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X-men Discussion

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Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2005
McDonalds Playplace
This thread is gonna have a twist.
the first person to post on a page, talks about their fav. x-man.
The rest of the people on that page will also talk about that x-man and how cool he and the poster are or are not.

If anyone breaks the rules then they have to write an essay about tiers.

I like The X-man Longshot because he's got a pretty balanced ability and he does the right thing. And the stuff he does after he's effected the luck field or whatever is ****ing raw as heck.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2005
You need to change your location to something that
While I do agree he's got a pretty balanced ability, compared to most of the X-Men, he gets the shaft. You have people like Wolverine who can't ****ing die, and Professor X who can just mind **** anyone.

I think more of the X-Men should have been toned down a bit to Longshot's level. I don't think Longshot is that cool really, but you are the mo ****in' legendary Sauce, so you must know something that I don't.

Also, I have 40 posts per page, and you said every new page gets a new X-Man(and I'm getting the next one). So, how many posts are we going by?


Banned via Administration
Mar 5, 2005
Madison, WI
wtf are you talking about. longshot is INSANELY broken. don't like that magneto is about to **** you? affect the luck field. don't like that you suck at aiming? affect the luck field. HAY GUYS LETS JUST REROLL EVERYTHING. so gay......


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2005
Barrington, IL/Cincinnati, OH
why do you guys think he was named longshot? i can only think of like, "that could never happen, not by a longshot" but then it does cause hes so lucky. but that doesnt seem to be that good of a reason


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2005
You need to change your location to something that
why do you guys think he was named longshot? i can only think of like, "that could never happen, not by a longshot" but then it does cause hes so lucky. but that doesnt seem to be that good of a reason
Wow, I don't think I've ever seen such a good explanation for his name. Sometimes I think they just flip through a dictionary and pick a word for their names, but I guess your theory could work.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
Jiano would be a sweet x-man because he can post more times in one thread than anyone i've ever seen and perfectly squeezes in between in each and every post as to alternate with great finess. This truely is a great ability.

though he didnt get in before this one!! ha.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2005
You need to change your location to something that
Mother ****in' Gambit, *****es!


Real name: Remy LeBeau
Former aliases: None known
Identity: Secret
Occupation: (current) Adventurer, (former) Professional Thief
Legal status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record
Place of birth: New Orleans, Louisiana
Marital status: Separated from his wife
Known relatives: Jean-Luc LeBeau (father), Bella Donna Boudreaux (wife, separated)
Base of operations: (current) Xavier Institute, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York State, (former) New Orleans, Louisiana; Paris, France; Cairo, Illinois
Group affiliation: (current) X-Men, (former) Thieves Guild (New Orleans)
First appearance: X-MEN (first series) #130

History: A homeless boy wandering the streets, Gambit was adopted by Jean-Luc LeBeau, head of the council of the Thieves Guild, a criminal organization based in New Orleans. As part of a peace pact between the Thieves Guild and their rivals, the Assassins Guild, a marriage was arranged between Gambit and Bella Donna Boudreaux, the granddaughter of the head of the Assassins. However, Bella Donna's brother Julien objected to the marriage and challenged Gambit to a duel. Severely wounding Julien, Gambit was forced to flee New Orleans to prevent war between the two guilds.

Gambit wandered the world as he plied his skills as a master thief, aided by his mutant power to charge objects with explosive energy. He employed playing cards he charged with kinetic energy as his trademark weapon. At one point Gambit agreed to assemble the team of assassins called the Marauders for Mister Sinister. Gambit did not realize that Sinister would employ the Marauders to massacre the underground mutant community called the Morlocks.

Eventually, Gambit encountered the X-Man Storm, who had been transformed into an amnesiac child and who had turned to theft. He helped her escape her enemy, the Shadow King, and they became partners. Later, when Professor Charles Xavier returned from a long period of traveling in outer space, Storm, having regained her memory and true age, sponsored Gambit's admission into the X-Men. Gambit has remained on the team ever since and fell in love with his fellow X-Man Rogue. Recently, however, Gambit and Rogue have grown apart. As for Bella Donna, she has become Gambit's enemy. Recently, the X-Men learned of Gambit's role in the massacre of the Morlocks. Guilt-ridden, Gambit has left the team, at least temporarily.

In the alternate future in which the X-Man Bishop was born, Gambit has become an aged figure who witnessed the betrayal of the X-Men by one of their own members. Bishop suspected Gambit was the traitor until he learned how Xavier's mind spawned the malevolent entity Onslaught.

Height: 6 ft. 1 in.
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Red
Hair: Brown

Stength: Gambit is a mutant who possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise.

Fighting skills: Excellent hand-to-hand combatant, utilizing streetfighting techniques and acrobatics.

Special skills and abilities: Bilingual in English and French, ability to throw small objects, including knives, throwing spikes, and playing cards, with extraordinary accuracy.

Known superhuman powers: Gambit has the mutant ability to tap into the potential energy contained within an object and transform it into kinetic energy. When Gambit thus charges an object with kinetic energy and throws it at a target, the object releases this energy explosively on impact.
His power is he blows **** UP. You cannot have a better power than that.



The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Jiano, you are wisdom in its truest form. A joke.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Dang! He got me GOOD!

Edit: Now that I look at it I guess it is an insult.

Well, A joke is awesome and takes people by surprise like some rapists.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2004
Distributing justice 24/7.

greatest potential x-man ever he just makes the women's panties melt off. that's an uncanny mutant ability disables any female opponent he would be too good.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2005
Barrington, IL/Cincinnati, OH
out of all the xmen, gambit probably has the most style. not only does he wear that trenchcoat and what i can only assume is a bowling glove, but he throws playing cards rather than any actual weapon. what a champ


Banned via Administration
Mar 5, 2005
Madison, WI
no gambit is a ***got everyone who liked gambit back in teh day were bad-boy wannabees who hated america.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2005
McDonalds Playplace
nice pick Jiano.

One time I was thinking like how one playing card wouldn't hurt that much so being like RL gambit would be hella fail. But the I thought that you could pull it off if you threw like a deck of playing cards in a playing card box. That would hurt.

Jiano is such a cool guy that he picked Gambit and gave a full bio.
Great Job Jiano ! !


Banned via Administration
Mar 5, 2005
Madison, WI

Your continued donations keep Wikipedia running!
Blob (comics)
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For other uses, see Blob (disambiguation).

The Blob.
Art by Stuart Immonen.
Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance [Uncanny] X-Men vol. 1 #3 (January, 1964)
Created by Stan Lee
Jack Kirby
Alter ego Frederick "Fred" J. Dukes
Species Human Mutant
affiliations X-Cell, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, X-Corps, Factor Three, Freedom Force, Defenders, frequent partner of Unus
Abilities Currently depowered, previously:
Superhuman strength, endurance, durability and resilience,
Personal gravity field

The Blob (Frederick J. Dukes) is a Marvel Comics supervillain, an adversary of the X-Men. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby, he first appeared in X-Men #3 (January 1964).

A mutant, the Blob claimed to be unmovable. He possessed an extreme amount of pliable body mass, which granted him superhuman strength, and his own gravitational pull. Possessing the mindset of a bully, he mostly used his powers for petty crime and as a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants and Freedom Force.

He was one of the most prominent, long-running mutants to be de-powered as a result of the "Decimation" storyline.

* 1 Fictional character biography
o 1.1 Early Years
o 1.2 Joining The Brotherhood
o 1.3 M-Day
o 1.4 Post M-Day
* 2 Powers and abilities
* 3 Other versions
o 3.1 Age of Apocalypse
o 3.2 Cable & Deadpool
o 3.3 Marvel Zombies
o 3.4 Ultimate Blob
* 4 In other media
o 4.1 Television
o 4.2 Video games
o 4.3 Films
o 4.4 Miscellaneous
* 5 Footnotes
* 6 External links

[edit] Fictional character biography

[edit] Early Years

Fred J. Dukes was born in Lubbock, Texas. He started out as a member of a circus sideshow under the name the Blob. He was contacted by Charles Xavier, who told him that he was a mutant and asked him to join the X-Men. At the mansion, the other X-Men disliked him for his obnoxious attitude. The Blob refused Xavier's invitation, saying he was better than the other X-Men. When Xavier tried erasing his mind of what had transpired, the Blob escaped. He gathered up the other Circus members and they attacked the mansion. Xavier was able to wipe everyone's minds, and the Blob went back to the circus.[1]

[edit] Joining The Brotherhood

The mutant Magneto sought the Blob out to recruit him into his Brotherhood of Mutants, restoring Blob's memory through a jarring hit to the head. The Blob would accept the invitation temporarily, but later when it was shown that Magneto had no real concern for Blob's safety, he left the brotherhood.

He found himself in prison, until Mystique freed him in order to recruit him into her incarnation of the Brotherhood[2]. He was part of the plot to assassinate Senator Kelly, the event which led to the apocalyptic alternate future of Days of Future Past. He remained with the Brotherhood when it was reformed as Freedom Force. After Freedom Force's dissolution, the Blob joined Toad's Brotherhood and later the incarnation led by Professor X, and even became leader after Xavier left.

The psychic entity Onslaught also recruited Blob, vastly upgrading his powers and abillities. During this time he fought various members of X-Force and was soundly defeated in each encounter.

Months later, Dukes joined the new Brotherhood led once again by Mystique, alongside Toad, Sabretooth, and the daughter of the original Mastermind.

When Exodus recreated the Brotherhood of Mutants, Blob offered to join, but was quickly dismissed by Exodus, who considered him useless. This was a major blow for Dukes' already weak self-esteem, for which he sought the counsel of therapist Sean Garrison. After a session, Blob attacked the Xavier Institute, though he was defeated by the combined efforts of the New Mutants and the Hellions. He was then arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D..

[edit] M-Day
Blob attempting suicide in the House of M: The Day After One-Shot. Art by Scott Eaton.
Blob attempting suicide in the House of M: The Day After One-Shot. Art by Scott Eaton.

Due to the Scarlet Witch's depowering of 90% of Earth's mutants, the Blob was one of the thousands of mutants to lose their powers, though his skin did not shrink to compensate the loss of his bloated mass, giving him huge folds of loose skin all over his body. The depressed Blob attempts to commit suicide by cutting his wrists, though his loose skin prevents him from accomplishing a single cut.

[edit] Post M-Day

The Blob was seen apprehended by the Thunderbolts.[3]. However, it is unknown if it was Dukes, who later resurfaced as a member of the X-Cell, a group of depowered mutants who attack Mutant Town in defiance of the Decimation.

[edit] Powers and abilities

Though now depowered, the Blob's mutant physiology granted him a number of advantages. He had superhuman strength and great resistance to physical injury. The Blob's highly elastic blubbery skin had proven to be difficult to penetrate by gunfire, missiles, and even Wolverine's claws; though with sufficient force the claws could lacerate his flesh. On one occasion, a concentrated optic blast fired by Cyclops was sufficient to puncture a hole through his shoulder, much to the shock of Dukes himself. He could also alter his personal gravity field to make him virtually immovable, although an incredible force could uproot him, along with a chunk of whatever he was standing on. The only beings on record to have been able to lift the Blob against his wishes are the Incredible Hulk, Strong Guy, and Colossus[4]. Despite his morbidly obese appearance, his agility was the same as that of a fairly athletic male of normal stature, a fact which frequently caught his opponents by surprise.

The Blob had superhuman strength which had greatly increased over the years, in a manner very similar to that of the Thing. This improvement was said to be a result of his ongoing mutation.

What few weaknesses the Blob did have mostly circumvented his physical resistance. He was able to be injured by attacks directed at his face, as his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears did not have the same blubbery protection as the rest of his body. Dukes was susceptible to psionic attacks and psychic manipulation. The Blob could also be incapacitated by sensory assaults; for example, Banshee was able to render Blob unconscious solely through the use of his sonic scream. He could be incapacitated by drinking alcohol, although due to his immense body mass it would require a great deal.

[edit] Other versions

[edit] Age of Apocalypse

Blob appears briefly in the Age of Apocalypse as one of Beast's experiments. Cyclops kills him.

[edit] Cable & Deadpool

* Deadpool's search for Cable across alternate timelines forces an encounter with the Blob of "an age of Apocalypse", noted as separate from the Age of Apocalypse. In this reality, Blob has taken the mantle of Famine, one of the Horsemen of Apocalypse[5].

[edit] Marvel Zombies

Blob is shown twice in the Marvel Zombies universe. He is shown alive, but being pursued by several zombies including Pyro, and Toad. Later he is shown as a zombie fighting alongside zombie versions of Freedom Force.

[edit] Ultimate Blob

In the Ultimate Universe, Blob is again a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants. His powers work in the same manner as his Earth-616 counterpart, although he has been moved by a helicopter during the Weapon X saga, suggesting that he may be less powerful. He seems to eat constantly and is often seen browsing the internet or talking to people via instant messaging. One such incident led to Blob pretending to be a model/physics expert named Naomi and cyber seducing Beast - leading to the discovery of Magneto's survival and, eventually, to the Ultimate War saga. The Ultimate version of Blob is also a cannibal and more than once threatens to eat his enemies.

[edit] In other media

[edit] Television

* The "massive, immovable" Blob made a brief appearance in Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends when Magneto tried to free him from prison in "The Prison Plot".

Blob from X-Men: Evolution
Blob from X-Men: Evolution

* The Blob appeared in the animated pilot Pryde of the X-Men.
* He made occasional appearances in numerous episodes of the 1990s X-Men animated series, usually in a henchman role helping Mystique.
* The Blob has also appeared as a teenager in the X-Men: Evolution (voiced by Michael Dobson) animated television series, where he was a classmate and bully of the X-Men prior to joining Mystique's Brotherhood.

[edit] Video games

* He also appeared as well in the X-Men arcade game, loosely based on the aforementioned pilot, as the Stage 2 Boss. He returns in stage 7 as the first of five sub-bosses, inside of Avalon, in Asteroid M. It is here that he utters the memorable quote "Nothing moves the Blob!", which has been made into an internet meme by websites such as YTMND and Something Awful.
* The Blob was an enemy in the game X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse.

* The Blob was a boss in the video game X-Men Legends, but like many characters of this game, he only made a brief appearance in the sequel.

* The Blob was unlockable and the largest playable character in X-Men: Next Dimension.

[edit] Films

* The Blob was originally supposed to appear in the first X-Men movie, but didn't make it off the concept page. A hidden easter egg on the 1st X-Men DVD (not X-Men 1.5) shows concept art of the Blob & Beast.

* In the film X2: X-Men United, his name appears on a list of names Mystique scrolls through on Stryker's computer while looking for Magneto's file.

* An article on latinoreview.com claiming to review a preliminary script of the movie Wolverine mentioned that Blob (and Silver Fox, Wolverine's love interest) will be in the movie. The article has since been removed.

[edit] Miscellaneous

* The Blob appears along with Mr. Mongod on a series of comic oriented wedding paraphernalia.
* The Blob appears in the Hasbro Marvel Legends wave 2 as the Blob Build A Figure.

[edit] Footnotes

1. ^ (Uncanncy) X-Men #3)
2. ^ X-Men #140
3. ^ Thunderbolts vol. 1 #103
4. ^ Uncanny X-Men #206
5. ^ Cable & Deadpool #15

[edit] External links

* The Blob at Marvel Universe Character Bio Wiki

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Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2005
You need to change your location to something that
Holy massive picture. Well, I guess that means Juggernaut is the page 3 discussion sinces 5150 messed up.

Juggernaut is broken as hell, but he's ****in' sweet, so whatever.

He isn't on anyones side but his own, that is pretty commendable in my opinion.


Banned via Administration
Mar 5, 2005
Madison, WI
Holy massive picture. Well, I guess that means Juggernaut is the page 3 discussion sinces 5150 messed up.

Juggernaut is broken as hell, but he's ****in' sweet, so whatever.

He isn't on anyones side but his own, that is pretty commendable in my opinion.
wrong. i did it on purpose since gambit was so ****ing stuipd. and anyways juggernaut isn't even a mutant hes a xaviers brother (gay) who found a magical gem (gay) and got magical powers from it (gay) that made him unstoppable (gay) and he hates his wheel chair brother because he got all teh attention in the family (gay).

Bedi Vegeta

Smash Master
Apr 7, 2002
This is not your own personal forum in which you can talk about anything you want, this is a room for discussion on Midwest Tournaments.
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