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Would you play a game like this that is very similar to smash?


Smash Rookie
Feb 1, 2013
A party fighter very similar to smash brothers is in the works. The main thing I'm asking from people, is if they would enjoy the art style.
It's not too late to change it in case people really don't like it.

This is what we are thinking

A badass gory stick figure fighting game. We have great ideas as to how it would work on mobile (the controls are fluid and fun)
Also on PC. We have plenty of ideas that make it very different from smash brothers, but the basis of gameplay is the same.

Characters will still be unique with different attires, colorful hairstyles, different shaped and colored bodies.

But watch the videos, and please share your comments! :)

another Idea would be for 2d sprites most compared to streetfighter series, or smooth animations like guilty gear series. (but those would most likely be more expensive)

Aug 6, 2008
I got into smash at first because of the familiarity with the characters. Play-Station all-stars is similar to this, but I have no immediate interest to go and play it. I like the mechanics for what is worth, but without a character base I can like I probably wouldn't play it.


Smash Rookie
Feb 1, 2013
Hmmmm interesting. I personally love smash for the gameplay style and simple yet intricate controls, Ontop of the characters. I'm hoping there's others out there like that or else no one will like my game!



Smash Apprentice
Sep 4, 2012
New Jersey
I'd play it. If there is online multiplayer than me and my friend will definitely check it out! Also I'm interested in the gameplay, and if you'll accept me I'd love to play-test before it's official release!


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
I haven't clicked the link yet but I'm always open to other party fighters, especially one with original characters as the roster(The Outfoxies for example, and the game that pretty much started the party fighter genre before smash 64). So far the only party fighters I've played over the years were the smash series, Battle Stadium D.O.N., Playstation All Stars, and the Outfoxies.

I was actually gonna make a thread about if people would be open to a new IP that was a party fighter along the lines of Smash Bros.(closer than how PSASBR did) but with original characters and story.



Smash Rookie
Feb 1, 2013
I haven't clicked the link yet but I'm always open to other party fighters, especially one with original characters as the roster(The Outfoxies for example, and the game that pretty much started the party fighter genre before smash 64). So far the only party fighters I've played over the years were the smash series, Battle Stadium D.O.N., Playstation All Stars, and the Outfoxies.

I was actually gonna make a thread about if people would be open to a new IP that was a party fighter along the lines of Smash Bros.(closer than how PSASBR did) but with original characters and story.


I will let anybody play test it! I have a link setup where I can just post it once, and every time I update my public dropbox link, the game itself will be up to date (as lomg as your cache is cleared).

We're working on at least a half decent story, with possible spinoff games for some, or each character. Any ideas you would like to see could be put to use! It is very much a community driven game, give the customers what they want!
Online play is a must (at minimum we will have 4 player capabilities), except the platform we are using to create the game currently doesn't have stable online capabilities, but that is to change soon.

We have about 8 characters drafted with all of their move sets (each with their own strengths and weaknesses) currently we are working on getting multiple player support, as well as working on the knockbacks (which are proving a little more difficult than imagined).

Since they are stick figures, we have some real cool ideas for ragdoll. Once player is in knockback, their sprite is replaced with a sprite ragdoll sprite with 10 pieces to cover body, head, and limbs. This ragdoll will smash into walls brutally and lifeless until the stun time is over, and they regain conciousness, then the ragdoll is deleted, and the sprite spawns back to it's normal state with a wake-up animation. I really think everyone will enjoy this, and the characters will all be very unique with their own hair styles, head shapes, weapons, and attire.


Smash Rookie
Apr 26, 2011
HA! Nice try
I would be extremely happy to test this out; my main problem with Super Smash is that since I play on Dolphin, I can't play online and not many people nearby can play. Regardless, I play Brawl on a keyboard...

If you've got online play, I'd be extremely interested to see how it plays.
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