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XD I wish I had a video for this


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
I was at a biweekly tourney this weekend and I was playing CF. I managed to knock this Samus off stage and suddenly I got an idea.

"Falcon Kick" I thought. So I did so at the edge of the stage. CF went flying off the stage towards the Samus. I then DJ->Uaired him for the stock and recovered back. LAter on in the same match, I did the same thing but replaced the Uair with a Dair. It was pretty amazing and so epic looking.

Anyone ever tried this? Don't attempt it all the time but it's funny sometimes.


Smash Cadet
Aug 10, 2008
when i try this im mostly dead by falling down ...but the opponent dies before me (=


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
I tried it a long time ago and didn't think it would ever be very useful. If you hit them with the Kick, it will probably help them more than it hurts them, and it's a very risky recovery (as in getting edgehogged) if you don't use your second jump back towards the stage. It seems like it limits you more than a regular dashing jump off the stage because of that.


Smash Cadet
Aug 31, 2008
I was at a biweekly tourney this weekend and I was playing CF. I then DJ->Uaired him for the stock and recovered back.
I thought I knew all the smash abbriviations and lingo and what not, but I guess not...so can you tell me what DJ means?

*****Lol nvm as I was typing this I realized DJ= double jump haha XD sorry to waste ur time =P
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