I am not an analyst. This is not an expert analysis. I just did a noob analysis of the growth of competitive fighting gaming just for fun and a learning experience to measure how much the competitive scene is growing. The only tool I used was Windows Calculator. I didn’t not proofread the written interpretation because I’m tired
The Raw Numbers and % growth interpretations
EVO 2011 & *Pound* 5 vs EVO 2012 & Apex 2012, tournament entrants and growth rates
EVO 2011 & *Pound* 5
Melee = 243
Marvel 3 = 1,072
Street Fighter 4 = 1,456
Average = 924
EVO 2012 & Apex 2012
Melee = 318 \ +30.9%
Marvel 3 = 1,248 \ +16.4%
Street Fighter 4 = 1,520 \ +4.4%
Average = 1,029 \ +11.4%
EVO 2013 vs 2014 vs 2015 growth rates, tournament entrants and growth rates
Tournament entrants
EVO 2013
Melee = 696 \ +118.9%
Marvel 3 = 1,297 \ +3.9%
Street Fighter 4 = 1,601 \ +5.3%
Average = 1,198 \ +16.4%
EVO 2014
Melee = 970 \ +39.4%
Marvel 3 = 1,014 \ -21.8%
Street Fighter 4 = 1,979 \ +23.6%
Average = 1,321 \ +10.3%
EVO 2015
Melee = 1,869 \ +92.7%
Marvel 3 = 816 \ -19.5%
Street Fighter 4 = 2,227 \ +12.5%
Average = 1,637 \ +23.9%
2011 - 2015 Average growth rates per year
The percentages represent exponential curves of best fit growth. I can’t make a line of best fit
Melee = +70.5%
Marvel 3 = -5.3%
Street Fighter 4 = +11.5%
Average = +25.6%
Tournament Peak Viewer counts and growth rates
EVO 2013
Melee = 134,000
Marvel 3 = 144,848
Street Fighter 4 = 125,000
Average = 134,616
EVO 2014
Melee = 127,800 \ +2.8%
Marvel 3 = 144,848 \ +3.2%
Street Fighter 4 = 130,396 \ +4.3%
Average = 139,222 \ +3.9%
EVO 2015
Melee = 211,393 \ +53.4%
Marvel 3 = 177,057 \ +18.5%
Street Fighter 4 = 248,864 \ +90.7%
Average = 216,864 \ +55.8%
SRKEVO1’s twitch follower & viewer growth rates
EVO 2014
Gained followers | gained channel views
12,750 | 1,080,000
11,170 | 1,900,000
10,770 | 2,240,000
Total = 34,690 | 5,220,000
EVO 2015
Gained followers | gained channel views
July 17 = 15,304 | 949,025
July 18 = 13,284 | 1,026,778
July 19 = 15,698 | 1,739,324
Total = 44,286 | 3,715,127
EVO 2014 vs EVO 2015
34,690 vs 44,286 (+27.7%)
5,220,000 vs 3,715,127 (-28.8%)
The written interpretations
Melee is growing as a competitive game at an absurdly fast rate among fighting games. On average, every year, tournament attendance increases at its largest yearly event by 70.5%. The other biggest FG (Fighting game), while still ahead, won’t be in the lead for another year. If both games follow the expontential curve of best fit perfectly, Melee at EVO should reach 3,187 entrants and Street Fighter 5 would reach 2,797. But because this wasn’t calculated from an experiment, there are loads of confounding variables affecting everything. Melee beginning to be included at EVO in 2013, The Melee documentary being released, and Smash 4’s release have probably been the biggest boosts to the scene’s tournament going popularity. Street Fighter’s confounding variables are Ultra Street Fighter 4’s release and Street Fighter 5’s announcement which help that game attract new players. Marvel 3’s main confounding variable is Capcom’s contract ending with Marvel, preventing them from selling more copies of the game. Ever since it ended, December 2013, its popularity saw a significant decline. If it follows the exponential curve perfectly, it should reach 773 entrants at EVO next year. Don’t consider my predictions very reliable because I’m a total noob at analysis and this was just for fun
I wanted to include as much data as I could for this analysis and I wasn’t sure which Melee tournaments to consider for the years 2011 and 2012. I could have used GENESIS 2’s and MELEE-FC Legacy’s numbers since they’re both Summer nationals like EVO. I ended up choosing *Pound* 5’s and Apex 2012’s tournament entry numbers since they were the biggest of their years. Apex is still an active tournament series that happens during Q1 of every year. Changes in season’s might affect who’s able/unable to go to these events
Last year, EVO was watched by more individual viewers, but more viewers followed it this year. Peak viewership was also higher for the 3 main FGs, as well as for BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma / Guilty Gear Xrd –SIGN- and Killer Instinct 3 / Mortal Kombat X, which suggest a lot more viewer retention. I don’t have the official channel analyses nor data to measure exactly what the average retention was in terms of minutes watched per viewer
Twitch emailed me a message about 4 esports events happening that weekend. This might explain some of the lower view count yet higher retention. Players who prefer CSGO (Counter Strike Global Offensive), SC2 (Starcraft 2), or HOTS (Heroes Of The Storm) could have clicked any of those 3 and never returned to the email to also check out EVO. It filtered out the less interested viewers of the FG genre. I’m not certain about what explains why viewers stayed longer and caused more of them to follow SRKEVO1. It could be the influx of new games that refreshed a lot of FG fans’ interest in the series/genre and (re)introduced them to competitive gaming. Mortal Kombat X and Smash 4 launched and Street Fighter 5 was announced less than a Year before EVO this year. Going from EVO 2013 – 2014, average main game peak viewership only increased by 3.9% on average. The only major release/announcement between EVO 2013 and 2014 was Ultra Street Fighter 4’s launch. Game upgrades don’t generate as much hype as entirely new games. A lot of players even rant online against this practice. The growth explanation is just an untested/uneducated theory
I’m not sure if/when Melee or Street Fighter can reach esports status. Right now, I don’t think it can reach the status of LOL, DOTA2, CSGO, nor COD. Those games have everything going for them right now and the numbers are absurdly good. Just look at the current king, LOL. That game has 27,000,000 players online daily and 67,000,000 online monthly. Throughout Smash’s history, it has only sold 30,000,000 copies. Nowhere close to every buyer is as active as they are. But with Melee’s growth, it might reach a tier below that, maybe. Its growth hasn’t hit any walls yet so it’s difficult to predict where its popularity will peak. Street Fighter is also likely to keep growing, just nowhere near as quickly. Predicting big future changes aren’t easy
Raw uncompressed numbers and sources, not tailored for readable format, below
These numbers were calculated and pulled from from
I think I added every link. I think
2013 vs 2014 vs 2015, viewers & entrants by game(s)
2013 \ 2014 \ 2015 (Peak online viewer count)
2013 \ 2014 \ 2015 (Tournament entrants)
Super Smash Brothers Melee
134,000 \ 137,800 \ 211,393
696 \ 970 \ 1,869
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3
144,848 \ 149,470 \ 177,057
1,297 \ 1,014 \ 816
Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition v2012 / Ultra Street Fighter 4
125,000 \ 130,396 \ 248,663
1,601 \ 1,979 \ 2,227
Average for the main games
134,616 \ 139,222 \ 216,864
1,198 \ 1,321 \ 1,637
? vs 117,409 vs 191,797
922 vs 962 vs 1408
Growth rates
Game / Game / Game
viewership increase, 2013 vs 2014, 2014 vs 2015, 2013 vs 2015
Participant increase, 2013 vs 2014, 2014 vs 2015, 2013 vs 2015
The King Of Fighters 13 / BlazeBlue Chrono Phantasma / Guilty Gear Xrd –SIGN-
?%, +62.4%, ?%
+17.3%, +90.6%, +123.6%
Injustice Gods Among Us / Killer Instinct 3 / Mortal Kombat X
?%, +115.3%, ?%
-41.9%, +243.8%, +99.7%
Super Smash Brothers Melee
+2.8%, +53.4%, +57.8%
+39.4%, +92.7%, +168.5%
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3
+3.2%, +18.5%, +22.2%
-21.8%, -19.5%, -37.1%
Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition v2012 / Ultra Street Fighter 4
+4.3%, +90.7%, +98.8%
+23.6%, +12.5%, +39.1%
+?%, +63.4%, +?%
+4.3%, +84.02%, +52.7%
Average for the 3 static games
+3.9%, +55.8%, +61.1%
+10.3%, +23.9%, +36.6%
SRKEVO1’s twitch follower & viewer growth rates
EVO 2013
No data is publicly available for July 2013 on Socialblade
EVO 2014
Gained followers | gained channel views
12,750 | 1,080,000
11,170 | 1,900,000
10,770 | 2,240,000
Total = 34,690 | 5,220,000
EVO 2015
Gained followers | gained channel views
July 17 = 15,304 | 949,025
July 18 = 13,284 | 1,026,778
July 19 = 15,698 | 1,739,324
Total = 44,286 | 3,715,127
EVO 2014 vs EVO 2015
34,690 vs 44,286 (+27.7%)
5,220,000 vs 3,715,127 (-28.8%)
Other esports that happened on Twitch during EVO 2015
DreamHack Valencia 2015
IEM Shenzhen
Heroes of the Storm North America July Open
(EVO 2015 was at the top of the list)
(EVO also had its own email sent to twitch users)
Other esports that happened on Twitch during EVO 2014 and 2013
I don’t even know of a good way to search for this information. I might be too tired to
EVO 2011 vs 2012
Game / Game
[EVO 2011 didn’t have a 6th game on day 3 stream] / Street Fighter X Tekken
? vs 448 teams (896 entrants)
BlazBlue Continuum Shift 2 / The King Of Fighters 13
208 vs 1,072
Tekken 6 / Soul Calibur 5
724 vs 416
Mortal Kombat 9
512 vs 304
Marvel Vs Capcom 3 / Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3
1,072 vs 1,248
Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition / Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition v2012
1,456 vs 1,520
Smash’s Summer tournaments in 2011 & 2012 (GENESIS 2 & MELEE-FC Legacy)
Super Smash Brothers Melee
228 vs 146
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
197 vs 4
Smash 64
22 vs 18
Project M
? vs 106
Smash’s Winter tournaments in 2011 & 2012 (*Pound* 5 & Apex 2012)
Super Smash Brothers Melee
243 vs 318
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
151 vs 400
Smash 64
? vs 64
Apex has never been a big event for the FGC (yet. These numbers might be worth
Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition v2012
? vs 96
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3
? vs 128
Apex 2013 vs 2014 vs 2015
Super Smash Brothers Melee
336 vs 629 vs 1037
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
338 vs 370 vs 176
Super Smash Brothers 4 Wii U
? vs ? vs 837
Smash 64
96 vs 157 vs 188
Project M
? vs 382 vs ?
Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition version 2012 / Ultra Street Fighter 4
? vs 100 vs 139
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3
? vs 85 vs 51
CEO 2013 vs 2014 vs 2015
Super Smash Bros Melee
? vs 262 vs 466
Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition version 2012 / Ultra Street Fighter 4
225 vs 391 vs 375
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3
243 vs 236 vs 117
Super Smash Brothers 4 Wii U
vs ? vs ? vs 512
Project M
? vs 255 vs ?
It might be worth mentioning that Smash 4 Wii U pulled in 1926 entrants. It wasn’t streamed on day 3, which is why it was discarded from the main analysis. It’s too big of a number to ignore