. Krystal is just the plot device to creating sexual tension between Wolf and Fox... and Pigma!? :confused:

I've only played Adventures with her. I know it wasn't the best Star Fox game (apparently the worst) but I've seen that she does have some significance in Command and Assault. As much as Falco apparently. But I did like Adventures and I think the staff would be cool to implement. That and she's a popular character.

Ridley - The biggest 1st/2nd party "elephant in the room," and has been since before Melee came out Fun fact: There are only 2 non-playable Nintendo characters that aren't smash bros creations to appear in smash bros 64: King Dedede (playable) and Ridley (I guess you could also count the Fighting Polygon team as the Pokémon Polygon). Ridley was a boss in his classic and Meta-Ridley forms, and also had Assist Trophy data. I'm sorry, but this guy just demands to be playable. Put him in the game Sakurai!

Before I played any Metroid game:
*was 9, watches Melee intro: WHOA COOL A DRAGON!
*NPC: I am disappoint
Played Metroid Zero and Prime
*sees Ridely's song on Dojo: HELL YES, FINALLY
*npc: I am disappoint
Sakurai's gotta do it! *doesn't do it: I ragequit

Dark Samus (Metroid Prime)* - With the Prime series considered over, this seems like a odd choice. Unless Sakurai is pressed for time and wants clones, I see no reason to add Dark Samus (assuming she doesn't return, because technically she IS Metroid Prime).

I never played Prime 2, but I loved 1. I'm going to borrow 2 from one of my friends soon so I can try to get a better idea of how I think she would play, but I also wanna try to implement Prime in a way. Metroid doesn't have that many protagonists, so another antagonist would be cool. If anything, Prime might turn out to be a boss. Again, I think popularity>relevancy (even tho that hasn't done sh*t before, but it's what I prefer)

Kid Icarus:

Palutena - I dunno about this one. She could be great, but let's wait to see how Uprising turns out.

Medusa* - I don't think she stands much of a chance. Honestly, 3 Kid Icarus representatives is overkill. Heck, 2 representatives may be overboard.

I forgot to put a * on Palutena :p Anyway, like Krystal, a staff based moveset would be fun. Medusa I actually think has a slightly better chance being an antagonist.

Fire Emblem:

Ike - His Radiant Dawn outfit should be his normal outfit, while his Path of Radiance outfit (the one in Brawl) should be his alternate. By the way, in Radiant Dawn he is older, stronger, more well-trained, and smarter. Hopefully he gets some new cool additions with experience.

Hopefully he won't be so damn slow. In his games he's a lot faster isn't he?

Roy* (Fire Emblem) - Should have a finesse-based slicing and stabbing move set based on his game Sword of the Seals.

and an Eliwood alt :D (and Marth could have a Lyn alt lol (I'm actually serious about that tho)

Other Nintendo-Owned franchises:

Samurai Goroh - He would be a great add, but I think with F-Zero being on such a long hiatus his chances seem pretty low. Still, he would make a great playable character. He was an excellent assist trophy character to say the least.

Again, popularity>relevance. He's kinda like Ridely too (Melee intro, "significant" Brawl appearance (just more than a cameo/trophy)

Porky - I don't see Mother getting another representative. 2 is enough. Porky just doesn't really seem like a character people would want to play as, even in some sort of robot. I don't think he or any Mother character that isn't Ness or Lucas has a shot at all (Lucas wa planned for smash since Melee).

Another forgotten *
I never played Earthbound/Mother, but I wanted another antag character for the series, and since Porky showed up in Brawl, I thought it'd be cool. There's been some discussion where his robot could be downsized (like Ridely). If not him, I've seen Masked Man (I think he's an anti-hero?) who looks cool. I know some people who've played Earthbound, so I could ask them for some input *asks girlfriend

Pikmin (Pikmin) - Separate? That is hard to imagine. I don't think the lone Pikmin warrant a spot.

Olimar & Pikmin lol I just wanted it to be a "proper" name

Little Mac (Punch Out!) - Would be great, but I'm not sure about his chances. He's got a good chance, but I'm not sure how good of chances.

Takamaru* (Nazo no Murasamejo) - I would like to see him, but I'm unsure on his chances. I think all of us are.

Flower Fairy Lip* (Nintendo Puzzle Collection) - Uhh... I'm not sure about Lip.'s chances She could definitely be a wild card retro character, for sure.

Mach Rider* (Mach Rider) - He would be great. Again, I'm not sure about his chances.

Those four classic/retro characters are ones that no one is sure about haha The ones with the * are pretty much the wtf characters, but I think they'd be cool in general. I'd actually prefer all of them to be in, but I think we'll most likely get Little Mac

Stafy (Legend of Stafy) - He would be an epic character, and would fit perfectly in smash bros. I think his series is big enough, he is popular enough, and now with an international released series and recognition from Brawl he could easily be the next big thing. I am looking at Starfy to being this Smash Bros. games' new Nintendo character. The Captain Olimar or Roy, if you will (introducing a new series to smash).

Ray MK (Custom Robo) - He would be great, but I don't think he is popular enough to warrant a spot. He probably will be considered, though, so you never know. He could be a wild card character.

Saki (Sin&Punisment) - He would, like Starfy, be a great somewhat new character. Unlike Starfty his series is about 1 1/2 decades old with two great games, though. I think Saki has a good shot, but not as good as Starfy.

Isaac (Golden Sun) - I love Issac and the 1st 2 Golden Sun games to death. I hate Matthew. HATE! HATE!! HATE!!!! I would love to see him, but like Takamaru, I am unsure upon his chances. He would, however, make an EXCELLENT character!

Now these four are "retro" pre-2010. Saki is from the original, but the series has some relevance from Star Successor with Isa (who I think is 50/50 with Saki). Same goes for Matthew and Isaac, but since Issac was the one in Brawl he has some priority :D Why the hate for Matthew? lol
Ray MK just seems cool. Imagine him vs Megaman :awesome:
Agreed with Stafy, he seems like the kind of character Sakurai would add.
If you can tell, these four were also AT's. I always thought that some AT's had a good chance, but in a cherry picked way (no Waluigi or Nintendog haha)

3rd Party franchises:

Megaman (Megaman/Capcom) - The biggest elephant in the room; probably an even bigger elephant than Ridley. He is this Smash Bros.' Bowser/Peach or Sonic. He is just a character waiting to happen, looming over the franchise. He's the biggest relevant name superstar video game character we got left not in smash.

He fits SSB so nicely. I wanna say he's the most likely 3rd party, but with Capcom's recent hate towards him I dunno. He's just one of those characters I prefer. I mean seriously, Frank West in TvC had that Megabuster super, but they took it out in MvC. AND they canceled MML3, I dunno about the online one tho. But yea, it'd be cool if he was in SSB4 :D

Slime & Chocobo* (Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy/Square Enix) - Slime, yes. Slime would be an excellent choice. Chocobo? I dunno. They're kinda boring. I think Slime has a much better chance, given that the Dragon Quest series is now Nintendo-console exclusive and looks really great on the Wii/DS/Wii U/3DS. Final Fantasy remains, however, mostly on Sony consoles and occasionally on Microsoft consoles.

I never played Dragon Quest but I do know it's recent relations with Nintendo. Final Fantasy isn't that exclusive to Sony. The first 6 were on NES/SNES, and there's been some remakes on DS. Chocobo's game is on DS. The only Microsoft one I know of is XIII. But Chocobo would be fun to see and they are kinda the mascot of Square. Slime being the mascot for Enix just makes it even awesomer if they show up as a duo :p
But Slime does have more of a chance, I'd just love it if they both showed up (and since I prefer Chocobo more)

I'm surprised you didn't mention Pac-Man. Pac-Man is about as recognizable as Mega Man, Sonic, or even Mario, and Shigeru Miyamoto was a big fan of Pac-Man (and he has a friendly relationship with Atari). I think Pac-Man would be another excellent addition to the smash bros universe, because of the potentially great move set he would bring, and especially that legendary aura and hype that would come along with him.

I was considering PacMan for Namco, but I'd rather have a character from the "Tales of" series. Pac Man just looks like an AT type of character to me to be honest because he just...eats. I haven't seen any unique Pac Man movesets. I feel it would just be generic punches and kicks with some biting moves here and there. Of course that's only the way I see it as of now, if I see anything more unique I could change my mind, so if you could go a bit more in depth about his potential I could reconsider...

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