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X-Play did something RIGHT!


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Link to original post: [drupal=1212]X-Play did something RIGHT![/drupal]

I'll be honesty, I'm not a fan of X-Play. I thought that it tries way to hard to be funny, Morgan is annoying, and their reviews aren't very entertaining to watch. Basically, this comic about sums it up. But a friend of mine who's a fan told me that it's different now, and it's actually good. So I watched it, I was just about ready to turn it off until I heard the words "Final Fantasy VII sucked." I was a bit surprised, "What's this?" I thought, scratching my head, "someone other than I noticed that Final Fantasy VII wasn't that good of a game?" So I watched their little segment, and I agree. Mostly...

One of the things that they said was that it hasn't stood the test of time. I may have owned a Playstation back in the mid-90s, but I didn't own this game. It actually wasn't until several years after it's release (okay, it was 2003) that I played it. I really didn't see what the big deal was. And when talking with someone who only played the game within a year or so after it came out, they thought it was the best thing ever. so to put it bluntly, I played IX before I played VII. And guess what? IX was better.

Another thing that they said was the the sound quality sucked terribly and that if you were to play it today you'd quickly reach for the mute button because of the midi's tearing your ears about. Hold on a second, I'm going to grab my copy of F.F. VII....
Okay, back. Alright, I don't see why they were wining about the sound. It's alright to me, I didn't mind it.

Another thing they said was that the script was terrible, relying on oddly animated emotes and "lip sync" (what?). They also said that getting information out of the characters was a pain. Well, what do you define as "getting information?" Do you mean as in where to go or what to do next? If that's the case, then yes the dialog kind of dragged on, I found some of the scenes to be kind of boring, taking forever to reach the point (kind of like the Metal Gear Solids). But for story? Well it did an okay job at telling it. I think that it really didn't give it 100% effort, as even with the technology of the time it really could have been better executed. And as for the script... it was... okay. There were some parts where the translation team goofed up with a handful of typos here and there. That seems either rushed or lazy to me.

They also mentioned the annoyingly high encounter rate. Yes, that is something I agree with entirely. It does seem like you can't even get across a map without running into, at minimum, three battles. And I also agree with their thoughts on the enemies in the game. They do look stupid, they don't even remotely fit in with the rest of the world that the game takes place in.

(WARNING: Spoilers in this paragraph)
According to them... you... shouldn't have cried when Aries died? They really didn't elaborate on that but okay. I personally already knew it was going to happen, so when she was first introduced I thought "why should I bother to level this character? She's going to die anyway."
(Spoilers end here)

To end it, they said not to mail in saying that "it was your first RPG and it was amazing" ect. ect. ect. This is where my arch-nemesis Nostalgia comes into play because this is the reason why FF VII is so **** popular. Yeah, I guess it was good when it first came out. And if it was the first RPG you ever played you would probably think that it's a work of art. But no, my first RPG was Pokemon Yellow, and I can't remember my first "real" RPG. So I guess that that's the reason why I only thought it was okay.

I still don't like X-Play, though.
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