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Wolf's Gun + His F/Usmash = Overpowered?


Smash Rookie
Mar 29, 2008
So before I start this I would like to say that if you can tell me why I am wrong I will be unbelievably happy.

So my bro and I were messing around with Wolf when we figured out that if you spam his gun and use his F/U smash in conjunction with the gun it makes for what seems to be a rather cheap tactic. If they try to roll toward you to avoid your gunfire spam you can wait until they get in range of your very fast and long F smash and hit them with it in between the invincibility frames of the roll and when they get their shield up. If they come from above all that has to be done is to roll out of the way a couple of times real quickly (which is also easy because of Wolf’s far roll) and continue to spam your gun.

Now my bro and I are nearly identical in skill and have had people tell us that we are tournament quality (or close to it) yet when he used this strategy against me in a 3 stock match I couldn’t even kill him one time. I tried with my best characters (Metaknight, Pit, and Marth) as well as other characters yet the result was relatively the same every time.

Please don’t flame me with “you’re so stupid” posts, all I would like is civilized discussion and solutions to make this strategy ineffective and prove to me that this is not cheap.

Thanks in advance to all those who contribute.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
St. Louis
Have you considered shield-grabbing his fsmash? Also, you do realize that he's just as vulnerable during his roll as you are during yours? Try a dash attack\grab if he rolls away.

In addition, you have trouble with his spam when you're Pit? Sir, let me introduce you to Pit's arrows. See, wolf's blaster has a very limited range. Pit's arrows do not have any range limit at all. Just get out of his range and spam arrows. That will force him to come to you. Also, Pit has two ways of reflecting the blasters. Just use his down-B or his Over-B.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Use any reflector. The lasers are horribly predictable. Also, your shield is your friend. As is approaching with shorthopped air dodges.

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
IF anything, this strategy is the bane of what many other wolf players on these boards hate. The blaster spam is not neccesarily the problem, but the f-smash spam is. In general, this strategy is not new but common knowledge to be wolf players, and seems to be the only thing new wolf players can do, which is why this topic may get flammed anyway. This playstyle is also know as "camping" and looked down upon in some occasions. If your playing wolf yourself against a wolf like that, then its simple: Reflector. You can use your reflector all the way there if you so choose since it'll knock some since into if it hits. Of course during this time you own him with a d-smash, and edgeguard the crap out of him with the Wall Of Wolf. To put it simple, this shouldnt be used period be it tourney play or not. In tournies, you just need one stock of off him and you can let him camp the rest of the match until the time runs out.

There are tons of other ways to handle this but I'll let other wolf players put some of their opinions in on this as well.


Smash Rookie
Mar 29, 2008
Thanks for all the input, I will definatly try these things and see what happens.
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