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Wolf Link Ideas

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Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2006
Mini spoilers for those who haven't gotten about halfway through Twilight Princess.

I really hope that down+B isn't turn into Wolf Link if they add Wolf Link, like Zelda/Sheik. Link's B attacks are too valuable, and even though in TP he changes into the Wolf SSB never gets plots right anyway so they should just be seperate.
Here's a few of my ideas and thoughts. Feel free to express your own.
Of course, W Link isn't confirmed for Brawl and all of the below is based on educated guesses. You may not agree with some things and you may have your own ideas of what W Link should do. Feel free to talk about what you think. ^_^

Power: 4/5 - Wolf Link does moderately well at attacking foes in TP with his teeth and claws, which would probably be his main forms of attack.

Speed: 5/5 - Wolf Link runs pretty fast in TP. Almost as fast as Epona. He should definately be faster than Link, at least.

Size: 4/5 - Wolf Link is not tall but since he is a wolf he is long horizontally, which makes him an easy target for projectiles and most other attacks.

Jump: 2/5 - You can't jump in TP unless you run off a ledge. Wolf Link jumps moderately far horizontally but gets almost no vertical distance, so this is just an estimate.

Weight: 4/5 - W Link is a big dog. My friend's dog is going to grow to be 200 pounds. W Link isn't that big, but he certainly isn't a puppy either. :p

Traction: 4/5 - W Link is heavy, so he is pulled by gravity more and his paws help him stop a dash quickly. However, this also makes his wavedash not as long as other player's.

B attacks:

B - Scratch - Wolf Link will lunge forward, sticking his paws out to grab an opponent and immediately scratch them.
Start up lag: Almost none. Doesn't make contact until Wolf Link reaches his opponent to temporarily grab them.
Ending Lag: small. The scratch should have a little knockback and Wolf Link will land his font two paws on the ground.
Knockback: Small. Only knocks opponents a short distance away so that Wolf Link can land.

B side - Bite - Wolf Link takes a chomp of the area in front of his mouth. I'd imagine the hitbox would be small but the damage would be high in return.
Start up lag: medium. Wolf Link will probably "charge" the attack by turning his neck to one side and swinging it to the other while biting.
Ending Lag: small-medium: After his head swings to the other side he will hold it there for a short time.
Knockback: Medium-far. Since the attack has a small hitbox with a powerful blow, the knockback should be high.

B down - Homing strike - In TP I think i you press B a red circle will appear around Wolf Link. Hold in the B button until the red circle reaches maximum or until it gets around opponent, then release to dive onto the opponent and bite them.
Start up lag: long. Charging the red circle will take 1-2 seconds, and after releasing it Wolf Link should reach his opponent before 0.5 of a second.
Ending Lag: a little. Wolf Link will strike and then immediately land. A little lag will come from the shock of jumping so far.
Knockback: Decent. Not exactly a KO attack but deals decent damage and knocks opponent about as far as a well executed Link Sex kick.

B up - teleport - Couldn't really think of a good recovery move for Wolf Link. In Tp Midna can teleport Wolf Link places, so perhaps she will come for this attack and teleport Wolf Link in the direction you press. Should be a great recover since Wolf Link is bad at jumping and needs to balance that out.
Start up lag: a little. Midna will appear and Teleport you in about 0.5 of a second.
Ending lag: none but you will be helpless as you fall until you sweetspot or land.
Knockback: None. You will teleport through things and then fall. No damage can be dealt.

Wolf Link's grab will be long like Samus's, Link's, Y Link's. He will lunge forward and grab the opponent with his claws while standing on his hind legs. Since it is long the lag will be long if he misses. Possibly he gets his nails stuck in the floor and has to pull them out. 1.5 secs.

A: Gnaw - He will take a chomp at the opponent. 3%

Up: Up flip - W Link will throw the opponent barely in the air with his paws and then do a backflip immediately in which he kicks the opponent upward with his hind legs. 5%

Down: Pummel - W Link will use his weight to fall on the opponent. You will land directly above the opponent and if they don't tech they must roll out of it. If they tech they must tech to a side because they can't stand up with Link on them. 4%

Forward: Push - W Link will hold on to you with his fornt paws while standing on his hind legs. H e will jump with his hind legs (while still holding onto you) and kick you with them while pushing away with his front paws, doing a backflip and landing, causing moderate lag. 4%

Backward: Somersault kick - W Link will roll backwards while keeping hold of you and once his head reaches the floor he will kick you in the opposite direction he was facing. A little lag but you will be facing the opposite direction.

A attacks will probably be mostly bites and claws and kicks. Maybe a headbutt here and there. Maybe if people like this thread I will work on it more.
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