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Y.E.S. 1 at UT Dallas Results


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2012
Yoshi's Excited Strangling 1

1: Thoraxe ($23.10)
2: Zach ($9.90)
3: Hamlin
4: PTJon
5: Blake
5: Connor
7: Todarac
7: Cole
9: Fenip
9: 2Bit
9: Rai

Project M
1: Zach ($35.70)
2: Luck ($15.30)
3: Thoraxe
4: Hamlin
5: Bukowski
5: Connor
7: Blake
7: Reed
9: Jeffery
9: 2Bit
9: Rai
9: PTJon
13: Teleforce
13: Fenip
13: Roly
13: Cole
17: Tolken

We only did singles
If I got your tag wrong please tell me, I was a bit lazy about that

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Deleted member

Hamlin, can you upload bracket images please? I'd like them

Zach - :o
Luck - You're a really solid player for just picking the game up, you beat hamlin and thoraxe and they're pretty good players. I hope to see you at more stuff, we need to team because we would be so annoying MUAHAHAHAH
Thoraxe - 14 games. 14. GAMES. I hope you respect me now because I had to work through my painful hand :mad: Seriously, I wish we could play more often.
Hamlin - I'm really sorry for complaining during our games, I don't mean to be an ass sometimes. I just wish my hands didn't huuuuuuuurt :( You really shouldn't have lost to thoraxe in pm, come on man. COME ON.
Bukowski - You got 5th? Nice, keep up the work with marth.
Connor - PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt
Blake - I think you were the :sheik:/:mario2:. You're right, I don't go to utd stuff very often (This is my first time) but I hope I'll come in the future. I'm the guy hamlin probably talks about playing every once in a while
Reed - I think you were the :sheilda:? I know you said you just play for fun and stuff but join us! ONE OF US, ONE OF US
2Bit - Every marth has to go through that "sheik puberty" moment. Son, I think its time you learned about the real world. Welcome... To melee.
PTJon - From what I hear you're pretty new but you're REALLY good for just starting. I want to see you wrecking **** up :)
Cole - Smashbergers is such a good team name for us but we will never team :(
Tolken - I think I saw you playing toonlink or something...? Welcome to the club.

I won like 40 dollars, we got some pizza later and in the beginning luck bought me some whataburger, utd was pretty cool/chill but I know I didn't meet all of you. Come out here and show your faces pls <3


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2013
Dallas, Texas
Lol, apparently 'I'm sick and I already know what I need to work on, thanks for the advice but I'm going to go lie down and be sick now' = Salt. K Zach

Seriously though, I wasn't upset or mad at you or anything. I was just dieing and you were telling me exactly what I was already telling myself, so I peaced out. I was mad at myself for still having so much trouble in dittos and for all the finger slips in our set.

Anyway shoutouts:
Zach - Continuing our tradition, man, another 5 stock. Your marth is just so perfect on the punish game I get wrecked, GG's as always.
Luck - Man you're incredible. You need to come out and play with us and David more!
Thoraxe - Don't think we finished even one game, but congrats on the placings man.
Hamlin - Congrats on your first tourny! I'm excited for the day we finally fight in a tournament.
Bukowski - GGs in PM, kind of funny that we got the same placings.
Reed - Enjoyed our perfectly mirrored pair of sets, fun stuff. You should come out to South and play with us more.
2Bit - Can't wait for bit battles, GG's even if they were disgusting dittos.You've improved a lot even since Forte, good stuff man.
PTJon - Not gonna lie, I was pretty confident going into our set, but you really pulled it out - Think I won game 1 last stock, you won game 2 last stock, and you 2 stocked me game 3. You should come to more UTD stuff and play with Poot and such, and let me get that Doc experience.

Bukowski On Ice

Smash Cadet
Apr 15, 2012
San Francisco, CA
GGs Hamlin for running your first tourney. I look forward to more in the future.

Connor- Playing each other in tourney doesn't count until you're healthy. Your Roy went in though.
Luck- You have really consistent energy/presence when we play. I seriously cannot sleep on that, and soon I'll tie up our record. I am proud to actually know the MU hahahaha.
Hamlin- Thanks for the Yoshi experience and for the tourney all together. I'm comin for that BUTT.
Cole- Mark Summers.
Zach- We should play more. I never get time to sit down and practice tech skill but you should totally assist me in refining my gameplay, because you're damn good. Then we can be team 3% Milk.

Shoutouts to everyone else who I played and whatnot. There were a lot of people for such a sudden tourney. TX goes hard for sure. GGs.


Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2013
Dallas, TX
I had a great time at this, and I'm happy with my performance overall. I wish I could've played more friendlies with you guys but oh well, there'll always be more opportunities.
Shout outs to everyone for making this community really awesome.

Deleted member

Once again, it was like a 6 or 7 stock
"But whatever you have to tell yourself buddy<3"
I call your sick stuff johns, cause its something you repeatedly talked about and used as an excuse. I don't care whether or not you think of it as one, I had the same **** though. My right hand started hurting really bad through the entire day and it still does today, I'm having to ice it down and I prolly won't play smash for a while.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2013
Dallas, Texas
I'm not even johning, you're a better player and deserved that win. But when I'm sick and feel awful your incredibly blunt style of help isn't wanted, so I excused myself. I was explaining my relatively rude behavior towards you, not johning.

And I have many witnesses to it being another five stock. You've never seven stocked me.

Sorry to hear about your hand, take care of yourself man.

Deleted member

whatever you have to tell yourself buddy<3
Hamlin, can you pls get bracket images up? Would make me really happpy
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Smash Rookie
Nov 9, 2013
Austin, TX
Good stuff to Zach for winning, I wish I was improving at the exponential rate that he seems to be.

I was at a smashfest with friends during this but I'll probably looking into coming to these if more are hosted in the future :)

Deleted member

Ive been playing melee competitively sine like 2011, you've been playing for like 3 months
Your first tournament you made it out of pools, something I don't think you can say about many other new players


Smash Rookie
Nov 9, 2013
Austin, TX
Ive been playing melee competitively sine like 2011, you've been playing for like 3 months
Your first tournament you made it out of pools, something I don't think you can say about many other new players
Yeah but I mean, I look at you and I see SO much potential to do a lot of work in this community beyond just doing good at locals and stuff because you're so young and so good. It's just cool to see, that's all really.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 12, 2013
Dallas, Texas
How come I didn't know about this. I would do anything for a PM tournament ;~;


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2012
How come I didn't know about this. I would do anything for a PM tournament ;~;
I keep telling you to get on the DFW Melee group, that's where EVERYTHING's posted

Thanks again everyone for coming out!


Smash Apprentice
Nov 12, 2013
Dallas, Texas
I keep telling you to get on the DFW Melee group, that's where EVERYTHING's posted

Thanks again everyone for coming out!
Well, now I'm joining the group. At least I'm hosting a Smash fest tomorrow to compensate.
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