Smash Cadet
I think so, but not because Nintendo wants it to. The only reason I think it will work is I think its going to go by friend codes. I hope thats what it is. For example if we connect our friend codes together in any game that connects with your friend code.
Oh how I hope. Im sick of reading one liners, even when they kick my *** I want to be like "wow nice kill dude". The rare time's I die lol and they finish me off the board in a cool way I always out loud go hah! **** nice!. But for all they know im over here calling them names and sexual preferences.
Please oh Please Wii-Speak Work With Brawl
I mean come on why can't they just say ok "does not work without FC's" I would still be okay with that just give me something!
Oh how I hope. Im sick of reading one liners, even when they kick my *** I want to be like "wow nice kill dude". The rare time's I die lol and they finish me off the board in a cool way I always out loud go hah! **** nice!. But for all they know im over here calling them names and sexual preferences.
Please oh Please Wii-Speak Work With Brawl
I mean come on why can't they just say ok "does not work without FC's" I would still be okay with that just give me something!