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Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Link to original post: [drupal=959]WtmW[/drupal]

Hello everyone, Havokk here yet again.

Still grounded, wifi is off-on all day... weird... anyways... my moms letting me use her laptop during the days, so I'm like... half-grounded? rofl

WtmW- Welcome to ___my____ World (read more, its little to do with me or my world =p)

It's a site I plan on creating, I am currently designing it and thinking everything through.

A site dedicated to arts that show world issues, both current and past. The art on the site shows issues like war, poverty, politics, and much much more.

When I thought of an art piece for a song I wrote about war and love, the thought struck me about creating a site about world issues such as those.

The name comes from my old band name, Welcome to my World, but the site is actually Welcome to _____'s World, where the username fills in the blank when you're logged in, =p so it's not really about any one person.

I plan to have the site have a forums, to discuss with the other members, etc. It will also have a journal/blog system to allow you to write about your art, your beliefs, etc.

For those of you who go to, or have heard of dA, it's a pretty similiar site overall. Obviously the art forms are not restricted, but what the art is about should be related to world issues. It's a site I plan to dedicate to opening peoples eyes to our world, and get out of their little 'everythings awesome everywhere except the middle east right now' world.

I already half-finished 3 designs for the site, which I will be having people vote on.

However, I do not have the means to do everything to turn this site from a drean, into reality. I am not asking for money, but I am asking for helpers.

Advertisers, or just anyone interested in helping the site grow and expand, word of mouth, myspace, email, anything. Contact me if you want to make our Myspace page when I get the logo created.

Maybe you want to contribute by buying a url (I have to find possible url's I want, then decide on the best one) for me? I do plan on buying the url myself; obviously, but some people have a lot more money then myself and would be able to buy the url sooner, thus having the site up and running with a url sooner. I am unsure how long it would take to buy the url considering I'd have to convince my mom to let me. My last site (it's a web design portfolio) took almost an entire YEAR after I designed and coded the site, and had it up running, before I got a url for it. URL's are pretty cheap (ranging from $3-$15 in most cases) and it would be a kind gesture to buy one for me.
would defiantly make it into the special thanks page.

Hosting; yah, I need hosting. Free hosting will not do for the obvious reasons of all free hosting would turn out to be too small for the site in a short time I feel. I do have a temporary free host picked out, because some hosting is better then no hosting, but I would prefer to be able to use a payed-for-hosting. My mom said no to me, and I have a friend currently hosting my other site with his, on space he bought because he had extra room. If anyone has payed hosting, or runs a 'I get payed thanks to the sites I host' type of hosting (I know someone who does, and I may contact him about this) I would be very, very grateful if you could provide me with hosting.

Coders; Php, javascript, ruby, anything really. I'm going to need people who know what they are doing to help code. I already know 3 people interested in helping me with the php and mysql setup (I'm sort of nooby in that area..), I know a great friend who's good with javascript and will help with that. I'm decent with Ruby and have a friend who may help if Ruby is needed at all ( I doubt it ) but I need people who are willing to work for free. I know thats asking for a lot, but I can work alone if need be until interest kicks up.

Thinkers; People who have ideas for the site. Anyone who thinks they can have good suggestions is welcome to PM me, or email me, or whatever. I want this site to be thought out fully.

Beta Testers; After everything is setup, I need people who are interested in testing every nook and cranny of the site. I want you to -try- and create errors, find anything that looks wrong, comment on things (is it easy to use, confusing, etc.) and just try and **** the site without breaking our T.o.S =p

All contributers will be placed on the "Special Thanks" page, which will have your name, contribution, and our thanks. If the site ever gets huge (or starts to make money, although it will start off as a non-profit thing, but myspace obviously makes money =p and thats free) or if people pay for subscriptions (I'm still planning the costs, what you'd get,etc for this... would like some ideas...) I do plan to eventually PAY the people on the special thanks page, a thank you for the dream that you made come true.

tl;dr read it

-- Invokke Havokk


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Man if I had a job, I'd sooo fund your site, just because you main random with your balls of steeeeeeel.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
In either 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, or never.

Best case scenario, I finish it early and it only takes 1-3 months to get online.

Decent scenario, I finish it in time, tons of 'things that could've been added later, but added before release', and it takes roughly 6 months to finish.

worst case scenario, I never manage to get hosting or a domain name, and so its never up.


I don't even need funding really =p I can do -some- of that myself, but obviously the more I do and pay for, the less time the site is up OR the less work gets done on the site because I'm doing my best to pay for it. xD

Thanks for saying that though :) at least shows me my sites not a half-***** idea (although the planning so far sort has been.... rofl.... I need so many things I can only -sort- of supply myself :/ I'm a coder, but... php and stuff is my weak point, and many of the things I plan need to be done with php and mysql....

I just wish I had the funds to pay everyone to help me, the site would be up faster :3
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