YES leaving Wolf alone and in the higher tiers where he is is fine, but fox and falco need something new, weather it be a nerf or a weird buff the biggest nd most awfull thing about this update was about how much they nerfed The Spacies in comparison to every one else. The seem to be trying to make a new tier list of their own but refuse to let some one new take first place, it would be MOST beneficial if they stopped thinking taking away all the fun quirks of other characters was ok but not taking away the stupidity of the ones who need the nerf. I love seeing tournament play but when you only see fox and falco matches at the end, doing the exact same thing as was done in melee, its time they need to put their priorities strait. Look at what they did to sonic and Lucas, they stripped them of the things that made them GOOD simply cause they were GOOD but still not even unfair by this logic they should have allready nerfed them, however the PMBR continue to think that all the wave shine mechanics, more fair than sonic being able to do multiple homing attacks while in the air ( OH wait doesnt he do that in ALL the OTHER games he's in!), and being able to air jump out of his aerial side-b (he's SONIC this isnt out of his homefield ATALL). SIMPLY PUT YES THEY NEED TO CHANGE FOX AND FALCO ITS THE BEST AND FASTEST WAY OF GETTING THIS GAME ANYWHERE NEAR HAVING A OVERALL BALANCED CAST.
From what I've seen (which is very little), only Fox seems to be good right now. Falco isn't much of an issue and wolf isn't really a clone any more so why say 'spacies'? Fox is really a double edge sword as we all know due to his fall speed and his *** recovery but he may need another nerf or two while giving him a few more options for kills. As it stands, i only ever see people go for the up-air.... some go for the forward smash but by the time that becomes relevant, any move would probably kill me.
My only issue is the reflect being so easy. It feels like a get-out-of-jail-free card most of the time. Fox's laser isn't worth the time to use it in my opinion but then again I don't projectile spam.
I dunno, fox just feels so different compared to every other character. Nobody falls as fast as he does, only sonic has such an easy time disengaging with his Up-B compared to Fox's down-B... I'm ok with different, it just seems like due to his unique play style, he comes off as really really strong.
Again, I have limited experience vs. good fox players so, maybe I'm way off.
Try playing as fox he actually has really good recovery, its falco who has ****ty recovery (despite being a bird). Either way their ground to air game is rediculousely fast and not at all realy hard to perform, and are basicaly the easy wayto claim victory especially if you learn their easy advanced-tech
People just want the spacies to die... They are already starting to not be good with all the nerfs as it is.
Celestis........... this is wrong in every way, you dont even need to play the advanced wave shine sh*t to use them to dominate the tier list even with out all their OVERPOWER support they have enough other strengths otherwise that they woudl still be top tiers, Fox's on off round game is incredibly fast and powerfull, while falco has the ability to keep most other characters in check by Lazer control alone, as well as having a very powerfull tool in his down-air which more than speaks for his actual strength. They have been nerfed yes, BUT ONLY SLIGHTLY, actually they made it easier for Falco to do his Shine pillaring here in 3.5, i dont exactly see how they did but its much easier to pull off for some reason.
This is definitely salt.
Punish game is a huge part of Falco. The only brain dead thing about Falco punishes is shine into aerial/ shffl dair into aerial/up tilt in aerial.
Nix does a lot fo shine and up tilt into aerial. Most Falco's do. However you can distinguish the good Falcos from the bad ones by looking at how they punish. Most Falcos can shine and the FH dair. But only truly good Falcos can get more follow ups afterwards. Thats called game knowledge, strong execution and experience with the character.
Falco is not like 3.02 Lucas. 3.02 Lucas had moves that chain into themselves with no thought on virtually any DI. Falco has one move that does that and only on spacies. Shine.
You main Ness. You shouldn't even be complaining about getting comboed super hard.
No None of what he is saying is Salt they have dominated the teir list for ever, and it is simply time for them to step down, there is absolutly no way to prove that they are not Un-fair and thats simply how it is, and why they need nerfed, i myself would prefer that they only give them different tools that are still withi their bounds , simply give them something new, weather it keeps them in top tier is irrelevant to the fact they are no longer there for the same reason they had allways been