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Worried About Samus

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Smash Rookie
Oct 11, 2005
Samus has been my main character since Smash 64. The reasons have always been very straightforward: I am a fan of the Metroid games, getting hooked well over a decade ago, and Samus' smash moveset has always been creative and diverse, allowing an entertaining and competitive playstyle.

With SSBB on the way out, I am worried. I think that Zero Suit Samus is a fun addition to the game as an extra, but only in the way that Young Link was a fun addition to SSBM on top of normal Link. It has always been essential to retain the original character. The only two pieces of "confirming" evidence for Samus being in the game are:
1.) The original trailer shows Samus suddenly appearing to fire a massive blast, causing her armor to peel off, revealing Zero Suit Samus.
2.) There is a picture of Samus standing against a white background. This is linked in the "Confirmed Characters" sticky, so I will not link it here.

Unfortunately, neither of these is very promising. The original trailer could quite easily have shown Samus in her original suit for the sole purpose of identifying "the chick in the blue spandex" for people who arent familiar with Metroid: Zerio Mission. Additionally, a 3D rendered picture of Samus against a white background is hardly proof of anything. She is the only character in that lineup of pictures who has NOT been shown in any sort of combat outside the original trailer, and the picture looks familiar to me; it reminds me of a Metroid: Prime promo shot I saw a while back.

The moral of the story here is that I am worried that Samus herself will not officially be returning, that we will only see ZS Samus.

Additionally, I worry that even if Samus has been (unbeknownst to me) announced as an official return, we will have to worry about a Zelda/Shiek situation, which compromises the integrity and diversity of Samus' moveset.

There are two possibilities that I hope for very highly

1.) Samus and ZS Samus are two entirely separate characters with different icons on the character-select screen
2.) Samus and ZS Samus are transforming counterparts, but the transformation button is one not normally taken up by any other moveset (IE, rather than have it be a Down+B or Forward+B, have it be down on the control pad, an unused button)

I would appreciate anyone's thoughts on the matter. I would also appreciate it if anyone could point me in the direction of an article that confirms or denies any part of what I've said; I thought I did my research pretty well but it's possible that I've missed something.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
You don't need to worry. On the old website which had character profiles for all of the characters it was stated that Z.Samus won't be a "pure character addition" and instead will only be available under "special cirumstances" while playing as Samus. I've taken that to mean after unleashing the big charge beam a la the trailer but that's just speculation as we don't know if that is Samus' super smash or not. However Samus is confirmed for smash nevertheless and Z.Samus won't be a separate character.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
i am worried that the addition of a zelda/shiek combo of samus/zamus will screw up samus and make her suck. i don't want to have to find a new main but if i do it will be meta-knight
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