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Worst week in sports ever?


Smash Apprentice
May 11, 2008
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So this week or so has been absolute hell for the world of sports. Anyone else agree?

First, Michael Phelps gets photographed smoking pot. WHAT THE ****. You get drug tested like 3 times a day for a month and the second they stop you go and smoke pot? People looked up to you. The entire world looked up to you. You WERE the greatest athlete of this century until you did one stupid thing and screwed up your life forever. He's going to lose sponsors, team privileges, and a ****load of money. Now I hear he's considering NOT competing in the 2012 London Olympics. Way to screw up your life with one stupid mistake Micheal, you lost all of my respect.

Next, one of the greatest baseball players ever is proven to have used steroids for 3 years. Well done, A-Fraud. I applaud him for coming out and accepting it, and not try to deny it, but it's tough for baseball. Now we cannot believe that ANYTHING that ANY PLAYER does was done without steroids. The best pitcher and the 2 best hitters in years have now lost all credibility (Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, and Alex Rodriguez, in case you've been living under a rock for the past year). A-Fraud, A-Roid, whatever you want to call him, he's a cheater and might have very well ruined the last hope for keeping baseball clean.

Now, X-Games gold medalist Jeremy Lusk dies in a motorcycle accident. He attempted a Hart Attack Backflip, under rotated, and landed on his head (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkZuXqRyFI0&feature=related). These "athletes" are taking it too far. Things have become too dangerous, and there is so much money in the sport that people will try these crazy things. Travis Pastrana recently did a backflip off a big-air ramp ON A TRICYCLE. This is a terrible accident for motocross and is something people should think about before they attempt that no hand land double backflip.

Finally, Brett Favre retires. And we all know what that means; he's not retiring. He'll come back and create all this un-needed drama. He'll have his own section on the ESPN crawler, and will have interviews, press conferences, and phone calls every 30 minutes on SportsCenter. Last year I recall him saying that he could not keep playing at such a demanding mental level, even though his body was ready for it. Now he's saying his mind is fine, but his body can't keep up anymore. MAKE UP YOUR MIND. Every time we think he's done, he decides to come back, and every time he has had a good season in the last 5 years, he retires. Don't get me wrong, he's a legend, sure-fire hall of famer, and easily one of the top 3 quarterbacks of all time. There's just too much drama.

Was this the worst week in sports ever? I definitely think so. Discuss.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Well, if Pot wasn't illegal there wouldn't be anything wrong with him smoking it.

What's wrong with it anyway. Some people need something in their life so the stress doesn't overwhelm them and they commit suicide.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC

A-Fraud. A-Roid.

It's sad otherwise... but remember, these incidents shouldn't be made into generalizations. (refering to baseball and X-Games). And as for Brett... who knows........


Smash Ace
Oct 8, 2008
I think this is the end of the line for Farve.

He's already said that his shoulder is not what it used to be and is in no condition to continue playing football. Add that to the fact that he's 38 years old.
Even if he did come back who would pick him up and expect to make a serious run with him? Packers dont want him back. Jets wont put up with his "should I stay or should I go?" drama. He will stay retired this time. It would be better for him and for his family imo.


Smash Apprentice
May 11, 2008
Wait those are considered sports?
Olympic Swimming, baseball, and football aren't sports? Notice how I put "athletes" in quotes in the X-Games paragraph...

A-Fraud. A-Roid.

It's sad otherwise... but remember, these incidents shouldn't be made into generalizations. (refering to baseball and X-Games). And as for Brett... who knows........
And you're from NY too lol. Jeter's clean I know it :D. IF he isn't I'm seriously going to cry.

It's hard to not make generalizations when it seems like people are getting busted left and right, but I get what you're saying. Even today Miguel Tejada confessed to taking them. The only person I actually believe is Andy Pettite, who says he used them to speed up the recovery of his shoulder. I actually think it's great that he came clean immediately and it makes it way easier to forgive/forget players that confess to it and realize they screwed up.

And I can't believe that anyone would think that what Phelps did was okay, he could ruin his life and anyone who looks up to him and is now thinking that smoking pot is okay.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
And you're from NY too lol. Jeter's clean I know it :D. IF he isn't I'm seriously going to cry.

It's hard to not make generalizations when it seems like people are getting busted left and right, but I get what you're saying. Even today Miguel Tejada confessed to taking them. The only person I actually believe is Andy Pettite, who says he used them to speed up the recovery of his shoulder. I actually think it's great that he came clean immediately and it makes it way easier to forgive/forget players that confess to it and realize they screwed up.

And I can't believe that anyone would think that what Phelps did was okay, he could ruin his life and anyone who looks up to him and is now thinking that smoking pot is okay.
What's truthfully wrong with smoking pot more than being an alcoholic or smoking cigarettes?


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
I was more talking about Baseball and football, since Phelps smoking some pot isn't wrong to anyone who respect themselves and their intelligence.
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